256764 � ORIOINAL TO CITY CL6RK ��C�( / CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa U ��i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO COUNCIL O TI N NERAL FORM PRESENTEDlY Victor J. Tedesco November 16, 1971 COMMISSIONE ArF RESOLVED, that an extra in the amount of Four Hundred Forty- four pollars ($444. 00) be allowed. under Contract L-7470 between the City of Saint Paul and. the St. Paul Linoleum & Carpet Company, said contract for the Installation of Asphalt Plank Floor Covering at Fourteen (14) Recreation Buildings, and said. extra to cover the following: Labor and materials for installation of 1/8�' Vinyl Asbestos Tile over existing floor tile and concrete floors in the Front Entry, Office, Hallway and. three toilet areas at Margaret Playground located at 688 Earl Street. -said work having been requested, by the Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Public Buildings, and agreement made with the contractor, and. a memorandum of said, agreement having been filed with the Comptroller and countersigned by him. Charge to 6000-609 to be reimbursed from 9770-460-015. Job #71�71. covrrciL�N DEC 16 19� Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays � Butler ��,Ci 16 191� ��. �°.-����,--�. A �� 19— Levine �1n Favor � �'° �`�. Meredith Sprafka V- yor A gainst T.e.c�ea��^ Mr. President, McCarty OEC 181971 Fa jPr��v��: ��sLrs�-�=�--- — �� Asst. Corpo° n Coun,ei