02-794Retdrn copy to:
Real Estate Division
140 City Hall
Presented By
Council File # p _1
Green Sheet # 1\�°lCs`�
Referred To Committee: Date
WHEREA5, on April 10, 2002 the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission approved Resolution 02-9,
supporting efforts of the City to sell and recommend'mg the vacation of certain real estate known as Town
Square Park; and
WHEREAS, on June 5, 2002, the City Council approved Council File 02-506, authorizing the sale of the said
Town Square Park through the means of Advertising for Bid Proposals and directing that the recommended
sale proposal be returned to the City Council for final approval and, in accordance with Chapter 51 of the
Saint Paul Administrative Code, directing that the net proceeds from the said sale and any interest thereon to
be maintained in a special fund and used only for the purpose of acquiring additional park lands; and
ii WHEREAS, City officials have prepared and advertised a Request for Bid Proposals and have received
iz proposals from two prospective purchasers and have analyzed the said proposals with regard to public interest
is in the proposed use of the property as well as purchase price; and
is WHEREAS, the Director of the Office of Financial Services and the Purchasing Agent have recommended
i6 the proposal submitted by Town Square Garden, Inc. as the best proposal;
is BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the City's interest in the said Town Square Pazk is hereby vacated,
i9 and the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to convey title to the said Town Square Park
Zo to Town Square Garden, Inc. by quit claim deed.
Requested by Department of:
Technolo�v & Management Services
� f
� �'�-�'o�-� Director
Form Approved by City Attorc�y
Adopted by Council: Date
Adopf ertified by Cou
B 1 . �
e.c. V u � � � i �1 /'l �
, T.1tiLSJREAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: August 1, 2002 Green S eet Number: ll1969
� Ca�hdPas�mdPhoneN�6er. - . _,.,: - . � � DEP D 4 CTTYCOUfICII.�,���R� l
PCter White 266-8850 1 crrsr n crrr c�uc
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TOTAL#OFSIGNAI'I7REPAGES 1 �ci.8ara,r.ocanoxsxoxszcNarox$>
To approve the vacation of City interest in, and to authorize the sale of Town Square Park to
Town Square Garden, Inc. Ref: 1. Resolution for consideration; 2. Copy of CF# 02-506; 3.
Map; 4. Floor Plan; 5. Copp of Evaluation Sheet for submitted proposais.
1. Hast4eperson/6rmeverworkedm�deracootractfortltisdepnrtment? YES NO
PfdCi1VLYGC01�9S41oN A sr�r
2, Has ihis person/firm ever 6cen a CSry employee? YES NO
c1YY6. sE¢['i(B � olmU&4ION
3. Daes dde peisoN6rm poesese a slo7l mt normalty possessed 6y any YES NO
toirept C'Ay emplpyee?
ciBCOMM'fIEE . _ _-
E% � e�l YES �swel9 oR R se 9heeL end etfecll.
I�ilTTAT1NG P&OBI.E1b1, ISSOI'„ OPPORTiJNITY (Whu, WLat, Whea, W6ere, Wh97)
The property is no longer open to the public and
ffie eost of maintaining it is prohibitive.
The City will no longer be responsible for THE COUNCIL HEARING ON THIS
waumtenance of the property. - -
C,a���s� R ' .:..
Noae �; ��
AUGUST 28, 2002
���t'� t� -
The City would continue to pay for
FOCAL AMODNT OF TRANSACTION: $101 ,500.00 �xtceEVe� svncEren �cmci,E o� �s xo
�a�cs°uacs: N/A ncTivrr�x°n��: N/A
'£he net proceeds of the sale will be used only for the pnrpose of acquiring park lands.
o a� �
Interdepartmental Memorandum
To: Peter Hames
Director, Office of Financial Services
Linda Camp
Purchasing Agent
From: Peter White �
Real Estate D vision
Date: July 31, 2002
Subject: Sale of Town Square Park
The City Council passed a resolution, C.F. No. 02-SOb. The resolution authorized the sale
of Town Square Park under Chapter 51.01(5) of the Administrative Code. This chapter
calls for the receipt of bid proposals and for Director of the Office of Financial Services
and the Purchasing Agent to "... recommend to the council the rejecrion of proposals or
award to the individual, firm or corparation submitting the best proposal for the future
welfare of the city ..."
We have received two proposals to buy the park. The proposals were reviewed by City
staff consisting of Susan Feuerherni, Contract and Analysis Services, Mike Hahm, Parks
and Recreation, Dave I�elson, Real Estate, and Peter White, Real Estate. The staff
recommends the sale of Town Square Park to Town Square Gardens, Inc. A copy of the
proposals and the staff recommendation are attached.
If you concur please process the attached resolution. We have scheduled a public hearing
at the City Council for August 28, 2002.
If you have any questions let me know at 6-8$53.
ca Susan Feuerherm
Mike Hahm
Dave Nelson
3usan E. Feuerhertn
(651) 23024 1 OF 2
)PENING DATE AND TIME: > Tuesday, July'16, 2002 2:OD'PM
YARNING AND DISCLAIMER: If you have received this document electroniply, piease note that elec[ronic doament copies are provided as a
onvenience. In the event of a disaepancy behveen eieUronic documents and the hard copy mailed and/or distributed soiicitation documents, including
�ddenda and attacl�ments, the hard copy soliatation dowments shail govem. The City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County assume no fiability for the
nmpleteness or accuracy of the elechonic documents, and any use of such documeMS inconsistent with this disdaimer stiail be soley at the rise of the
liis is a request for price, not an order. Your response is your offer to peAortn or suppty the dems or service described below. It this offer is judged to be
ne lowest responsible bid or Ne most responsive proposal meeting specifications. AppGpble bonds and certificate of insurance, and other tertns arM
bnditions descnbed in the specifidGon must be submit[ed before you will be autborized to commence work or delivery of produds. This respbnse, the
nntrad or purchase orcfer, pius the plans and the specifications will constitute the contraG between the parties. (See page 2 for addrtional terms and
i he Cify af Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Division through the Rea! Estate Division are seeking
�ealed bid oroposals from qualified bidders to purchase propertyknown as "Town Square Park," per
�ttached documentation dated June 2002.
Ainimurn bids of $25,000 are required and aN seated bid proposafs are to be accompanied by bid
>ecurity in the amount of 10% of the proposed purchase price.
�ite �sit and Tour
)eadline for submission of questions
tesponses to questions fumished
)eadiine for bid proposa[s
Bid Amount:
�_%30 pFYS
: uay mw a�iw�n eeeea�«ee m
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.termine IAa bw aRx. Dismunt terms of
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^awry Oepa�4newt F«m 941 a an
GviCUal'S Sooal See�v'n....�1..',e.
1:00 p.m. June 24, 2002
4:30 p.m. June 28, 2002
on or before July 5, 2002
2:00 p.m., Tuesday, July 16, 2002
$67;000 Bid Deposit:
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NO. > RFP-23U243
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aM undcslarMS Ne tmns ar�,E�pdm ihe reveru sde of Nu 4oaimeM a�d will complywith al� eeq�vem¢ms set roM py Me Cey
Proposal to Purchase Town Square Park
1. Purchase price:
2. Deposit 10%:
3. Use ofProperty:
RFP — 23024-3 � � '1 � �
Sixty Seven Thousand Dollars and no cents ($67,000.00)
Six Thousand, seven hundred dollars & no cents (6,700.00)
The intended use of this properiy will be as accessory space for the adjoining
Town Square and NCL Tower office building and other uses consistent with
e�sting zoning. As Sentinel Realty Corp. V is the manager of Town Square
Reaity, LLC, the owner of Town Square and the NCL Tower office building, we
are in a unique posirion to create synergy among these three assets. Further, since
acquiring ttris real estate in November 2000, we have also had the responsibility
of managing Town Square Pazk since that time as provided for under various
management and operating agreements between the City of St. Paul and Town
Square Realty, LLC as owner.
Accordingly, with the acquisition of Town Squaze Pazk, Sentinel will be able to
more adequately provide for the needs of its current tenants and their customers.
Specifically, in the past, the general publiq as well as customera of the Town
Square retail shops were able to enjoy the pazk when it was operated as a
recreational facility. This would have included lunchtime seating as well as the
occasional recreational event. It would be Sentinel's intention to innmediately
reopen access to the park for lunchtime access. Additionally, we intend to work
with various community groups to encourage their participation in using the pazk
for educational, artistic and charitable events.
Sentinel's past eacperience in revitalizing obsolete properties is e}Rensive. Our
firm currently manages and operates neazly $4.5 billion of real estate including
office, industrial and residential assets. Locally, we manage and operate nearly
2,000,000 square feet of commercial space. Our corporate stafSng includes
experts in engineering, asset management, properry management and marketing.
