256785 Orisinal to Cit�Clerlc OR�DINANCE `���r�!`�� . COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY / ORDINANCE NO- �� '�d �� An ardinance amending the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Pau�., as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative C_ade, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following described property from '�C" Residence District to Commercial District, to-wit: Lots 12, 13, 14 and E. 7 ft. of Lot 15, Lot 15, except the E. 7 ft. , and Lots 16 and 17, Block 3, MOlham Park Addition; situate on property located on the north side of St. Anthony Avenue between Pierce and Fry Streets in the City of Saint Paul; subject to the condition that the rezoning be limited for the use of a medical clinic only. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. JAN 5 1972 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler ��� � Lev�' n Favor Meredith � _ �`�Againat Sprafka Teaesco N 51�7� r, Presid rty) t lerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By ISHED �AN H ly(� no'uwa to rrlates . � ORDINANCE 25�►'7�� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO f h � �� An ordfnaace amending the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, oi the Saiat Psul Legi�lative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts aad 8ezosiag o? certain properties ia the City ot Sa�iat Pan�ss, as a�endtd. TBB COIINCIL OF TSE CITY OF SAINT PAIIL DOES OHllAINt Sectioa 1. i'hat tbe Zonfng Code, Chapters 60 to 64, faQlgaiwe, oi the Saiat Paal Legislstive Code, pertainin� to IIa�e Distriets, Hei6l�t Districts and Resoning oi certain propertiea in tbe City of Saint Paul, aa a�ended, be and tbe aave is hereby further'a�eade� 8o es to rezone the folloWing described property iro■ �iC" Re�idenco Dietrfet to Coa�ercial Diotrict, to-�rits Lots 12, 13, 14 aud E. '] Yt. ot Lot i5, Lot 15, ezeept tge T. .'] it. , ewd Lots 16 and 1�, B3��ek 3, M�lha� Park Addition; situate on property Docated on the north side oi St. Aatbosy A��nua bet�reen Pierce and gry Streete in the Cit� of Saiat Paul; snb�eet to the condii�ion ;that the rezoning be limited for ttie nse of a nedical clinic only. Section 2. Thia ordi�anee shall tal�e elieat iutd be in loree thirty (34) dsys lrot snd aYter ita pas��e, approval asd p�blicstion. JAN 5 t972 Yeas Councilmen Nays Paesed by the Coun�it Butler � n Favar Levine — Meredith � ��inst sp� T���° 5 1972 Mr. Pregident (M�Carty) Apprnved: J A N Atteat: City Clerk Mayor �� ' Form a�proved Corpor�t3oa �;ouneel By . �/. . �� . . . . �� • � CI1'� OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA .1�� 1 �1\ • PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE � �� V\ � �o� Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- �1 fication before signing this petition. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. (Please type or print) Date; TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described property; (legal description and street address) Lots 12, 13, 14 &E. 7 ft. of Lot 15, _Lot 15, except the E. 7 ft. . - and lots 16 and 17, Block 3, Milham Park Addition. Street addresses - 1643, 1649� 1653, 1663 and 1665 all on St. Anthony Aye u� between Pierce and Fry streets. from u�a RpS�ntial Dis�rict to Commercial _ District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Orthopedic Medical Clinic and one other medical clinic. RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE IAT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property; �, > / �,�; , u P ✓ .1 ft ✓ 2 � L ` 20 2 Milham Yark ,� • G ✓ � Helen S. Peterson H � . p State of Minnesota ( County of Ramsey � ss Arnoltl C. 0'Brien being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of � pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following eaeh name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. / ��C/` °�- Subscribed and sworn to before me -�--� �, � this �, day of ,_ �? / 17 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, Minn. Address; 55102 °1-'���� ��� Telephone No. 22'7.