256722 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHRK . /�U�!� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL �� ,."� , F��E NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSION � ATF RESOLVED, B the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that beginning January 1, 1 �2, pursuant to the provisions of Resolution of the Council, Council File No. 231269, adopted December 22, 1966, the following designated qualifying pay periods and the following designated dates shall be applicable for payroll deductions for the City�s Health and Welfare and Insurance Program for the year 1972: Insurance Deductions to be made on Month Qualifyi.n� Pay Period followin� paydays Covertd Dec. 25, 1971 through Jan. 7, 1972 �Jan. 21, 1972 January Jan. 22 through Feb. 4 Feb. 18 February Feb. 19 through Mar. 3 Mar. 17 March Apr. 1 through Apr. 14 Apr. 28 April Apr. 29 through May 12 May 26 May May 27 through June 9 June 23 June June 24 through July 7 July 21 July � July 22 through Aug. 4 Aug. 18 August �.. Sept. 2 through Sept. 15 Sept. 29 September � �; Sept. 30 through Oct. 13 Oct. 27 October W .� ��;�, Oct. 28 through Nov. 10 Nov. 24 November > � :._ Nov. �5 through Dec. 8 Dec. 22 December ...�� � be it ?�;s U•- . �"•-' -: ,.s; ��� FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby directed � , Q; to transmit to the City�s Health and Welfare Insurance carriers copies �,-�-` � of this Resolution. OEC 141971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Naya DEC 151l7� Butler �,��,���,t Ap ove 19� .,� Le�ine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka J or Tedesco ASainst Mr. President, McCarty D E C 1 $ 19 7� \ PUBLISHED � � DUTLICATt TO lRIN7�t � � ����� , CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO - , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' PRB@ITED tY � COMMISSIONEQ �AT� +���il�� � � �� 1�Ml11►� ��.+�`� � . +�� �� '�`���'�11!'��1�M � !�`+�A�. �����w�wll�e�i, 1���r l�ts. �l�i�l. �i����l'.��► 1!!ii►. � � p D�'i� +�.�� . �► ���ir��� . �rx��I i����� �#�►��+w�'� �i''�"a�►s rrt�i����� ��r�'�t�+�►t;t'!�� �rrs�a���sW�s . #�►i� � ak �► � li�i�rr�ut�� . ��.. ��rc. �i. �'!'�'� �►� " �ao�. �'1. 3� i�ar, �!, �I1�2 �s�a�► ��i.� � i�!�t!�. � . �F'�1r. �U �"���ryl l�'�. �! �ia�r.3� ]w�ue.-�'�. �r�r►� � �s. 1 ������. 11 �pt. � , ��• �9 �M�+r�i�i�ts� 1-� , l�r�r ii i�!�dr� ! �'�p�ar► �. � �S 2� �p�►�` `� �' � � : �X �'�'���i► 4 . A��� �il, � , �. =�t ���l. 1� � �!# , '�.'�#!�k�lh�f�. 1'� �► �" 0��1�' , r' f�+�.' � �1M�W�ll�rwa �• : �. � �rrr. ��►.�1►�'�►�wa. ! �. � �►��ea�rst _ �#� . ��'i"� ����z '�i�► �! �� #� �re�qr.:+l��wt �1��#l�s`��s �� �wt r►a�► ��ir+�s �r s�'�r► �+r�r�. OEC 14197'1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Couac;> >8— Yeae Nays Bu.�� OEC 151�7# �.. Approv� 19� �°� Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka �� A arAinat Tedegco Mr. President, McCarty �� nec. 15, i9't�. �.T1X1@$O'FiF� Tndemnity�, �1C� 3535 Blue Crass Raad St« Paul, Minneaata Gentlem�n: Enclosed is �. certifisd copy of Council File No. 256'�'22 adopted Dec. 14� 1971' desi@�nating qualif,yring p�,y peridda snd dat�� for payroll deductions for the City"s Heal,th and Welfare e�nd Insurance Pi%gram f or the ye� 3y72. Very truly yaurs� • C3�y CZerk n� Dec. i4, 1971 St. Paul Tnauraa�ce Companie� . 38g washin;gtan st. St. Paul, Minn�sota G�ntl.emen: Enclosed is a c�r�tifie�d aca�y c�P Gbunail File Na. 2g6722 adopted Uee. 14� 1971� des�.gnat3ng quali�ring pqy periads and dates far p�yrol]. deductiana fo� the C�.ty'� Hea].th and Wel�'are ar�c� Insurance Program for the ysar 1972. Very truly yours, . , City C1erk � Dec. 15, 1971 M�nnesota Mutual Life insurance Cc�. 3�+5 Cedax St. St. Paul� Minnesota Gen;tlemen: Fnclos�d is a certified copy of Counci.l. I`i�e No. 256722 �.clopted Dec. 14, 197�-: designatir� qtxalif"yic� pay period.s and d�,t�e for payroll deductions for the City•s� Health �nd W�elfare atad Insur�nce Program Par the y�ar 19'T2. Very truly youray C�.ty Clerk n8 Dec. 15, 1971 Minnesota Hospit�l S�rvice Associat3on 3535 Blue Cro�a Road St. Paul, Minnesota (.a�A'�1.C1t1E'Yl e Enclo�ec� �.s m eert3.fied copy of Coundl. File No. 256'�22 adopted Dec. 1�, �,q'T:�., designating qualiPyin� pay Periods and datea for p�}rra11 d;eductiptte Por the City's Health and Welfaxe ar�d zn�urance T'�o��m for the year 1972. Very �ru1y yQUxs, C3ty Cle�k ng December 15s �971 Group He�J.th Plan, Inc. 2504 Como Ave. St. P�ul, Minnesota G�nt�emen; Enclosed is a certified copy af Counc�.l File No. 256�22 adopt�c� Dec. 1�+, 1gTI, des�gna�in8 �Y��`y'��3 ��Y �er�.pds �nd dates for pa,yroll deduG�tian� for the �ity's Health and Welfar� aad Insurance Progr�n for the y�ar 1.972. Very truly yours, City Clerk ng