Of most relevance is the current renovation of the Riverplace complex in
Minneapolis. Acquired nearly two years ago, Sentinel has successfully completed
the conversion of ttris mixed-use property &om one that was primarily retail in
nature to a vibrant modern, office complex. In the course of the upgrade prograni,
approximately $1,000,000 infused into the property and included upgrades of the
mechanical systems, cosmeric improvements, lighting retrofits and anterior
landscaping. Many of these areas aze in need of improvement at Town Square
Park and aze anticipated to be a part o£ Sentinel's program to revitalize the space.
4. �inancial Capabilities:
As owner of tY�e adjoining Town Square and NCL Tower, we are in the posifion to
draw on the capital resources of these properties to consummate the acquisition of
the Town Square Park as well as perform the required improvements. Annual net
cash flow from our adjoining assets exceeds $2,000,000. Additionally, the staff
required to operate and maintain Town Square Park aiready exists at our adjoining
complex This staff includes an on-site professional pmperiy manager, on-site
maintenance personal and on-site security personal. I believe the City of St. Paul
Parks and Recreation Division is already familiaz with the abilities or our staff as
they have demonstrated their dedication and competence on any number of
occasions. Accordingiy, Sentinel is completely confident that we will be able to
operate the facility in a professional manner that would do nothing but enhance
the quality of the location.
5. Development Schedule:
We would assume that the redevelopment of the Town Square Park would
commence in 7anuary 2003. Our estimate for a closing of the acquisition wouid
be 30 days after the pmperty can be delivered vacant and broom clean,
unencumbered by any leases including the eaisting lease between the City of St.
Paul and Town Squaze Garden, Inc.
The timetable to complete capital improvements would be dependent upon what
conditions aze discovered due our due diligence which would include studies
made by structural, mechanical and glazing experts. These studies would be
performed prior to closing so that all deficiencies can be evaluated in a timely
fashion. At this time, our best estimate for the completion of necessary capital
improvements, is one year from closing.
6. Other Conditions:
Sentinel further requires that any mutually agreeable purchase and sale contract
would provide for a 30 day due diligence period in wlrich the purchaser would
undertake a full analysis of the physical condition of the ptoperty as well as
examine any and a111egal issues related to the properiy including title, zoning, etc.
Should any of the issue under examination during the due diligence period prove
unsatisfactory, Sentinel will have the right to ternunate the contract with the City
of St. Paul retaining the bid deposit as liquidated damages as its sole remedy.
D�_19 `{
This bid does not constitute a binding agreement between the parties.
a �_1q`l
1. Proposed Purchase Price.
Both proposals meet the minimum bid price. The bid of Town Square Garden, Ina (TSG), at
$101,500 is 50% higher than the bid of Senrinei Acquisition Corp. (Sentinel), at $67,000.
Sentinel's bid is contingent on a 30 day due diligence period during which Sentinel can terminate
the contract.
2. Development Schedule.
TSG proposes to complete the conshuction of a commercial kitchen in 60 days from closing.
TSG has enclosed construction bids for the kitchen. Sentinel proposes to commence the
redevelopment of Town Squaze in January 2003. Sentinel's completion date is dependent on
what they discover during the due diligence period.
3. Proposed Use and Experience.
TSG's use is a new use for the property (other than the recent lease period) as well as a new
business for downtown, i.e. Asian wedding banquets. TSG provided a list of bookings far the
remainder of 2002 and into 2003. The use brings people downtown who would not otherwise
come downtown. Also the use provides spin off business, at least in so far as parking. Per
resume included in the proposal TSG's owner has 30 yeazs experience in managing restaurants
and 14 years experience in catering.
Sentinel has a significant amount of experience in managing properties and clearly has the ability
to manage the Town Square Park property. Sentinel proposes a use similar to the use as a City
park, i.e. an adjunct to the food court. It proposes to wark with community groups to use the
space, however it offers no firm propositions.
4. Financial Capability and Track Record.
Sentinel has the financial capabilities to buy and manage the space. TSG has a letter from
Venture Bank which indicates the bank will favorably consider TSG's loan application.
TSG has a higher bid and has no contingencies. TSG's proposed schedule is quicker than
Sentinel's. TSG has bids for doing the work to implement its proposed use. TSG's proposed use
is new, has some spin off effect, and is backed both by experience and commitments from
customers. Sentinal has experience in managing properties but offers nothing new for the use of
the space. Sentinel has the financial wherewithal to buy and manage the property. TSG's
financial commitment from Venture Bank is not necessarily firm. The average score given by the
evaluation team was TSG 87 points and Sentinel 76 points.
The recommendation is to sell the property to Town Squaze Gardens, Inc.
Note: The evaluation team consisted of Susan Feuerherm, Contract and Analysis Services, Mike
HaYun, Pazks and Recreation, Dave Nelson, Real Estate, and Peter White, Real Estate
oa.- ��y
Interdepartmental Memorandum
To: All Council Members
From: Peter White
Right of Way Engineer
140 City Hall
Date: July 30, 2002
�ubject: TMS Department Vacafion Pile No. 17-2602
I recommend a public hearing before the City Council be held on August 28, 2002 to consider a
resolution to authorize the sale of Town Square Park.
This properiy is located in City Council District 2, Planning District T 7.
Notice is hereby given that the resolution to authorize the sale
of Town Square Park will be heard and considered by the Saint
Paul City Council at a meeting to be held in the Council Chambers
on the 3rd floor of City Hall and Court House at 15 W. Kellogg
Blvd. on the 28th day of August, 2002 at 5:30 P.M.
Dated: July 31, 2002
Shari Moore
Deputy City Clerk
(August 5, 2002)
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310 CiTY H,4��
MAP (attached)
Notices sent by:
Real Estate Division
City Council Ward # 2
Planning District # 17
File No. 17-2002
To vacate and sell the City's interest in Town Square Park, as
recommended by the Director of the Office of Financial Services
and the Purchasin A ent. A co of the resolution is attached. '�
the City of Saint Paul on behalf of the Department of Parks and
The Council will conduct a public hearing on this vacation on
Wednesday, August 28, 2002 in the Council Chambers on the
third floor of City Hall. Public Hearings begin at 530 P.M.
Call 266-8850 and refer to the file number above. City staff will be
available unti14:30 in Room 140 City Hall to answer any last-
minute question on this project.
Dept. of Technology and Management Services
Room 140 City Hall - Court House
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
t .
�}� ����t �ti+��ht
AUG � � ����
AA-ADA-EEO Employer
445 Minnesota Street
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101
facsimile 651-227-2207
Request For Proposal
#23 024-3
02- �14�1
445 Minnesota St�eet
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101
� 651-227-3307
facsimile 651-227-2207
Request For Proposal
�a- ���
a�- �9�
445 Minnesota Street
Saint Paul, Minnesota SSI01
facsimile 651-227-22D7
July 16, 2002
City of Saint Paul
Division of Contracts & Analysis Services
280 City Hall — Court House
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
ATTTI: Susan E. Feuerherm
� RE: Town Square Park, RFP-23024-3
Dear Ms. Feuerherm:
Enciosed is Town Square Garden, Incorporated's $101,500 offer to purchase the above property
from the City of Saint Paul.
i In the alternative, Town Square Garden, Incorporated is willing to extend the term of its current
(ease to Ten (10) years and include the creation of a negotiated capital reserve account; thereafter,
at the end of the successful performance of the lease term with the City transfer title for $1 to
Town Square Garden, Incorporated.
Pursuant to the terms of the Request For Proposal, a cashier's check for $11,000 is enclosed
� issued from my lender. Venture Bank. Venture Bank is the current financial institution for Town
Square Garden and it desires to be our partner for financing both my company's purchase of the
real estate and for the construction of a commercial kitchen.
As you are aware, my company is the current tenant of the property and is using the facilities with
great response from our clientele. We have several year 2003 bookings.
� Our banquet business has been tremendous; however, o�ce a kitchen is installed and our daily
restaurant is opened the market indicates business will be thriving. Once a commercial kitchen is
installed, my company will obtain both a food license and an on-sale liquor license. All Ciry
inspectors from the Licensing, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) o�ce have
provided preliminary approval of the enclosed construction bid. A sisty day construction period
would occur.
A restaurant will be open for the year 2002 Holiday season. Our company will finally be able to
provide the central business district the first class operation downtown deserves at this location.
Again, thank you for your time and courtesy.
Veky truly y�urs,
� t �j • ` 7 c t "�
M� ong
Uol� l7`7'
#1 Proposal Form furnished by the City, with the purchase price
inserted; duly signed by a person authorized to make representation for
� the proposer.
See attached proposal form executed by Mr. Michael Wong sole owner of
Town Square Garden, Incorporated a Minnesota corporation. Purchase
� price is $101,500.
� 2
d�- 79�f-
• ��.
Susan E.Feuerherm
(651) 23024 1 OF 2
•� OPENING DATE AND TIME. > Tuesday July �6 2002 2 :00 PM
WARNMG AN� OISCLAIMER: If you have received this document electronically, piease note that electronic document copfes are provided as a
convenience. In the event of a discrepancy behveen electromc documents and [he hard copy maded and/or distnbuted soiicitation documents, inclutling
atldenda and attachments, the hard copy soliatation documents shall govern. The City of Saint Paul and Ramsey Counry assume no liability for the
completeness or accuracy of the electronic documents, and any use of such documents incons�stent with this disclafiner shall be solely at the rise of the
This is a request for pnce, not an order Your response is your offer to perfortn or suppiy the items or service descnbed below It this offer is �udged to be
� tfie fowest responsible bid or the most responsrve proposai meeting specifications. Appliwble bonds and certificate of insurence, and other tertns and
conditions described in the specification must be submitted Cefore you will be authonzed to commence work or delivery of products. This response, the
cont2ct or pumhase order, plus the plans and the speafications wtll constitute the contract between the parties (See page 2 for addRional terms and
i The City of Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Division through the Real Estate Division are seeking
sealed bid proposals from qualified bidders to purchase property known as "Town Square Park," per
attached documentation dated June 2002.
I Minimum bids of $25,000 are required and all sealed bid proposals are to be accompanied by bid
security in the amount of 10% of the proposed purchase price.
Site Visit and Tour
Deadline for submission of questions
� Responses to questions furnished
Deadline for bid proposals
% 30 DAYS
30 Day rasn aiscount wJl be detlatted to
tletertnme tne uw otter Oiscount Ierms W
�ess IDan 3C Cays wAI rwt aHect the awartl
The E I Nump¢r is:�at numberwNtlf is
assgnetl m cqnpan�es br use in filing fi¢�r
"Emo�oyefs pu3�terly Fe0e21 T� Retum'
Treasury Departmene Fwm 941 or an
intlrviCUat's Socat Secunty numDer
1:00 p.m. June 24, 2002
4:30 p.m. June 28, 2002
on or before July 5, 2002
2:00 p.m., Tuesday, July 16, 2002
NPMEANOTITIE Michael Wong, Owner
Aooaess 445 Minneso�a Street ENO.
`�°`� 227-3307
C' �t.Paul STA �Minne Otd 'rj'rj�02 FAXNO
65i1 z2�-zzo�
SIGNATURE .\ ��` � t y� BOONO
( eoo )
The s^qner nas reaC aod untlers�arn t�e terms anoknntlrtroris on the reverse stle of th�s tlocvment aM will mm0iy w�h ali repuvemenis se[ foM by ihe Gry
� �- ��y=
#2 Bid Security in the amount of at least 10°/u of the proposed purchase
price (original only).
See attached cashier's check payable to the City of Saint Paul for $11,000.
! '
�ut 10 02 03:23p Michael Wong
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n•00 � 250�+' �:09 i� i 7 L96�: 900 ❑O L��'
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Proposers should explain their proposed use of the property, including
� how it complies with all current zoning ordinances, and City, State and
Federal requirements. This section should also describe proposer's past
experience in bringing comparable properties to new use.
� Michael Wong's use of the property is as a restaurant and banquet facility.
Michael Wong and his family have been operating restaurants and
particularly banquets for over twenty years. (See enclosed resume')
• Michael Wong has successfully opened and operated several downtown
Asian food restaurants. Mr. Wong has sold many of these establishments to
family members and others over the years. Currently he successfully
operates Orient Express at Ridgedale Mall in Minnetonka and Town Square
Park in Saint Paul.
Michael Wong has created jobs for each of his restaurants. Currently at
Town Square Park and at Orient Express he has created jobs for over twenty
� A perfect example of Michael Wong's past experience in bringing a
comparable property to new use is at Riverplace, Minneapolis. In 1996,
Michael Wong was highly recruited by the owners of Riverplace,
Minneapolis to open one of his excellent restaurants at Riverplace. The
owners sought out an operator who would use the expansive open stair area
• of the facility to provide a dining experience for its growing office tenants.
Mr. Wong's famous lunch was a quick success to both the office tenants and
the greater Minneapolis community providing several new jobs.
Shortly thereafter, and greatly with the encouragement of the Riverplace
� ownership, Mr. Wong began marketing the area for wedding banquets. T'he
Asian community, now an ea�tremely large constituency in the Twin Cities,
does not l�ave adequate banquet facilities to cater to its events. Riverplace
provided the perfect location and was welcoming to the Asian population.
Mr. Wong's lease ternunated at the end of year 2001.
0� - �� �-F
Shortly after Randy Kelly was elected Mayor of Saint Paul, the request was
made to the new administration to re-open Town Square Park for Michael
� Wong's business. With the support and encouragement of Mayor Kelly,
Michael Wong cancelled a lease with a location in Plymouth and began
investing all of his energy and resources into the development of Town
Square Park. Michael Wong obtained a Five (5) year lease effective April 1,
2001 all with the approval and encouragement of the City Park Division, the
� Saint Paul Port Authority (Director of Real Estate William Morin negotiated
the lease terms), and Mayor Kelly's office. All Saint Paul City officials
knew and encouraged Michael Wong to invest his money in re-planting all
the areas of the Park. Michael Wong has already invested over $40,000 into
the redevelopment of Town Square Park's famous water garden. See
� enclosed photos, Appendix.
Michael Wong has a$250,000 construction and kitchen equipment bid
already reviewed and previously found to be acceptable by all officials at the
Saint Paul office of Licensing, Inspections, and Environmental Protection
i (LIEP).
With the installation of a commercial kitchen, Michael Wong will be able to
obtain both a food and on-sale liquor license. Town Square is now the
center of the commercial business district for downtown Saint Paul. The
• lunch crowd is drawn to Town Square especially with the redevelopment of
the World Trade Center courtyard into Wells Fargo banking offices. Current
central business district facilities are unable to cater to the constantly
growing downtown employment population.
• Under Saint Paul's zoning code, section 60.572, B-4 Central Business
District uses shail ensure that the space complements the businesses adjacent
and that it services the conveniences and needs of the city and region
beyond. DirecYly because of Michael Wong, Town Square Park is again a
gathering location servicing businesses and providing direct consumer
� services. Michael Wong's continued use of Town Square Park matches the
zoning code word for word. The best example of a complementary business
is the Radisson City Center Hotel. Steve Harper General Manager for both
Radisson Hotels downtown has entered into a direct agreement with Michael
Wong with regard to catering and liquor license issues. The Radisson City
. Center Hotel has received several bookings not only for rooms for guests at
Mr. Michael Wong's weddings, but also has developed an arrangement for
all the over-bookings when Town Square Park is already booked. Clients
� 5
�a - �9�
can now schedule their wedding at the Radisson and still have Michael
Wong prepare his famous eleven course Chinese banquet. In the short term,
� the Radisson is assisting Michael Wong during this purgatory period waiting
for title to the real estate so that restaurant construction can finally
commence. In the long term, the Radisson Hotel is obtaining an opportunity
to more fully utilize its City Center Hotel.
� During each wedding, guests of Town Square Garden banquets are provided
parking at the facility directly beneath the Radisson City Center Hotel.
Michael Wong has structured a fee arrangement directly with the parking
facilities owner: the Saint Paul Port Authority. Again, this is direct evidence
for how Michael Wong's actual use of the Town Square Park property is
• directly benefiting adjacent businesses, especially during current off-peak
The enclosed testimonials from wedding couples, photographs of wedding
receptions tl�at have actually been held at Town Square Park directly answer
i the City's inquiry of the "proposed" use of this property. The Asian
business associations and other testunonials provide direct evidence that
Michael Wong's business is sustaining and necessary for the thriving Asian
constituency now residing in Saint Paul.
• Every day past patrons of Town Square Park make direct inquiries of when
the facility will open. At this time during the term of not being allowed to
install a commercial kitchen to service a restaurant, Michael Wong is forced
to turn away viable business from the downtown community.
• It is essential to the central business district of downtown Saint Paul that
Town Square Park be re-opened for the public. The proposed use of the
facility as a daily restaurant complements the needs of the downtown office
patrons. The current use of the facility for private banquets, especially
weddings, both welcomes Saint Paul's Asian community to the downtown
� core and creates a use of the property during off-peak hours that is greatly
lacking today.
Michael Wong plans to have the property open to the public to enjoy and to
again create a welcoming atmosphere for the central business district.
� 6
D� - �9�
#4 Financial Capabiliries:
Describe bidders financial capabilities and how bidder will ensure the
� proposed use becomes a reality.
Michael Wong has the $101,500 cash set aside and is prepared to pay cash
for the purchase of Town Square Park.
