256864 F ^ ORI6INAL�O CITY CL6RK ��i�.���� CITY OF ST. PAUL HLENCIL NO. `� ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES LU N-GENERAL FORM `--,.,.-..___ � PRESENTED sY � er M• Cr011W8 COMMISSIONE " � ATF 41fiERSAS, Additions which might prove to be necessary in the Improvement described as the I�prove�ent of Streets, All�ys and Sidewalks in CENSUS TRACT 9 and 10, Also Constxuct Storm Sewer System known as WAIrSH-IVY IILTL��SIONS, Comptroller�s Co�tract L-9007, City Project No. 70-G-1890 and 70-S-1�i01B, Arcon Construction Company, Inc., Contractor, have been provided for in the Specifications, and WHEREAS, It has been found necessary to make the following Additfons: ADDITIONS ' ��� As per attached Contract Change Agreea�ent No. 2A - $17,195.95 � and WHEREA5, The total addition is $17,195.95, and the Co�issioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the amonnt of $17,195.95 is the correct amount to be added to said con�ract, therefore be it RESOLVED, Ttaat the City of St. Paul through its City Council approves the foregoing additions made in accordance With the Specif icat3oas in the sum of $17,195.95, said am�ount to be added to the lw�p snm consideration named itt "the coAtracC, known as Comptroller's Cc+�trmct L•9007, and which a�uunt is to be f inanced frnm 1968 Capitol Improvement Bond Fund 9068•001, _ , ,� ,� � V _D Asst. r ora i unsel � , a�c a s ��i1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Y� xa�a �E� Z g 197� B,� C-�-�� � - Ap e�_ 19— Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka � yor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, McCarty DEC 31 1971 �UBLISHED ��� " � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC GpRKS �C����s� � , ' CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT Np, 2A ► PROJECT N0. Cr�1890 & S-14018 CONTRACT N0. L-9007 CONTRACTOR Arcon Construction Co. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Improvement of Streets, Allevs & Sidewalks in CENSUS TRACT 9 & 10 - Also Construct Storm Sewer System known as WALSH-IVY FxTENSIONS In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract, are the reasonable costs of those items for additions to, or deductions from, the contracto ADDITIONS Additions as per attached agreement between the Contractor and the City of St. Paul Construction Engineer, said agreement haviag been approved by the Housing & Urban Development region office. Total addition as per Contract Change Agreement No. 2A - $17,195.95 This additional amount to be financed from 1968 Capitol Improvement Bond Fund 9068-001. . �;,,� , . , /� 19 '/ - Egi e ald &`Associates, Inc. ,i' '��,� �'' , � �lc'-�r� �� 19 �� Arcon Construction Company, Inc. � �i s�r�Z En ine ^�°�. � �5� ra t r €���� '�� �6, ' m��'`��.. t�' � 19� �'' ./ 19� Chzef Engineer � �� JS 19� �c,lit; 1 , - CC,�.(,.(-- �01 02-0 19 7� Co missioner �,�J • Comptroller �� (/ 0 riginal (White) Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) Quadruplicate (Blue) To Contractor To Accounting Div. To Comptroller To Engineer 1. - CH,ahu� ORDER - NO PROCEED ORDER NECESSARY AREON CONSTRUCTION CO. � INC. � CONTRACTOR OCTOBER 4� �97� GE�IERAL CONTRACTORS CENSUS TRACTS 9 � �� MoRa, MINNESOTA 55�51 7o-G- 1890 � 7o-S- 14o1g � CHANGE ORDER N0. 2A GENTLEMEN : IN CONNECTION WITH CONTRACT N0. 900�� DATED MAY 25� �9�0 FOR IMPROVE— MENT OF STREETS, ALLEYS� SIDEWALKS AND STORM SEWERS AT SITE OF PROJECT NO. ]O—G— �H90 AND �O—S— ��+0'I B� C I TY OF ST. PAUL, MI NNESOTA� THE FOLLOWI NG CHANGE IS ORDERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 'I09 OF THE GENERAL CONDI — TIONS : THE FOLLOWING CONSTRUCTION ITEMS WERE NOT fNCLUDED AS PAY ITEMS AND ARE DEEMED NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT THE PROJECT. APPROX. UNIT I TEM N0. I TEM QUANT. UN I T PRI CE AMOUNT Z�O5. 