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CounoD FYIe No........_....r.._...,
Theundereignedhereby propoeeethemslcingof thefoUowiagpubliaimpmvement by the City ot 8aint Paul,ri�,:
Changing the grade of the Alley in BLK. 10, BUTTERFIELD SYNDICATE ADD. N0. 1
fran St. Albans St. to Dale St. to conform to the grade as shown on the profile
on file in the Department of Public Works. Also, condemning ahd taking an
easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including right
of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof or
construction of slopes in the grading and surfacing with bituminous mate�ial the
Alley in BLK. 10, BUTTERFIELD SYNDICATE ADD. N0. 1 from St. Albans St. to Dale St.
Also, construct a sewer in the ailey for st m water p rpose G-1997
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WHEREAB, A written propoeal for the making of the followinQ improvement,v�s.:
Changing the grade of the Alley in BlK 10, BUTTERFIELD SYNDICATE ADD. N0. 1
from St. Albans St. to Dale St. to conform to the grade as shown on the profile
on file in the Department of Public Works. Also, condemning and taking an
easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including right
of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof or
construction of slopes in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material the
Alley in BLK. 10, BUTTERFIELD SYNDICATE ADO. N0. 1 from St. Albans St. to Dale St.
Also, construct a sewer in the alley for storm water purposes. G-1997
t6erefore, be it -- --_ --------_.......................... . -
ftE80LVF.D, That the Commissioner of Public Worke be and ie hereby ordered and direoted:
1. To investigate the neceeeity for, or desirability of, the making of esid improvement.
2. To inveetigate the nature, extent and eatimated coet of eaid improvement� and the total ooat tbereof.
3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketch of said improvement. ,
4. To etate wbether or no�eeid improvennent ie asked 1For o� �tbe petitioa� of three �r more� �wner�.
6. To report upon ell of the�'oregoing mattere to the �ommyeeioner of Finanoe.
DEC � 1 1#7.1
Adopted by the Counoil.............................................. ..•--....................
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Councilman But�er DEC 2� 2 �97�
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Meredith �'
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Mr. President McCarty � syor.
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OEC 2 4