256780 � • • • �
File Na 17i�Z
In the Matter of �� �� � � i�o�i �Maw t� atil�s �nw
{�Ytp t�rs3�ct z�-0331} as �3�ss �cai� a�d }a�t eoasbtatt e�ei'; eewtstist stswt,
ailh ai �si�� s�; eartrrat �to�stie wbr rsai�� �ilitL�s; ea�t aw�ss. .
�r aMi p"s s�s�i�e� �o�atitMa; �ts+�as e�asrt,s wlk t�s tiot� sii�ir +�! �rta
� � sa�d i��s ts �i� �e; +�l i all deier waeic rhiati ia Mrs�s�+n7
a�i l�s3i�,Kat1 t� �w�l�et� sal�i �rsr�r�t,
under Preliminary Order- � approved- � ��� 1�7t
Intermediary Order approvecl '
A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council
having heard a11 persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully conaidered
the same; therefore, be it
ItESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im-
provement to be made by the said City is
t� t�r+�t R�i�� M� #s�:t+q�■�i �w ts Oii�s i�w�� {Cit� Tr+��et ?-�3323
a lst�r: ss+ni� a�i ln�i a�uts�t a�= �et st�t,_al�► a�i �K�
sa�s� e�o�roet tt�s'It �s �t+aillMlp� iaieillrt3,as; e�nbedet Ml�z, sstls aei
�s �t�e� �ti�as= �ts�et �sscra�ts wlt wt 1�l.'Y �iw st twta iww
is+� �■�■e�i �t ts iil�i� 1�j aei i� a�.� a�ltr�ar wek rifie6 is Mea� ri
itel+iaRs� ta �l�t� �a►i� l�s�ot,
and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made.
ftESOLVED FUR.THER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and
directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for
approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials axe hereby authorized and directed to pro-
ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. .
Adopted by the Council -
Y� RUTLER Nay� OEC 2 2 19T�
�'^J iNA Y Approv
�� ' ����'<A Favor �
�.._ � _,,,� Mayor
'��^�� .:;f Y J
A"�"II8t � EUBt�sH�� EC 2 4 1�71
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� � t)ctober 21� 19 71 _
To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul:
The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pre-
li mi nary order of the Counci 1 known as Counci 1 Fi le No, 256E�+6
approned October 19, 19 71,,relative to �Pr��
KASOTA AVE� f'rom Raymond Avemze to Gibbs Avenue (City Pro�. No. 72-P-o531)
includes S-14b6 ✓
and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein. hereby
l. The estimated cost thereof is $ 160,000
2. A plan� profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached �
and made a part hereof.
3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X t�j
4. Improvement is asked fo� upon petition �`
�— �
� o missioner of Public orks
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Chief Engineer Deputy Commissioner.
Capital of Minnesota - .
234 City Hall &' Court House 55102
October 21, 1971
Honorable Rosalie Butler �
Com¢nissioner o�' Fi.nance ' "
Room 17.3, City Ha11 .
. xe: 72-P-0531 KASOTA AVENUE -
Raymond Ave. to Gibbs Ave.
(Includes S-1�+66)
' Dear Madam:
Transmitted herewi�h are the preliminary estinates of the costs and
financing to iurorove KASp'rA AVENUE - Raymond Avenue to Gibbs Avenue under
Preliminary Order C. F. No. 2560�+6, approved October 19, 19?1. �
The estimated costs axad financing Por this improvement are as follvws;
Construction $135,24�
Engi.neering and Inspection @ 1.� 18,9�
Valuation and Assessment Services 1,260
Misc. Cost of Pub].i.cation, court costs, etc. 8�+0 •
Wa.ter Department l�$pp •
Traffic 4 2,O�J0 .
' �160,000
. Assessments . $ 63,OQ0
M.S.A. 1972 ppp � {
$i6o�,o00 .
� � � � � � �� �� � ��
� � �
. �
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. �
� ��
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• V ' ' ' ' 2 ' . October 21, 1971
V Est3ma-ted property assessments are based on the follawing ratea:
Pav�._____�' .n : (includes curb or curb and gutter section where installed)
A & B Residential $ 8.00 per assess. �oot �
"C" Residential, Commercial & Ind. Property 19•00 per assess. foot.
Direct Benefit rovements: (where installed)
Concrete walk (�+" thick) .90 per sq. f`t.
Concrete Drives:
6" thick (Residential) 9.00 per sq. yd.
7" thick Commercial •
) lO.OQ per sq. yd.
Attached is a letter da�Eed August 13, 1971, from the Water Department �
giving the rates for water service connection work, (to be done as requested
by the property owners).
Storm�Sewer S-1�+66 is included in this pro�ect but will be submitted as
a separate order.
Please coordinate this matter so that the hearings can be held the same
ery t ,
� ����.
ger M. Conwa.y
Commissioner of Pablic Works
At�ach*nents ,
cc: C. J. Schleck
C. L. Thompson
J. Wm. Donovan
J. Schwartz •
_ ,
• �
.. �
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� . ,y ,y �i,�MBLIN S �.:: e t� a+�,± r �. �: t.of Distribution
� �r, �r.itvi�c$���: P
E � . �3•'
BOAF :. �� C ,,. _ s. n�EUwisSeN
_ �t.of Wafer S:a;. .,.�
R COMMlSc .. �; :':T' F __
� ,,tanaqer
r ROGER M. -� '`' '<�'r _,. . -
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� .A.o — «..� _..._... _... . < . .
August 13, �97� Ci" �
C ��
I �^ �
Mr. Claude L. Thompson � �
Public Works Design Ehgineer I ���` �/'�
23l� ci ty xa].1
Re: P-0531, Kasota - Raymond to Gibbs -" t '
. ,..:
Deax Sir:
Enclosed please find your map of the above referenced pro3ect with our
facilities indicated in red. Also included is a list of water service
connections as per your request.
Our current schedule for insta.11ing or replacing service connections,
based on a 66-foot stre�t wid�th, is:
3/1�" S ervi c e $215.00
i '� Service 231•00
1�" Service 335.00
2" and larger Service Actual cost
This schedule daes not include street restoration; normally t,he service
work is done in conjurxction with the paving projec�;. These prices are
;;uaranteed until January 1, 1972� however, at the present time there are
no indications a change in these rates wi.11 be necessary next year.
� There are three hydrants located wit,hin the project limits. If relocation
is necessary we estinate the cost involved will be abatt $600 each.
Should tdZe existing '12-inch water main require relocation, we estimate it
Ki11 cost approximately $25.00 per foot. -
As the street is now graded, we assume no change in e�ccess of 6-inch cut /� `i.
or f`J,1,1, will take place under this project. However� if a larger grade �
change is anticipated, we request plans indicating the amount and location
be sent to us for review prior to the sutami.ssion for bids.
• V� truly yours,
� ' [f �/
G'1 • /��r'����
� �'� A. Mohror
� 'Of.fl,ce Engineer �
- . � .. � ' izJC/da ,�.: ,,,,J
��` �:nclosures: Map
Service list
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