02-801Council File # Green 5heet# RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: ,+� Referred To: � Committee: Date t 2 4 s 6 � e 9 io ii iz 13 ia is is i� ia is zo zi 22 23 24 25 26 z� 2s 2s 30 31 32 33 � 35 36 31 38 39 WHEREAS, the city has a bountiful parks and recreation system; and WHEREAS, Saint Paul has the highest number of per capital recreation centers in the country for a city our size; and WHEREAS, Saint Paul currently programs recreation activiGes at 41 recreation centers; and WHEREAS, the curzent recreation center system should be evaluated to detertnine how it should be designed to meet the needs of the users in the future and in order that ihe city qn confinue to afford to operate and maintain fhe system; and WHEREAS, to assist the city in evaluating and resWCturing the parks and recreation system, a review of the system and other comparable park systems, with the assistance of an outside agency, will help the city and the community decide how to provide and finance park and recreation services in the future; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.� of the City Charter, does certify that there are funds of $50,000 are available for appropriation in excess of those estimated in the 2002 Budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 2002 budget; PINANCING PLAN: Division of Parks and Recreation GL 001 03100 9830 Use of Fund Balance All Other Financing SPENDING PLAN: Division of Parks and Recreation GL 001 03100 0219 Other Professional Services All Other Spending Current Budget � 1,021,284 1,021,284 3,500 1,017,784 1,021,284 RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 2002 budget. Requested by Department of: Change $�,��� 0 5�,��� 50,000 0 50,000 Oa - So L 114013 Amended Budget 50,000 1,021,284 1,071,284 53,500 1,017,784 1,071,284 Division of Parks ntl Recreation By: . B�pr val R� deaby Fi � ial Services Director: c. v � / Atlopted by Council: Date � -�� d�--- Forrr Adoption Certifi by Council Secretary: e �,4-._ �- . 4 �3` Approvetl by Mayor: By: �. �. .�; By: n� .-f�dl �eenrt'rn�'rrom�crimuxcu, uw�ra¢umn�'eo VQ' � _ DivisionofPatksandRecreation &/2s/02 GREEN SH NO. 114013 �NiACfPEAWN&PFpNE O �EPARTMEMDIXECtOR O Ql'YCOUNN. BobBierscheid, 26G-6h09 � rn'rn'imwver ❑ a'n'ccmx MUMBEONCOI)N�.AGFNDABY(DA'I� ❑2 FA`ANQRLSEROtFD�t �� b tIN.SEM1OFF.ACClC. cSe �'� y '�00�� ❑a e.umx(oenss�sravn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ON ItEQUp1'm Approve an appropriation for the study of Saint Paul's recreafioa center system. NnAmmanOCrs. ty�po.e(A)wxja�(R) PERSONAL $ERVICE CONTRACfS MIJSTANSA'ER TAE FOLLOR'll�'G QUES'170N5: etnmma� co�u.nsstoN 1. Has tltis persodtixm evaworked uuda a wntlact fortb�s depmvnmC! qg�ppgp�y YFS NO T clvasannceco�w.aSS�oN 2.HastluspersoNfssmevecbeenac�ryemployee? w Spn� YES NO 3 Does tlus persoNfum possess a slall notnmma[ty posussed Ay vry muren[ c�ry emptoyee'1 YES NO (E�laiu all yes answers an separate s6eet aud attach to green shret) WI'lfATWGPROBLEMLSSUE.OPPoR'I[I1VI1Y(VJhqR'M1a4 Whm. Wha4RTY)' - The city has a bountiful pazks and recreation system. It also has the highest number o£per capita recreation ceaters, for a ciry our size, in the country. As we look to the tuture and consider our ability m pay for tUat system, it makes sense to evaluate the way our system is designed and how we de5ver services. We should recognize, for example, that all recreation ceaters are not regional recreation ceuters. And, wLen we commit to a recreation center, we should be prepared to adequately staff and maintain it. In order to assist us in this evaluation and possible reshucmring of our parks and recreation system, we expect to conduct an assessment tlils yeaz wluch will help us and the communiry w decide how to pmvide a� finance pazks and recreation services in Ehe future. � �z��� ADVAMAGESIFAPPROVm Abiliry to hire experts to objecrively review how recreafion services aze provided in Saint Paul compazed to other comparable govemment agencies and how Saint Paul recreation center system should provide service in the future. DI$ApVl�NiAGESa'APPROVED: Use of the fund balance vrill further deplete this funding source in order to fund this one-time expenditure. DISADVANTAGESOPNOTAPPROVEb The current pmcess will confinue to build lazger recreafion center build'wgs wluch adds costs £or maintenance and to operations that aze hard to fund now and will be diffiwlt, if not impossible, to afford in the future. TOTALAMODIV'lOFiNANSACf1pN � COST/REt'ENOEBODGETED(CRICL60NL� YES rv0 emwnvcsoosce General Fund nc�rrorrr�ax GL - 001 - 03100 - 9830 PIIJANCW.INFORMAiION: (ClSLAPp