� Venture Bank is the financial institution that Michael Wong is doing all his
financial business at. Michael Zenk is the founder of Venture bank and has
personally expressed his desire to want to partner with Mr. Wong in the
purchase of the real property, the construction of the kitchen, and the
purchase of restaurant equipment. See enclosed letter from Venture Bank.
Michael Wong doing business as Town Square Garden, Incorporated is
prepared to demonstrate to the City of Saint Paul his financial ability to
successfully meet all expectations and demands. A detailed business
financial plan is also available for inspection during the "interview process"
Certified construction bids were prepared and pre-approved by the Saint
Paul office of LIEP prior to April 1, 2002 the effective date of the five year
current lease agreement. But for the City of Saint Paul's last minute
decision to provide itself a right to cancel the five year lease agreement on
� December 31, 2002 a commercial kitchen would already be installed and the
patrons of the central business district would akeady be enjoying Town
Square Park for breakfast, lunch, and dinner to reminisce amongst the
beautiful water garden designed by Michael Wong.
• Instead Michael Wong has been forced to sub out his liquor sales to a Saint
Paul on-sale licensee: the City Center Radisson Hotel. All food must also be
prepared and catered to the property at a huge financial loss to NIr. Wong.
Mr. Wong to date has over $250,000 in losses due to these delays. His
• reputation will be permanently damaged directly due to the City of Saint
Paul having actively pursued him to move his business downtown to Town
Square Park and, at the last minute, amend the lease term far a December 31,
2002 cancellation.
Fortunately, Michael Wong's loyal clientele keep booking their banquets
with him. Year 2003 bookings are enormously hindered because of the need
to now obtain title to the property.
da- ���
Again, the issue is not whether the proposed use will become a reality since
Michael Wong is currently successfully operating; rather, the issue is
� whether or not the City of Saint Paul will quickly award the property to Mr.
Wong. All delays in deciding the awardee of the property only cause
Michael Wong to continue to delay proper marketing of the properly.
As with any restaurant business the 4` Quarter of each calendar year, known
� as the "Holiday Season", is a key time for use of the property; plus, the
"lunch" crowd use of the skyway is at its peak during the winter months.
The immediate decision to award the property to Michael Wong will prevent
the unnecessary loss of this vital business.
� Delays in transferring the title of the property also cause the opening of the
park to the public to be delayed.
o�- i�`t
oa- �9 �
#5 Development Schedule:
Furnish a development schedule assuming the property closes on
� September 1, 2002.
Town Square Garden, Incorporated is already a business in operation. It
proposes to improve the property as stated already in this Proposal.
� Town Square Garden, Incorporated has already created jobs downtown Saint
Paul and plans to increase its employees to at least thirty to forty more new
Enclosed is the construction bid as well as equipment list. No later than 60
� days from the date of transfer of title the construction contract provides that
it will be completed. A food and on-sale liquor license will also be obtained.
Again, Michael Wong is already open and hosting banquets since April 1,
2002. In a sense, Mr. Wong's development schedule is already in process.
� His belief in the property and, as important, the City of Saint Paul and its
belief in welcoming its Asian constituency to celebrate in the capital City's
central business district its weddings and other gatherings is what has
generated Mr. Wong's enthusiasm and investment prior to receipt of title to
the property.
Enclosed is a partial listing of Michael Wong's weddings heid at Town
Square Park to date and the scheduled banquets through year 2003 now
A� It is very common, and it is extremely important to the preservation and
success of a banquet business, that bookings be made at least one year in
advance. Michael Wong and his loyal clientele are so far able to preserve
year 2003 bookings; however, any delays of the City in awarding the
property to Michael Wong will cause direct harm to both Mr. Wong's
! business and to the families needing to schedule a wedding banquet.
� 9
445 Minnesota Street
Saint Paul, Minnesota SSI01
facsimile 651-227-2207
a. Mict�ael Wong Resume'
b. Venture Bank letter of financing
r c. Restaurant construction certified bid
d. 2002 & 2003 Town Square Gazden, Incorporated banquet bookings
e. Nhan & Mai Nguyen 500 guest June 8, 2002 Town Square wedding
reception, with testimonial letter of support and photographs
f. Hong Tran & Michael Miller May 10, 2002 Town Square wedding reception
g. Terry Skogerboe & Lee Hutton May 18, 2002 Town Square wedding
� reception
h. Hoang Dinh & Lien Le May 26, 2002 Town Square wedding reception
i. Huong Phan & Tung Do June 22. 2002 Town Squaze wedding reception
j. Town Squaze Pazk re-planted by Michael Wong
k. Town Square Park decorated for wedding banquet
1. Saint Paul Foundation (APECD) testimonial letter of support
� m Chinese American Association of Minnesota testunonial letter oF support
n. John Tran testimonial letter of support
o. Dean S. Potter testnnonial letter of support
p. John and Anna Martin testimonial letter of support
q. Lucia Vu testunonial letter of support with photo
r. Bao Tran testimonial letter of support with photo
� s. Viviana Leung & Shawn Leung testimonial letter of support with photo
t. Joseph Bui testimonial letter of support
u. Ct�ristina T.D. Le testunonial letter of support
v. Jim & Ledung Klein testimonial letter of support
w. Fred Shaw, President Shaw-Lundquist Associates, Inc. testimonial ietter of
� � Wi15onJoms � owaR Re7erence InOes Sysrem � 7s9t w�ison iones compa�y
�a- �R�
Resume of Michael Wong
Managing parents restaurant in Hong Kong
Mir<uner Chinese Restawant, Anchorage Alaska. 100% own
(Autfientic Chinese menu, Dim Sum, beer and wine)
Sold for profit
1985-1990 Little Ctuna, Riverplace Shopping Center Minneapolis. 100% own
(Chinese fast food)
Mall closed
1988-1995 Yin Yang Chinese Restaurant, Maplewood Landlord (Bruce Morgan). 100% own
Sold for profit
1989-1999 Orient Express, Midland Square Building, Downtown Minneapolis. 100% own
(Chinese fast food)
Sold for profit
1990-1992 15,000 sq. ft. retail and office strip center on Frost Ave. Maplewood. 100% own
Sold for profrt
1991-2001 Canton Express, Bumsville Shopping Center. 100% own
(Chinese fast food)
Sold for pro&t
1995-current Orient Express, Ridgedale Shopping Center. 100% own
(Chinese fast food)
Received Staz Performance Award 1997 & 2000
' 1996-1998 Riverplace Food Court, Minneapolis. 100% own
Orient Express — Chinese fast food
Deli Espresso — Soup, salad and sandwich
1998-2001 Plaza Cafe, Riverplace Minneapolis. 100% own
(Fine Chinese dining, entertainment and community events)
� Lease terminated under new building owner
1988-current Wong's Food Inc. 100% own
Own and catering complete turn key Chinese restaurant, provide managing and
finish products
2002-current Town Square Crarden event center Saint Paui Downtown. 100% own
Mutti food court (Monday-Friday lunch)
Banc}uets for all events
�a- ���-
• !�I WitsonJ�nes. OmcR Releience Index System (y 1gg7 Wtlson Jones Company
��,- 79�
July io, aooa
� Michael Wong
Town Square Garden
445 Minnesota Street
Saint Paul, MN 55101
Dear MichaeL
We understand that you will be making an offer to purchase the Town Square Gazden located in
downtown St. Paul for $101,500. We also understand that you will be making improvements to
this property, including the installation of a kitchen. Based on our preliminary information and
discussions, we are very excited to work with you and Venture Bank will favorably consider
your loan request for the financing of this project.
Further due diligence and review of the feasibility of this project is necessary for us to provide a
commitment to fund this project. We look forward to receiving your formal financing proposal.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (952) 837-0662.
� , Very truly,
ion ucho�w
Vice President
>601 Green Valley Drive, Suite 120 • Bloorttington, YIinnesota i533
952.830.9999 phone • 952.830.S21s fax
wwwventurebazilconlu�e.mm web
d�- ���
• � Wi15onJones � Omck Belerence lndex Sysrem � 1991 Wilson Jon¢s CamOany
a�- �9�f
Kuiper Specialties, Inc.
548 - 196th Drive NW
Elk River, MN 55330
Marv's cell phone: 612-799-2672
Office 763-241-9593, Fax 763-241-1559
Towne Square
445 Minnesota Street
5t. Paul, MN
Bid Proposal
Matt Lund Fii]-291-�338
If �ve can't do it--YOU don't need it done
a ti�'ork to be done:
a Demo existing kitchen equipment.
� Provide material and labor to frame and sheetrock walls for plumbing.
Provide and install glassboard to walls
z Demo existing doors
� Provide and install two hollow metai doors, frames and c(osers.
�' Provide material and labor to repair ceilings
� Provide material and labor to construct and enclosure for e�aust.
