256811 - ORIGINAL TS CITY CLCRK I � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ��.�. ���� y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLEt�K F�E NO. COU CIL RESOLUTION—GENERA�L FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � DATF �iEREAS, Ordir�ance No. 3250 authoriZels and p�ovl�de� for paymea�t for otertime� and W�iII�EAS, The Co2mni.�sian� of Parks anMd Recreation and Publie Bui].dings has autho�ised ovart3me �rk in jhis dspartaaeait during the period from Novamber 27, 1971 �ia�ovgh Dece�aber 10, 1971s therefore, be it I RESOLVID, That the �oper city offie�s are hereby ant2�rized to pap the employees who performed such o�ertim� xork in accor�a�e irith ths provis3.ong of Ordinances No. Eal�l�� and No. 3250. . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the co���flEC a.l 1971 19— Yeas Nays Butler QEC a a �g7'� �, C�-�,z�_�� A 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka - "-�' ��� �Against Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty I PUBUSNED 9��° � DEC �� � :..��'+.�. SUMMARY OF OVERTIME ' ,.;;,,: � �.:4 �, Payroll Period From November 27� 1�71 through; December 10, 1971 ' ��,�.. Department: Parks & Recreation and Public Buildings OUTSIDE RALL NAME HEtS. RA TE PA Y DAfi`E REA SON: _ _� Rell, Jerry 2.500 'I.It52� �.g,$� Vahrious Aerial Toxer Assignn�ent �1t7�) Cleveland, Harold I,. .500 7.}�62� ���� 11;/29 Truck Assigr�ment Conrneya, Eugene H. 1.U00 7.1�625 ?.4b 12f10 Flat tire on Truck (3atz, Roger �t.500 6.8438 30.80 Va ous Aerial Tower Assignment Irestone, Arthar G.�Jr. 2.000 9.�t350 18.87 12�/1 Service Aerial To�ers " 2.� 9.�350 18.87 12�/8 " Kinderman, John H. lt.50Ck- 7.l�625 33.58 Vatrious Aerial Tcn�rer Assignment Priester, Joseph V. 5.000 7.lt625 3?•31 " '�, Truck AssignJaent Simpson� HAr�rard. T. 5.000 ?.4625 37.31 K ' Aerial Tower Assignment Smith� Vernon F. .500 7.4625 3.73 12;/1 Truck Assignm�nt Vorlicky, Ralph L. 1.000 7.4625 ?.46 12/1�, 6 Aerial To�rer Assignment Weber, Patrick M. 3.500 7.l�625 26.12 Va�ious Truck Assi.gnment Woodward, Byron L. 3.500 9.3�6 32.?8 " , Aerial Bucket Assigntaent 276.68 All Farestry (47�) Blomquist, Warren H. 10.500 6.81�38 71.86 11/�7�28 Install hocksy lights for Knutson, Thomas C. 10.500 6.8lt38 71.86 " ' " Education Dept. (1700) Slater� Daniel J. 1lt.000 12.000 168.00 Various K Thompson, Bruce d. 4.000 9.3656 37.�t6 11/�7,28 " 3�t9.18 , All 1700 y I D Education Dept. Irestone, Arthur G., Jr. 1.Q00 9.lt35� 9.�� 12�5 Check on Watehmen Operation0732 Jensen, Richard C� 7.000 9.3000 65.10 llj/27 Sanding Parks, Streets. (0730) Klein, Karl F. 3.�� 9.3656 28.10 11/27 P1oWed sidexalks Oswald, ciauae T. �.000 Yb.395o �,5.53 11/2�, 12/5 � & s�a. Feterson, A lrin C. 8.000 6.8It38 51t.75 11�27 Plowed sidewalks Tangen, Robert H. 6.000 9.3�� 55.Sa 12j/5 Sand Parka. 3lt9.28 All 0730 Parks I�cey� Eugene 0. 2.000 5.5625 11.13 12}�1� Take Condeamation pictures. . - ,, , , Total overtiaie this roll � 995,70