256801 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLHRK ` � CITY OF ST. PAI� FCOENCIL NO. ������ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE COMMITTEE COUNCIL R SOWTION ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY December 21# 1971 COMMISSIONE � ATF ;r WF�iF.A�; Eischen-Ackerman Post No. 1715, V'. F. W. holders of Lieense No. D-2771� expiring January 13� 19?2� permittin� them to conduct bingo games at 529 Wabasha Street, have discontinued. suczh gamea as of December 9� 1971� and surrendered said license� and WFIEREASt Said organizat3on requests �efund of the fees covering the five ua�used periods of said license� therefore� be 3.t RESOLVEDs That $100.00 (five per3ods times � 20. per period� be and the same is hereby refunded to them and sa3.d license cancelled. License surrendered and attached to City Clerkrs Cfopy of Resolution. MAILING ADDHESSs C�0 Marie Pelt�er 1480 N. St. glbans St. Sa�nt Paul, Minn. 55144 CARiCFLL9TI0N �Refund� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the co,���l DEC � 1 ti�19— Yeas Nays Butler �ECi �?+ �97� � CONWgY 19� Levine �n Favor Meredith yor Sprafka a Tedesco ASainst Mr. President, McCarty pUBLISHED � `"� DEC 2 41g�1 0