•g411 Notary Publi Ramsey County, Minn. My commissio�r expires Approved as to form 1/4/65 ° � , ! � Office of the Corporation Counsel FGI 1/5/65 t.o�,:,; ,.. .• _ . � MY Commtssi:,.� =x�,' � !IU � � L'� L! � � U AUG17i971 - - CITY PL�41VC�1i�lG BOARD_ Sair.t P�t,�, rr;i�,;�:�an±.� . '1 . • � � " CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA - PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- fication before signing this petition. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. (Please type or print) Date; TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota - Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within L00 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50%, or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described property; (legal description and street address) Lots 12 , 13, 14&E. 7 ftt of Lot 15, Lot 15, e�ce�t the E. 7 ft-. , and lots 16 and 17, Block 3, Milham Park Addition. Street addresses - 1643, 1649, 1653, 1663 anat 1665 all on St. Anthony Avenue between Pierce and Fry Streets. from "C" reSidential District to CommeTCial District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following; (describe briefly the proposed facility) Orthopedic medical clinic and one other medical clinic. RECOR.D OWNER SIGNATURE IAT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property; �Ba tist Hos ital Fu d • \ H �-�..�.�-.-.�-,�..y. va c. Addi ' Northwestern Baptist aceru. a Minnesota Corporation State of Minnesota ( County of Ramsey � ss Arnold C. O�Brien being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of f pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. 4 Subscribed and sworn to before me /� ����-� this � day of ��. � � - �. .G• 0 ij Address; 1� W. 4th Stre�t �� � �",�_...�� Telephone No. 227-8411 Notary Publi Ramsey County, Minn. My commissio expires Approved as to form 1/4/65 Office of the Corporation Counsel FGI 1/5/65 � wny .�„ lJU L� � � iJ LI � L°J AUG 17 1971 CITY PLA�J�€lydG BOARD .�l(!t �c'�?��� �'tt^�i°c7'��� � � • CI'Ti� OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA - PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- fication before signing this petition. FOr further information about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. (Please type or print) Date; TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 af the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50q, or more of the f rontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described property: (legal description and street address) Lots 12, 13, 14 gLE. 7 ft. of Lot 15, Lot 15, except the E. 7 ft. , and lots 16 and 17, Block 3, Milham Park Addition. Stre�t addresses - 1643� 1649, 1653, 1663 and 1665 all on St. Anthony Avenue between ierce and Fry streets. from ��C" residential District to Commercj„�1 District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Orthopedic medical clinic and one other medical clinic. RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE IAT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property; ✓ ' 11 3 M' ha P k ✓ - 3 i a P L `V ' , t ,s � � P 20 ft '�'S �}.}�,.,1` State of Minnesota ( County of Ramsey � ss Arnold C. O'Brien being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of y'� pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscribed and sworn to�efore me � � this �day of � / � � �,,, __-� U Address: 17 W. 4th Street St. Paul �� �.�..--�-J Telephone No. 22?-8411 � Notary Public, msey County, Minn. My commission e pires Approved as to form 1/4/65 ..., . ��>���, Office of the Corporation Counsel FGI 1/5/65 i�In±�y r;:;;�-. � _ • ; � ,•,. MY Gca�a,, ,;r.., . _ ?7� _ tJl! l'� lJ L.� � � � L�l AUG 17 1971 CITY PLAPJi�'lidG BOARD_ 5aint Pa�:f, P.fi:nnPC�t� � � � CYTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA - PETITION TO AMEND CHAP'PERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- fication before signing this petition. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. (Please type or print) Date; May 12, 1971 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50°Jo or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described property: (legal description and street address) Lots 12, 13, 14 and E. 7 ft. of Lot 15, Lot 15, exc�pt the E. 7 £t> and Lots 16 & 17, Block 3, Milham Park Addition,. Street addresses - 1643, 1649, 1653, 1663 and 1665 all on St. Anthony Avenue between Fry and Pierce Streets. from "C" Residentia.l nistrict to Commerci.al District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Orthopedic Medical Clinic RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property; �` , ✓Katherine Olson �-� ,) �-�..,�.., 12 3 Milham Park �- Patricia . orda.n � ' , � Pa.trick R. Jorda.n �;���. � 13 3 Milham Park AQ�a��-�'a.eci �-8r �o�� State of Minnesota ( County of Ramsey � ss Arnold C. O�Brien being first duly sworn, deposes and sta es that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscribed and sworn to before me � ��� this �, day of � /, � � Address: 17 W. 4th Street,St.Paul, Minn ��� �.�-,—� Telephone No. 227-8411 Notary Public,` amsey County, Minn. My commission expires Approved as to form 1/4/65 Office of the Corporation Counsel FGI 1/5/65 yyr .;_ . - �►� � � i� � � [� D _ AUG 1_ 7 1971 CITY PLArJ�!��G BOARD Saint P��:� i,r1i:ih°G()�t.� . �, . • . � " CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA - PETITION TO AMEND CHAP'rERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- fication before signing this petition. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. (Please type or print) Date: �y 14, 1971 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, R,00m 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the f rontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described property; (legal description and StY'PBt address) Lots 12, 13, 14 and E. 7 €t. of Lot 15, L,ot 15, except the E. 7 ft„and lots 16 & 17, Block 3, Milham Park Addition. Street addresses - 1643, 1649, 1653, 1663 and 1665 all on St. Anthony Avenue between F,�y and Pierce Streets from "C" Residential District to Commercial District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Orthopedic Medical Clinic. RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BIACK ADDITION Subject Property: ✓ Marvin Tjornhom, Administ tor • - � 4 & E. 3 Milham Park 7' 15 �homas C. Skweres � � � Exc.E 3 Milham Pa.rk i �� �.�.�� �i ,�c�,-< �-c= 7' of 16 & 1 State of Minnesota ( ss County of Ramsey ( Arnold C. O'Brien being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of � pages; t"h�-t= the -par��-i�s-=described_ above are tire °owners respectively oft the lots placed - immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. l Subscribed and sworn to before me � this ,;,z, day of _��/ / , � � Address: 17 W. 4th Street, St.Pa.ul,Minn �I� ��.��� � Telephone No. 227-8411 Notary Public, msey County, Minn. My commission e pires Approved as to form 1/4/65 Office of the Corporation Counsel FGI 1/5/65 �,y � � U � � � � U pUG 1 '7 1971 _ _ CITY PLA�INIidG BQARD 5aint P�,�;E Pv�;nn��nt� ., � � • � • ' �. OFFICIAL � � RAMSEY COUNTY ABSTRACT OF TITLE , Report for Zoning Purpoees $e to , � Lots L2 to 17 inc�usive, NiiLha� � Par_l� Addition. State of Minneaota Offioe of 88 County of R amsey Oounty Aberaat Clerk The Abetraot Clerk of R amae,y County hereby oertifies that the following exhibits oonsisting of entriea Numbered 1 to L3eonetitutee ' a true and complete report of the apparent ownership of eaoh of the � desoribed premisea, whioh include premisea in oaption and all paraels of land situate within a radius �f L00 feet of any part of the oaptioned premiees, all V wn by the reoorde in the Register of M,, ; � Deede and�or Registrar,+i� ' , � of said County. � ' �' �� �� _�� i � , 1 V '-I� � '���;� 1 � � Given at St. Pau�.l �� `�,a T1a5� 19, LS�71 at 8 0' clock A. 1[. �' �� �� �, d i �'�' � Liability under this ,` M�� II ��� - ited to �25.00. Witnees my �-����� hand and seal of Offi =�'° -� ' - ,:, .. _ , , _ � Abstr�ct Clerk of Rair�eey County �/� � � —y, ,�--' . By � I�c s �. G�. ' Q�/?