256741 ; ��._ o�a.i to cit,c�e:t r • � � ��' � : _� � C E � • � ! =A , . � �-'S�;►�4� , ,� ,�J UNCIL FILE NO � O . ` / d� PRESENTED /G��2��' INANCE NO t , � , f'�'�, � � , -� � �'�"-�'---r- : �('`^'�- �iz ord�. an�e amending Ordinan No. 11490 � entitled: '°An ordiri��nce establishing; prescribing, i and promulga`zng rules and reoulations th��efo� i and authorizin.g and providing for sever�ncP pay ! measureci by bzit not based upon accumula�ted and � unused sick leave credits ta become payak�le and to be paid by the City of Saint Pai�1 to its � emplo3Tees in its Classified Civil Service anc� to ; zts employees in its unclassified exer:ipt service� ' except its elected officials ; and amending Ordin— ' ! ance No . 325027 of said Cit3-, enti��led: �An � administrative ordina.nce relating to the Civil � Service Bureau of the City of Saiilt Pau�., a�pravinb � axici adopting rules and re;ulation� �therPfor, p j ayoproved Augi�st 20, 19i4, as amended� " approved � June i2, i959, as amended. i i � i , � � . ; TH� COUNCIL OF TIiE CITY 01�� �.'-1IiV`I' PAQL DOES ORDA�?v: ! --�— � Sec+ion 1 . That Ordinance "�o . 1�L4�0 af tlie t;ity o.f Saint � Paul , �pproved June 12 , 1959, as amenclpd, is amende�3 to re�d: � SECTIOi�T 1. . j ,�_ � ; , Z'ha±, the City of Saint Paul , here•ander �xid subject and f p�arsuant tu tlie hereinafter prescribed aiid promulg�.tec� riiles axid � regulations f,l2e.reior, shall p�-�y to �,ny er�ployee �.n its Ciassified � Civil 5ervics or unclassi_fied e�empt servicei other th:zr� an elected j Ci1;y �_,i.�.icial, o:� to the estat� of any such employEe dece�sed� � upon separatior_ from th�e serviee k?y resigilation, retiretr.en�t, I � layoff, eYi�iration of leave of absence , o� deai:h; severanc�� pay � me�,sured by but not based upon accumulated and unuseci. sick leave E eredit�, � � — - � . SECT�OV 2. f i 'l,hat any such employee ? in the Classified Civil Serviee i � or unclassi�i:ied exempt serv�ice� of said City, other than a.n � elected City of•ficial, for tlle �urposes o� this ordin�nce an.d the compu�tati.on �nd determi3l�.ti.on of accumulatec! and unused siek ZP;�.`T.8 cr���±S F�Y' �;:f', iIl�^.1.riL'ai"P.u"I2a"lt, Oi SUC�I S��f;�'{.ti1iC@ TJuY y S�ld.11 ucj deemed �or the period .of hia employment to liave aceumulated i szcK leave credits at the same rate and in the same amount as ; prescr. ibed for accumul�ted sick leave credi-ts = unc3er �.nd b,y jT��rtL�� o� apblicable provisions of the Ci.vil Service Rules and ' Re�ula�tions i�ucox�l�orated in said Cityt s Ordi�2anes No. 325U�� �n�i�leel: "An ad�iiizistr�tive ordin�.nce relatii�g t� the Citri.i Yeas Couricilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Butler ' Carlaon Tn Favor Levine Meredith • Sprafka _ Against Tedeaco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � � ' City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By ��� � ; . � ' • ' ' : : ' f I � , . . ;��,�;.�; ,� • ' . '�� i �'` - �''�i�� `Z. . Se:��vice 13u�:•c>.��,u o1: the �it� of Saint Paul , �pprovixig ar,tt �clr�,�`vii�n; ru1.�,:; aiic3 �°e�rulat.ions f.herefor. , " aX►proc.ec� _�ugt�st 20, 2�}9.r� . ��;; an�e�ic.eiz. Ttx��.t he�-eu,�cier axid f�i��th� ��urposes hereof; �rovi_ �ion - i.s tuacle �or �cYie ai:�;�chment i,o tiie seve.r. al. einp)_oymen��s i.ri tizE� � CJ �.s:��i'i�c� (;i.vil S•er�T�c� aizd �to the sevez�aJ em��l.ayrr�ents in. Lhe ur►c1 ,-t�si:fit,i� e�.etr.pt� :�erv�ice: , thro�z�t�o�t the peri�cis of i;��.e sar�f� , acc«ir�u:lai.ec] s;_ck ]_ea.ve credil:s at Llir, san�e ra�E;e ��fid it� t;he sat.ie amount as i•t3�,t pr. ov i.t3cc1 to atta.cli to C1a:�,s�f ied Civi.l. Service e���pl.oyr,7ent un:c�ez• s�.ici CisTil Service Rules, without disct�imitl��tic�li. . SEC'PIO� 3. TYrat the aclmii�ist.x-ative t�lead- of. ;-<�;;� Ci.�.�L1. �>e.r�-ic:,, ,31�:r��ar� - ' �liall c�rl��,t.it,e aiic! �:�ctPr•mirie and certi :i'}' T,O t.iie d.�i��;�� Cosn}, �t �"'ol .lt.s• . . t}st� a.iriuu3:it af the - accuuiulat�,c� anei untrs�d s�c;i� lca:�e c�:ec�i ts �n:f . �+_;;�;- s2yr}i C`���ssified, Civ:il Service ��;mp1c�S��eo u��nla rris se�-��r��ti-on. � � w lrorn ��ie serei.ce , i.n ar��r �ucti case ; upc:n t �i.� ba�e:� o_f tr:F, <��'c�rE,-- ' �-, �a:i.ci . at::t�+..ctieci �,nd h�x.P,��- ca:•edi-t:ec� �.+��:�xz;,,J;'.af;°�1 si.c�� �_���.ve c,°ec?i�i,s � _ • 'c'iii.C� t,YIF� 1�SE:C� �1 i`�'iC 1E��i VE; G1""�.'t�:l G`i d'jici. I� ` ' ' . 3:',;�%3.i.3.{(` ti�;�•:1�1�, t: .�.t2?(i t:-{'C�':1L; L:i�.:iE'. 1'rort �i;he sa�ne as sii�`vn b;� i,Yie ��erti�lc:,ii#; c}i':ia_c�i<<�_ pub� i.e ��eec3.��cis co�tipiled . a�.�d ma�nt�ine:c3Y as sczcii, ij� s�:�-�ct Ci'v:i1. :se��vice Pu��e�:i�z. S�CTIC??°; t� � • Tfia.� the i�:eacf oi' t,3�e- cl��<<�� t.�!�c�n..i; sIia;_ 1 co:�!��vt:e , ��et,e.�•ir>inc, , a,nd cer. tif;�� _co t}IC� C�;-t�7 Compt,�-o�ilc;r �1��; ��:.�,��ut� +�. �T -l:t1e ��cez_;;i�L'1.�a.j�;ed � i�T2f.� l�Z.ii:>G'{t fil.C:�� .�.E�i�l'E'. l;Y''�.'C�2.� :� Ui i:tii�j :�1:tC'.:"i 1.�1?i;[cic�il���lE'Cl E;Y.C��E�) i: E;171i).�ilt"G� � i'.�3��f.. �i.L:; SG-'rl'c:2"d L10T1 �1.'USII C,}SE.' �iE.',3"�'1.C• c.'P a lIt ?1?3' :�°�i7Ci1 (;i.tcs? � upa,:i ' c 17a:�.�s o� ti�e af'or�sazd a��tac?�ed �a��� he;-E,��y ct•e.��li.i.e�. �c-ci.z�nrila�ec? szcic lea,vF:� c�•;�cPi_f,.s a3�d t.he UJC'� J.�.C;i: ��a.r•c cre�iit.? ah��,l��z�t-�.��1:, a�aii,.st �t.« �ic�czac:-i;�?�lc fr. or� i,ti� s��c;►e ��s ;�i±c��r,.x ��v �LE�+.e� p�rt�.Y:r��if, ptxi�lic r�ecor��ls i�.ci•e�iy x�=qui.�r•�r.l t.�:, . l�e c;onii�i l�;a� �:ii;��? -n�r�in-- i;;iinecl ; as si.acll ��1 t.tae depa.rtn:e.�.t , SI;C�'IOi: i . `1'ha�t in �Ll�e e�-�:i:t c�f. th� ir�c onipJ c t,en�;�s or isl�,de�u�cy, � � athe:rv:i.s�; of �ny pet��;ii,�nt publ::.:.c :�ec�rcls ���ai] a.?��e :T1�IIP, 12, �.9;��� i'c,i �.�ZS� sucl� com4i��±a-t�_cfr., cle�i;ei•r,,�_n:zti.on , �rla cer•tzii.�.�z-li.ol� U�' ' :-:cet::;?t.�7.at=e�1 �znci. u�ii?secl s?cl� 1 �;�:�Te c,rer�ii.; ��s c,i` :Iuiie 1�� , �.�-)��� ' r , � • � . . - ' , '..,. � s a i d '; ��-�.1 ��r t��.c? i3�?r e�:L:a a�° �.��� �� c.7i t, �c.�z�l i�i_s i,7�a.1;i.