256729 OriQins!to City Clerk � ORDINANCE 'S�7�� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED B ORDINANCE NO. �� 'T AN ORDINANCE SETTLING THE CLAIM OF VERNON I�. KING AGAINST THE CITY OF SAINT PA!!L THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIN7 PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper C�Ity afficers are hereby authortZed and dtrected to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund 0035-421, to Vernon W. King, the sum of $15Q.00, in full settt�nent of his claim of damages sustained on or about September 22, 19�1, as more particu- Yarly set out it� a canmunication tio the City Councit on October 19, t971. Section 2. That said sum sha11 be pafid to the said claimant upon his executton and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for ail damages sustained in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. That this ordinar�ce shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publ�ication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council D E C 2 9 197a� ���b��`� � Tn Favor � Levine x Meredith (,1 Sprafka � �g�inst T���° DEC �� 197i Mr. President cCart ) d. A s C" lerk �� Form approved Corporation �ounsel By ` pUBLISHED DEC 31 197' DqHett�b Prhtu � , , "' ORDINANCE ��;��g COUNCIL HLE NO- PRESENTEQ BY ORDINANCE NO /'rO0 AN ORaIt1ANCE SETTI.ING THE CLAiM OF VERlION W. KING AGAIt�tST THE CITY QF SAIrR pAt)L. THE COtNiCIL OF Ti� CITX tfF SAINT PAtR. G4ES ORtMIN: �ction 1. That the prope� Cfty ofttqrs ar� t�by a�thErris�d aad diracted to p�►y a�t of the ?ort L1abi14ty Fw�d 0035-421, to Yeraon N. King, the su� of �150.00. tn fd11 settlNeat af h1s cla1� of da�sga�s srst�iMd on or abont Septearber� ?.�, 1l71, as �ore psrticd- i�rlY set tw� ia a ca�aAication � Lhe City Co�+cil on Octobu' 19, 1971. Sectioa 2. That sald suA shs'I1 be paf� to the aaid cla�at upon his executlon a�d delivtry of a rel�ase 1• fwll to the Ct�t,yr, in a fon to b� appror�d by t�t Corpvration Cou�si, for all da�ag�a. sastsinad tn the �an�ar at�esaid. Section 3. That this ordinanc� sha11 take effect a�nd b� in force tfitrty d�rs st'tsr its passage, approrat and prbl tcatioe�. ° OEC Z 9 15�1 Yeaa Councilmen Naya Paesed by the n�i� �^ ���� Tn Favor s� � A►$!AlIlBt Tedesoo a�. President (�cCafty) Anproo�: DEC 2 9 19?� Att�t: City Cler�c �ayor �� , Form apprnv� Corpora�ioa �ounsel By , /.�. / 2 1 st � ' 2nd Laid over to '� ��� 3rd and app dopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler .—$otF�'--- Carison ` 1���.�t "�. , Levine _�evine Meredith l�Vleredith Sprafka �'Sprafka Tedesco `Tedesco �J Mr. President McCarty Mf. President McCarty O