-t�-:�.=�'.¢..�s.-a..�_.�-��, - - D eputy #52 60 ISSUED BY `�jj � ��v js I, `� � � COUNTY ABSTRACT CLERK 152 COL?RT HOUSE� �u� ��' �� u ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA ,- au� �� i �9�� .�.�;,=W.. - . CITY PlAN�`�li�fG B�ARD E�r:�t �sc-��oo Saint Pa�;�, rti�i:�;np�nta i • ' . OFFICIAL ; . RAMSEY COUNTY ABSTRACT OF TITLE �teport for Zoning Purpoeee ,e,e to , � Lots 12 to Z7 inc'usive, hliLha�:; I'ar�-. Addition. State of Minneaota Offioe of 89 County of Ramsey Oounty Aberaat Clerk The Abatraot Clerk of Ramse,y County hereby oertifies that the following exhibite oonsieting of entriea Numbered L to 1.3oonetitutee a true and compl�te report of the apparent ownerehip of eaoh of the � ' deeoribed premisea, whioh inclu3e premises in aaption and sll paroela ; of land situate within a radius of L00 feet of any part oP the ' oaptioned premieee, all ' wn by the recorda in the Regiater of � � �^�. I����,a ' Deeds and/or Registrar II of eaid County. � , , �, ' ' � i��. l�� , - ��; (�'�� 1 < Given at St. Pau� , ~ Tlay 19 LS'71 at 8 0' clock A. Y. � � �� � r l , !�i` —1:� � Liability under thia ;� ����� I� ��'���" ��.I�nited to �25.00. Witness my ,:.,=,�� harid and eeal of Offi�--�-�`r" -� , _ . ,. .. . , . � Abstr�ct Clerk of Rarneey County � � ,---' . BY ''�;� �_ i,. � �2�--:�'��.-�-:�--�'� D eputy #52 60 < COUNTY ABSTRACTSCLER,K 152 COURT HOUSE� L'� u � " " � � ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA ,- Au� �y 1 197� �,�s - � . CITY PLAfa��li�fG B��Rp , For�, �saisoo �i�t �a�.:, rt1?"�.C!°�nt� OFFICIAL RAMSEY COUNTY ABSTRACT OF TITLE L. CharLes �:�. Van Horn and �veLyn �. Van Horn, husband and wife as ;oinz tenan�s , are -�he owners of: Loc L3 and ,J 3. �. ft of Loi 17, 31oc1: 2, T�IiLha�:� Par.k Ra«<se�� County, I•linnesota. 2. Y.arl j7o1f_ is the o�aner of: Lot 1�, B1ock 2, I�ZiLha�=. Parlc, Ra�:�.sey � Co. , i�,inn. 3. Paul_ L�verdiere and ELva P•1. Laverdiere are the owners of: Lot 20, BLock 2 , I�1iLha,.� ���rl: , Ra� �sey Co. , t�Iinn. 4. Ar�hur C. Peterson and He1en S. Peterson, husband and wife as joint tenants, are the owners of : Lot 9 , BZ�ck 3, i�liLhat�: Par�z, Ra. �sey Co. , ilinn. �. E1La Harriet Olson is the o�vner ef: Lot L0, B1ock 3, r1i)ha�.. P��rl�, Ra�Llsey Co. , 1�1�_nn. `� � , i �. �Ji1Lia..� R. FarLey and � �ne Farley are the o��ners of: I�t 11, B?_ock 3, �i�_Lha.,: Park, � ' ',� Co. , Pdinn. � � ' '� '' ''���� �'���'��� � �� I , � ����� il�lj 7. I��atherine O�son is t�h�e� � '' �".;p � Lot L2, Bloclz 3, T�ilha�:.: Par��, Ra.,�sey Cc. , Aiinn. � , i! � `�� ���!�'i iy����-� �i' ����.� ��I '� /�, ., �i y,iV' j���l,�r'� �;. Patricl: P.. Jordan a '� � '� � _ Jordan are the owners of: Lot 13, B�oc�: 3, 11ik � ey Co. , I•iinn. �?� Nan S. Tjornho;n a��a Tdan Tjornhoi�i is ihe owner of: Loz 14 and ;' 7 ft of I.oi� LS, BLoc]ti 3, rtilha,.. P�rk. L0. GiuLio Casci and I�iar�� Ca�ci, husband and �aife as joini tenant�, and �',. E. H. Inves��i�ents, Inc. , are the owners of: Lot 15,except E 7 ft thereof, , at?d a11 of Lots 16 and L7, BLock 3, Milha�.l Pa-rk, R��.;sey Co. , �Iinnesota. � LL. Abraha:,: H. Fre, .Land and Jeanette Fre�. .l.and, caife, as joint tenants, are the o�uners of: I�ots 18 and 1°, BLock 3, rii]_ha��� Parlc. L2. Na�thanieL �•'. I:oenecuan is the owner of: Lot 20 and S 20 ft of Lot 21 , B�ock 3, i�Zil.hai,, Par�_, Ra�.�sey Co. , Niinn. ���q 13. The Nor�h�•�estern Bantist Hospi�aL �ssociation, T�1inn Corp, is the owner or: Lots 27 and 33 and the vacated aLLey accruing thereto, Midway Hospital. Ad�ition . tltl � t� u u � u ISSUED BY ��G ]_ ( 1971 COUNTY ABSTRACT CLERK 152 COL?PT HOUS ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA CITY PLN i�ii�1G BOARD_ �"'`��-�,' Sairt Pa ;? �,,,,��.,��,��a Form ABG1800 _. . ; i . . - Y - � � � t - • • � e 4 7' r �� . �,. • s 1, °, ' . �.'� :t__�—.__ --- __.1 .. _. .. l-.-� i i� : , , .. . . . f.� . � r . � .I-y I ' • ' '. , ' i� � , I � �.