� Provide material and labor for fan and hood duct work. "
S Provide materiai and labor to paint ali walls with biock filler paint.
� Provide Iabor to cut block openings.
�j Provide general job site cleanup durin� and at job completion.
� Provide permits and job mana�ement
•'— Subcontractors:
\ Commercial Plumbing: see their bid for details. (Note exclusion regarding overtime.)
Sponsler Electric: see their bid for details
� Commerciat Design: instaii two 16' hoods, stainless steei panels shroud to ceilin�, make-up air,
q ducting, ezhaust fan, and engineered drawings.
� Grove Johnson Tile: provide and install epoay floor
� Roofin� allowance:
profit and over}iead
Cooler to be provided and installed by others.
Tl�nk �ou for the opportumt} to bid tlus project. Please check out our �veb site BigMarv.com. ($170,265.60
� Your signature authonzes us to do the work as outiined above and indicates your a�reement to a 50%
downpayment, 30% due at rou�h-in with the balance and any extras due immediately upon final inspection.
Your sienature: Dated:
Dur signature:
KmP� Sp�daEt�s
� 34& 19�D�ivs NVq
mk �ama ss�o
0 �, — ��i'�
Apr 03 D2 11:SDa Sponsler Eleoerin 651-817-1866 p.i
Sponsler Eisc#ric, Inc.
�sa r,tQ w.. xsc sd. �r moa
� ����
anuj.oq Tow�a Sqaar�
Spoo�ler FJee4do Iua prapaa ro apply aIl Lbaiy m�tmLb, aod eqavpmeotmeded bo campieee
?aWp¢ioeEoraUotiev.�d� Sif,4SZ.M
� TL"s�ropoddwanotmdod�atYo�,�yw,ara8ow�e�mt�p�a�Hcmll,ydrm'6�d8�ooa
S�u�aF. �
PtR�t �fao�to[
CerAt,}ted Sn�dl �ss B�erpr�las
• 1
900 Montre� qr�cie
St Paul, Minneaoffi SSfa2
Rhone: (651j'8Q2�800 Fa�t: (651} �
A Division of Twin City Tile and Marble Company
, ,v
To: Kuiper S�ialHes, inc.
548196�". Drive N.W.
Elk River� MN. 55330
Work At Town Square
445 Mi�m. S1.
St Pe�. MN.
Phone: (763) 241•9�a93
We Fbraby Propos� To fiar�ish labor and materisis to i�teil Epo-Re�c tndustrial ll F.{wxy Membrane Flooring
• sys2�n over exating Elastomeri� Seamless Flooring in FGtchen area on third floor_ We wo�d remove ieeUiiane
coating on existing flooting bY ��PP��9� 9����9, shoffilasting, or whaiever works to achieve tlie propet
P�QPa�ation. 8ebw pridng is based on doing work during regular weekrlay hours. Pricing also indud� a 4' irdegral
cove b�e at ail wails.
Total Floors — 2,340 Sq. Ft
Totaf Base — 825 Lin Ft
� c - 7_ ;o •. c a �-. - r .o. • • . � . • . o _�x �. . . . • • .. !. . - .. -.
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. forahaer«kandaxlqlelad6aa�8ds�Belwala�m�emennerforfheamd
�f18fB6fl TflOUSttld �110 ��IR1d1lC1 �11e1Y 811d �O100 �O1�91E
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becameaneemachsige. Nap�e�e+bmdrgertiyaishkes.
acddeMSadelnyabeyvMaurcantrd Ownermcan7/flre��omedo
�aan��,e�yn�„�,ano�w�. ww�,�,•8
Ca�s�m acd P�ic t3�ly hm�acce m abo,ew�xk �0 6e
idren ad by.
Doliats 579,990.00
Date of Plans:
' - � '' � s1 �iill ��Ll • • � ' �
� '.�rll�
?� �I'. _ . .. _
�pmn� of P�oPos�
� The above prices, �tions and wndiUons are sa�ry and hereby accepted. You are authorized to cb
work as specified. PaymetK rrdl! be m�e as outlined.
Detie SlgnaWre
.. ,.
04/.03/2002 18:25 6514642425
� t�IiPANY: Ku4�rSpoctakiss
�: �
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LOC�1l70N: Town Sqwn St Paul
�.: A�I 3, Zo�
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w• propose � fiu�ah lebor arw maar�is to eomqem a,. aeove pro1� � a� W+� �
spedaatla�s dubtl WA Th� prt�posal includes fhs fdbwUl9 Mdfona ot Divfaion 1� N Medmnitpl
� tx�less tWbO OthervWee ar sPecMeal�y w�Gudad:
?�. - ��.. .� ��
Demo a�tletlrg wa6x i�tx, t�nd eink mid 2 prep ah1�_
RebCaES 1 t�eiW sit�k.
Rouy�n riQ §redAl awrrer supplied: 2 h�d sWts 2?.com�trn�nt ProP sintc��
t D�Be Sink w�t �ei, 1 dithweat�9t.
Ftantah antl Inpa� 1?Ax24 mop Skfk, � eler�rlC Water tte�hr 3 fioo� droiM.
� • No snc � wnc
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• NogWrA aervice
WO I78Y6 SCM M1C TOAO�Vii1g AddlfldUrtl(C)
No� � OwfNie�rt�dvlloorwoAc Add: S 000.00
� � Add:
� BPP�� 1he oPP���Y m q� Y� on t7as prpjEet. IF tlrs mMh Your a�wal. Plesse aipn betow. Nrve
e�n b� of TitrCier �nae. Pbase conract us.
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6� - �9�
� 445 Minnesota Street
Saint Pau[, Minnesota 55101
651-22� 3307
facsimile 65I-227-2207
Walk-in cooler
r Walk-in freezer
Water heater
3 compartment sink
2 compartment sink
3 hand sink
� mixer
dish washer machine
5 well wok range
2 deep fat fryers
w 2 conventional oven
6 range stove
preparation table
mop sink
mobile warmer
t ice machine
' � Wi15011i0ne5 • Qu2F Rele�ente lnde+ Syslem
y 198! WJSOn Janes Company
Town Square Garden
Booking Schedule 2002
• Date
April 06
Hanh Vo / Quynh Nhu
Type of Event
# of People
$ l 1,945.65
� May 10 Hong Tran / Michael Miller Wedding 170 $ 7,100.00
May 11 Kimie Huynh / Tung Nguyen Wedding 190 $ 8,120.00
May l8 Tanya Skogerboe / Lee Hutton Wedding 200 $ 8,758.60 �
� May 26 Hoang Dinh / Lien Le Wedding 250 $13,188.10 �
May 27 Sora Hecht / Leri Yitzchok Feller Wedding 350 $ 1,140.00
*�ss*s:x*.*s**s«*:ss:*ss*ss�*****s:*+***s*ss�s*��*�*mss:s::*s****:**«:s*s«****s�*s�msss �
June 01 Le Ho / Phu Ngo Wedding 350 $17,587.71 �
� 7
June 07 Jolie Martin / Doris Martin Wedding 60 $ 2672.50 —
June 08 Mai Ho / Nhan Nguyen Wedding ��� � $18,246.60 �
June 09 Phuong L. Nguyen / Quoc Bao Wedding 300 $16,368.48 �'
• �'
June 14 Huyen Tran / Lam Bao Wedding 250 $12,707.69 �
June 15 Tram Pham I Shawn Nguyen Wedding 250 $ 8,018.15
June 22 Huong Phan / Tung Do Wedding 250 $11,744.19
June 29 Nam Pham Wedding 300 $12,393.00
1,�, 1 % ZOO 2
'.,�� — T�muk-gkam�h Vo �- �''' � � --38a- �6'9'�—� � 1 ,
� 7uly OS Thanh Huong / Van Do Wedding 200 $ 8,262_00
July 06 Rose K. L. Nguyen I Simon T. Tran Wedding 270 $ i I,153.17
July t3 Binh Nguyen / Mai Thi Nguyen Wedding 300 $12,500.00
July 20 Tiffany Ton / David Truong Wedding 270 $ 11, t 53. i 7
July 27 Thoa Tran / Duc Hong Wedding 300 $ 12,500.00
Date Name Type of Event # of Peopte Revenue
Aug 03 Nancy Dang J Randy Le Wedding 270 $] 1,153.17
� Aug 04 Anh Truong Wedding 300 $12,500.00
Aug 10 Hong Truong / Michael Spores Wedding 280 $11,566.80
Aug 17 Kun Mai / John Le Wedding 300 $12,500.00
• Aug 24 Qanh Tran I Anh Bui Wedding 300 $12,500.00
Aug 31 Erik Trinh / Devonne Mai Wedding 320 $ I 3,291.20
:ss*a**sssassss**s**a�ssa:+s�ssx:::s:*:***sa*s:sr*sm:x******� a:ax***�ar *aa**���` i
Sept O1 Thuly Nguyen / Robert Tyler Wedding 250 �fa��SSw ��V��0,327.50
Sept Ol Thanh Pham / Binh vo Wedding 300 $12,500.00
Sept 07 Lan Chi Nguyen / Oai Le Wedding 200 $ 8,262.00
Sept 14 Phuong Nguyen / Zach Miller Wedding 330 $13,632.30
Sept 21 Tam Dan Nguyen / Tan Dang Wedding 400 $16,524.00
Sept 28 Chi Le / Thanh Nguyen Wedding 300 $12,500.00
� Oct OS Giao Tran / Brian Koch Wedding 260 $10,740.60
Oct 12 Thuy Nguyen J Nick Aloi Wedding 290 $11,977.90
Oci ] 9 Truc Ly / Damien Nguyen Wedding 350 $14,448.50
lw Oct 26 Thuy Trang Le / Phil Nguyen Wedding 310 $12,806.10
Nov 02 BJ Wedding 300 $12,500.00
lYov Q9 Sam Wedding 3l0 $t2,&Q6.10
Nov 16 Samnang C}il�im / Ren Meam Wedding 330 $13,632.30
