256775 n � ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK �� � �"^ CITY OF ST. PAUL COENCIL NO ~� ���c� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, Laws of Minnesota for 1971, Extra Session� Chapter 31, makes substantial ehanges in the payments of property tax relief and aids to the munieipality; and Wf�REAS� among these revisions is the change in the dates of payments of the Homestead Credit; and WHEREAS, Laws 1971, Extra Session, Chapter 48, Section 47, makes provision for borrowing in an.ticipation of the payments of these funds, Now, Therefore , be it RESOLVED� that the Sinking Fund Committee of the City of Saint Paul� acting through its secretary� is hereby authorized to proceed with the proper arrangements to borrow a sum not to exceed �1, 091, 000.00, said note to be dated December 28, 1g�1, to mature on March 23, 1972; be it FURTHE R RESOLVED, that sealed bids for the above note shall be received in the office of- the Comptroller on Tuesday, December 28 , 19'71, up to 10:00 A.M. , Central Standard Time, said note to bear interest at a single rate� not to exceed seven perc�nt (7�fO) � said note to be signed by the Mayor and Comptroller and delivery to be made on the same date, the City reserving the right to reject any and all bids. FaRM APPROVED: ' � p� Corporation Counse� OEC 1 ? 1�71 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Batler Ap 0 E C 17 19 71 19— (� Conway Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka � r � A gainst Mr. President, McCarty QEC `� 4 ���� ��,isr-�� �� , 256��5 ou���cwn ro Mett�ae � CITY OF ST. PAUL �Np� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM n���u er COMMISSIONER DA*G WSBB�A3� LaMa oi Mins.sota ior i9�t, Bstrs �e���.on� Chapt�r 3i, a�s1c�� •ubstaatial oha�e� i� ths pa�nnatr oi prap�rty tas rsii�f and aid• to the �nnioipalit�►; a�d i�8EA8! a�on` tbe�s rsvisio� 1� ths ohaa�� in th• dst�� oi pay��st• o! tbs Ho���tead Cr�dit; aumd - � i�8EA8A8, Lax� 19?i, 8ztrs 8���io�, QUapt�r �6, S�otion #7, ��s pro�ision tor borraMin� ia �antioiput#an o= t►�e pay�ent� ' i th��e ivad�, Nox, Tbarsiore, be it BESQLYED, that the Sinking Fnnd Caw�itte• �of the Qity oi int Panl,� aotin` Zhron�h it s ssoretary, i• �tereby a�thorts�d o pro0�sd Mith �he proper srran�eMnts to borroM a �u� not to os�d �i,ogi,000.00, raid note to be dat�d �e�b�r B8. i97i, t sstnre on Mareh S;, i9?S; be it l�tTBT�It RESOLY�D, that •eal�d bids for th� abavs aot• shail be r�o�i��d in �h� o=ti�e oi th� Co�ptroll�r oa 4ue�dayt Z'Ho�,b�r �, 197i, up to i�:00 A.M.� Cen�ral Staedsrd Ti�as, said aot� to bear iatesert a� a •in,rls rate, 3not to eao�ed ����� p�roen� (7�►j, said aote to b� �i�a�d Dy the Ma�rar a�d Cto�pt:rolls� �deli��r�► to bs �ad• oa th� sai� dste, th� Qity r���rrri� tbs riaht to rs�s0t any and a1i bi,d�. oEC 1 ? �i1 COUNCII�MEN Adopted by the CounM� 19_ Yeas Naya � Butler 4�'i, 1 ? 197�, �[ Conray Appro� -- 19— Levine � Tr Favor Meredith �� sp� d A��at �- Mr. President, McCarty �8