256823 ��sf�2�, Couaoil Fi�e No.................._..,, PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. T6eundereignedhereby pmpoeeethemalcingofthefollowingpnblioimprovement by the City ot Baint Psul�vis.: Condemn and take.an�easement i n the 1 and necessarx..for,_the„s,l opes.,.._cuts_.and..f i.l.l s.,__,i nc i ud i ng ri�h t .of. remova l. o f latgral: su,ppQr�,__frq�1...SUl����t •--- ..l�n�..QL...C�m3�ndgr.,�he�;eQf�, occas ioned b excavat i ons.,,ther�Qf_QC..cuns.�r.u�x.'t.ctn..�af, y ..slapes...ia..Lb�..g.cadi.na..an.d..s�.r.��ca.mg..joci..th..b.i.tumi.nQu s material the All in BLK. �jj ��F.l.���. G-1997�... .. e.l! .. .....�.�.....8 T .�.Y�lI2.l.�Q.T�.,�1p.R.t...�. .f.C:S2[C!..�� .Al.b.�n ,� _t -_. �. t.,. .�2...4�1 e S t. Dsted thie........................day of......................... ...... � .�-°- ---•--- ..., �... . ............ .......__ •-- ••�:....•Couaoilm ...... PRELIMINARX O�tDER. WHER.EAS, A written propoeal for the making of the followiag improvemeat, vis.: Cortdsmn..and...taJs�e..an_.aas�ment...in..the...l.aad..nacessar.�c._.f.ax...xt�e..s.).QA��.....�!„�,�5...�nd...f.l.l.1�x_.i_r�c 1 ud i ng right of removal of lateral su�pport..from..sub�ect_. land or remainder thereof, occasioned by ............................................ ................................. excavations thereof or construction of slopes,_in..,the__�rad�n� and surfaci_n�_with,bi.tuminous material the Alley,_in.,BLK..,,11,,,.,BUTT,�R�',IE,�D,.SYNDICATE ADD.___�l.,.from St. Albans St. to Dale St. ..._..................... G-1997 ._........-- ................. .................................. 6aving been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul................ -----------------•-�-•---------.............--•--............._...-•-- therefore, be it RE80LVED, That the Commiesioner of Publio Worke be and ia hereby ordered and dlreoted: 1. To investigate the neceeaity for, or deairability of, the making of eaid improvement. 2. To investigate the nature� extent and estimated coet of said improvement� and the total ooat thereof. 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketch of eaid improvement. , 4. To etate whether or ao�eaid improve�ent ie aeked ifor on �the petitioa�of three �r more owners. 6. To report upon all of Bbe foregoing mattere to the �mmieeioaer of Finanoe, Adopted by the Counal.....................................oEC ;a a �sT� .:.......................... Ysse ` ( Counc i lman But I er DEC S� 1971 GAascbdor� Conway Pprovec9......... ....... ..__.........._........_..... -•-••--•-•--........_ Levine Mefed-i-�1�----� ,� Sprafka � Tedesco � ............ ........ ., , ._.._....---•- ------ ------ M ` _'_ r. � �-� Mc, Wice President Meredith � PUBLI ED � �"'� G � DEC 2 4 197#