Nov 30 Tam Swanson & Tony Wilkinson Wedding 200 $ 2,000.00
Town Square Garden
Booking Schedute 2003
� Datc Name TvPe of Event # of Peoale Revenue
May l 7 Christina Leung Wedding 350
May 18 ChristinaLeung Wedding 350 $18,285.75
• *s*ss*�***s:****ss**s*s*ss**sa****s�:+***sssm**st*ssa*�*s�*���:s*ssa*:**�*ssv:as*axss*+*s
June 07 Ngoc Nguyen / Hung Cu Wedding 390 $ I 6, I 10.00
June 14 Halli Nguyen / Nathan Graff Wedding 380 $15,697.80
June 26 Jennifer Dahl! Ricardo Duran Wedding 290 $t0,740.60
June 28 Thao Q. Ngo / Canh Q. Truong Wedding 350 $18,285.75
July 04 Christy Phan / Don Wedding 350 $18,285.75
July OS Ngol Vo / Tu Doan Wedding 300 $12,500.00
7uly 12 L,ena Lim / Karl Eberhart Wedding 300 $12,500.00
July 19 Linh Bui / Tom Kott Ke Wedding 300 $12,500.00
July 20 Ngoc Vo / Tu Doan Wedding 300 $12,500.00
Aug 30 Cazolyn Vu ! Thuan Lrun Wedding 300 $12,500.00
� Sept 20 Larry Lau Wedding 400 $18,468.00
Oct 04 Hoang Pham Wedding 300 $12,500.00
aa �9�
• � WiISOnJOnes Qmtk Releience lndu Sysrzm c,�y, J.� son .�onu Comoan�
D� - �R �
A Divisron of Pierce Am.eiocce tntesnacional
July10, 2002
Michael Wong
� Town Squaze Gazden
445 Minnesota Street
St. Paul, MN 55101
Deaz Michael:
Thank } ou for catering our wedding reception on June 8, 2002. Our 500 guest all were
amazed and astonished at how beautiful Town Square was decorated. This truly was an
experience unforgettable not only by us but also by our guest.
I enjoyed working with you and your staff for all the prepazation for the special day. This
� is clearly a quality orgauization with an emphasis on efficiency and a dedicaTion to
Your new location at Town Square complements the Asian community's needs for a
centrally located, lazge, classy, unique space together with your excellent Chinese
banquet style food.
Y ur ' cerely, �
����� . ��L ����--- - -
Nl�an & Mai Nguyen
• 12362 Marquess Way N.
Lake Elmo, MN 55042
5001 West 80th St., Suite i�S45. Bloomingtan, MN 55437
� Telephone: (952) 835-3532 Fax: (952) 835-3835 Toit Free: I-86G-454-HAIR Inrernet: www.paihaiccom
• � WilsonJOnes � Omrk Be7ere�ce lndex System c�95� w�i:on �o�es c���a��y
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7uly 10, 2002
Mayor Randy Kelly
390 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
St. Paul MN 55102
Dear Mayor Randy Kelly,
D ��?R�
Asian Pacific
On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Asian Pacific Endowment for Commuti+;�
� Development (APECD), I would like to strongly recommend Mr. Michael Wong to be a
permanent business tenant of Town Square Garden.
The Asian Pacific Endowment for Community Development, one of the five Diversity
Endowment Funds of The Saint Paul Foundation, has held its annual fundraising event at
Michael Wong's former restaurant, the Plaza Cafe, at River Place in Minneapolis, for the last
five years. We held our event at his restaurant for the past five years due to the positive
comments we received from our guests regarding the excelIent quality of food and the
outstanding service. We were very pleased and delighted �vhen we found out that Michael
relocated his business to the Town Square Garden in downtown St. Paul. Members of the Asian
community and the community at luge who have had the opportunity of dining at his former
restaurant share this feeling. We continue to heaz positive comments from people who have held
their events at the To�vn Square Garden and we will continue to patronize and support his
The City of St. Paul needs a business entrepreneur like Mr. Michael Wong who will help build
and promote business in downtown St. Paul, not only to the Asian American community, but
aiso to the larger community. His business at Town Square Garden will be an asset to the City of
St. Paul.
We hope that you will strongly consider his application as a permanent tenant at Town Square
�nC� c � ��✓�
Lmda C. Davis
Chair, APECD
DtvFizsrrY ENDOwn�N Fuiws oF TY� 5.�,�r Paur. FourmnTTON
600 NoRwEST CE�x • ST. PauL, MN 55101 • TsL: 6�1-224-5463 • Fax 651-224-8123
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Chinese American Association of Minnesota
P. O. Box 582584
Minneapolis Minnesota 55458-2584
Mayor Randy Kelly
15 W. Kellogg Blvd
St.Paul, MN 55102
Kaimay Yuen Terry.
5109 Ridge Road
Edina, MN 55436
June 27,2002
Dear Mayor Kelly,
T am wri�ing co lend supporc to Michael Wong's offer to purchase Town Square Garden 445
Minnesoca Streec, St.Pau1, 55101.
Michael has been a successful restauraceur and entrepreneur in the Twin Cities for the past
decade. He is a well known and respected business man in che Chinese communiry and che
Asian communiry at large. As che owner of the very successful Plaza Cafe ac Riverplace from
1995 co 2001, he provided the much needed (arge social funccion faciliry For che encire Asian
communiry. In addition �o having che capabiliry co serve the excremely affording pricing buffet
scyle food, Michael and his s�aff are able to serve auchencic ten course styie Chinese banquec for
weddings and other auspicious occasions for hundreds of guescs. Few restaurants in che Twin
Ci[ies area have the culinary capabiliry to do so.
The huge infliix of S. E. rlsian immigrancs into che Twin Ci�ies in che past decade has made
MichaePs rescauranc co be che premier place for special occasions, wich monchs of advance
bookings. I underscand �hac since he moved co Town Square Garden, che Asian communiry's
demands for chis very special faciliry has actually increased. The handsome enclosed glass dome
ceiling wich builc in performing scage is mosc ideal for chese large scale social funaions. The
Chinese and Asian communicy needs a place tha� is centrally locaced, classy, unique and with
GOOD Chinese banquec scvle food. In che past months, Michael has demonscraced his abiliry
co make �his focacion a focal poinc of Asian gaeherings.
His business should also draw guests from the ouc lying suburbs co downcown ScPaul.
Nacurally, i assume chat non-Asian corporace bookings will follow suic afrer chey wicness his
success. Adjacenc businesses such as che Radisson Hocel will also benefic from che ouc of [own
Lasdy, as a communiry activist and communiry minded person, I feel scrongly cha� our
government should help a minoriry business person who will build a business and a place such
as Town Square Garden that will give us communiry pride.
Yours Truly
Kaimay Yuen Terry
Chair, CAAM Chinese Dance Theacer
Pasc President, Chinese American Association of Minnesoca (CAAM)
�' p y �}-o . �"1 . U� c�:G—
• ��1SOnJOn¢5 � Omth Refe�enre lndea Syslem z, �go� Wnson dones Compary
�ui 11 u2 U3:lOp Micfiael Wong 612
` 67/11;200: 12:04 FtiY 851A528990 t�IDOTA HGTS MN
� JJMN, lnc_
415 Sau(hhiADAve, Rosevllle, NN 55flS
iMms: 651�.W�d39z �:65719333Qi
lohn Tran
Presldcvit, JJMN lnc.
Rael EsfatQ ComPa++Y
Randy C KeHey
� Nayor �
SaintPau� MNSSf02
lnly 8. 2UO2
fJear Mayor Kelleiy,
�a - ,��
• I am vrril"ug W piva suDP�+rt M MicFreel Wong's O(fer on Purchasing Town SQuare Gartlen af a45
Minnesota Svaed, Saint PaVI, MN 55t01.