�-z, .,,.,�a,d o, tl�e Y�e��.d c��' t.Sie dept;:��in�r_.r�t , ���ch c�>ti��ut,�.�.1- �::->r�, �leie�°I111.Y..�iti�i�, �;zid. _ Cc'•1'.t;:i#'�.C.'c`..-i�i.oij shal_l Is�� r.1�.de �ar?c��z trz�� i a.�� E��; ,�� �t.��F. ?�f`L�r��.,::�.�_c?. r�.t,-• • . i>?�,c;}iecl ���Z+:l herei�y crecl�',ed ac;��zmt3i �:t:c;.a s�c�, l.eac-z crecli i;s �zi�ci tlle used s:iek lea,�-4: credits cha3�neai_��e. ��;���in:;� .�.ncl �ec�uet}.t�le i`r•o;3� i:.iit� s��r•ae as s���zan k?r 5uci:� i��e�a a���i1a.1:;�!.e �;ert;i:�er�t pu}:ilie T'8^U 3°C.�S tt tl(� S'1 C Y1 L'C':C��S:i c`1.7."� i�,C.fd i.�, _C�i l'i ii l ('.:?IIl�1 t� 'f E'.I,� ��LtI�� 1'81£'.V il l�l�: e� :�.ti.�r�ce as s}ial l f�e r_�;�.c�e ava�_?at�?c; . _ SEC'1'�r�?V b . �Il��;at i.�a !r�.�� c<�.-��t�i: t�£ t.i.F:: �i��li�lz �Li3 :�r� i ;� ;. k;� ���' z�r��� s��z�i� �?�I't�1T).C'3l� j3U�)�3.�' 24'C(i�'t!S �03° �lll;y Si1C',(1 :'.:Ik�'�l7'�ca�;lO21 } �f: �-t��'iilZtlti'i,"�7lyy - . . . . - . . • aa�ic3 e�rE,i�'�.cat:�:�.:.s r;f' ��.tye+usn�a�.��.i.;eci ��r��I T�n!�:�e� s�.c.: i���� i:rea.�_ t� as o� Jui��; 1�, i�)};, ��y� i;Yie <ia�:iixtist��.a.t.;_��-� t��a;? c�' saic� Ci.tiri.I St;r. ;�i�n R�r.rF,��u. ,�r �c ti��; }�e��cl of. t}ie i�.�Y�r�.ri.a�.jz�L , :iic.� �c��x��ut2.t,�.c�xa, det��x•r,i:iii��.t�ori, an.d er.,°��.; fieaLioi2 sh�.�.� i�c r,���cie upc�n �1;tie �3;.�::es o#' *,l�e a�'oresa:i� a-L�t.::i�:Iied azic3 t��ieby c:ed;.ted �iCCitG;:.il::�?.ed sici. J . . . • : . -� � , . ��`��'�`��_� Page 3. leave credits and the used sick leave credits chargeable against and deductible from the same as shown by such other necessary, competent and relevant evidence as shall be made available . `°' SECTION 7 . That in the event of the nonavailability of any such pertinent public records and that of any such other necessary competent and relevant evidence , in any such case , for the compu- tation, determination and certificj�ation of accumulated and unused sick leave credits as of June 12, 1959, hereby there shall be attached and credited to the subject Classified Civi1 Service or unclassified exempt service employee , other than an elected City official , for the measurement of such severance pay here- under: 72 days of accumulated and unused sick leave credits for each full year of continuous service after December 31 , 1940, and 5 days of accumulated and unused sick leave credits for each . full year of continuous service prior to January 1, 1941 , such � latter allocation in no case to exceed 100 days of accumulated . ,, and unused sick leave credits ; and in each such case the certify- ing officer shall accordingly compute , determine , and certi�y to the City Comptroller the amount of accur�;u;�ated and unus ' siek leave credits and the nonavailability a.�; � `�;�,,�ueh pertin. P�� . pu:bl,ic records ..a.nd �hat of ;��;t��,,other ' , �iFy compet , �','�`�.rid ,,.y �'� ,,� .:._ .��i e v��.t_ e u i�d�.�'��f Q r, �r�����!�to s e s . �., .�:-. :.,.N _ _ _ .,___. SECT�OI�T._.8 r..... - ...__. . -._ . ...... ,�,,,«�,�..,,,,�.,?::-_- x. �'.,.,�,,,� __. _ _...�. . __..,—.;�i+� �;eT.��W""..�:�� � �.;,. . � . . . � . � �'� : �.:. . . That' he�heeforth the head of each depart�ent of said City shall compile and maintain in his office publie book reeorc�s completely and accurately reflective of Classified Civil Serv3ce and unclassified exempt service employee absence from work there2n caused by sickness , injury, or other cause of sick leave absenee set forth in Section 35 F 3 of said Civil Service Rules and Regu- lations , other than absence pertaining to any such elected official and shall make full and accurate written bi-weekly reports thereon to the administrative head of said Civil Service Bureau, in respect of Classified Civil Service employees and to the City Comptroller, in respect of unclassified exempt service employees. That the head of each such department , in respect of the same and without unnecessary delay, shall compute , determine , and certify, in writing, to the administrative head of said Civil Service Bureau the amount of accumulated an`d unused sick leave credits applicable to any such Classified Civil Service employee hereunder, and to the City Comptroller the amount of accumula�ed and unused sick leave credits applicable to any such unclassified exempt service employee , as of the 12�h day of June , 1959, in each case , upon the bases of the aforesaid hereby attached and credited accumu- ' lated sick leave credits ax�d used sick leave aredits h�r�by made ��t�.r�eak�le agai�st :s�nd :de.d�a:��i,b1e therefrom, �aro:�ided that such latter requirement in regard to any such �o�t�����`'ion, determina- -- t,i.,�r,i,--and certification of accumulated unused �r�dit� applicable � _ -to any such.._�,�:.assi�ied Gi��l Service emplayee , ;as of the 12th day of June , 195g, shall not apply to any ease whe�re sick leav� ;;;:�,-, , �- ' absences theretofore had been the subject of accurate and compl��'el report by the head of the department to said Civil Service Bureat�: That the head of each such departme�.t hereafter shall compile and maintain such public book records So that the same , among other things , at all titnes , shall accural�ely and completely reflect the amount of accumulated unused sick leave credits computed and determined on the aforesaid bases hereunder in respect of such Classified Civil Service and unclassified exempt service employees therein. . ' \ . • . • , •, , . . - � ����ti t.s.,� � � ' , • ' . ;i . �'� .;�- ���I Y � Page 4. SECTION 9. Upon separation from the service by death or retirement, or after all reinstatement rights have expired following resignation, layoff or leave of absence , whieh resignation, layoff or leave of � absence occurred after the effective date of this ordinance , an employee or his estate shall be paid, as severance pay, an amount equivalent to one-half day' s pay for each full day' s accumu- lated and unused sick leave credit ; provided (a) that at the time of separation the employee has not less than sixty days of sick leave credits ; (b) that the rate of payment shall