256812 Orl�inal to City Clerk � ORDINANCE �5s��`� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ' ° ORDINANCE NO f� � �� An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 13499, Council File No. 230832� Approved December 16� 1966, Granting Permission to Northern States Power Company for the Use of a Portion of Market Street. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Tha.t Ordina.nce No. 13499, Council File No. 230832� approved December 16� 1966� be and the same is hereby amended by deleting from Section 2, paragraph 5, and inserting the following in lieu and in place thereof: r "5. Tha.t as part of the consideration for the granting of this license, the licensee sha.11 pay to the City of Saint Paul annually on or before the 15th day of Janua.ry, the sum of $1,050.00." Section 2. This amending ordina.nce sha.11 be deemed contingent upon the filing of a letter of acceptance hereto with the City Clerk by and on beha.lf of the licensee, the Northern States Power Company� within ten (10) days after passage of this ordina.nce. Section 3. This ordina.nce sha.11 take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage� approval and publication. JA N 5 1972 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Bu�n �-�- � Levine . Tn Favor Mere�dith � � Sprafka Againat Tedesco 5 197� Mr. President (McCarty) A ed• �A ttest ty Clerk i A ayor �� Form approved Corporation Counael By ` � PUB HED �AN 81972 �.��.� . 25f812 4RDINANCE COUNCIL t�1.E NO PRESENT'ED BY �RDINANCE NO /�.5,_� / �J A� 4r�imace A�sesding Ordinan�ce No. 13499, Council Fil� No. 230832 App=ov�ed Uece�nber 16, 19�66, Grantin,g Pers�ssion to Northern States! Power Coapa�y for the U�e of a Portia� of Markat Str�et. THS COIINCIL 0� THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DQES ORUA#�s Section 1, , Thnt Ordinance No. 13499, Ccnu�il Fi1e t�o. 230832, approv�+d Dec�ber 16, 1966, be ax�d t�he same is hereby aeended by dsl$ti�g fron Sectio� 2, pnragraph 5, and inserting the #ollavi�g in lieu a�d ia place t�h�ere4f: "5. That as pnrt of the cansideratfcm for t.t�e granting' of t�6is license. t.he lic�ans�e shali pay to the C3ty of Saint Paul a�11y an or b�efore the 15th day of Janue�ry, the s� of $1,450.00." Section 2. This �nding ordina�ce shall be dt�red contiugent up�a tbe fili�g of a letter of acceptaace hertto vith the City Cler� b�► and an b�half of t�e lfc�nsee, the Nortl�era Stat� Pa�er C�pa�g►s withi.n ten (14) days after passage of tl�is ardinancf. Sectiaa 3. This ordinetnce ahall tak�e effect a�d be 3n force thirty �30� daps fro� and after its pessage, approval and publicatioa. JAN 5 1972 Yeas Councilmen Naya Paseed by the Counci� Butler �- Tn Favor Levine . s ep�ah _ Aani� Tedeeco �. Pregident (MeCartY) Approvecl: JAN 5 1972 Atteat: City Clerk �syor � i k, Form a�proved Corporation �ounsel By �:: : ,� . ,. /� � � I st � " 2nd Laid over to /� �� � � 3rd and app� dopted Yeas Nays Ye\ Nays Butler Butler Carlson L�-z�,�- Levine ,�����_ �Levine � Meredi+h �leredi+h Sprafka �''�prafka � Tedesco �Tedesco Mr. President McCarty Mr. President McCarty O � � � � � -��_5 � .��. �.o, z972. Narthern States Pa�w+er Compat�y, Fifth and Waba,�ha Sts., St. Paul, Mixin. Attn: Mr. Thc,�eaa A. ConnellYs Gentlem�en: Division Manager. �T� enclose � capy of Ordinaa�r►►ce No. I�0�.2, amending Ordins.nee No. 13�q9, granti�g ynu pex�rit.saion to u�e e. partian �� Msr�et Star�eet, ta'e call y+our special atten�ion ta Sect3on 2 which requires the til3ag of' �n. �.cc�ptance of the term$ o� this erdinanc� within ten (10) ciays agter paa�++eg� of this ord3nance. If not so Piled, th� ordine�nc� beccm�s void. Very tru7Ly your�, City Clerk b,p