256719 o=tetA.t�c�t,c�e:k � � ORDINANCE `5�;��� COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO �b An ordinance amending the �oning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Pau1, as amended. THE COUNCTL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL D4ES O1�DAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Distriats, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following described property from "A" Residence District to "C-1" Residence District, to-wit: Westerly 75 feet of Lot ? and the westerly one-half of Lot 8, Block 1, Hudson Road Gardens; situate on property located on the northeast corner of Wilson Avenue and Luella Street in the City of Saint Paul. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. B ' DEC 29 1971 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council �le�- � � � �n � Tn Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka d l�Againat T��� a s �s�t Mr. President (M ) t t: i Clerk yor �� Form approved Corporation �ounsel By � �- . PUBLISHED OEC 31 19 � a.�a a r�.t� . � � ORDINA �TCE ���,� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.��b 1111 os�listaa� a�q tiat Zawi� t�Od�s, Cbapt.�s'� b0 ta i4, taa111siv+s. ot �a �aai�t l��1 �talatirr� Co�• !i►�c�aisi�q to 'i� t�istsiat�, �iqh! Dirt�c�t�t s�l! �o�i�q ot �r�i� p�ifs ia t'1� Cit� ot Saiat ta�3� as ass�d. '!'�i �IL E� !!i C3'�'! O� S�I!! ll�L D�S �It: l�Ct3�n 1. S'�# th� �t�tsaq Cod�• C'�sPt�s� i@ t� i4• iaetl�si�nr, of t� Ssist l�rl i.s�islsi�irr�s ��� pr�rtaiat3a� ir� �r. l�istrictrs. a.s+�t Dssts�et. a�t �.s�saq +Qf ea.�ctais p�'ti�s ia tl� CitY o! �aiat la�l� as a�d. I�t aed th� s�s is hs�b� i�ucti�s �d so as ta► s�a�r tLr� lolltwiaq ��eriwd �s�op�tstt l�s� "�• l�si�o� �istri+ct to "4�1• �t����O� ���l3RZt� tR��11ti MM�ltl� ?5 t!r'C a+�` LO'C 7 i�d !� �at�rlt �-h�i! a! Lot �� �1� , , 1, Aad� �oid i�etd�s�r �i�vafi� oa p�st� It�at�e'1 e�a t� �ort�ast vo�rn�s �# ittlsoa a..s�r aaid r�r.lia, stzwt is th• �ity of s�t la�tl. �atlos 2. lhi� oriia�e� a1�a11 ta�+� �!'!�t aad D� ia lora� t�ist� �30� da� ls+o� a�rd at�uc its �s. ipps�ra�. awd ,pi►1lait�aa. pE� 2 9 18.7�i Yeas Councilmen Nays Paeeed by the Counci� -�tit� - � ' � n Favor Levine Meredith SpY'&fkR Aaan;nat oEC �9197t Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: - Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Couneel By BOAAD OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION October 21, 1971 Plat Map �� 42 Acting under Legislative Code Chepter 60 thru 64 . passed August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. File No. 7233 1. APPLICANT'S NAME : Ralph C, and Bethyl E. North (R. William Rei11y) Also 2. CLASSIFICATION : � Amendment � Appeal � Permit a Other X1110 3. PURPOSE , Rezone property from "A" to "C-1" Residence for X density and parking availability. 4, LOCATION , Northeast corner of Wilson Avenue and Luella Street 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: �lesterly 75 feet of Lot 7 and the westerly one-half of Lot 8, Block 1, Hudson Road Gardens 6• PRESENT ZONING . ��A�� Residence 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64 Section• •06 Peragraph: 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: Date• �ctober 14, 1971 gy; PLR A. SUFFICIENCY: In a letter dated 9/30/71, the Conanissioner of Finance declared the petition sufficient with the owners of seven (or 70%) of a possible ten tracts having signed the petition. B. HISTORY: There is no zoning history for this site. C. PROPOSED USE: The petition requeata a rezoning to a "C-1" Residence District "for the purpoae of derisity and patking avaiTability on the sub�ect site." U. FIZON'i'ACh AND AItk;A; The property ha� a fronta�e of 240 feet along I.uella Street and an area of 26,832 aquare fe�t. Ee AREA ZONING: A "C-1" Residenti8l District exists across the street to the west. The area in the block im�nediately south is "C" Residential and Cammercial. This block and those west and north of it are zoned "A" Residential. F. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; The Comprehensive Plan calls for low-density residential use of this site with Luella Street and the area west of it used for a slope preser- vation parkway. G. SITE CONDITIONS: The topography of the site is irregular but slopes generally down- ward to the north and west. The site is vacant. H. AREA CONDITIONS: The terrain alopes abruptly upward ,just north and east of the aite to Conway Street and Ruth Street reapectively. These slopes are wooded. The terrain slopes less abruptly downward to the weat where an �artment building is located. Vacant land exists north of that apartment building. Another apartment building exists on the southwest corner of Wilson and Luella. The area east of that apartment is vacant. 9. BOARD ACTION: To Reconunend � ppproval � Denial Council Letter Dated• Moved b Yeas 11-19-71� Y � Cochrane NayP X Amea - Ch. Date of Seconded by: Benshoof X Cochrane Hearing: McPartlin 10-21-71 Secretary's remarka: X Maietta Menaur Council Action: X Benehoof °' Dooley Date: . Prifrel ,, _ , -�.,,,_r � � . ' '�/3�y '� � _ ��. _, � �- -. . , � � . R � � . � . � . . � . . . • TOt. tHE �IONORABLE I�AYOR AND CITY COUMC.IC c/o The City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall _ City of St. Paul, I�innasota . 1 - 2 " Pursuent to Section 64.06 of the St. Peul Legis�atfve Cod�, we, the under- signed oirners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate 3 situated mithih 100 feet of th� real estete �PP�cted, hereby �cquiesce; and �re, the ow�ers of 50� or nrore of the frontage ta be reelasaified, _ 4 petitinn ynur Nonorabie Body to rezons the follo�ing describad propert�yt 5 The: �estern most ?5 feet of Lot ?, Bluck 1, �� Nuc#son Road Gard�ns a�d the �iestern most ' cx..e.-1...t,� 8 � Lot 8, Block 1, Hudson Road Gardens, � - 7 8 e . all according to the recordad 9 plat thereof on file and o'f record in the Office af t.�a fiQgi�tor 4€ O�d� for � C�t�, .�; �r • 10 . ##ta��tw ,,>� . < :__--_.__ _. _ _ . __ _ __ ._ ._ _ . _ _ _ .. . _�..._ __ --_ ___ � .: � . . _-- � ��� ' � ,. � �,'� RECORD OWNER Lot BLOCK ADDITION � -• �-���--�'-" �—, Hudson Road 1. John F. Nash �--_Y 2 2 Gardens 3.3 ', � Arthur R. Good . '�t� 14 � I � � �� � �� William G. Krey �/��--'��' ��u�-. 15 ' 1 - 16 ' 2. John F. `'� G`'a"4'J � Z �� „ _ � � 17 ' Arthur N. Goodman��� . 1$ William G. Krey �,.��i`'.`__-�- ' -�,'�-, ' 19 �G��� 4 2 _ 3. John F. N �� �� 20 qrthur N. ��• �- j � 2� f �� �N-�. zoN�N� F��E � � ' � � William G. Krey !-! ,r! ---�r��� fi�a-;� 22 ,r"� � j'1� �� �� ' 23 4. John F. N 5 2 - � I �¢ Arthur N. oodalan`// ! � Ti � i �, ;� .�:'� . 25 �lilliam G. Krey ,U`:w..�.... T�: ;; - 26 �.�..,. ......... ` . 27 - . ;yg ' RECORD OWNER 3 P- ;29 , 1. � Jerome L. Caron W�- � East one-half of Lot 8, �lock 1, Hudson ' �,, 30 , ` Rose f�l� Caron � � � �R}oad Gardens Addition. i , 31 � � , . j -- --- ----�--- ... --___ _,, 32 - -------�---F=�--r..�..o��.,o ,,,,,.n,. -- ; -- My C.ommis�i�n Expires July.23, 1977. . R. Wa��ww Re���r . ,, .._ . . ,....�. . � ATTOIINtY'ATLAW . . .. . + . .. . , . ��� ���� :: `�.�fAYb MINML�OTA N16(.� _ . . . . / _ e. , � ... '.._,.. ^ ,.., .. ...�,. ....'. , � . . � � . . -. „ . �. � . . � � ....�. .. .,..' . .,. ! z �.. _�, . `..,.". � �� .. . �� , :. �� _:. .,.��5:. ...�.:.. ._. . .