• 1��=__s`s�� M� ( ! -T--r- ___3�' F� r i {--,- � i • A _ _ - - � e 1 i i I , ' � , � .. _ , � a� �„k i < B�''N R,y?s�zi :: n t� :s rs n zi y s� ��I.��i r�u ,f nr r _ .� `. "y * . .... _._ ' � � �s. I . , I i i , . r I� .. r. n ., . < � .�uM ........�. I� � p r d d I. �� i � . , ' �: � 1 . i I I ; I � . .. . i � � ' i � 4 � /o N M � ' � ' _ - _ _ � L _• � p•. �t/.I4.Ii. . . . :3..�_�.}._.-i M:-N:{t r�t-� 1O �lN':�I:11�N i . .. . . .. • .. . . �:� . ..... , . � L l -'- - -�-�- �- - - � , � � .� , i.� -. � � � � . _ . O_! • is.:x�-UN/VERSITY _ _- .fYlr. - j _. � --- � �' ° � � ... � .. .. , c �fGt .�r ;.,�f.�'�eti�rf� r-.'__-------- , - _..__. --------� ---- -. .. . , ��a7 w � �'. ."� � 1 , ..--• � i �. 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I ,d : I I �Z . . � I ooaoon eexoo� : - - OMO RE i C AiS / D Y'3 �A R K AD D �. • � � � ' O A ' K L A � N D P A R K' �- -.._ ., . _ .. _ _. _. _ _.. _ __�. - ---__ __ _..: . _ __.__ ._ .- -.�..�_ ,..,� o� _ , .,__._ ._ _._..._ . -- ._ . ._,.. . _ .._ u..._... ._.._. ..._. .._.__..._�_ 1 v i CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE n� ce� naw. ss�os September 10, 1971 City Clerk , � 386 city Haii File: R1097, Page ;� You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held i�c the ' Council Chambers of the City fia11 and Court House in the City rf St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on September 23, 197L on the;petition of Thamas C. Skweres and others for the rezonin$ from a "C" Resideatfal District to a "Commercial" District the property described as follaws: Lots 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and Z7, Block 3, Milham Park Addition. The property is located on the North side of St. Anthoay Avenue between Fry and pierce Streets. For further informatiou, contact the Planning Board, Room 1010 Coamerce Building or telephone 223-4151. To canply with the City Charter, the Depaxtment of Finance is charged with informiag you of this public hearing. If you have any questions, it is recoamaended that you attend thie public heasing to afford you the opportunity to make your views, both pro and con, known to the City Council. ROSALIE L. BUTLBQ Co�amissioner of Finance �� � � r � ` _�� n� r, ��� �� .�.: y II � Ii ct��_ Pau1�has Saed �. 1971 at.te � c�l �������� _ an�alt db ec�ions 1 � r�,,, � '� � ` �, � x, t �.; . � ' • BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUI�DING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 September 21, 1971 .�._ �,���''`:,,_ �, %e� x. Mr. Harry E. Marshall '� rt. City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Sir: This is written in response to the petition of Thomas C. Skweres to rezone from "C" Residence to Commercial in order to construct two medical clinics, property located on the north side of St. Anthony Avenue between Pierce and Fry, and noted in detail by the legal descrip- tion on file. This matter was heard by the Board of Zoning at its September 2, 1971 public hearing at which time those portions of the staff report on file were read which noted the frontage and area of the site, area zoning, the recommendation of the Comprehensive Plan, site conditions, and area conditions. A letter from the Highway Department was read. It indicated no objection to the proposal but suggested that any access to the property should be via Pierce or Fry Streets . The staff noted that uses such as that proposed for this site are to be expected near hospitals and that the area between University Avenue and I-94 east of the hospital to Snelling Avenue is not an appropriate size for a residential neighborhood. Representing the applicant was attorney John Brandt who explained that �hree doctors want to build a medical clinic on this site near to Midway Hospital where they practice. He noted that the facility would replace some rather old residential buildings and that access to the 45-car parking lot would be from Pierce and Fry Streets. He said traffic would be adequately handled by St. Anthony Avenue and that the doctors ' patient flow is from 