be the daily rate that the employee was receiving on the last day that he worked; except that if an employee is customarily employed under more than one title he shall be paid at the rate for the position under which he was employed the longest during the twelve months ' period immediately prior to the date when he last worked, For the purposes i of this section the daily rate shall be the bi-weekly rate divided by 10•, (c ) that no employee or his estate shall be paid se�ierance pay for more than one hundred days ��ne-half of two �� hundred days ' accumulated and unused sick leave: credits ) nor more than �3,000; however, if the total severance � pay for such one hundred days is less than �3,�700, and the employee has additional accumulated and unused sick leave credits in excess of two hundred days , he or his estate shall be paid for such additional days ' credits , but such total severance pay shall not exceed �3,000; (d) if an employee has an accumulation of sick leave credits in excess of two hundred days , he may convert any part of such excess to vacation at the rate of one-half day' s vacation for each day of sick leave credit ; (e ) the maximum number of days vacation allowed by the conversion of sick leave credits shall be no more than five days in any one year, so that the maximum vacation time which may be • taken in any one year shall be ���irt3�, -i days including the regular vacation period. SECTION 10. 1��te�;�. That upon separation from the employment service of the City of Saint Pau�l , by death or retirement , or after all reinstate- _ ment rights have expired following resignation, layoff or leave � u� absence , and which separation shall have occurred after the effective date of this ordinance , any Classified Civil Service or unclassified exempt service employee , other than an elected City official , or his estate , if deceased, shall be paid , as severance pay, an amount equivalent to one-half day's pay for each full day' s accumulated and unused sick leave credit com- puted, determined, and certified as hereinabove provided; provided . . , • . '► ' . 1 x . • � N a���.A�4y� ,t. � r� 1 � F ��.�. Page 5 . (a) that �at the time of his aforesaid separation the employee has not less than sixty days of such accumu- lated and unused sick leave credits ; (b) that the rate of payment shall be the daily rate that the employee was receiving and entitled to receive as and for wages or salary in his employment on the last day of his work; except that if an employee was customarily employed under more than one title he shall be paid at the rate of the wages or salary for the position under which he was employed the longest during the twelve months ' period immediately prior to the date when he last worked. For the purposes of this section, the daily rate shall be the bi-weekly rate divided by 10; (c ) That no employee or his estate shall be paid severance pay for more than two hundred days ' accumulated and unused sick leave credits at the rate of one-half day' s pay for each full day� s credits , nor more than �3, 000. However, if the total severance pay for such two hundred days is less than �3, 000 and the employee has additional accumulated and unused sick _ _ _ : _le��.�e ;credits in excess of two hundred days , he o� his �,state shall be paid _for such additional days credits at the rate of one-half day� s pay for each full day ' s credits , but such total severance pay � shall not exceed �3, 000. That no more than a single : claim for severance pay hereunder shall be payable to any such employee or his estate . That if any such employee or his estate shall have once received sever- ance pay hereunder, neither said employee nor his estate thereafter. shall become entitled to claim against or receive from said City hereunder, any additional severance pay; provided that this restrictive provision shall not prejudice any claim of an y such employee or that of his estate for the payment of deferred and unpaid installments of any valid sole severance pay allowance . That, despite any contrary provision hereof, hereinabove or hereinafter set forth, neither any such employee nor his estate , except in case of sep ation from employment by death, shall be eligible therefor or be entitled to claim any severance pay hereunder unless such employee at the time of his separation from said City� s employment , shall have serveci therein for an aggregate pe riod of not less . than 20 year-s in case of separation from employment by_s'treh' emt�i'1`aye�e' s�'voI`�'fita�y a�t`fon or �t�2~� �$ ��'�r�'g�tE"' peria�i of ra.ot_ less than 10 years in case of separation � from employment occasioned by expiration of fixed term of employment or discharge therefrom by action o� said City or other cause beyond such employee ' s reasonable control ; an.d provided furthe r that no such employee nor his estate shall be entitled to claim or receive payment of any severance pay hereunder , in any case where the employee ' s separation from employment shall result from his discharge therefrom, by action of said City, upon grounds of misconduct of such employee involving moral turpitude , nevertheless in any case where upon presentation of the case to it by the head , . • . �< < . � , � < - ;.� �°i-�f �, � � v`�� � ,...