�� ." , \ ., . .; . . _ . .. . � s. .��- . - ... .. . .. _ . . . • Ha�B. Man�oll �`T'' �F AIMff !.Olso� � Cdty Clerk and �° '� Counoil Reaorder Commiasioner oj Reg4atration - �- ����a;j � 3�- ; . `�,, ° �° • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS s88 City Aall St.Paul,Minnesota 58108 sept. 30, 1971 Zoning Boaxd, Co�erce Bldg. Gentlemen: The City Council referred to you for recamnnendation � the attached petition of Ra,1ph C. and Bethyl E. North to rezone the westerly 7 fe one- �„�n.... h„�l.f of Lot 8 B1.o 1= Hudson Road located sout� of Conwa.y Street be�ween I,uella and Jayne Street, to "C-1" Residence District. Vexy t y yours,___. ������� � Cit Clerk � , ....---------""'"�� _. t _ ._.� r_`__,_,-•._.. � �.�1.V �'� ���� __ .. ._ .. , ... _ � . � , ,__ . ��.� �,Z MTNUTES OF THE PUBT,IC HEARING BEFO&E THE BQARD OF ZONING ' ON THtTRSDAY, �TOBLR 21, 1971, �t 2:00 pom. PRE„_, SE1�T_, Messrs. Ames, genshatsf, Maf.etts and Mrs. Coehra�te a� Che Board; Me�srs. Rosetter and Browr� and B. Reitter of the s2seff. RfiLPH C, sad BETIiYi, E, 1�pRTH; A peg�.tioa to rezoae frc�m "A" to "C-1" Residentisl for the purpase of der�sity �.nd parking availability oa the subject pxaperty. Mre Roseeter s�a�rized the st�ff repor�, a gart of tlae f�.Ie, hy no�ing that tl�e pet�tion requests � rezoning to a "C-1" Residex�ce D#.strict for the p�r�ose of deas�ty and parki�g availsbilit� oa the s�j�ct site. The prop�rxg has a froatage o£ 240 feet aiosa; Le�ella Street snd a�a ar�a of 2b,$32 squ�re fe��. T� topography of �he si�e is irregt�lar b�at slopes genersll� do�w�rd to ehe r�arth and �rest. Tbe s�.�� aLs vaca�t. The terrain slopes abreaptl.y upward Sust north �znd e�sr of tD�e si�e to Coar�s�r S�reeC �td Rusth Street respeckively. These sloges ar� a�oaded. The L-elra�ai s�,o�es lesa abruptly downw�rd to ehe west where an apartment build�z�g is loca�ed. Vaca�at Ia�td ex�sts �c,rt�a of thst apar�ment build�x�g. Ar�oscher apa�rtment building axists on the sou�hwest comer of Wilson �►d 3:uells. The area eas� of �k�� apastm�nr is vacant. Mre Rosetter ttze�z presen�ed the recommendatior3s of iche Camprehe�asive Plan as follows� The Comprehensive Pla� calls for low-density� resideutial use of this sz�e witEa LueZla Street and the area wesg of it nsed for a s1op� preservation parkway. Tl:e locaefon of �he parlewa�r, as presented by the Campr�hensive P13a, would �ow have ro be modi�ied because of subsec�uent development. I� it were to be a�complisbed, �it woald seem logical to shi£t it �st of Lue�.la Streec aes a steep slope exists east of th�s site. Such development migh� iuvolve this prop- er��. I knata of no more definftie �lan for this praj�ct Chan �hat preserated b�r �he �Comprehe:tsive Plan. However, it wocsl.d seem to be a good ide� for the ��.ty f:o, in some wag, acqea�re �a� least the steepest portions of �iae slop�. "G-I" Resident�.al zoning exis�s directly �across Le�elZa Street which :[s es�der petition to be vacated. The s�.E.e is reasonably close to neighborhood fac�.li�fes sad thoroughfares, The implemenic.�tion of the Comprehensive Pla�a�s proposal, or a modifLed versioa tlaereof may ree�c�ir� usi�.g t�e s�xbject propex.