259145 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ,�r��/�� � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �.o�� �� � t � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK N�E NO.�— LIC�NS�, carm�TT�' C UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATE June 27� 1972 1�SOL�D: That Application M 2540 for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 8078, expirin� January 31, 1973, issued to Ei��nman. Enterprises, Inc. at 519 ti�J. Seventh Street, be and the s�me is hereby transferred to Eigenman Enterprises, Inc. (New Corp.� at the same address. On Sale Liquor :�sta�lishment TRAiVSFr�R (Corpor�tion to Corporation� Informally approved by Council June l, 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council�N a� �� 19— Yeas �'r Nays Butler ,�p '�? ��� �� KONOPATZKI �` pprove 19— Levine , _ ) �._. X"� Tn Favor " .,_._. _ + -. Meredith � Sprafka , Mayor MADAri �E�� gainst ,. , �� r E�r. President, D� BUTI,r� PUBLISHED .JUL � ��7Z ' �� � � � 5�' I � S CITY OF ST. PAUL APPLICATI(�N FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE �� � •. ` ��r�-�, Application No. ...,_.__...._.._ Nameof Applican��� .._..._.........w_ .__..._.�............................_.... , .........._..._........... Age.....4�.._......_......._. �._._..._ ....... Residence Addresa.....1..L?�._Li_ncoln Ave. St. Paul,�NLinn,,....,.,_..............._._... Tetephone No....b�,&-00�1�, Areyou a citizen of the United Statea?.....�s....._.... _........_................_..._................_.........._...._........._....._..._....._....__,........................._...._._ Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon� cafe, aoft drink parlor, or buainesa of similar natureY No Whenand where 7......................._......................_.._....__._._......_.._..._..._......................_. ,,..................._........ ....... _...._.......,.._....�......, — i ma t�rprises, nc. If corporation, give name �td general purpose of corporation.. �_........_....,.._,.._._,.._._._.,,_,,,._,,..,,,..._ ._...,..Re�ail Food and Liquor Sales.._....._„_. When incorporated?�....April,....1972 _...._._.......__.._.....�....�.....__�__....._.�.._............�..__..._................_..._..............._..........�......__......�.......M..._._ If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club membera?....._......................_...._...._..__.._..._................_....._ Ho«- many membera?................._..___...._.._..._...._.__..._...._..._..._..._ Names and addresses of all officers of corporation, and name and address of general manager. . . .. . . . . .. . . . _J. James..Walsh,...President�_.Secretary, 1��1��Lincoln Ave. St. Paul,�,_,Minnesota � ...... ... ........_...._.........._......._..._........_...... .....__.........._................................._ ,��x��,...:�x.._...._.........._..._........._.._.-- -•--..._......_.___.......... ...... . ........._............................_..............._.........._...... .............._....................................._ J. James T�ialsh,...G�n�ra�...�:�?a.gex',....�:.�5�..�1,�....�.u.�,.....�.....��.L]�.,....�'�i.x���4.t�.......... Nu�nes and r�ddresaes of Stockholders: ......J. James T�Ialsh,....15_5_4..Lincoln Ave.,,,,,,St. Pau1,...Mi?�?z��ota............................. Give.name of surety company which will write bond, if known......................._........................................_................_............................_...._....__ Number Street Side Between What Crosa Streeta Ward 57-7 ' T�Iest 7th St.: West ' Banfil & : Goodhue 5� . . . . ' : How many feet from an academy, college or univeraity (measured along atreets) ?.........2d.,.�.Q�::.:�:��:�................................ How many feet from a church (measured along atreets) ?................�,QQ...�:��:�.........._........................._.........�..._...__..._..__.__..._..._..„ How many feet from closest public or parcehial grade or high school (fneasured along atreeta) ?.......��...feet ................._ Nameof cloaest_schQOl.:......��.d_..��.s���.1d�.,��k1.QAl......_.,.........................._............................_.........._.........._................................._......_...___._....._ � . � � � a � 6 � � � -� . � � . � . • STATE OF MIIVNF'.BOTA, COUNTY OF RAMBEY, d8• � , � -. ;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_.. J.y Jame s Wal sh ____,_.�.heina lfrat du�y swoi'n. -- ; �; depoaes and eaya tl�at he hsa read the foregoing applicstion and lmowe the conte�ta thereof,and t the e ia true to the best of hia knowledge,infornaation and beliet. . . ._... ....... . .._ _.. _ _ . a e a'I sh._._.._...._�... Sub�bed and aworn to before me this.._ �... �_...