„ � Page 6. of the department or other City official concerned, ` charges of such type of misconduct which might other- wise be made against any such employee , in lieu of preferment of the same and discharge on such grounds , said Council by resolution may determine that such employee shall be granted leave to resign from such employment when said Council sh all find that pertinent facts and circumstances mitigate the misconduct to such a degree that its action, in the premises , is in the furtherance of justice . That for the purposes of this ordinance the continuity of any such employee ' s service in the employment of said City shall not be deemed interrupted by his transfer or change of position therein, provided that he shaYl receive no service or sick leave credit on account of any period during which he shall occupy an elective office ; (d) That for the purposes of this Ordinance, the immediate and complete separation from said City ' s employment of any such Classified Civil Service employee may be effected by his written resignation therefrom and waiver of reinstatement thereto filed with and accepted by the Civil Service Commissioner; and that when any such resignation shall not be aceompanied by such waiv�r of reinstatement , _ such eu�ployee ' s separation and`=�3igibility, if any, far severance pay hereunder, shall be deferred until such waiver of reinstatement shall have been filed or any right therefor under said Civil Service Rules and Regulations shall have expired. SECTION 11 . That the City of Saint Paul hereby reserves the right to defer its payment of any severance pay hereunder on account of any such separation from employment service occurring in the year 1959 until January 20, 1g6o. That the term "unclassified exempt service employee" or equivalent term used hereinabove shall , in each case , be deemed to designate any employee of said City other than an employee in the Classified Civil Service of said City and other than an elected City official . That no payment of any severance pay hereunder on account of any such separation from employment service occurring in the year ig6o or in any subsequent year shall be made prior to January 20 of the following year; that said City reserves the right to make payment of such severance pay on account of separations from employment occurring in the year 1960 or in any subsequent year upon a deferred annual installment payment plan or by one lump sum payment; and that such election shall be evidenced by the Resolution of its Council adopted not later than January 10 of each year, determining the method and setting forth the sehedule of payments to be made by said City of severance pay hereunder on account of the separation from the �mployment se�vice occurring during the preceding year. That in each case where such deferred annual installment payment plan shall be so adopted, no scheduled annual installment shall exceed �600 and provision shall be made �ha� death of any payee separated employee before complete . " . ' • ' � . � . y � . . � c�,y*���,�.,��� '.� � � Page 7 . l J C�� payment of amount scheduled to be paid as and for severance pay hereunder to him shall accelerate the payment of the unpaid bal- ance thereof which shall be made on the following scheduled installment payment date . That no deferred installment of sever- ance pay scheduled hereunder shall bear any interest, and in no case shall said City be or become obligated to pay any interest on any part of any severance pay hereby authorized, whether scheduled for deferred installment payments or otherwise . That , nevertheless and despite any foregoing contrary provision, when any such employee ' s separation from the City ' s employment service shall be caused by his death, any resultant severance pay claim hereunder shall be paid in one lump sum not later than January 20 of the year next succeeding such death. That despite any contrary provision hereinabove or herein- after contained, any such Classified Civil Service or unclassified exempt service employee not regularly employed by said City at least 20 hours per week for at least 12 weeks per year shall be ineligible to either claim or receive any severance pay hereunder and shall be deemed excepted from the provisions of this Ordinance . The City of Saint Paul hereby authorizes any former City eu[�ployee who is entitled to or who may be come entitled to payment _�__ of- aay severance pay p-ursuart� to- the provisions of this severance " - pay ordi�sance of th� Gi�--of Saint Paul, at the time of separation from City >employment or at any time subsequent thereto, to estab- lish witl� reference to moneys due or to become due under the terms and provisions of said severance pay ordinance a joint tenancy and joint tenancy account so that the money due under the provisions of this ordinance may be payable to such former employee and any other person or persons designated in a joint tenancy and joint tenancy account agreement as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, which joint tenancy agreement shall be filed in the office of the Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul . Such joint tenancy and joint tenancy account agreement shall be in a form prepared or approved by the Corporation Counsel of the City of Saint Paul . `Orieinsl ta Cil7 Clert � A � ' � � � �� � ��ORDINANCE . , .• , 3 • , . , G�SS`741 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � a� Page 8. Section 2 . Thi_s orc�in.�.l�zr,P is pursu�.nt to and i_n aceord-- �.nee �aith Laws 19�g, ChaptPr 6g0, Laws 1963, Chapter 72y, and Lai��s 1g71 , Rnhul�tir Sessicn, Ch��.pter .����� ancl �:ii��.11 be . ; � re�troact,.ive to Decemi�er 31 , 1970. �� �--- T Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in :T fo��.� tthirty days after its passage, approval and publication. ,��__ I -------� OEC 3 0 197� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler ��y� Conway Levine n Favor Mere�dith ,/� Sprafka (/ � Against T���° 0 E C 3 0 1971 � Mr. President Carty) A tes • ��� itq Clerk ayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By " P1IBLISHED JAN .61972 �a t�r�t� . . . _ � : . .. . .,OR ]��INAI�TCE. 25s'7�1 , -k: couNa�t�� No f-: �� a,� . ` PRESENTED :BY • � ORDINANCE NO�— , -- , An ordinanc� amending Ordinance No. 11490, � entitled: '�An or�iinanee establishing� pr�scribing� . and promulgating rules and regulations the refor and authorizing and providing for severanGe ;gay . measured by but not based upon acoumul•ated and � unused siek leave eredits to beoome payable and � to be pa�id by the City of Saint Paul to its � employees in its Classified Civil Service and to ° its employees in its unelassified exempt serviee� except its eleeted officials ; and amending , Ordin– ' ance No. 32�50�, of said City, entitled: 'An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City o� Saint Pau1, approv3.ng and adopting rules and regulations therefor, t ` approved Aug�zst 20, 1914, as amended� �� approved June 12, '1959, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF �AINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . That Ordinance No. 11490 of the City of Saint Paul, approved June 12, i959, as amended, is amended to read: ' SECTION 1. . That the City of Saint Paul, hereunder and subject �td � pursuant to the hereinafter preseribed and promulgated rulees and regulations therefor, shall pay to any employee in its Clas�ified Civi1 Service or unclassii'ie d exempt $ereice, other _than an elected City � fficial, or to the estate of any such employee deeeaaed, upon se�'paration from the servioe by resignation, retirement, Iayoff, expiration of leave of absenee, or death, severanee pay � measured by but not based upon acoumulated and unused siek leave credits. � � SECTION 2. : That any such employee, in the C1a�sified Civi1 Service � or unclassified exempt service, of said City, other than an elected City of�icial, for the purposes o� this ordinance a�:d the computation and determination of accumulated and unused sick leav.e credits for the measurement of sueh severance pay, shall be deemed for the period .of his employment to have aocumulated sick leave credits at the same rate and in the same amaunt aa pr�scribed for accumulated siek leave aredits� under and by virtue of applieable provisions of the Civil Servi.ce ftules an�i � Regul�tions incorporated in said City�s Ordinan ce No. 3250a� entitled: "An. administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Yeas Gouneilmen Nay� Paseed by the Counc�� Butler . • Carlson Tn Favor Lvewv�in�e-aL 1RI.Cl�4ilril � � � � Sro�� � � � . ��a . . . . -. . . . . . .. • Z'fl(�e8C0 , Mr. President (McCaxty') APPrnved: � Att�est: � � • City Cterk Mayor �� Form apgroved Corporation �ounael By M _ �: _ - P , �, / ;��¢�I;��_� Page 2 . Ser�rice Burea� of the G:ity c�f Saint �au? , approva.ng a.nd ad.opting � rules and regulations thErefor, " approved August 20� 1924, as amended. That hereunder and for the purposes hereof, provision is ma de fcr the attachment to the several. employments in the Classifi_ed Civil Sezvice and to th� several employments .in the unc7_assified exempt seivice , throughout the periods of� the same , accumul�,�ed sick leave credits at the same rate and in the same . amourit as that provided to attach to Classified Civil. Service eniployment undex• said Civzl Service Rules, without discrimina,tion. . SECTION j. Tl�at the �.dmini.s�tr�.tive �iead oi- said: C.ivil Service- Bureau - - - shall compute a�d dete�mine and certiiy to the City Comptr.olle�^ � -the an�ourit -of the ac;cumulated and unu�ea - sicl� Ieave credi�t;s oi � any sucli Clas�ified Givi.l Service Employee , �upon his separatioii - - ' frc�m the service , in a.ny such case , upon the bases oS �;he afore- said at�tached and hereby credzted__ac�umu�al;ed sick leave credzts aiid the used sick leave cre�its chargeable against and de3uctib7_e from the same as shown by the perti.nent offici�l public recor. ds compiled and maintainec�, as such, in said Civil Service Bureau. � SECTION 4. . `i'liat the head of the departr►ent slzall compute, determine , and certify to the City Comptroller the �.mount of the �;ecumul.a:tec3 and. unus�d sick ?ea�-e credits of any such unciassified e�empt employee , upon his separation from the service, in any such case , upor the bases of the aforesaid attached and her. eby credited ' accumulated sick leave credits and the used sick leave ciedits chargeable aga.inst ancl dec3uctihle from the sa►rie as shown by i,tie pertin�n�t public recoY-ds� here-by �equired to be compile�l and main- tained , as such in the department. SECTION 5 . That in the event of t,he incomple�eness or inadequacy . o�;herwise of any pertinent public records avail.ak�le June 12 , 19�9, for any such computation, determinat�ior,., and certification of a.ccumulated and unused sick l.eave creclits as of Jun� 12, 1959 by the administr�.tive head of sai.d Civil Sei�vice Burea.0 or by - the head of- i;he departtnen�t , such computatzon, determinati��n, and - certifi_cation shall be made upoi� �}Ze bases of the aforesaid at- tached arid hereby credited accumulated sick Teave credit�s and the used sick leave crc.dits cY:ai°geable a�ainst and deductible ' � � fro�u the same as �show�.i by " such �tYien availabl_e per. tinent publie � reeords aud such .necessary additional competent and relevant evidence as shall be made available . ' SECTIUN 5. : _ � T'hat in tlie e�-ent; of the non�vai.lanii_iiy� . of an✓� suc�z perl;ir.eiit }�ublic records f'or any� sucli cori�pilta.t:ien, deteiniination, ar�ci ee�ti.iica.�t;ion of accumulatecl ��.r�d unusEC� sick leave credits . • as oi' Jurie 12, 1g�q, by tiie adn.�nzstrat,3 ��e t��ad of saici Ci�lil Service •Bureau or by ttie ��ead ol th� �ep��,rtment , such cornput;�st;ion, determinai;ion, aiid certifi.cation. shall be macle u�on the bases of the a�oresaid at;tached and hereby credited accumulated sick _ � . ' ,� : : �r-- � ,; • n;��-a'('�� � � . � � � � �''� �� Page ' 3. leave credits and the used sicl� l.eave credi�s chargeable aga�_nst and deductible from the s�irie as sho�,�n b3T such otlier ne�ess��r•y, ' - competent and rele�rant evic�ence as shall be made availab].e . SECTION � . � That in 1;he event of the nc�navailability of an.y such pertin.ent public reco�rds and that of any suclz other necessary . � competent and relevan� evidence , in any such case , f'or the compu- tatioii, det�rminatioii and cerl;ificiation of accumulated and unused sick le�ve credits as of �Tune 12, 195g; tiereby there shall be attached and credited to the subject Clas:sif.ied Ci_vil Service or unclassified exenipl; s�rvice employ�e , other t;h.an an elected City of.f'i�ial, for° -�;he n�F� as�trement of suc11 se.