256828 ORIGIN.�L TO CITY CL6RK ������ CITY OF ST. PAUL HOE NCIL NO. , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO N RESOLU N-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLUTION OF ANNULMENT IN THE MATTER OF AN EXTRA to Contraet No. L-7388 in the amount of ($296.00) between the City of St. Paul and Harris Mechanical Contracting Company, said extra to cover the installation of a two-inch running trap in the warming room for the f loor drain in the Rice and Lawson Recreation Building, which was approved on September 20, 1971, per Council File No. 255742; and YI�iEREAS, It has now been determined by the Public Buildings Department Engineering Staff that the particulars of the above change-order are in- corporated within the plans and specifications, consequently disallowing the extra to contract No. L-7388; therefore,be f t RESOLVED, That Council File No. 255742 be hereby cancelled, anaulled and rescinded; and be it RESOLVID FURTHER, That the Comptroller's Department reduce the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Contract No. L-7388 by $296.00. � .a� � c � � > � o a � � � Q ..: N N � a LL. DEC 22 197# COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler��/�� rove D�c a a �9�� 19— � ,/l/ /� Levine .�In Favor �feredi�t-- Sprafka yor Tedesco ����St P..Uf� HED � �, Mr. Wice President Meredith pE 4191� �o o���,�.TS��,� 255828 CITY OF ST. PAUL �°Na� NO j OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ����r COMMISSIONER DATE &ESOLUTION OF AHNULMENT IN T� MATTSR OF AI�i E7�TRA to Contract No. Ir7388 ia t�a acrouat of ($296.00) bst�e�a tha Cit� oi St. Paul and Harris l�abanical Caitruting Co�aa�, said �ctra to ao�er th� installation of a t�ro-inch r�aing trap in ths varains roaa !or th� l�loor drain in the Rics aad Lason �Escssaeic�n Buildiag, Mhich Wa� appro�sd on 3eptamber 20, 1971, par Co�ancil File No. Z55742; and ■HBRBJIB� It has nar bua dstasminsd b� the Public Buildinga Dapartrnt �►giaearing Staft that tbs particulsrs o� the abare changa-ordar ara in- corporated xlthin th� plans and tp�cificatioas, cansaqu�atly di.saLlawiag the eztra to castract No. �-7388; tharafore,be it RBSOLVED, Tha� Camcil File No. 25S742 be ha�ceby cancallad. +�naulLd - and r�sciad�d; and b� it • R880LVED 1�OBTKER, That tha Co�ptroller's Dapart�at seduca th� �essan�nt I�prowwsat R�v�olving Fnnd Contract I�o. Ir�73!{8 by $296.00. � o�c a a �a�t COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co»rc�l 19— Yeas Nays � Butler DEC �81l7-i Appro� 19.— �°�e Tn Favor � v � Sprafka Ag�at Tedeaco � Mr. Vice President Meredith ��