MicFeael has bedn a aucu:ssful rastauraM avner in many years_ His �estauraM has very good Foods
and setvices ar�! is Wefl knowR in t�B Twin Cilfes. He is a wef4Known and raspected etrtrepreneur in the
Asian CortunumUes.
In the past suc �a�s, ae !he owner of the very succesatut Piaza CafB at River Plxe, Minneepdia.
S M"�chael providetl ihe nicast artd chalmittg plece for seWa1 activitie5. Hundred of couplee fgd Gtosen
ttds p�ace tar tt�r WedCmgs sirtce ts+ey kttew t�sy couW WtaNy tnast ta Michael [or msnaging pertect
barpaet�. My wife and 1 caiehtated our weddfng theis tssi year and had a cfia�me to compare Michaei's
resteurant to all td his tontpetitors in the Twin C�les. His restaurant exoellad in all asQecta: foods,
services. afForda0i1i1Y. managema.d� and cpace. We were so happy ihat wa had chosen Michae� as
tAe Rost for our wedding.
Maving weiFknown as a hosttor wedd;ng banquets. MICh961 la atao very suocessful in sening de6clous
� fest faods and bu(fe5. 1 �rould rtever forget one of aur fast footl gueste having MirhaeYs "Paw-mien and
Temaki chiekien', Sn evecy lunch tw moMlts. qhar guests had tfioit {uMh at Michael's rnstautant as
their reg�der baza�is_ q� would not wrant to miss nie "Ses fCatls Ou#et' for C+eir dinner.
Recently, oar iriends imi�ed us io come to 8xk woddings at ToWn Square Garden Avice. At this naw
'estsuraM, I obsr.rve�tl en�i again the ways thet Michael h9ndled his busfneas reminded me what made
tpm suoceasful in years at Plaza Caf�: gad foods, atfortt�bility, exceilent nervkes a�d mer+egemevd_
� Mici�ael �s a very' haM wark"eg business man. He aMays applies new wayc to improve �is business.
Sie has a aeativ�3 ant! ars:hitedu� mmd 'm sdNig ta6les, se� dojec.�a and pfacea fa tsking pictmes.
He freaFa aQ his guests ae'd empbyaea with teype�is an6 ceress. 1 viras one oE h(a employees many
yeats ago so I ki+ow theT.
Lastly as a mmiawnity ml,n0ed person, 1 shongy Iaeonrnend U�at ar govemmant should l�p a
minor3ry Dust�ress petson to Oudd a husittasa a place as Tam Squa'e Garden tlmt wiU give us a
community Pdde and Prrn�da a good soaai pface for aa c�6¢ens.
,bhn Tiarc
HyiiQ!(KIPwW El�yeoResfiner$m(mr
JJMN, Nc. - Reai Estefe Company
Yaws Sinmrefy�
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� � Y�1�SOtId011E5 amci RCle�ence /ndas S/sie.'� _ <_ .., ,,,, .v^as Lam n�
� Pa
Dean S. Potter
26 West lOth Street
Unit 1211
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55103-1039
. 651-293-9364
July 12, 2002
To Whom it may concern:
I first met Michael Wong when my wife and I visited Town Square Garden
Event Center during the day. Masako, my wife dances with Mikah¢r¢ K¢i, a
Japanese dance group. Mih¢h¢ru Kai was hired to performed at A Vietnamese
Wedding reception at the Garden and Masako wanted to see the area where they
• would perform.
VIichael made a good first impression — so good that I, a free lance writer,
asked him if I could interview him for a story in Asian P¢ges, a local paper. He
said cres.
The night of the reception he impressed us again, working hard seeing that
eventhing ran smoothly. It was a beautiful reception.
S VSichael has had a most remarkable entrepreneur career from Hong Kong
to the `I�vin Cities managing and owning restaurants. Most remarkable of all,
though, is his knowledge of all Asian cultures. His knowledge of folk and
classical Japanese dance was quite impressive.
While Town Square Garden is opened to all, it is very popular with Asians,
� and J'iichael does his utmost to help the Asian community.
As a downtown citizen of Saint Paul and a board member of both the Saint
Paul-�Tagasaki Sister City Committee and the Japan America Society of
Minnesota I know the importance of a productive Asian businessman in Saint
Paul, especially with the cit}�s large Asian population.
_l�Iichael Wong with his business knowledge and his understanding of the
� Asian community is the person to own and run Town Square Garden Event
Center as he has successfully been doing. I whole heartily recommend that he be
the successful buyer.
� �.��. � -.��.
Dean S. Potter
�a -���
+ � WIISOOJOtICS , �m[k flelerenc2 /n0es System
5 1931 W.fson Janes CcaOany
� Mayor Randy Kelly
15 West Keilogg Blvd.
Sairn Pavi, Minnesota 53102
Juiy 8, 2002
Dear Mayor Kelly,
I am v✓ritiug to lrnd support to Mic2�aei Wong's offer to purchase Town 3quare Gazdeq
4d5 Minnesota Streei, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55301.
i �ci�aet has opetated a very successfiil restaurant, the Flaza Cafe, at Itiverpiace in
M'umeapoiis far many ye�s, offeruig hanquet styie Chinese food for iarge �cial
functions. My wife and I have attended many wedding receptions ihere with t}rcee to five
hundred guesu, enjoying delicious eight to ten course dinners in a family style settuig
served by very cnurteous and thou�iitfiil help followed by iive music and dancutg. Each
turn has been a wnc�erhil e�rie�e a� ihe populazity of his P�a�+i'��nt has heen
• demonstrated by ttre need ta make reservatmns for an event up tn twelve months in
advance to seciue a desired date. Both the food and hospitatiky have aleveys met our
highest expectations; we have attended events at ot}�r sights wt�n his 3ocation was not
available, however none has rivated the standud of e�ccellence �t by MichaeS and his
Recently we very given a surprise anniversary party by our chiidren at thc Town Square
� Gerden and we inarveled at the quality of the iood. We la�w Michael had closed his
resiaurant at Riverplace in A9ac�h and was loolang at a siglu in Plymouth; we were
defighted to tearn he was the proprietor and that ours was his fitst group at ihe new
location. What a �nderful �rise!
We aze wnfident. as the word is spread that M�l�aet has ope�d operations in tt�
� beautiful Town Square Gaz�en PeoPfe from Saini Paul, Mmneapoiis a�i the surcounciing
su6urbs will be coming to dowMOwn Saint Paul to make anangements to hold those
special gatherings there. Wl�t an enjoyabte way to becomc reintroduced to downtown
Saint Paul.
• ���
�a� Anna �4artm
74Q0 35�` Avenue North
CcYstal, Minnesota 55427
�� ���
�a 7��
• � Wi�500�011E5 � Qmtk flP/e�ence /Rdes SyslBm � ;S3 'fd ,o� Jor,as Com➢any
� Deaz Randy Kelly, Mayor of St. Paul, Minnesota,
�a ���
� This letter is to provide support to Michael Wong's purchase offer for Town Square Garden. Based on MichaePs performance in
catering my wedding reception in July of 1998, [ can highly recommend Michael Wong as a prospective buyer with a highly
motivated and productive staff.
� During the months previous to my weddina reception, Michael and [ worked together numerous occasions. I had the great pleasure of
seeing his excellent attention to detail and commitment to customer service.
Being a business owner in the Asian community myself for many years, I am proud to say Michael's reputation and success as an
� entrepreneur is both inspiring and motivating.
In closing, as detailed above, based on my experience with Michael, I can unreservedly recommend him to the purc{lase pf'�p�yty
Square Gazden.
Sincere ,
. � �,,� _.�.
• Lucia Vu, July 6'", 2002
2544 Hennepin Ave MINNEAPOLIS MN 55405
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• � Wilson:Ones . Omck fleleience /ndex SYSrem < t9el 'n�iscn .;anes Conoeny
o� ���
To: Mayor Randy Kelly
15 West Keliogg Blvd.
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
July lst, 2002
Subject: Letter of Recommendation for Mr. Michaet Wong
Dear Mayor Keliy,
I am a former client of Mr. Michael Wong and I am writing to you in support of his
proposal for Town Square Garden of St. Paul Minnesota. When I learned of Michael's
� decision to operete a restaurant in downtown St. Paui, I was deVighted because of
the great opportunity this will bring to the city.
I have attended numerous wedding receptions catered by Michael as he is one of the
favorite and most sought after caterers in the Asian restaurant industry. I've also
had the pleasant experience to have Michaei cater my wedding last November.
♦ During the course of my wedding, Michael proved himself to me as to be a great
business man and a talented restaurant owner.
