256746 ORIOINAL TO CITY CL6RK +�j5� `�}� • CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa � < ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK H�E NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM , PRESENTED BY COMM I551 ONE ATF RESOLVED, that Frank Gaetke be paid the sum of �4,620.00 out of the Workmen' s Compensation Account of the General Fund in full settlement of his claim against the City of Saint Paul C for compensation resulting from his injury of October 21 , 1g67, while employed by the Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Fire Protection, whereby he suffered a 35% permanent partial disability to his right hand and wrist; that of said sum of �4,6e0.00, �2,640.00 has already been paid, leaving a balance due of �1,980.00, wMich i.s now due and payable. F�R AP Asst. Corpor tion COunsei COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun�lE� 1 5 �gl� 19— Yeas Nays �E� 1 � �1�7�� Butler �arlae�-- �.-�-���-�--�- A pro 19— Levine ,�n Favor Meredith Sprafka � or ,, Tedesco ASainst �`�'°� Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED �EC 1 S �9� �� DUlLICATt TO rRtN'RR 25s`746 - � CITI( OF ST. PAUL ���� NO : ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK > COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM rR�rr COMIAISSIONER DA*R AE30LVED, tha� Frank Gaetk� be psid the sus ot ��,6lt0.00 ont oi the WorloNSn'• Cotpen�ation Aaeount .oi the Geaeral Fund in inll �ettleseat oi hia claio against the City oi Saint Paul ior ooepea.ation re�ulting iro� his in�ury o! Uo�ober S1, 196�, i+hila e�ployeA by tb• Departoent o! Publie 3aiety, Hureau oi Fire Proteetion, wtiereby he sufiered a 35'� persanent partisl dieability to his right hand and arist; that oi said sus o! �4,6St4.00, �8�640.00 ha• elready been paid, lesving a balaao• aue oi �1,980.00, Mhich io nox due and payable. COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Cojancil�E C � r'J ��� 19_ Y� xa� DEC 15197� Butler �, Appro� 19— Levine Favor �Ieredith 8prafka � �Y� Tedesco A 8'�$t Mr. President, McCarty �8