30 to 80 per day with office hours from 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and a staff of 11 full-time employees. Several residents of the area spoke in opposition to the rezoning. One expressed fear of the gradual taking over of the neighborhood by the hospital with resulting� increase in sewer assessments and traffic and a decrease in residential property values . He said the proposal would re- move trees and homes from the neighborhood and result in parking problems on the street despite the proposed parking lot. Another expressed fear of increased traffic saying there is already trouble with parking. She claimed the clinic would depreciate the value of her home. In discussing this matter, the Board noted that the clinic would not generate traffic at night while an apartment could be built there requiring r � �� � �L.s�b�� ' ��' � - \ City Clerk -2- September 21, 1971 more parking and traffic at all hours . Then a motion was made to recommend approval on the condition that the applicant obtain a different access to the parking lot than via the alley. The motion was seconded and carried by a vote of 5 to 0. Very truly yours; ;��� C /�71�� �,.�. �.. � � - PETER J. IETTA Secretary, Board of Zoning P,TM:kk PLR Z.F. ��7219 Prifrel I ✓V" . I � i _ _ M C P�� � �� � � �� �T � ' � i � � � I � I t j� _1 , , AN F� PA R K ; '� ; cA4 p-77 � � 0 - R � ., o ��tE = � � v � i ► t • � � li 1 1 � � � � � ' ' �v � �� � � � f�'��� I � ��� � i � �•' � � f I 1 j � ' � i i � � � ,�� /6�� � � � � � � � O O O � � O Q O v . O p O p -O- O O � � �O O O O � O -o- 1= O O -O- --� � O O -4 - -�' f-- O O O O _ � � O -�- O O � 5 SH1ElDS � �.i� O � � 5 � 0 � � Q {,� Q � � � O � �o -O- W O O � O � ,OO � = OO O O O ��O ' 4 O O O � O Z _ � O � l Po�yER �SUB � 51 ` S7A71pN � ♦�� Q � z-a-=� 1..._..-_ _ ril�vU't'�S flF �T�€� Pt3BLZ� HEAR3IJG BE�OIt� THE BOARD OF ZONING t�N '�iURSDAY, SEP?'�1BEI� 2, 1971, at ?.:00 p,m, PI2E5�N'T: Mrs. C�chrane; t�iessrse Benshoof, McF'artlin, Meietta and Mansur of the BQard; Measrs. Brown and Rosetter, and Ke Ksnto�owicz of the staff. TH�lA3 C, SKWERLS: A petition t� rezone from "C" R,esidence to Coumercial in order to construct twa medi.G�l clinics, pxoperty located on the north sfde of Ste An�haxiy Avencxe be��reen Pferce and Pry. Mr. Ras�t�er re�d fram �th� st�iff regort, a part of the file, atating Che prop�rty nas a frontage �a� ?5{.45 feet along St, Anthony Avenue with a depth of 130 feet resulting in �n grc�s of approxim�tely 32,695 square feet. The i�edi�te are� •Lg zoned "�" Re�idecace, The �rontege �lon�; University Avenue and Snelling Avenue is z�nert I�i�ht Industry. `Tt►e Comprehensive Plan recocmnenda high densfty res�dent2�I £n this area. 'The site is occupied by sn old 8mu.nie agartment, two dup�.e�es, �nd � single-fsmily residence. The site is at oa n��,: sf:reet gr�de at �ry Street and approximately 4 to 5 feet above the gradd 4f Pf�rce Street. ':fhe frontage along Pierce Street is developed with apartments on the east and Midway Ho�pital on the west. The r�st of the �re� fs mixed development of apartments and one and two-family re�iden�es. I-1'a adjo�.n� this site ta the south. Mr. R�a�et�e�° no�ed th� :�tAff rPCefved � letter from the Highway Department st�ting they h�v� no ab,jections to the proposed rezcsning but th$t they do ��e� thar b�Gause of the amaunt of traffi.c on St. Anthony, any access ta the p�op�rty sl�ould b� by waq of Pi�rce or Fry Streets. Mr. Rosetter stated th�t uaea sa�cEs �s medical cliaics are to be expecCed around hospitals and Midway Hospiial doea adjoin the site. Ae further stated the �re8 betw�:an tP�iversi�y Avesiu� and the freeway east of the Hospital is not ax� approgriate size for e residenti�l neighborhaod. There also extats the fact �hat S�, Anthony fs a frontage rr�ad and rather heavily traveled. R�presei�t�ng the �ppiicant wms Mr. John Brandt, an attorney, who st��ed eh�re mre �hree dcctors who arQ orihopedic surgeons in the Midway area that inter�d ta p�a� u� � n�w medical cLinic because they have outgrown thei� ' prese�xt faci�t�y. These dac�o�s t���e h�ad � long associatio�t with Mfdway Hospttal, and one �f t�e doc�ors is on �he Bo�rd of the hoepital, The bulk of their � p a�t�e�e�.