�y. Mro �tasetter also no�ed that tl�e Cit� c�AOt zone open s�ace buti must acqe�ise ttae necessary property; however i� the appl3,can�. :Cateands �o use the property oalp for densit� credit fo� aa ad�o�ning apartnaex�t developmerat�, au easement coaald be ars�aged witch the City �o preserve it far g�:blic use, Mr, Ma,i�tta questiomed �he wording o�a the Notice of Public Hc�ariug sent out b� ttae �oniug Bosrd w�ict� stffi�ed that tl�e p�xrpose of �th� petit�ion �as to r�z�me i�, ord�r to construc� a mul�ig►le d�Iling. I�r. Rosetter replfed that tl�e petition r�c�u,�sts a rezoniatg tco a '�-1" Residence Dis�rfct ��or .the pitrpose of dens�ty axzd parking �vaipability on t�e su��ect site • M"r. William Reill�, aettor�e� �or t�e getttioaers, explained tF�at some cos�fusian had occurred because �hQ i�xiC3.s1 aotitce ia€ormed aeigbbors the pcergose of the re- zoatit�g was for apartme�.t bs�ild�tgs; however, it woe�ld be us�d for d�usit� snd garkiag only �d a corzect�d uotic� wa� se�t o�at by iche Board of �oning. . R�iLPIi C, and BBTYHL E. NORTH (continued) Qctober 21, 1971 Mr. Reilly proc�eded eo give the �ackground for th�e re$onittg request. Thay� owa � �he property along 1t.�e west side o� Leaella Street a�d have plaaned a �uanber of unf.ts for that ar,�a. !�s a result of : petitiioa to improve LueLla Street �o pro- vide nece�s�r;r u�ili�ies for progert�C ax� Lueila Street nsar Canway Aven�e, t�ae Ci�y was going to grade $�td improve I,uella Street. Bec�use of the tepogr�ph� of th.e lAad, the cos� was prohib�.�ive. We felt ft to be excessive, particularly because we did not �aeed �he street for access. The street was b�ing put in pri- maril� to �ccoiumodate s latdy who lives in the second hocese froon Conway. We have had abotet four hearin�s hefore the C���r Council ou iyhis whole probl�ae. We deci,ded c�e wo�.ld trq �o ru.n wa�er fxom tke apartment buildiags to Mrs. Ta�erle'�s home. It fin�3.1� was worked out �ha� �.f we w�re to acg,utire the property tco the west of us, =.�e could then ask the C�t� Cowicil to vscate Lt�lla Street since it wauld not be neededa We theg worked ou� a satisfactory mrrangemeat �ith 2y1r. Plorth aad Smithson for �he purch�se of the progerty we are discussiug tod�y. W� t�e� sut�¢eitted �lae pe�ition �o rezonee This proper�y will ba used for p�rlcing but m�.y also be u�sed fox recreational purpo�es. Bec�us� of �he togography, we don�g �:ven know if i� would be bu�.ld�ble. Mrs. Cachrane immq�aired �ahe�h�r tlsis propertp �s $cquired msiniy to i��re the vac�- tion of Luella Stixeet axad Mr. Reilly replied th�t i� would be cheaper for ttxem to do it this way end wark out a gat�isfsctory arrangement witb the geople �ho would be affected by the vaca�ion of t�e stre2t. Mr. Reill� �as �sked i€ tl�g had ap- plied for aa off-street parkif�g germit �nd �ae explsined ��Sa� the� a�.reaclp �ed a parking permi� for 140 c�rs. Mr. �nnes asked Mr. Reilly i,f they were develogir�g �lams on �Yt�t basis, or was th�ir intention to increase t�is ni�mber of units? Mr, Reiligr �xpl�i�ed �haC t�e �rchi�eet had desigaed rhe buildings for ��.pxoperty they origimally heZd. T1nen tlaey were pc�itianed fox �he insta�liati� of Zue11e 3treet and �hey h�ed to change plans. Ixz his s���ion, Mr. Reilly st��ed tha�t t�e�r t�.ve gone ro�end and round with this ma�ter tr�ing to wark out a sa�isfac�ar,�r solc�tion. `i'he primary conoezr� here neems to be that Che proper�� is used for parking onl�a. It is aot fe�sible �a even con- sider putti.ng up a build�.�g t}aere. T3�� proper�g in question is hig�.er th� �hs rest of th.eir propert�, 'xhe �racation of �.uella is sciaede�led to be I�eard before the C�.�y Courccil i� OctobQr. i�ea t�ae Cigy first w�nted to �xestiBll T.�11�' et�ey� didn't appreciate the: £acr th.a� wa d�a'�.��•.'a}�,���-bsck es�sblishEd bp the Cfty Couacii of 2S feet. Ia order for the Cit� to p�.t #.n the str�et, theq wo�ld h�ve to condemn �bou� �(3 �eei� of ou�c prop�rty� becanse of the tremeudocas slopes and gr�des rche3r wo�lci have k�ad on Z�ella, They decided �o move tkte street over, then f.t �rould taice onlg 15 fe�� of our propert;y. P4v. Robert Smithsou, �37 .