��erance p�.y here- under:_ I�- days of accumul�:�ed and unuscd siek lea��e cr•edits _ �'ar e�,ch fi�ll. year of' coriti.riuous service af Lex Decemlier 31 , 1940,. ahd 5 d�,ys of accumulated and unused sick lea.ve credi�i;s . �'or each ful7. year of continuous service prior to Januarv 1 , 1941 , such latter al.locatiori in rio ca�e to exceed 100 davs of. accumulated and unused sicic leave credi.t.s ; and i.n each such. case the certify- ing officer shall accordiii�ly compute , determine , and cer�ify to the City Gonipt}°oI �_er tlie amount of accumulated and unused sick leave credits and the rionavailability of any such �ertin�e t public records and that of such o�her necessa.ry competent�''and relevant evidence for saici purposes . " SECTION 8. That hencefortll the tiead of eacti c�epar•tment of said City shall compile ana maintain in his o�fice pub)_ic book records completely a�.d accurately reflective of Glass�_#ied Civil Sereice and .unclassifi.ed .exempt service employee �,bsence from �,tork therein caused by sickness , ii3jury, or other eause of sick le�,ve absence ' set forth in Sec�ion 35 F 3 of said Civil S�r. vic�e Rules atid Regu- lations , othe� tiian a,bsence per. taining to any such eiected o�f;_c :ial_ and shall. make full and accurate wri�;teri bi-tiaeekl,y reports the i eon_ to the administrative head of said Civil Service Bureau , in respect of �Iassified C�vil Service employees and to tYie City Comptroller, in r_ espect of unclassiiied ex�mpt service empl.oyees . That t�ie head of each sucli departmen�; , in respect of the same an.d wii;hout unrecessaxy delay, �hall compute , det�rmine , and certify, in writing , to tt�e aclmini.stratzve head of sazd Civil Service Bureau the �,moun�t of •accumulated and unused sick leave cred.its applicable to any such Cl�.ssified Civil Service employee hareunder, and to the Ci1;y Comptroll.er the amour�t of accumulatec� �nd unused sick leave. credits appl.icable �Lo any such u.r�classif.'i�d exempt service employee , as of the 12th c��,y of June , 1959, in each case , upon the bases o� the aforesaid her. eby atl�ached aF?d crediteel accumu- lated sick leave credits and used sick leave creelits hereby made chargeable_ against and dedu��t;ible therei'roin, provided that such latter reciuirement � iii regard to ��,ny such �om�utation, determina- tion and certification of accumu7.ated u�used credits ap�licable � to any siich Classified Civi� Service emplo,yee , as of the �2th d�,y of June , 1959, stiall nut a�ply t,o acYy ca.s.e wtiere sicl: leave absences therei�o#'ore. Y�ad �ee;� tYze subject of 'accurate anc�� complet;e � . re.por.t by the he ad o.f the departmen t to said Ci�ril Service Bureau . � Tliat i;he head of each sucYi �epart►uen•t herea�ter shall compile and maintain such public boai: records so that the same , among other i;hin�s , at a� l i;iuies , stial7 accurately an� conipletely refl.ect the amount of �.ccun�ulai-ec� UT111Sed SiCk 1.P_.�iVe C�'edi1;S computed and det;ermineci on 'the a�oresai�l bases 1�e reunder� in respeci; of such . � C.I-ri.ss-ii'ie��� � Civil Sc��Y���i.�:,E� �iii�l•�utte.lt�ssi.fiecl ecem��t se��•vi.e�. � emjf7c��fe.es � t}i e�°c�i t3. � � . ,.��� ���{ -� ' � ,.c�� (!�..w: PF3�� ' li. � SECTION 9. Upon sep�.ration fro� the �service k�,y dea.th or. retirement , or after all reinstatement rights have e�pi.red following resignatir�r�, layoff or leave of abser�ce , which resig;na�ion� layoff or leave of absence occurred af�;er the ef.fective date o� this ordinance , �,n employe� or. his estate shall be paid, �.� sev�rance pay, an. - amouni� cqui.valent -to one-half day! s pa3� for eacl� ful_1 day' s accumu- - lated and unused sick, leave credit ; providecl (a) that a�L the time of separation the emplc3y�e has nai; less than sixty days of' sick� leave credits � (b) that t�he "rate o� payment shai:l be f;he d��ily rate that the em��layee was receiving on the Iast day that Yie . � worked;� exeept i;hat ii' an �mploye�e is customarily employed uiider more t;han onp title he shal ]. be �aid � at the, rate i'or the posi�i�n under whict� he was employed the longest dux•ing the twe.lve months ' period itmm�di_a.tely prior to the d�.�,te when he last worked. For the pl�r�oses of this sectican Lhe daily rate shall be thc b�.-wee3ily rate divided b;T 1�1; (c) that no employee or hi� .estate shall be paid sever.ance pay for rr►ore th�a,n one hundred days (one-half of two hund.red days ' accumulated �ncl unused sick leave credits ) nor more than �3, 000; howe��er, i.f the tota.l se��erarice pay for such one hundred days is less thari �3, 000, a�id the employee llas additional ac�umul��ted and unizsed sick-lnave credits in e�_cess of two hundred days , he or his estate shall be paid for• such addit i_onal days ' credits , bui� such tota� severance pay shall not exceed �3, 000; (d) if an �mployee has an accuniulal;io�1 of sick leave credits in excess of two hundred da.ys , Yie may conve.rt any pat�t oi' such e�cess to vacation at the rate of one-�half day' s vacation for each day o� sick ].eave credit ; � • (e ) the tuaximum number of days vacat;ion allowed by the conversion of sick leave credits shal.l be no more than five days �n any one year, so that tYze maximum vacation ti.me which may be taken iri any one year shall be thirty � c�ays iz�cluding the regular vacation period. " 5ECTIUN 1.0. That, UUOIl separation �rom the empJ oyment� service of the City of Saint Paui , i�,y de�th a.r x�etirement , or altKsw al_�i reinsta.te- • ment rights ha��e expired folla�vin.g i�esi�;n�.l,ion, layoff or. l.eave o� absence , and �.vhich separation �hall. taa,ve occurred after. the eFfective date of t;his flrdinance , any Cis�.ssi.fied Ci�vil. Ser. vice or unclassified exempt service employee , c>tYier than an. elected City o:fficial , or his estate , if deceasec�, shall be paid , as se��erance p�ly, an an►eunl; equival.ent to one-half day's pay for each full day ' s aecumulated and unused sick leave credit com- puted, determined, and certified as hereinabove provided ; provided �'���'�'!