256779 � � , ` ' ' � � ! ���� COUNCIL FILE NO. � FINAL ORDER � By File No. t� In the Matter of _--- - -.-_ _ _ __ _ _ � __,_._ _ ---- _--�-.��,.._.�_ . - — Improve SI�pARD ROAD from 2100 feet west of Chestnu� Street to '�5.700 feet east of Chestnut Street and CHF�ST�;U� STREET from West Sevent�}°'�o Shepard ' Road (City Project No. P-0373) as follows• SF�FARD ROAD--widen a��e• cons�ruct bridges and ram s• construct { �' ` , grade and p , curb;, and islands; constz-uct storr,� wa�er dra.inage facilities;construct re�aining walls; relocate barge 1o:�ding facilities; construct orna�;�ental ligh�in� system; and do all other work which :is necessary and incidental to co;-:pZete sr�.id irnprovement. C't�ST2� STREL1--wi�ien, �rade anci pave; construct bridge; eonstruct curbs nnd islands, construct street, r�_le,y ar,d driveway returns; construct storm water drnina�e faciTi�ies; cons�ruct retainin� s•�alls; construct a traffic contr.al and orna�:en�tal li�;n�in�; sys�em; construct concrete walk; r�nd do a11 other s�ork �ahich is n.ecess�z� and incidental to complete said incil 3mprovement. :red _ _ �he same; tnererv�C, � ..,- - -- . RESOLVED, By the Council of the City ot`�t. FaT�n�tri�-pre�s� ua.�, im- provement to be made by the said City is -- -------_____.__�.-- --- __ ____ _-- - _ — ____ __._ __ =-_: .. __ _. ---_ _ �f�' Improve SHEP�'�RD ROAD from 2100 fee� west of Chestnut Street to 1700 feet I cast of Chestnut Street and C1-�:Si�;UT ST�ET fro� West Seti�en�h to Shepard Road (City Project No. P-0373) a; iollows• . S?WPARD ROAD--widen, grade anci pave; construct brid�es and ramps; construct curby a,�d islands; construct stax:� wate�• draina,ge facilities;construct re�ai:�in�, walls•,_relocate bar�e laadin� facilit�_es; _ccsnstrfi'��t prna.,.en�al li�htin�� sys�em; and do a11 other s+orfi which is necessary and incidental to co:splete said i�provement. Ci�Sii-tF1' STRE;T--widen, �rade and pave; construct bridge; construct curbs nnd islands; coz�strucv street, �le,y �;d driveway returns; cons�ruct storrnt�rater dr�ina�e facili�ies; co�struct re�aining walls; cons�ruct a traffic contr.ol and orna..^:en.;;al ligntin� system; construct concrete wal:x; and d� �11 c���iex work �h�.cla is necess�;y �d inci.dental to ec�.-�ple�e said improvemerrt. �fi�V1aV �VVYrt41t aiVlv,vJ v�v.���. ���_� ___a__._ ._ RESOLVED FiJRTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and clirected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, �he proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ci�ed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. COUNCILMEN DEC �1 ��� Adopted by the Council Yeas gUTLER NaY� CONVVAY ' Approve �EC �ai �97� L�VINE q��,,.�RI.GITH c�_��;'�,=V�A �In Favor TE�'�SCO 1 _ Mayor M,cGARTY V � Aroa�inst / a�v�-`.. �, �1 SHE �. _•:Arr.,� �i �� '�. �'2 41971 � „`t�. v: �: . � /i�'I � ����� p :r.� �pp ��� l '�°�,' �l7�i�� , A�5'f.+CHI� E��R � '� — CNIEF EHGR�..,�..�.1 C�IMMISSIOt���i�..�..-si�iv c����c�a y Sept�znber �'�, 1�71 Honarabl� Rc�salie �. Butler Co��si�ner o#' F'3.nance 1?3 City Hall �: Court Hou�e BUI �, I3 � �� G Re: F-�i�?�A �H�PAA39-�:�1'�Tl'T ;�RCHANf,�, Incl.ud�� 8�r3,t��t 8•1C��d, B-1C?�1, and Crer� Lcr�d�g Tk�ck P-�3�7'3�t Dear I�adam: �h� 3..�nita �ox the abca�� pro�ec�, which are marked in r�t� can ��ae �.ttached map, are �gprc�ar3.m��e� 2,3.(� f+��t �+�s'� amd 1„7c�1 ��� �+�a� cf the �hep�rd»Cfae�tn'u'� Izit����ctia�t �td �h+� i�+�x��Cti�►n t��' C'�e�rtn,u'� 8ti'�e� and $,y�.n .�ven�ae. A1.�Q, I la.ave �3�0� pn th� ma� the a�e�s �r2�rre w� would acqui,re the r�.��,t-of'�-�ecc�s� of the attiu�tin� property awner�, �fii� k�ou�in� and Redev�lo�ment A�3�or3.ty is ac�ir�g as ou�r agent i� ac€,�uirin� the ��.ght- of-way, and we xill h�ve ta e�rdi.n�te tl�e areas v� r��triati�r� �.cces� wa�th thez�. Transmi.tt�d }��r�w3.th are tb:e prelizn�a.ary es�izaa.t�� c��' th+� costs and fiz�anc3.n� fcar �hh:�::s pra�ect, und�r Preli.�.a�ary 4rder, �. F. idc�. 2531�+6, a��.rov�d �arch 1}, 19'�l. �STIl+3�ITET) GE75T� P 3� P-0 7 � Ii-l� l7 8-1�31 T_...crt�, Construction �1,�25,0�`� �2�,Q�� �35Q,'�� �3�3,��� � 2,8�8,�Q0 Eng. e�nd Tri,�p. 270a� ��,� 3�,� �,t�D 374�,000 R.O.�T. 3,US�t�,d�J� 1,C3�J0 000 . � 4,232,Q00. ESTIT�IAT�D F�ICTT�t3 T.O.F.I•�.5. � 2,11E,Oafl l�huzicip�.1, S�at�: Ai.d ,_2..�.1,.,1.._�►fflOti � ,� �3�,Q0�. % ��� � - 2 - ���emb�r 29A 1q71 NQ pxop�rty a�s�e��tn�� �re e�►ntsm�l.�.ted. 4�e hereby z�c�ues� the .�irr�nc� T3�par�nt to scb�du�.� �h+� �aearir�g of tltis pro�ec� f ar �he +sa�rli.e�� �4�sible date» 'X'�ura ve�y t�u1;y, Rcager M. �az�wr'a� Cru�mis,��.on�r c��" Pub].i,c Work�a R2rIC�CI,�,/�J5 f�up ec: C. L. '�"hc�mg�on � J. Wm. Doraav�n J. �ch�as.rt� �,A ....�.:s �.«�,�^ ��� �c:��� De c. `l, 1�:''71 }"on. Ro er . Conwey G�o�sr. ��° Pu lic Works �3uild�.ng Dea,r Sir� The City Councll today adopted a motion to lay over. two weeks t� December 21.st th�e �'Anal Order for Tmproving� �S�h.e. .Pa..rd�Roa�d and G2�e�stnut St., unde,, P.4. 2g31�#Fi �dopted �Iar, 19, 1971. Very truly yours? City C].erk ng