256825 � OR161NAL�TO CITY CLERK c� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �..c ���Gi� . , OFFICE OF T CITY CLERK FILE NO COUN L I N—GENERAL FORM C MMIS9�ONEQ Roge r M. Conway AT� RESOLV�D, That pursuant to Section 231 .05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code (as amended by Ordinance No. 1466z, approved December l , 197�) pertaining to regulations for the adjustinc� of sewer service charges and upon the recommendation �f the Department of Publ i c 1•lorks and appmval of the Boarcf of Water Commissioners , the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby certify that because of partial diversion of their total water consumption from the City of Saint Paul 's Sanitary Seeyer System, the below listed firms have justifiable reason for application of an ad�justment to their 1971 sewer service charges as levied in accordance �.vith Resolution, Council File PJo. 251415, approved December 4, 1970, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That a full or partial refund of 1971 paid seNrer service char�es, based upon these adjustments, shall be refunded from the "Sewer Service Fund" ��nd shall be in the following amounts : St. Paul Dispatch � Pioneer Press (Oct.-Nov, 1a71) $253.34 SS E. Fourth Street SS101 United States Gypsum Ca. (Apr-Nov. 1971) 332.78 1120 E. Seventh Street 55106 C Dey Bros. Greenhouses � (Jan-Oct. 1971) 247.28 N ,_� 1215 N. Dale Street 55117 � -D Knappen Molasses Co. (Jan-Oct 1971) 515.84 o � 2255 Childs Rd, 551ob ,� o - m Industrial Molasses Co. (July-Oet. 1971) 50.�8 n o 6�0� France Ave, So. 55435 0 c � Coca-Cala Bottling Co. (Nov. 1°71) 28.64 - P4 S, ,labasha Street 55107 Gillette Co. (June-Aug. 1971) 2,065. 13 Fifth at Broadway 55101 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approve� 19� Levine _—In Favor , Meredith , Sprafka ` - Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty _ �� ORI6INAL�O CITY CL6RK ��fi�2� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� N0. < < � - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Ro er M. Conway COMMISSIONEa 9 DAT� - Page2 - Jacob Schmidt Brewing Co. (July-Oct. 1971) $2,260.90 882 W. Seventh Street 5510?_ Speas Co. (Jan.-Sept. 1971) 232.06 582 No. Prior Ave. 55104 Sanitary Ice. Co. (July-�ct. 1971) 3,139.34 601 N, Prior Ave. 551a�+ State of Minnesota (1971) 3�,385.59 �ept, of Administration 50 Sherburne Ave. 55101 Chevron Asphalt Co. (Oct.-Nov. 1971) 287. 12. 2209 Childs Rd. 55106 Gold Medal Beverage Co. (Oct. 1971) 164.32 553 ��. Fa i rv i ew 55102 Racine's Quality Meats (1971) 39.38 1671 Selby 55104 Marigold Foods Inc. (Jan,-Sept, iQ71) 150,68 226 N. Smith 55102 oEC a a r97� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler ��L' a� 1g7� 19� ���� pr � Levine � _�n Favor r�ered;�� yor Sprafka • �Against Tedesco • f�D�dl76V � a��9 ...j�,. � . C 2 41�7'1 Mr. Wice Presidenfi Mereditin �� � � CITY OF ST. PAUL No._ `�2� � OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS .�� RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM �C�,� PRESENTED BY � D�C�l' �Q� 1���. C� COMMISSIONER DATF ��� 'l�a� #� �bw�x�d Ot 1�ot/�a' Ca�ii,a�sx'It � Approrsa fi�e r+�ata�d�ation 4t af.