��y�.a �tr�et, st�eed tta�.t lais cancer�s uraa th� �ratshiag of the grotz�sd ttxa� wo�ld prob�bly occur at �he back of h�s lot if ��ae pr�rl�itag l4� w�ere �.nst�lled and ha waated tQ be �ssured a retae�iaeg �asll, fenae, or samet3��ng else apprap�is�e c�ould be 3.nstalled �o preveat �lsfss A�SOi he fe�ls ��re should be a �ence or somethiag ta keep c�ildren frain his progert�r. H� said he waieted go be sur� it i$ to be cise:,' fos park�Ag oasly aad aot to b�ild �ous�� or ap�r�iaente oa. , , RALPH Ce aad BETHYL E, NORTH (cost�f�ued) October 21, 1971 � Mrar Cochraue moved ��aa� the ame�c�ment b� allawed on the cozad�.icion tl�t ���ila Si:ree� :•�ou1d be uacated. M�. Beashotif �econded khe motion. The mo�fozs carried v� a vote of �-0. Sr�hmi�ted by; ,�pprov�d b�r; Robert �.. Ames • { � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL NUNNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE i�s co� new. ss�o= Septe�ber 30, 1971 To the Council Citq of St. Paul Gentle8en: I have rechecked the attached petition of Ralph C. and �ethyl E. North, filed ia the matter of rezoning, The westerly 75 feet of Lot 7 and the westerly one-half of Lot 8, Block 1, Hudsoa Road 6ardens. The property is located south of Coaway Street between Lu�lla and Ja}me Street, fro� a Class "A•' Residence District to a Class "C-1" Residence District, aad find that said petitio� is sufficient. Yours verq truly, �� O� -/`��C""`'�' salie L. Bntler � �issioner of F ance Re: R1110 c.c. Mr. Ames N.R. Heidea Mrs. Butler FronCage: 100� Parcels Eligible - 10 Parcels Signed - 7 or 70x Needed - 7 or 66-2/3� I�i 1 I �j� �(� r`" �, `, � �.� � n 'r' �� ii't �� ��_.'� .t, L_ � , ��. I_� 3; �,`;-; � -;�; ; _ ,. � i,..�c" ,.� � � �..d�l'�;i� �'.:i �,.a,�.:-.:�a� :'�eaic;t k':.�,i, . ,_ _ :;+.• ZONING FILE � BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 November lg, 1971 3 , �-�.:.: `�`" ;.?/ ` . Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Sir: This is written in response to a request by Ralph C, and Bethyl E. North (R. William Reilly) to rezone property from "A" Residence to "C-1" Residence for the purpose of density and parking availability on the subject property which is located on the northeast corner of Wilson Avenue and Luella Street and further described as: Westerly 75 feet of Lot 7 and the westerly one-half of Lot 8, Block 1, Hudson Road Gardens This matter was heard at the October 21, 1971 Board of Zoning public hearing at which time the staff report was summarized which noted that the Comprehen- sive Plan proposed a slope-preservation parkway in this area. The staff felt the idea was still valid although development in the area would have to modify the proposal. A modified version, if developed, might need the subject site, the staff said. Mr. William Reilly, representing the petitioner, said they purchased this prop- erty in order to vacate Luella Street which runs between this and other prop- erty they are developing. He said this was an alternative to paying their share of developing Luella Street. He said the subject property would not be built upon but that they want it rezoned in order to use it with the proposed development across Luella Street. An owner of adjoining property said he wanted assurance that something be done to prevent erosion of his land by development on this site and that the develop- ment would be fenced off from his property. He also wanted assurance that the site would not be built upon. The Board heard a motion to reconanend approval subject to the vacation of Luella Street. The motion was seconded and carried by a 4 to 0 vote. Very truly yours, '�? '�/,' � , � ' !