� are treated atr M�dwmy kIcaspiCa]. �nd, therefore, would Like to be locsted neer, the hospitai. Mr. Brandt �howed a sketch of the proposed building to the Ba�rd snd poi.ns_ed out th�t this property adjoins the sou�h� • east cura�r of th�e hospitaL �sr�pexty. H� noted that further to the west of th� seabject site ia a vacant ar�m p�eseatly awned by Northern States Ycawer Compr�ny. I3e said the doc�ors intend to consCruct � one-story medic�l c ent�r of �pprox�mately 8,3Q� squsre feet o€ brick constructionb which �aill fit �.n with the �rea. '�he proger�y to the no�th cor�taina multiple-dwellings wiaict: are als� of a b:�ick-ty�e� coustruction.. �he exis�ing structures in the surrou�zdin� zrre�a a�e af ���1y I4flf� v���age with the homes being buift iu Lgpi 19�� �nd i914 and r.�.� a�s�x�menr being built ic► 1911, He said Che d octora $nte�d to �upply 45 stia�l� f�r �ff-street part�ing with th� use ' of Fry Street a�s oppo��ed td Sto �ntB2ony for iugress and egress points �s�d the alley �o tl�� nasrtF� t� �e eased for access al�o. He said the alley cre�tes a buf€er zone �rom �dse ex�sting multiple dwell�ng to the north. Yn THOMAS C, SItiW�RES {con�fnued} Sept�nber 2, 1971 regard to treftic flow, he noL-ed the �roximity of St. Anthany Avenue which carries g f�ir �m�aunt of traff�c ro �he west and also of Aldine Street which is a thraugh st�eet contro�led by a sem�phore at University Avenue. Mr, Brendt said tihe dactor's p�tient flcxa runs From appxoximately 30 per �sy eo a m��:i�uun o£ �0 per day, and the�r offtce ilours are fran 9:30 aom. to 6:00 pam. At the present tnme, Chere ar� 11 fu2,1-time employees on the stsff. Mx, 2�3.�LetL•r� asked Mr. Rosetter to rewread the letter from the Highwsy Departmen� in ozder ta refreah his memory; Mr. RoaeCter read the letter. 1�Ire McPaxtli�a asked if there ca�re any m��tings held with the neighhors to dtscuss �th� propossl wieh tlzem. Mr. Br�ind� noted that some o� the doctors hav� discus�e� the mazter saitt� area residents, how�ver, he did not kttow the �ubs�aace of these discussi.ons. Mr. Willian� R� Far�.�y, 3&1 Fry, spoke in oppoaition to the rezoning. iMr. Brandt dispisyed th� sketct�a of the prmpoaed buildfng to Mr. Parley �nd noted the doctors hav� €�n optic�n on the. property subject to the rezoniag. Mr� F'asl�y nmt�d th� nefghb�rs �re ob�ecting beceus� there will be trees and homes t��ex� aut for ttte ccsnstruction of the b�ildiug. The erees and homes naw se�re �s � buffQr �et:w�en the �raffic, he said. At �he present time, there is v�r}r Ii.ttle tr��rfic on Fxy and the �l,ley. If the proposed buildin� is ex•ec�sd, �E��is wotald chan�e consider�bly. If there are 34 csrs in the Zot £or ps�ients to perk, he claimed there will still be c�rs on the street aad re��dents will not l�e r�ble to p�rk in front of their homes. At Che presEnt tir�s�T t�er� is s�dequate street parking. Pir. Fasley noted he has �een Ch� g�adur�l t�ke over of the neighborho�d by Midway Hoapital. A tnraugh alley w�� I,us�: bec�t�se of a ho;;p�.ttal p�rking Lot and resi.dents were a�s�ssec� for adc3i_tional. sto�m sewers becauae flf the hospita't, With tk►e adve�it �f tt7e clinic, Chere is no do�abt that �dditional stoxm sewers wfll be n�:eded, Mx, �a']7�'�.Qy S�SI$(j, Mx°. �r�rley noted he would not c�re if an �p�srtmen� buiidir�g sa�s er�cted an the site because then he would still be �b1e to paxk in. fron� of his hou3e. 'LYaff�.c will be coming up �nd down the �lley, and h.e dc►�s n�t feel that sny re�i eatate agent other than Hre 0'Brien ��ou1d �ay th�tc �h�.s cB.fr�ic wauld ir�creas� the value af homea. Speakfng in np�osit�.ot� was M�s. Win�a Fo Norcx�oss, 393 Fry, who noted ahe ltves faur houses L•rdm rTr. Fa��.ey. She said there are a lot of ch3.ldren in the blocic �xad 9:hf.5 must be considered. The traffic will be terrific going �ap snd dowr,. St. Anthony a�nd Fry. Airs. Norcross noted the pErson who Zives on the cornes� has had t$c�uble with parking. She claimed the clin�.c would de�,reci�:te the value of lier house �nd she �ivea more thar� ?00 feet fror� �he a�re�. 