I have been quite impressed by Michael ability to build his reputation as a restaurant
owner in the Twin Cities. I certainly believe he has what it takes to bring diversity
� and create a wonderfui atmosphere in the heart of St. Paul.
Best Rega s,
� /
� `---�—
Bao Tran
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PZease send to:
� Mayor Randy Kelly
I S W. Kellogg Blvd
St. Paul, MN SS102
June 30. 2002
Dear Mayor Kelly,
It is my understanding that Michael Wong is in pursuit to purchase Town Square Garden
� which is current owned by the cify of St. Paul.
Please accept this letter as my testimonial to .Llichael 's excellent restaurant reputation in
the Asian communiry.
I am Asian American who has lived in Minnesota »ry entire life. My family is also in the
� restaurant business and Michael 's reputation as one of the most capable restaurant
owners in Asian community is second to none.
The above are some on the few reasons I, myself, chaose to have Michael cater my own
wedding in August of 2000. My personat experience with Michael was astonishing. He
went above and beyond every expectation of mine and my guest.
I can imagine the pride that Michael will bring to the Asian communiry if you accept his
purchase proposaL I urge you to please take his ofjer into seriously consideration.
1�iviana Leung and
Shawn Leung
• 8940 Lyndale �tve. S
Suite 400, Bloomington, MN. 55402
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� WilsonJOnes � Oulek Relerersce /n0es System e�sst wesor. do�es cmro=�.r
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Randy C Kelly
City of St. Paul
St. Paul, MN 55102
Joseph Bui
9200 Hampshire Av. N
Brooklyn Patk, M11 55445
July 02, 2002
Dear Mayor Kelly,
I am writing to lend support to Michael Wong's offer to purchase Town Square Garden 445
Minnesota Street, St. Paul, 55101
Michael has been a successful restaurateur and entrepreneur in the Twin Cities for the past decade.
He is a well-known and respected businessman in the Chinese community and the Asian community
at iarge since 1995-%GO1. As the owner of the very successf'ul Ylaza Cafe at Riverplace, Minneapolis,
he provided the much-needed large social function facility for the entire Asian community. In addition
to have the capabiliry to serve the extremely affording pricing buffet style food, Michael and his staff
are able to serve authentic 10-course sryle Chinese banquet for weddin�s and other auspicious occasions
for hundreds of guests.
Due to the influx of S.E.Asian immigrants to the Twin Cities in the past decades, his restaurant is sou�ht
after as the premier place for special occasions, with months of advance bookings.l understand that since
he moved to Town Square Garden, the Asian communiry's demands for this very special facility has
actualty increased. The handsome enclosed glass dome ceiling with 6uilt in performing stage is most ideal
for these large-scale social functions. The Chinese and Asian community needs a placed that is centrally
Iocated, classy, unique and with GOOD Chinese banquet style food. In the past months, Michael has
demonstrated his ability to make this location a focal point of Asian gatherings.
His business should also draw guests from the out lying suburbs to downtown St. Paul.
Naturally, I assume that non-Asian corporate bookings with follow suit after they witness his success.
Adjacent businesses such as the Radisson Hotel will also benefit from the out of town bookings.
Lastly, as a community activist and communiry minded person, I feel strongly that our government
should help a minority businessperson who will build a business and a place such as Town Square Garden
that wili give us community pride.
Yours Truly,
; � , i ,
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Joseph�Bui �J
� WiI50nJ01125. Omck Re/e�ence lndex SyStem 'c; 19°1 Wiiean Janes Comcany
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Le Nails — Christina Le
1532 University Ave.,
Midway Suite 103
St. Paul, MN 55104
Mayor Randy Kelly
]5 W. Kellogg Blvd.
St. Pau1, MN 55102
July 12, 2002
Dear Mayor Kelly,
My name is Christina T. D. Le, a former customer and patmn of Plaza Cafe. The
reason I am writing this letter is to demonstrate my support for Michael Wong's offer to
purchase Town Square Gazden 445 Minnesota Street, St. Paul MN 55101.
My entire family frequentiy dined out at Michael Wong's restaurant in River
Plaza ever since they opened from 1995 to 2001. Because of their exquisite menus and
excellent catering service, it wasn't long before word got out that they were the BEST
place in town to hold special occasions. Plaza Cafe was booked for weddings that served
over 350 people every Saturday and Sunday evenings for the last several years. I was
one of the fortunate ones to have the oppommity to book my engagement party and
wedding banquet at Plaza Cafe. There are not many Asian restaurants in the Twin Cities
that have the capabilities to cater on such a large scale. I believe that is a great
accompiishment and have complete confidence that Michael Wong will achieve the same
success in Town Square.
Michael Wong wili not only have full support from his family and friends, but a
large portion of the Asian community. He has built himself and his restaurant quite a
noble reputation in Minnesota. My family owns Truong Thanh Grocery Store on 2520
Nicollet Avenue Minneapolis for over 12 years and have had a chance to get to lmow
many business owners and people in our community. Numerotas people speak very
Irighly of Mr. Wong's family and admire his business ingenuity. The powerful impact of
his business will defmitely trigger surrounding businesses to flourish By nurturing lus
goal of purchasing Town Square, lus business talents will spread to a greater degree and
in tum the St. Paul community will benefit and be very proud.
I am very happy to hear that this opportunity has azisen. Aclueving ones
aspirations is important, but I believe the greatest fulfiilment of all in life, is helping
others achieve their dreams and goals.
Thank you Mayor Kelly, for your time and consideration. Please feel free to call
me at 612-242-0075 if you have any questions. Thank you again.
Si�nc ely
r �_
Christina T. D.
Business owner of Le Nails, Midway St. Paul
Daughter of Truong Thanh Grocery, Minneapolis
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• � WilsonJOnes OoicR Relerence mdex Sysrem c�3�� veison .1o�e=. camnany
July 10, 2002
Jim and I,edung Klein
2608 Rolling View Drive
White Bear Lake, MN 55110
e Mayor Randy Kelly
15 West Kellogg Blvd
St. Paul, MN 55102
Dear Mayor Keliy,
We are writing to add our enthusiastic support to Michael Wong's offer to purchase
Town Square Garden at 445 Minnesota Street in downtown St. Paul.
� We have known Michael for six years. His successful ownership and management of
the Plaza Cafe in Minneapolis always created an elegant and first-class authentic Hong
Kong-style dining experience. Under Michael's cazeful guidance, Plaza Cafe became
very populaz for hosting wedding receprions as well as a popular lunchtime destinaUon
for downtown workers. We always enjoyed the five-star hospitality from Michael's
expertly led staff and the food was very good! Michael's sense of community and
� entertainment is evident in the many special events, such as outdoor sutmner Chinese
barbecues, that he would host at Plaza Cafe.
As long time residents of the St. Paul community, we are very eager to see St. Paul's
Town Squaze Garden become the premier dining spot in the Twin Cities.
Jim and Ledung Klein
+ � WilsonJanes � Ooick Relerence iade= Svsrem ,�, issi w��so� do�� comoa��
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assost�f�s ir�c
UIayo� Randy Keliy
15 Wesc Kello� Blvd.
Saiat Paul, �� 5510Z
Ju3y 11, 2002
Dear Mayor Kelly,
I am wri6og today in svpport of �3ichaet Wong's oifer to purchase Town Square
Garden. ]ocaced a. 435 :14innesora 5creec m Smnt Paul.
I have pe:sonaliy known Michae! far msny yesrs and r.ey Sc Pau? based company,
Shaw-Lundquist Associates, Inc. has had several oppottan�ues [a hold evencs at
his :esTaurant_ He ts mosc accommodann� and we have always enjoyed ourselves,
as Michaet �s a mosc �acious hosc; offenng a fine tnenu with ar. As�an theme.
The ambiance is one chat is yearr.ed for by many m rhe Ch:nese snd �sian
communiues throuehoa[ [he Twm Ciues, and has an im�ortar.[ home m
Down[own Sain[ Paul.
Ir is imponant for [he commumcy co have a special oachenna piace for occasions
co celebraae wich fnends and far.u}y. I value havin� Michael as a successful
enuepreneur who prov,des a ciassy seiane m which io ce?ebiaze and do busmess
in the Tw�n Cines.
H�s bus:ness +�ti? draw �uesrs fran atl over che Twm C�c�es co dcw�;cown Saint
Pau]_ Wnn th:s i�rst class locacion, he wouid be able io serv�ce coiporace
boa!angs as we,I.
As a leader in the Chmese and .ASian communicies, I would I�ke ca see ?viicnael be
successful and hope chac che cicy wiii help chis mmor.ty busmess creace Town
Square Garden 2s �nIa�e o: pnde :.� ttte As:an and commun2c}•.
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� Mr. Fred Shaw
Shaw-Lundquisc Associates, Inc_
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