D001105a;s�- c� c�x P�Ic Fu,. & Mgmt seivlces Canary DeParttuent CITY OF SAINT PAUL • OFPICE OF THE MAYOA AD�INI3TRATIVE ORDER P'OR TID� • xo � 4105 Date: { _ V � � � ADl1�R3TRATIVE ORDER. Whereas in the matter of that certain contract l�own as Activity No. 29192 for ��WOOD-MCLEAN SEWER & PAVING C3ty Project No. 945-8096 & 94P-8078 , Danner, Inc. Con#ractor, the specified date of complel3on is November 1,1994 and the Contractor did not complete the confract by said date of compietion because � July of 1994, a heavy rain caused two starm sewers to f�il, necessitating emergency repairs. One was located at Wanier Road and the railroad tracks, and the other at Warner Road and His}►wav �ibl through DNR vronertv. The sewer failure on DNR nrapertv caused damage to thcir property and required remedial acdon unfll December 1, 1996. We have satisified all DNR requirements and the work has been completed. and it is hereby ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paui, through its Mayor, extends the time of completion to December 1,1996 and it is for liquidated damages on this project. ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul hereby does waive claim ....• •�� . ►s �• `��r .�`����.�r.. � , • •.: - • Date / � `�� —� � � �� Departrnent Head " ^ `' ' '�ai� �. (G ��5�.�"� Administrative Assistant to the Mayor � �a,� �pi I U5 '� Ribvcworxsco,�sa�caon Jo C�:B. la��� GREEN SHEET ko. 3462 � ����a� ���p o �� Daniel A. Haak 266-b084 �� cm �rro�v' p crtraeac wsreeowoawc��ma�er�iq � o�ron p �+anc�r.sEmrccsda �uvoa��ssru� �i tayw.., TALiOF81GNAT1iREPoKiES z I��u.wunoiisranaww�� QQ w�_ �z �� 'r �� �cnw �au�s�n ExBend Conhad C�pletioU Date fram Nov�ber 1,1994 Eo D�a 1,1996 xa�.woon-�cx,Enrr s� � pwvnvc; cuy �c�. 9a-s-so9c a� 9a-r-�s DEC 2 Q 1996 c�a�: n�, �. xeoou�ormonsyro�.cN«n.�tw v�xso►u�sEnv�carrrt+�czswsr� . _PUU�acz+a�s�oN_avLaEavCECOwI�ON �. Hwwav�mewrwakeawtiersmngaatoruuaaaaeranam? GBGO�YrtT� YES NO � STAFF 2. HaetliaPaaoM�meverbBanadqemptoyeeT — — YES NO —�Tp�T� — 3. �bes tltia Per�nn Poesaes aslul rotmm��N P�bY s^Y aarertt dtY empbYeeP 3UPPOFTSWHICHCOUNCl06EC71VEP YES Pp E1I�Yk11Y Y�i �tN�IS 011 fYptlM� si1Mt a110 aMiCM b�M11 �1Mt WRUTWO PRDBLBI. 139(lE. OPPOHTUNT/ (WFIO. MM1Y1T. WHEN. WHEflE MM1�- In July of 1994, a heavy rain caused two strnm sewers to fail, necessitaring emergency repairs. One was located at Warner Roed and the railcsoad Uacks, a�xl the other at Warner Road and Highway 61 through DNR property. The sewer failure on DNR properry caused damage to their property a� i+equired remedial action until December 1, 1996. We have saasf�ed alt I3NR r�equire�mts afld the work has be� completed. ,�ovu�rar�s � �vaaovEn: e time exte,nsion authorizes additio�al contract time requirefl w complete the project. �-� ���� �� � � �cC 19 199i� �"`;;"=s ,� �:���� D{SNDYAHFAGES ff APPRWED: �U718 RECEIVED JAN �.3 ���� C4TY CLERK DISMVANTA(iE5 IF NOT APPFOVED: Conuacior's work performed after Novetnber 1, 1994, will not be authorized. ,,,�,,,��„�„�„�,,: _a COBT/REVENUEBUDGETEDZqRCLEOlff) � � � �� �A ecrnm �weee [ 94-2Tfi27-0784-29192 FWANCW. INFOi9AA7pN: (O�UM) CJ w