02-802� Presented By: Referred to: RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA �a- so�, COUNCIL FTLE #: 3933A8+ GREENSHEET#: ��3'Z�O Committee Date: �� 1 2 WHEREAS the adopted 2QQ 1 Capitat Impiovement Budget includes a pcoject foc the restorarion of the trail, shoreline, and eoad 3 along East Como Lake Drive; and 4 5 WHEREAS, this restorarion is consistent with the Capital Region Watershed DishicYs water management plan for Como 6 Lake; and 7 8 WHEREAS, the Capital Region Watershed District has agteed to reunburse the Ciry up to $114,001.25 for costs associated 9 with said restoration; specifically for the installation of rain gardens and their associated structures; and 10 11 WHEREAS, the Capital Region Watershed Distdct has also agreed to provide funding for 50% of eligible future maintenance 12 costs of the rain gaxdens and their associated structures; and 13 14 WHEREAS, eligible future maintenance costs include watexing, weed remwal, sedunent iemoval, and zeplacement of plant I> materials; and 16 17 WHEREAS, the Minnesota Deparlment of Nahu'al Resources (DNR) appropnation for this project was predicated on 18 forecasted lottery ticket sales; and 14 � WHEItEAS, sales of lottery tickets were less than forecasted, and therefore the amount of the grant is to be ieduced proportionately, by $64,61326; and 22 23 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the recommendarion of the Mayor, 24 that $49,387.99 is available for appropriarion in the 2001 capital nnprovements budget, an.d said 2001 budget, as heretofore 25 adopted and amended by the Council, is hereby furthei amended as follows: 26 27 Zg CURRENT AMENDED 29 FINANCING PLAN: BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 30 CO] - 2001 Capital Projects 31 3J053 - East Como Lake Trail and Shoreline Restorarion 32 3408 - State Natural Resource Grant I,000,000.00 (64,61326) 935,386.74 33 6905 - Contributions and Outside Donarions 0.00 114,00125 114,001.25 34 1,000,000.00 49,387.99 1,049,387.99 35 SPENDING PLAN: 36 COl - 2001 Capital Projects 37 3J053 - East Como Lake Trail and Shoreline Restorarion 38 0882 - Improvements of Land 1,OOQ000.00 49,387.99 1,049,387.99 39 1,000,000.00 49,387.99 1,049,387.99 40 41 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayar and the proper city officials are hereby authorized to execute such agreements as 42 may be necessary to accept and im.plement the pioject on behalf of the City. GIFMIQTIJW31Resolu[ions, AOS, Green SheetslE. Como Tred Resolution.xls Page: 7 of 2 .� � Presented By: Refeaed to: D�.-&'o� COLJNCIL FILE #: .2�3399+ GREENSHEET#: �e3�jpp RESOLUTION CITX OF SAINT PAUI,, NIIlVNESOTA Committee Date: Adopted by Council: Date: �3�.9 O S�. � � Adopnon Certified by Council 5ecretary Requested by: Division of Pazks and Recreation BY Y" "�- �• ��t �-,2„ Approval R ommended by Financial Services Du'ector: BY ��Ai(J/ GIFMIQT.IW3lResoN6ons, AOs, Green Sheets�E. Como Trail ResoluLOn x/s Page: 2 of 2 c DEPFRTMENTlOFFICE/COUNCIL DAiEINRIATED GREEN SHEET NUMBER: 203300 O� � Parks and Recreation 8/�6/2002 CONTACTPERSONANDPHONE �` INITIALN /( INIiIAUDATE ASSIGN � DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR Q��I 5 CINCOUNCIL NUMBER TimA ness 266-�23 FORROUTIN6� 3 QNATfORNEY qTVCIERK MUSTBEONCOUNQLAGENDABY(DATE): pgpER ' 2 FINANCIALSERVICESOIR. � 6 O.F.S-ACCOUNTMG i 4 MAYOR(ORASSISTANn 7 O7HER:ParksandReaeation ASAP TOTALNUMBEROFSIGNAiUREPAGES: 'I LLIPALLLOCATIONSFORSIGNATURE ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of the attached resolution authorizing the proper city officials to accept and set up a financing and spending plan for a cost share agreement between the Capital Region Watershed District and the City of Saint Paul for $�74,00725. In addition the attachetl resolu[ion amends down the budget for the MN DNR appropriation, which was based on Forecasted lottery revenues. RECOMMENDATIONS (Appmve(A)orRe�ect(R) PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQUESTIONS: PLANNINGCOMMISSION CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION 1. Hasthepersonlfirtneverworkeduntlercontractforttiistlepartnenl? CIB COMMITTEE OTHER: ❑ Yes ❑ No A STAFF OTHER: 2. Has ihe person/firtn ever been a ciry employee"+ DISTRICT COUNpL OTHER: ❑ Yes ❑ No 3. Does the person/firm possess a skiil not nortnal POSSESSED by a cu�rent city employee? ❑ Yes ❑ No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet. INITIATMG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (VJho, VJhat, 4Vhen, Where, Why) 1. The Capital Region Watershed District has offered to enter into a cost sharin9 agreement for the installation of rain gardens and their associated structures in conjunction with the work that is being done on East Como Lake Boulevard. 2. Actual proceeds from the MN DNR are less than originally appropriated. ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED � � `� Additional spending authority to complete the East Como Lake restoration. - p ¢ �- ��,��s AllG 2 6 20�2 � � ����� C�- �Y A�O��EY DISADVAN7AGES IF APPROVED: None. � , � � � .. DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED Project wili not maintain sufficient funding for complefion. ��K q ry la G ! 20�2 MAYOR'S Ot=FlCE iOTALAMOUNT OF TR4NSACTION: �LJ,3S�-JJ C0.ST/REVENUE BUDGETED (Check One) 0' 1'es ❑ No FUN�ING SOURCE: Capibl Region Watershetl District/ MN DNR ACTNITY NUMBE2: C01-3J053 FINANCIAL INFORMATION. (E%PLAIN) � S� � G.1FMlo�7t1N/3VEesolufion5, AOs, Green Sheets�E. Como ResaWlion Greensheet.xls Page� 1 of 1