50� SUBGRADE EXCAVATION 2�00 CU.YD. $� . ]S $4, �25• 00 2��5. 52� GRANULAR BORROW 2]OO CU.YD. � .75 4s ]�5• 00 2 �QL}. 5�2 CONCRETE �R I VEWAY 346 SQ.YD. � . $4 636.64. PAVEMENT REMOVAL 2531 • 507 6�� CONCRETE �R I VEWAY ]�0 $Q.YD. $. �� 5� 60�. 00 APRON INCLU"DING INTEGRAL CURB Sus—TOTAL $15, 686.64. ALLEY N0. 9-57 341 . 608 2�� w. c. P. 37o SQ.Yo. . 87 321 . 90 $UB—TOTAL $ 321 • 9� ALLEY N0. 10-5 112. 601 SUB-GRADE PREP. 16 ' S80 SQ. YD. 1 . 02 591 • 60 331 . 614 2 2�� B.C. P. 53o SQ.Yo. 1 . 07 567. 10 341 . 608 2�� w.C. P. 33 SQ..Yo� , 87 28. 71 SUB—TOTAL ' $ 1, 18]. 41 Su6-ToTa� 1 , 509• 31 TOTAL ESTIMATED CosT $17, 195•9s . --z-=•' CHANGE ORDER NO. ZA OCTOBER 4, 19�1 ► PROVISION OF PARAGRAPH �09 SHALL NOT APPLY _TO ITEMS LISTED HERE. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISION FOR THE PROJECT WHICH APPLY. SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS HEREINAFTER SET FORTH� AN EQUITABLE ADJUSTMENT OF THE CONTRACT PRICE AND THE CONTRACT TIME IS ESTABLISHED� AS FOLLOWS: THE CON TRACT PRICE IS INCREASED SEVENTEEN THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED NINETY—FIVE AND 95/100 DOLLARS ( $17, 195•95) AND THE CONTRACT TIME IS NOT CHANGED. THE CONDITIONS LAST ABOVE REFERRED TO ARE AS FOLLOWS : A. THE AFOREMENTIONED CHANGE, AND WORK AFFECTED THEREBY ARE SUBJECT TO ALL CONTRACT STIPULATIONS AND COVENANTS; B. THE RIGHTS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL ARE NOT PREJUDICED, AND C. ALL CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY OF ST. PAUL WHICH ARE INCIDENTAL TO OR AS A CONSEQUENCE OF THE AFOREMENTIONED CHANGE ARE SATISFIED. n � ���� p ` � � SIGNATURE I CITY OF T. PAUL CONSTRU TION ENGINEER Bv' /- �� � /�irc, i �-' T I TLE iZ. Lt,� � DATE �r���/ � ��I ARCON CONSTRUCTIOt�,� ACCEPTED CO. , 1NC. �/,� . b 25�864 ou�ucwrs'�ro neuns�e CITY OF ST. PAUL� �uNCi� NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COVNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM CO�MM�i�pN[.� �Llil1' �. "�!!'� DA'�'E �S* Af��t�01li � 'l.�1 ��L pli0w �O �'NR � uf �1! Z�'l'i0�! �i��d S/ � �AC O� ����� A��,�i, �� �rf��l��ki f,II �s �R� 9 �11d Z�N A1�0 COni1C1UC'! $t,�pl'i �11�'� $�i��AR �0�11� is �1AL8�•�1Y ��,0�� Co�pt�nsil�r•s co�s.a� �9c�o�. Cit� P�j�Ct Db. �ac-�s90 a� �o.s-iao�a. llraeoa Co�tisuatien Carpa�apr, IAa., Coutraate�r. haw b� pre�rid�d fos i.�r t1aR lRp�ti�ie�atl�oas� aod ii�AB, It lw bMet taaad t�topsar�► to rlo� tlM �ollo�i� Additionas AD�i?�OliB as p�s at#sa�d Coa��t C� A��rnE jio. Zl1 • 8X7,19S.9� a�ad � i1fi�EAB. T!� total additi�oa is $17.19�.�iS. aAd t� Cvaisissionrr o! Ynblia ii�r� h�s assad �rt� t1r� Cont�rr�a�tor thst tlw �auAt o# $17,i9S.9S is tlw e�tsrct a�oeiat to b� �ddird to �a#d �ntsaaE, th�rs�sies� bt �t � RS�OLIIEU, Tl�at the Ctty o! S�. !aul, thsau� its Cit�r ConAail �s t1N fo�oin� addlt�s � in at�o�a� witt�t t1� 8p�e�taations in t1» � oi� $17.i�S.93� aai�d a�at to b� ad�sd �r � Lu�p �r.c�u3rd�esation n+r�d io � �aoat�aat, kAO� �fr Ce�tz+oll�s's CoattaerC L-9007„ �nd rhiah a�oast i� to b� ti�w�naiMd !� 1965 Capitol 2apsowret Doaei Y+und 9fl6d-001. OEC �81971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cotmci� 19— Yeas Naya Butler A�v� OEC 2 9 197� 19_ � Levine Favor Meredith � Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. Preaident, McCarty �� ` � CITY OF SAIhT PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC W�DRKS . r?��{�,�5� V�I CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. 2A PROJECT N0. G-1890 & S-1401B CONTRACT N0. L-9007 CONTRACTOR Arcon Construction Co. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Improvement of Streets, Alleys & Sidewalks in C�NSUS TRACT 9 & 10 - Also Construct Storm Sewer System known as WALSH-IVY EXTENSIONS In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract9 are the reasonable costs of those items for additions to, or deductions from, the contract. ADDITIONS Additions as per attached agreement between the Contractor and the City of St. Paul Construction Engineer, said agreement having been approved by the Housing & Urban Development region off ice. Total addition as per Contract Change Agreement No. 2A - $17,195.95 This additional amount to be financed from 1968 Capitol Improvement Bond Fund 9068-001. � ��,e , /� 19 '/ Egi e ald & ssociates,� Inc. , ' � �_l �� 19 �� Arcon Construction Com an Inc. � � .•� stru t�c�n En ine ra t r . � � � � :;`� °f"� � � .t�" ��/+� ,�' 19 B ���19� Chxef Engineer L-� /L l�' 19� D�l�-�L� .'L.1',6-c.�- �01 02-0 19 7� Co missioner ���J • Comptroller ��,y� (/ 0 riginal (White) Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) Quadruplicate (Blue) To Contractor To Accounting Div. To Comptroller To Engineer 1. � CHAI�uc ORDER - NO PROCEEQ ORDER NECESSARY . AR�ON CONSTRUCTION CO. , INC. , CONTRACTOR OCTOBER 4, 1971 GENERAL CONTRACTORS CENSUS TRACTS 9 � �� MoRa, MINNESOTA 55051 70-G- 1890 � 7o-S- 14o16 CHANGE ORDER N0. 2A • GENTLEMEN : IN CONNECTION W1TH CONTRACT NO. jOO�, DATED MAY 25, 19�0 FOR IMPROVE- MENT OF STREETS� ALLEYS, SIDEWALKS AND STORM SEWERS AT SITE OF PROJECT NO. �O-G- �H90 AND �O-S- 1401 B, C i TY OF ST. PAUL, M I IVNESOTA� THE FOLLOWI NG CHANGE IS ORDERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION �09 OF THE GENERAL �ONDI - TIONS : THE FOLLOWING CONSTRUCTION ITEMS WERE NOT INCLUDED AS PAY ITEMS AND ARE DEEMED NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT THE PROJECT. APPROX. UN I T I TEM N0. I TEM QUANT. UN I T PRI CE AMOUNT 2�05. 50� $UBGRADE EXCAVATION 2]O� CU.YD. $� •]S S4', 7�5• Q0 2'I O5. 521 GRANULAR BORROW Z7OO CU.YD. � .]5 �F� �25. OO 2 ��4. 502 �ONCRE TE DR I VEWAY 3�F6 SQ.YD. � . $�F 636.64. PAVEMENT REMOVAL . 2531 • 5�� 6�� CONCRETE DRI VEWAY ��� SQ.YD. $. �� 5, 600• 00 APRON INCLUDING INTEGRAL CURB r Su6-TOTAL $15, 686.64 ALLEY N0, 9-57 341 . 608 2�� w. C. P. 37o SQ.Y�. .87 321 .90 Sua-TOTAL $ 321 •90 ALLEY N0. 10-5 � - � �2. 6�� SUB-GRADE PREP. �6 � 580 SQ. YD. � . �2 591.60 331 • 614 2 2" B.C. P. 53o SQ.Y�. 1 . 07 567. 10 341 . 608 �2" w.C. P. 33 SQ..Yoe .87 28.71 SUB-TOTAL ' ' ' � S 1, 1H�'.41 . SuB-TOTAL 1 � 5�9• 31 TOTAL ESTIMATED Cosr $17, 195.95 --z._._ , , . CHLINGE ORDER NO. ZA OCTOBER 4, 197� PROVISION OF PARAGRAPH 109 SHALL NOT APPLY TO ITEMS LISTED HERE. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISION FOR THE PROJECT WHICH APPLY. SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS HEREINAFTER SET FORTH� AN EQUITABLE ADJUSTMENT OF THE CONTRACT PRICE AND THE CONTRACT TIME IS ESTABLISHED� AS FOLLOWS: THE CON TRACT PRICE IS INCREASED SEVENTEEN THOUSAND ONE HUN DRED � NINETY-FIVE ANO 95/100 DOLLARS ( $17, �95•95) AND THE CONTRACT TIME IS NOT CHANGED. THE CONDITIONS LAST ABOVE REFERRED TO ARE AS FOLLOWS : A. THE AFOREMENTIONED CHANGE, AND WORK AFFECTED THEREBY ARE SUBJECT TO ALL CONTRACT STIPULATIONS AND COVENANTS; B. THE RIGHTS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL ARE NOT PREJUDICED� AND C. ALL CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY OF ST. PAUL WH1CH ARE INCIDENTAL TO OR AS A CONSEQUENCE OF THE AFOREMENTIONED CHANGE ARE SATISFIED. �E- < <�-�-� ' �� `� SiGNATURE I , CITY OF T. PAUL CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER ' �.�,� � B Y ,�"/ i�f� %� .� �; � C_� T1 TLE ,Z�. Lt,� : 1. c E-�_ DATE ��f / �/7� � ' ARCON CONSTRUCTI01�.-,`- ? ACCEPTED C�. , INC. �'l;`�-