�:� Page 5 . � - (a) that ai; tYie ti.nie of his aS'ore.saic� separation the " • employee ha,s no�L less than sixty d�.ys of such accumu- - lated and unused szek leave credits ; • - (b) that �the r��te of payment sha:Ll. be tYae da:ily rate that the employee was receiving anci entitled to receive as and fiox�. wages or salary iaz hi.� ernployment on ttie lasi� day of }�is �aork; except th.at if �,n emplo�ee was cus�;omarily employed uncler more tlAari one ti�tl.e he shal]. be paid at the rate of. t��.e wa�es or. sal�r,y Yor the position under which he ���as employed i;he Iongest during the �welve mnn�LYis ' pei iod i.mmediate]_y pi i.o�° to the date �,��l�en he last ivorkecl. For tlle pur.�oses oi' _ this s•ectio,:i, the d.ail,y rate sl�all be �;he bi-���eels_1.3= . rate c�i.vided Uy= 103 (c ) Tha.t, no employee; or hi.� es�;ate silall be pazd sLVer•�nc�� � pay f'or more �than two liun.c�red da��s ' acclrmulated and. unused' sick leave credits at �;he rate of one-h�,l.f. � da,y' s pay for, eacli full d��,y� s credits , �xor more than �3, OOU. � Howeeer, if the total severance pay fer such #wo hi�ndrez� days is .less �;tian �3, U00 and the employee hhs additional accum�tated �nd unus���ick � leave credits iY� excess of �t��;o hundred days , lie or � his estate shall be paid for such �.c�di.�: iona]_ days ' � �credits a1; the rate o� one--l�a:t_f clay � s pay far each . full day � s credits , bui:. such total severance pay shali noi; exceed :�3, 000. That .no mor.e than a si_ngle claiar fQr severance pa5� heieu�lder shall be p�.yable to any such emp].oyee or his e�tate . That if any sucti � er�ployee or his esta�;e shall have once recei�ed sever- i - ance pay I�ie.reunder, neit,her. said employee nor his ` estate thereafter shall become entitle� to claim against or receive from said Ci�Ly her°eunder, any � . addit ianal severan.ce pay; provided tI7a1; this restrictive • provi_sion shall not pre judice any claim of any such , employee or t��at �f his est�.te �'or the paymen�; of . deferred and unpaid ins�tal.7_ments af any vali.d sole _ severa.i�ce pay allowance . TYiat , � despite any contra.ry provision hereo�, Ii�reiizab�ve or hereinafter set for. th , neittier any such employee nor his esta�t;e , except in case of separa�ien from em�loy�ent; by de�:th, shall be eligi.bl � 't�ierefur� or be entitled to elaim any se�Teraxice� pay hereunder unless 5uch einpl�yee �.t ttie Lime o� his separ;ai,ion f'rom said �ii;y' s e�nplaymerzt , s�iall have served therein for ari agg�•�g�,te peri�d of not less than 20 years in case o� sepaiat�an from employment by such einpl_oyee ' s vc�luntar5° act:i�n or f.or an a�gregate . � period of not le.ss t�han 14 ,year� in ca.se of separation � from emp.loyment oceasioned b�� expir�.tion of fixed te.rm of empioyuient• or discti�,rge ttierefrorrc l�v ac��i:�n o(' �a.i�l . City or other cause beyond. such emplayee ' s reasonabl.e. control ; and provided further that no such employee nor �hie estate shall be ealtitl�;c3 to claim or receive • payment of' a�y severance ��ay Yieretai�c�eaA , in any cas� � ` where ttie em��loyee ' s separa�f;i.on froni em�l.oyment shall. result from his discYiaz�;e 'therci'rom, by action ot sai'd . Ci.ty, upon �rounds of misconc3uc�; of such emp]_oyee ' involvin� moral turpitude , nevertheles5 in any case � � where upon presentai,ion of the ca.se 1;o it by 1;�ie head � � r���;� .,:. � , _.`� Page 6 . � _ � of the departmen�t or othe.r •f;ity. official concerned, - - charges of such type of miscorc�uc t �hich nright; o�;her— wise be made agai.nst any such �rril�3oyee , in lieu of pref�rn�ent of' the same and ��.ischarge on such grounds , said Council. by resolution 7ia.y determine that• such � �employee shall be granted leave to resign from such � emplQyment when said Coian�il shall. �'ind tl�at pertinent facts' and circL�mstances mi.tiga�;e i;he mis cond�lo� to such a degree thai, its action, in 1,he premises , is in tiie furtherance of justice � That for the purposes oi' t,his ordinance •the continuity of a,ny such employee ' s service in the� employment of said Cit;� sh��ll not be deemed ' intex-iu�ted 'by his transfer. or c�ian�e of posi�:ion � therein, �prat�ided that tze shall recc.,ive �o servic�e or sick I-c=��ve credit on account o1' a.ily per io�l dux•in�: • . . �vlii�h Yie sYi�all � �ccu��y a,i� elect:iVe o:f#'iee ; � • � (�d ) Ti�at i'or the� purposes of. this Or. dinr�.nc� , t.he i�nmedia�;e ,- anct complete �eparation from saic? City ' s einp]_oyment • oi any sucl�i Classifiecl Civil. Sexvice eiaiplc�yee may be � etfected by h�.s wri_tten resigna�t.i�ri t.herefrom �.nd waiver of reinstater�ent therei;o fi).e�i witki and acce�ted by the Civil Service Comm�.ssioner ; �nd that hltien any such resignatioi�. shall not be �,ecompai�ied 'ay sueh , waivQr• of reinsta.ten�ent , such emplo,yee ' s separati.on � and eligibility, if any, for se�erancP pa.y- llereunder, shall be deferred until sucki waiver of rei.nstateiiier.�t , sY�a11 have been fil-ed or any riahf; the refor under said Civil Service Rules and Regulat�_ons shal.l h�ve expired . � SECTION 11 . That the City af Saint Paul• hereby� reserve.s the right to defer ii;s payment of any severa.xice .pay. hexeurzder on �ccozil�t �f any sueh separa�tion from emp].oynient ser•vice occurring in the year , � 195y until January 20, 19b0. That tlae terni "unelassified e�empt - service employee" or equivalent i�e.rm' used hereinabo•ve sliall. , •in each case , be deemecl to dPSignate any empl.oyee of s�,id Ci-ty • other- -than an e�npl�yee in the . Classified Civil Servic�e of said � . City and othe.r tYzan- an elee�Lec3 Ci_ty official. . - ' ' � That no payme-nt of any severan� e ��ay hereunder on acc•ount of any such- separa.tion �rom ei;�ployment service occuz�r�ing in the year 1g6o or in an.y subsequc�nt year slia�l be m�.de praor to January 20 of the following year; tha1; sa_�cl City' 1�5B34T@S the right to • make payment of such severance pay �n• a.ccou�t oj' separation� irom � employment occurring in tl�e year 1960 or i.n �.r�y sub�e�uer�t ye�+r upon a defc�rred aiinual i.nstallme�l; pa.yniPnt ��l:an or �,y-. oz;e lump sum paymeiit, and tha�; such electi.an shall be evidencecl by tlZe Resolution oi' its �ouncil adop�ed riot Iater Lhan J�nuai°y 2� of eact� y�car, determining t11e metl�iod and setting forth. the setzedtal.e of paymenl; s -t� be made by said Ci�;y �f severance payr t�ereunde�� on account of i;rie. separ•a�:ion �r:om ttie employment service occur:rit�.g. duriazn �l;he precec�ing ye�,r. �hat in e?