256791 ,Or�insl to�ity Clerk „E � - " � � ORDINANCE ���g��� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �-5 � � � AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS AND INCORPORATING THE SAME IN THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Saint Paul Legislative Code� as amended� be and the same is hereby further amended by adding a new Cha.pter 57 thereto� pertaining to F1ood Plain Mana.gement Regulations: Cha.pter- 57. Flood Plain Mana.gement Regulations. 57.01 - Definitions A. Flood Plain. An area is a flood �lain when it adjoins a watercourse w ,ic s been or hereafter may be covered by the regional flood. B. Re iona.l Flood. This term means a flood which is repre- sentative�large�loods known to ha.ve occurred generally in Minnesota and reasona.bly cha.racteristic of wha.t can be expected to occur on an average frequency in the ma.gnitude of the 100-year flood of the Mississippi River which is at the Robert Street bridge 14.82 feet, which is equivalent to the U.S.G.S. Datum� 1912 adjustment, elevation of 709.40 fe�t. 57.02 - Flood Plain Mana.gement _ ___.___._ . ,� The following provisions shal:l apply to properties which are wholly or partially located within a flood plain in the City of Saint Paul. A. La.nd Develo ent. Subdivision proposals and other new developments s e reviewed by the City of Saint Paul Planning Board to assure tha.t the following requirements are met: i. All such proposals must be consistent with the need to minimize flood damage. ii. All public utilities and facilities� such as sewer, ga.s, electrical and water systems must be located� and constructed to minimize or elimina.te flood damage. � �iii. Adequate draina.ge must be provided to reduce exposure to flood ha.zards. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii Butler Caxlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka A gainat Tedeseo Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk � May �� Forxn approved Corporation tCounsel By � w _ .� w� ro,a�.�,i s�.cits ci�:� - - . �~ � � RDINANCE �`'`'?'�`�� : COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ``�� � � 2- _ . _ . _ _ - - B. Building Permits. New construction and any substantzal improvements to exist g structures, including prefabricated and mobile homes, sha.11 conform to the following guidelines prior to the issuance of any building permi.ts by the City `of Saint Paul: i. The project must be designed or modified to prevent flotation� collapse or lateral movement of the structure. ii. Construction ma.terials and utility equipment must be resistant to flood damage. iii. Construction methods and practices must be such tha.t they will mi.nimize flood dama.ge. C. Sanitar Sewa e S stems. The sanitary sewage system pro- posals sha. e reviewe y t e Public Works Department to assure tha.t the following requirements are met: i. The sanitary sewer system must be designed to minimi.ze or elimina.te the infiltration of flood waters into the system and to minimize or elimina.te discha.rge from the system into flood waters. ii. On-site waste disposal systems must be located to avoid impairment of them or contamina.tion from them during flooding. D. Water Su 1 S stems . The water supply system proposals sha.11 be reviewe y t e ity Water Department to assure tha.t they are d�signed to minimize or eliminate the infiltration of flood waters into the system and to minimize or eliminate discha.rge from the system into flood waters. Section 2. This ordinance sha.11 take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage� approval and publication. Yeaa Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Council J A N 12 1972 Butler � � Conway n Favor Levine � Meredith � Sprafk� Against Teaesco ,�A N 13 197? . President ( C rty) A ity Clerk �� Form approved Corporation CouMSel By UBLISH JAN 151972 ' /� / � 1 st 2nd ` Laid over to / � 1 � � 3rd and ap � �Adopted � Yeas f 5 f 7�' N ys Yeas � ���� Nays i � Bu+ler �\ Bu+ler Carlson r;. �:�� � I'J� , '� > ��� Levine ���� "� ' vine r Meredith eredith Sprafka �prafka Tedesco \ �Tedesco � � Mr. President McCarfy Mr. Presiden+ McCerty O