�urQ A, �'„ t�i�t �r"ar', �prurt�w►t o! !�].1a l�Crrks, ia bi= l�t►t�r' t�u #� &�+urd ot Dsc�r 25, 19T1, �ci �ar► at:e4rd�sno� xf.th 4ia p�apo�td Co�#.]. �laE�i� a�Et�sbsd � hir �,ttt�tr, �bat t'q�2�, a� p��1 x►at'v�nda �� oF paid 8anas� :�+ri�r l�sr�a bs g�ant►�d � l���d � t1� C��nail �l�tio�f �6� eaid r�t�s !a� hs aade t� the "�' SMSVi+c�r !"mmd". � Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays D�w�r �4 19�n � — — !'rMSide�a� �ratka In favor 2 Opposed � _ O ASST. SECY. 65 M�. ����n���� /��/ 255825 r V�1 1 OF �. PAUL �o��� NO • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENHtAL FORM CAMM�ISESIONER RO�Or M• C011M18Y DATE RESOI.YED, That pursusnt to S��tio� 231.05 of ths Saint Paal Lsgislatiw Cods �ss an�a�ded by 0 rd i nanc.� No. 1 h662, a�pP rov�ed Dsoaaib�r 1 , 1970� Parta i n t n� to rogulations for ths sdJusting of ssw�� s�r+ric� ahar�ss and upon th� rsca�rndation of tt� DspartaMnt of �ubf ic Mbrks and approvai of ths Board of Vat�r Co�nisston�n, th� Counei l of th� Citr of Saint �aui doss h�nby w�tify that bsaaus� of partiai dTvenion of ttwir total wat�r consumption fra� th� C i ty of Sai nt Paul'�t Sani tsry S�wsr Systan, th� bs to�+ i l st�d f i ra�s hsv�e Justifiabl� nason f�or appiicatio� ot �+ sd�wtwa�t to th�ir 1971 s�+w� s�rvios chargss as isvl�d in aecordanoe Nith R�solutton� Couneti Fil• No. 251415, a�rowd Dse�wbsr 4, 1970, and b� it RURTHER RESOLVED, Thst a full or partlat nfund of 1971 paid ssNar s�rvic� chyg�s. bassd upon tMsss adjust�ts, shall b� nfund�ld frow tla "Sewa�. Servlos Ftnd" and shail bs tn tha fclla+i�g aipounts: St. ,Paul Dispatch i Piot�as� P�ess (Oat.-Nov. 1971) 5253.3k 5S E. Fourth Streat 55101 Unitsd States 6ypsu� Co. (Apr-No�v. 19711 332.78 1120 E. Seventh Str+s�t 551�b Dsy Bras. Gr•enhouaes (J�n-Oct. 1971) 247.28 1215 N. Dala Stroat 55117 Knappsn Molassss Co. (Jan-Oet 1971) 615,.8k �S5 Childs Rd. 55106 Industrial Molasses Co. (Juip-Oct. 1971) 50.0$ _ 6800 Franos Ave. So. 55�35 Coc�a-Cota Bottitng Co. (Nov. 1971) 28.64 84 S. Wa�bssha Street 55107 Gillette Co. (June-Aug. 1971) 2,065.13 Rifth at Broadwsy 5S101 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�.nci1 19_ Yeag Naya Butler � Carlson Approve� 19— �°� T� Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor A�ru;nat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � ������°��� 255825 , CITY OF ST. PAUL F,�UNCIL NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM "��D�' R�o�r M. COMMISS�ONER `'�w� DA*F - Pag� 2 - Ja�ob 5cl�iidt snwing Co. (J�I�►-Oet. 1971) $�.Z60.90 88z W. s.vrnth str..x 5S1oa spsas Co. (dsn.-s�pt. 1971) Z32.o6 58a No. Prtor Ave. 55104 Sanitsry I�s. Co. (Jui��-tict. 1971) 3,139•3�► 601 N. �rior Aw. 551ok Stat� of Nin�esota �1971) 30,3�S.S9 �pt. of A�dwinistratfa+ SO Shsrburt» Aw. 55T�1 Clwivr+on Asphalt Co. (O�t.-Ibv. l�yl) 287.12 2209 Childs Rd. SS106 Gotd Msdal Bev�r�ge Co. (Oct. 1971� 164.32 553 N. Fairvisw 55102 Ractne's Qualit M�ats (197�) , �,3g 16�1 se�by 5510� Ma�igold Fvods Inc. (Jan.-Sept.1971) 150.68 Z26 M. Swlth SS10� _ OEC 8� 19T1 COUNCIL�EN Adopted by the Council 18— Yeaa Nays Bu�,� OEC a a �97� � Approv� 19— �°� r� Favor �ier�- Sprafka � �� A P,r81IIgt Tedesco , M�. Vice President Meretli#h ��