�.ch case whez�e sucli c�.�f'err�d � � annual in5tallment' pay'metit pl.an •s.hal.l �k�e s.� adopte.d, no• schecluled annua7. ins tallment shall excee.rl �600 �,nd .�rovi sion stial.l be made that deal;h of ari,y payee separated. empl�ye� before complete � , • . . � . .��y��,�..� � � Pabe 7 . payment of ameunt schedu_led to be paid �is arid' �or severa�ce pay . hereunder to him shall accelerate the r►aymetit af tlie ui�Paid bal-� ance the reof which shall be made on t�ie fo ilc�wing scheduled installment pa�Tment date . That no deferred i.nst�,llrr�ent of sever- ance pay scheduled hereunder shall bear any irzter. est, a.nd �_n no case shall said City be or.• become obl.igated t.o pay �,n� interest on any part of any severan�e pay hereliy authorized, whether scheduled for def.erred ir�stall.meizt payments o�r o'therwise . � That , • • nevertheless a.nd despite any foregoing contrars�- provision, when a.ny such ernploSTee ' s separation from the Ci.ty ' s employment service sh�.�.l be eaused by his d�atli, any r. esultant seve�allce pay claim hereunder shall be paid in one lump sura• not later than January 20 of the ye�r next succeedin� such death. ' � . - - That des�� te an,y con�trary pro�Ti.sian h-�rein�.bove or tierein.- - a#'1;�r c�ntaine.d, --any �such Gl�ssifi�d Ci�c�i1.� Ser��iEe �r urdclassified � � . . e�etnpi, serv3ce empl ayee not regularly en:ployed by said City at least 20 hours per week for �,t least; 12 �a�eks_ per y-ear shall be ineligible to eitner claim or receive any se�Terance pa3� 12ereunder � and shall �be deemed e�cepteci from the provisiotis o_f this. Ordinance . � Ttie City of Sai_nt Yaul hereby autYiorizes any i'ormer City ernployee who is entit]_ecl tv or who may become entitled to paymerit of any severance pay pursuant to the provisions of this severance - pa,y ox�diilance o!' tlre City oi' Saint Paul, dt t�ie time of separation from City emp]_oyiuent or at any time subs�eqtaent t1l.ereto , t.o estab- lish with r.eference to moneys due or 1;o become due under ��he _ terms and p,iovisions of said s�ver.allce pa.y c�rdZnance a joint ten�.ncy a�ld joint tenar�cy account so tha�i; the money due under the provisr ons of th is ordin�nce may be payab��e �o such fornter employee and any other person or persons de�:igriated in a joint . tenancy and joint teriat2cy accaunt agreement as joint• tenants and not as tenants in common, which jc�int tenancy agreement shall be filed in the offi.ce of the Comptroller• ol tYz� City of Saii�t Pau7. . Such joiYit i;en.ancy and joint t�nancy account agreement shall be 'in a, form prepared or appi�ved �y the Corporation Counsel of the City of Saint Paul . . . � DyHesa a�!a � , - j ` I � � �- �o � �► z N � ��!�c � �s��� C4UNCIL HI.� ND _ PRESEPIT BY ��I J v D y �I�tNINANCE NO � �,� i ;; . _ '��6t 8• �+f i Section 2 . This ordinance is pursuant to and in accord- anee with Lak�s 1959, Chapter 6�0, Laws 1g63, Chapter '729, and Laws ig'71 , R�gul.ar Session, Chapter 599, arld siiall be retroac�ive to Uecember 31 , 1g'70. _ ___ _.---- __ ----__. _ stetios 3• rYi�r �rainsace ahall� �. etrseat aa�i ti. i� iuree �birty da�►a aitsr its pas�a�s� aP�r�rira►1 aoi ��tiliaati�s. � , , �; ; � , t : ; . � �� �, i .i,l r. , � �� ���� � � k.i � �. , ��,,.,.�N.� � . .. , , I�',I . � . � . , .,.,,.:1 . . - �.,-..�li'� .. . . �., �E I�'��. . - . . � � ' li{.�', . I� . . . �:..I.,� IJ III'' : i I� ' . - i����.� � i . �.,;�,,.�, . Iii � .. �'���„ . . II�' � OEC 3 0 19� I;,I Yeas Councilmen Naye Fas�ed l�l:`the Counc; Butler � �L�, o�c �.sMS� ', '' � � n Favor �eredith Sprafka '�_ c7 AgAinet �. ��t c��►� DEC 3 0 19T� A�nea: ; ; Attest: , . ,� City Clerk � �ay� �� Form approved Corporstion Counsel By I k . i: , � � � � , ; � , � . . . , _ ° � Commissioner moves to amend Couneil File No. 256741 as follows : That Section 9 of Section 1 thereof, subsection (e ) is amended to read: (e ) the maximum number of days vacation allowed by the conversion of sick leave credits shall b� no more than five days in any one year, so that the maximum vacation time which may be taken in any one year �hall be thirty d�ys including the regular vacation period. Further, that Section 2 of said Council File No. 256741 is amended to read: Section 2. This ordinance is pursuant to and in accord- ance with Laws i959, Chapter 690, Laws i963, Chapter 729, and Laws 1971, Regular Session, Chapter 599, and shall be retroactive to December 31, 1970. D@C• l�f �970 Hon. Wm. E. Carlaan CQmsr. af Public Works Building Dear Sir: The Council laid over one year to Aee. �.5, 1,�71� Final Order� in the me,ttera of opcning, w�dening and e�cpandin� the inter- gection af Wabash and RmymYand� #.mproving Hampd�n f'rom Wabash to Univers3.ty, and imgroving Wabash fram Cromw�el.1 to Cleveland. Very truly yt�urg' C3ty Clerk AQ/ng I Dec. 15, 197� Hon. Rosalie L. Butler Comsr. of Finance Buildin� near r�iaa�nm: The Council laid over one year to Dee. 15� 1971� Final Orders in the matters of opening, widening and e�e�n,ding the inter- section of W�bash tannd Raymand� improving Iiampd,en from Wabash � to Universit�� eiad impxoving Waba,ah fro� Cromwell to Clevelen�d. Please send notices to property owner� as requi�red by law. Very tr�aly your�, Gity Clerk ao/n� t st �� � • . • , ' 2nd / � . . , r� �• Laid over�to /� �'� _ 3rd and ap dopted � Yeas �01�.�„� Nays Yeas �Z/ Nays r 3 � �;��� ���� Butler �$utler , .��:�,4� - � , Carlson � �6erhert�C Or�a� �/ R� Levine ���`�c� � `\Levine ! - Meredith � eredith Sprofka ' �prafka 4 Tedesco �edesco � Mr. President McCarty �vlr. President McCarfy O