5he s�a�ed the E�omes a.n the arer� �re o1d but they have l�een improved anri kept up. She said she knew of ao one t�,�t �he doc�o�ra had spoken to regnrding the�r �lans. A Froman from th� �pposi�ion s��fced she wr�s �e�resen`3_ng e�n older woman fram t�ie m2ighvorhflcd wi�o wa� sick and not tahle to attend the meeeing. She st�ted tinere are a IoY: of oId peop�e wha are sick in �he nei.ghborhood. She herse�f has lived in the area f.or 30 ye�rs. Mr. Maietta askec� if the cli.nic wo�ald be busie� in the day time or evening. Mr. Bra�ed� stated the clinic would no� �ae open in the evening; Che hours wou?.dl be frnm 9s30 e.m. to 6:0(3 pem. THOi�tAS�_�:�_�<�tar�,�;S �cont�nued} September 2, 1971 F,r�. ��c?��ar.t� asked if the �lan for tti� clinic could be changed so that t�affic wac,3ld nat use ti�e ral2ey r�ixd boCher the residents. Mr. Brsadt s�aeed he �I��u��[ �:iiis could be �c�oa;p�ished. The builclfn� cauld be mo���d to rna�c� �rzore gar'�ing oxa the Iot a�ad chang� the enCrances. Mr. Mct��rtlin ��id r_hi.s would ht�v� ta be discussed with the Traffic Engin�er< �Ir, Iia��shas;¢ aslced if apartment uz�its were to b� const�ucted on the sub- ject si�e, �o�a max�y woul.d bp allowed. Mr. Brown r�plied 31 units. Mr. Benshoof g�id �his would be G�5 or more off-s4:re�t parking sp�ces �Ilawed and�r L-he ��resent Zoi�ing �fld�. This would me�n t�nere would be 45 cars, 24-Ee�urs per c�ay. Mr. B�nshoa� s�id he felt the leESer of the two evi�s wo�.ild be the s�edical clirsic sinc� this would necess3.tate Craffic only in the rtay-time �ours. It �gs n4o�red �y �Irs. �Cs�chrane to approv� the rezoning on the condition that in orde-r t4 �.eep the gsaffic r�w�y �'rom the residents, the appLican�t triea to obt�in -.� di�fer�ent accesa �o rh� p�rking lot rather t�an using the alley. 'I.'!te m,�tic�n ���a� seconded by Mr. Maxssux. �nd carzied by a 5-0 vote. 5�bmitted i�y: Approved by: Paul. L� Rosettez Ro�►ert �e Ames Harry E. Man�aq . • �lT'' �F AIb�� �.Olse� City Clerk and �`���"2 Counoil Reaorder Commdsaioner of Reyistration o .•�-':�.,;:: " s�,°- zt :r� - ^c OPFICE OF THE CITY CLBRK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OR RBCORDS s88 City Hall St.Paxcl,Minnesota 58208 August 17, 1971 Zonin� Board, Co�rce Bld�. Gentlemen: The City Council referred to yau for rec�mnendation the attached petition of Thaanas C. Skweres and others to rezone Lots 12, 13, 1�+, 15, 16 and 17, Block �, Milham Paxk Addition, located on the north sic�,e of Hi�hway I-91+ between Fry and Pierce Streets, to Ccmmnerc3al District. Very truly ynurs, ������ City Cl�rk � L��d � � � � � � � � � � r "��_ -- � �,. ... .�.r..,t.�. AUG 17 �971 ���''���f,��'�4��-�� ;� � , �:` � ` _ .. k�• °� CITY PLANNING Saint Pa�:,r �. BQaR� , h��nnPS�t� ��2 , ' � ' � , ti . . CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE . 113 Court Han� 35102 �gE1St 17� 1971 To the �o�acil City of St. Paul Geatl�en: I have checked the attached petition of Thamas C. Skveres and others, filed in the matter of rezoning, Lots 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, �lock 3, Milham Park Addition. The property is located on the north side of Highway I-9k between Fry aad Pierce Streets, from a Class "C" Residential District to a "Cc�mer¢ial„ Dist�rict, and find that said petition is sufficient. Yours verq trnly, ���-�="'�'� eC- - ��C:����C3•.�.' �� Sosalie L. Butler Com�issioner of Finaace Be: %-1097 c.c. Mr. Ames N. R. Heiden lirs. Butler Frontage: 100� Parcels Sligfble - 11 Parcels Signed - 8 or 72.8X �Teeded - 7 or 66-2/3� --_ �-_. _. w.... .r._ ..,..., . _- h _ �r. , . , � �'�- �.� ' 'r rf � � ,�, u << . 1., �,,, ��K - � �� .,. ; ���� � � � � � u � o ��, , , . , .f _- _� _ _ _ _. _ .- - - . - .-_ AUG 171971 CITY PLqNNIAIG BpqRD ���t Pau(, 1�linnesota �O