� /'9 UC� P�,`TER J MAIE TA � � ��,, Secretary, Board of Zoning PJM/djl PLR Z. F. 7233 O � i�. ��+„�!�����1 �� �'�`�. � � � ,� , � ,r �� .z� ��, . 81 � ���° �� , � ,: � ��� � ;�: � � _ , ��`������� � ,..� .�.,. ��:w; a �����,. .��9 , � � �: �, � {�� a �,,. � ii��� '�,�=, �; m } I�p� �,.ly :.111�'Sh . W t D&te .k � (14sr� . � CITY OF SAINT PAUL , MINNESOTA � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Cw�t How� 55102 �►��� iz, 197I City Clerk 386 Citq Aall File It1110, lage Yov are heseby notified khst a public beariaa vill be held fn the Cvnncil Chambers of the City l�,all and Court Uoua� in the Cit� of St. !►�ul at 10;00 a.a�, oa Nov�mber 23, l9�1 on tbe petition of �,a�ph C. sad Hethyl B. DTos�th aad otlterg to Yesoos fraat �a "A" te�ideuce pistrict to s "C•1" �teaidence District tbe psoperty d�s�ribed �s tollo�s: Thi Nesterlp 75 feet o# Lot 7 aad the Wsste�rly on�-�a1f of Lot 8, Biock I, Hud� �oad Gard�as. The Ps�pettq is located Soutb o! Coaaay Str�et betveea Lueil a �nd Jayae g treet. For further iafora�ation, eontact tha piuwidg Soard, Roaa 1020 Coa�erce wildiag o�r telephooe 223-4151. To �oriply vith tlse City �srter, the Depsrtaaeat ef Finauce is duuc�ed �tith iaformiag you of thia public he�siee�. If Y� ��� i�ey questioas, it is reccmrseaded that you atC�t�d tbia public bearing to afford you C�e opportunity to oake yoax vievs, both pro aad aon, 1coo�a to th� City �ncil. �. iASALIE L. � Coa■�isaioaer o! Fio�acs �O _ Y � , �-- �s�i� 9 , a_�ti ' r - CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNES4TA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE , 113 Covrt Nan� 55102 Septe�ber 21, 1971 To the Cou�cil Citq of St. Paul Gentleoaea: I have checked the attached petitian of Ralph C. and Bethyl B. l�orth and others, filed in the matter of rezoaing, The Westerly 75 feet of Lot 7 and the westerlq one-half of Lot 8, Block 1, H�dson Road Gardens. The property is located south of ConWay Street between Luella and Jayc�e Streets, fro� a Class "A" �esidence District to a Claes "C-1" Reaidence Dist�ict, aitd find that said petition fs insufficient. Yonrs very trnlq, �i/�,���c.. osal e L. Butler �Q Commissioner of Fi cc' 8e: R-1110 c.c. Mr. Ames N. R. Heiden Krs. Butler Froatage: 100% Parcels 8ligible - 10 `I Parcels Signed - 6 or 60% i� Needed - 7 or 66-2/3� ;�- , � ,� t ���' ti� �� . � � � �.� � �� �� � � I �� �_z-�-7� s�pt. 22, 1g'7"1 �I�. R. Wi11:a.am �eilly A�torr�ey at L�.z� 518 �!L�neric�.n ��4�,t'�on�,�. �k. 1��d�;. . St. �aul, P•�ixa..n��nta De�.t' Sir� '�ki� Con�n3��ianer of Finance has reported tltia.t the petitinn af Ra�7.ph C. �r�.�d Be�1qy�. �. North and other� for the r��oning of the westerly 7� �e�t of Lo� 7 and the �r�st�rly one-hi�l.f of Lot 8' Block ].� Ii`u.cc�son Road Gard�n�, pr.c�perty located �auth oP Conway �t. betw�en Luella a.nd ��zy��ie �tsa, to Cl�,ss „C_I„ Re�ide��e Dietriet, is insulficient. For this reasvn� th� �.ty Gbuncil is uraab2e ta consider th3� matter. Very truly yaur�� City Clerk � c , , . „ s , � � � w 1 /�2 / � 1 st - ' 2nd � Laid over to �� 3rd end app � dopted ��� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler u�B'�—' Carlson �-arlsvn Levine ;��.` ,i� t , �evine ���� � � ��. Meredith � �eredith Sprafka ` rafka `�P Tedesco ��Tedesco � Mr. President McCarty ��,Mr. President McCarty O , ! � ' � . � . � . ,, . • � M. .,: , 4 , ; , ati i t i ' � � � ; , . , + , , , , , , � „i . h i i_�� t.. _. _ __ _]: ' ,_ ____. _ . ._ . _ _,_ . . � •� _ .._..�.��. __ . _ _.___��--- 1 . � _ , �_ . , � , ' lJ . � { . ' ( I . -.. 1_. a..Ll.._.y_�..1 �.-.A_ F+ �I i I • � _ r ,,. .4 . _.,,,. 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