256757 i �--�- ORI6INAL TO CITY CLLRK /��U°�� �,� • CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�Nci� NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE qTE WHEREAS, ursuant to Chapter 773, Laws of Minnesota for 1971, the City of Saint Paul is authorized to issue and s�ll general obligation bonds of the City in an amount of �4, 500,000 for each calendar year during a four-year period commencing with the year 1972, for acquisition, cons truction and repair of capital improvements ; and WAEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul on December 15, 1971, by its resolution, adopted the City's Capital Improvement Budget for 1972, which Capital Improvement Budget for 19�2 contemplates the issuance of �4,500,000 in bonds of said City, Now, Therefore , be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby authorizes the issuance and sale of general obligation bonds of said City in the par value amount of �4,500�000 for the purposes contemplated by said Chapter 773, Laws of Minnesota for 1971; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that said bonds shall bear date the f ir st day of the month in which they are sold; that such bonds shall be in the form of serial bonds , a pflrtion of whick� shal�- b� -payable eaeh year after issue, but none of said bonds shall run for a longer period than thirty years ; and the Council of the City of Saint Paul sh all by its subsequent resolution fix the denomination and form of said bonds , the dates of maturity thereof, and the details and date of the sale of the same ; be it FURTHER RESOLVED� that the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to initiate preparation of the appropriate documents looking towards the sale of such bonds . FORM APPR4VED: �_. Asst. Corporation Co � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the eo�����EC 15 197� 19— Yeas Nays But�er - EC 16 1971 X��C Conway A 19— Levine �^� ::���.. —�n Favor �:.� Meredith Sprafka � yor�r.�,�,. Tedesco A gainat Mr. President, McCarty �UBLISHED DEC 18 197� �� ► _ _ _ o�.�,�,�,��,� 256'75� � � CITY OF ST. PAUL w�UNpL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ��.� COMMISSION� ^A*� irIIEB�I►�, pnr�oant to Chapter 7?3, Ls�r• oi Minae�ota ior 197i, ths City oi Sa�ut Paal i• anthori�ed to i��ns �nd ��11 sene*al oblisst�on boads ot tba City ia an aaoont oi ��,500,000 ior ��oh oslsndas year durin� a Iour-y�ar psriod ooaenoixl� rith the y�ar i97Q, =or aoqni�ition, ooa�truotion a�d r�pair oi oap ital i�proveeents; and 1�REA8, tLe Counoil oi the City et saint Psul oa Deo�b�r is,� l97i, by it• resolution� adoptsd tlrs City'� Capita� Lpror�a��t Huds.t ior 197Q� rhioh Capital Ioprove�sat Bnd��t tor 19�$ oont��plate• tbe i�suanc. of �4,540,000 in bond� oi said City, Noa� Thor�iore, bs it RESOLVED„ thst tbe Coun�o il oi tht 6ity o! Sa�nt Psnl h�r�Ly anthorise• thi i��uance and �aie ot ��n�rsl obll�a�ion bo� oi •aid City in th• par valas a�o�at.. ,p�t.�„�#,5ou,000 sor tLe porpo��• ooate�platsd by said Chapt�r 773� L�Nr ot Mianisata ior i97�; b� it FUB?�B AE3oLVBD, tbat •aid bon�L •�►11 bear da�• tlrs lir�t da���i t�e �oath in i�ioh �h�y are sold; th��-tuoh bond• �hsl1 be in the iurit oZ serial boads f e partion of whios •Nall bs ps�rabl� eaoh y�sr aitsr in s�te� bnt aone o! �aid bosel� �kal l run !or s loaser pertod thsn th�rty y�ar�; and th� Comwii oi �he City o! Saint Psnl Niall by it• rnb��qnsat r�solntioa !is th� da�t�isstian aad i�r� ot �aid boads, the dat�• oi �sturfty th�r�ot, �d th� detaila snd date oi the �ale oi th� �ais�; D� it FOItTS�B 1tESOLVBD, that ths proper oity oiiio�s� ar� b�rsby anthoriseA aad direot�d �o initiats pr�psratios oi t�� appropriate do0n��nt� lool�ia� tors=*dr ths �ale oi �noh bon��. DEC 15197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yesa Nays � Butler DEC 16 197� � � Appro�l - 19— Levine in Favor Meredith �� Sprafka � A��inat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ��