256765 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLLRK CITY OF ST. PAUL �0NC1L NO. ������ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC TI ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY , COMMISSIONE Victor J Ted,esco RESOLVED, that a net ext in the amount of One Hund.red Twenty- eight and. 25/100 Dollars ($128. 25 ) be allowed under Contract L-7470 between the City of Saint Paul and the St. Paul Linoleum and Carpet Company, said contract for the Installation of Asphalt Plank Floor Covering at Fourteen (14) Recreation Buildings, and said net extra to cover the following changes: Install asphalt plank flooring at McMurray Playground.. . .ADD $588. 15 Omit installation of asphalt plank flooring from 5ylvan Playground.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DEDUCT 459. 90 Net Extra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $128. 25 -said changes having been requested by the Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and. Public Buildings, and agreement made with the contractor, and a memorandum of said agreement having been filed with the Comptroller and countersigned by him, Credit $459. 90 to 6000-609 to be recredited to 9770-460-010, and. charge $588. 15 to 6000-609 to be reimbursed. from 9771-460-006, such entries resulting in the foregoing net change to Contract L-7470. Job #71-71. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the c���>>�EC 16 �97119_ Y� xa� pEC 1619�i1 Butler �.���'�,���,�,�,,_� Ap 19—. Levine �?�n Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor �� U AgafriSt Mr. President, McCarty F� PP� ED: D�� 181�7� , YUBL1SHEl� Asst. Cor �'� p n Counsei