°c�sy of_ :'.:_� �._i9 , _'° y ........r�ww L�w • .. .. `,., � _ . _ ..- otary Publfc� Ramaey Co � Minn. " JAM�S F. FINLEY ommiasion expiree....._..�urt"C'ommis's"ioner"'" MS�Y. �OUIYTY� MINIV. STATE OF MINNESOTA� ; , _ - ., aCOUNTY OF RAMS�Y� sa. : . _. _ J. James Walsh. � � _. � � - � ���t�uly e�wQri� _._...._. ._...._. . ......._.. ...�._... ._....�.�...___...._ ..,._.._...._ . , depoeea and eaye tha�...h.�i.�..�.rthe .P.Y;c?Gid n ,_and �P�r�aXv �f._..._ Ei�enman Enterprises.� Inc__ .,. . .._� ,a�����; .............._. • _....�......__�_. _.._._.._._ tha�..................................he..............._.........._.....haa read the foregoing application and knows the contenta thereof,and that the . sacne is true to the best of..........._... .1�......._..._...._..........l�owledge, information and belief;,that the seal a�.�xed,ta the foregoing inatrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application-was aigned� eealed and e�c� cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of ita Board of Directors,and said application and the execution L•hereof is the voluntaty act and deed of said corporation. . . ....._. .._. .. .._..__...._...._.._. J. es Walsh � � Subac�ed and sworn to be�ore'�me �_ . _�. � � _� , 'Td2�. thia............... �.... ....day of...__.... _ ....._. ....w._._ 9 � ,, ....._...._........ .. `:�' ...r_.. __:.._.. ..... _..... . ..... ._. ____ _ tary Publi , Ram e�'A�at�,: Y Court Commissioner My mm��i�on e�cpiree....._...._.....RA��.•COCJidT^ta 1VItnIN. . , , . . . �� • CITY OF SAINT PAUL • ' • Capital of Minnesota Z <�< �/� � � Z= eUe aNt�ne�ct o u��C'c �a et � p � ADMINISTBATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIBE PROTECTION roi.tcs DEAN MEREDITH,Commissioner HEALTH xALFH G.MEHRILL,Dspaty Commissloner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Lieems In�peetor June l, 1y72 Honorable Nlayor and City Council Saint Faul, I�Tinnesota Gentlemen �nd NTad�,m: J. James ��s'alsh is joined by Eigerman �nterprises, Inc. in makin� application for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 8078, expiring January 31, 1.g73, from the licen.see Eigenman r�nterprises, Inc. at 519 �;1. Seventh Street to Eigenman. Enterprises, Ine. at the same address, ��ith J. J�mes b;�alsh as Presiden.t-Secre- tary, the sole officer ana sole stockholder of the corpor�,tion. `1'he present licensee, �i�enman �n.terprises, Inc. has h.eld. this license since 1967. Nir. J. James Walsh also makes application for Sunday On Sale Liquor license and Class C-1 Restauran.t, Off Sale Plalt Bev- era�e arid Cigarette licenses f or tl-?e sarae location, 51� �a. 7th Street. ihe address, 519 �,�. �:eventh Street, is located on the north side of' the street between Banfil and Goodl;ue Streets. Ivs. J. J�,mes '.�alsh has �ceen an Estimator and fuel oil busine�tis m�nager, employed by the �ihomas Finr� Cornpany of St. Paul and also the �±cme C�il Co. , �t. P�ul. Very truly yours, �z�0�� License Inspector ;, , � �:,,F',--� . 4., ! � May 30, 1972 Honorable Mayo� An8 Citp Covincil Citq o€ St. Paul Ci�p Hall St. Paul, Minn�sota Hono�able Mayos An8 City Coett�cil: Request �.s ma�de €or �ha tzansfez of the "On Sale" liguor Iicense and "Off Sale" malt b�varage license ahich is preseutlq in the� name of Eige�man Ente�rprises, Ine. , �rith Geor�e George� and Vivian George the avaera of the att�ek a€ said corporation. 1'h� stock o� aaid corporatioa is being sold ta J. James WaiBh and requesC is he�teby made for approval of t�hs t�ransfer of �he a�ock to hi�. Respectfully submitted; Eigenman Enterpris�s, I�nc. ��,�..�%�'',�,,�/-��' `!r`- e�rge� G�ecrrg� Requeat is hexebq made for the transfe�c o� the "On Sgle" liquor license and "Off Sale" malt be�veraae licenae to J� Jar�es Walsh ae awner of all of the atc�ck of Big�naraa Enterpriaes, Inc. �especx�ully 3ubmit d; • V�N.DO . � wa�a� � CITY �y' S��It�I� Pt�L�. . , �;.fi'.�1t1Pu'�i'd'�` C�a ':?IT�LIC 5.,,';:TY LI��?:;�� �IVISIOP•W Date A�r i 1 2f�� 1��_ 1. Applicaticn �'or ��0� Sale" liauor ��cense ar�l "Off Sale" malt bevera$e License 2. PJame o� ag�pii�:ant J. J��.m.es 'r.���r -- 1�I1�ES. .SEG. r- �//NGEA/AN EN�• �ti�. 3. �usines� �.c��ress�l7 Tr�est 7th �treet� �t. �aLl ��u�a�nCe 155t� �.inc�ln� St_ Pault N51 ' 4. Trade n�.me, if any Bitl Ba= �[ 5. Retail Beer rederal �ax u�am���Petail Li�uor I'ederal �'ax Stamp�_s�rill be used. 6. On what �2oor locate� �,.,,,�� T.u�::�.ser of roocns used 1 7. I3et��een t�g1�t cro�s streets_g�il �u�d�a�hue �tilhich side of street��e9t li vor sales 8. Are premises nota� occupfec�_y�"=Jfliat bu�i.az�Js��� Fiow long � t,,.a � 9. Are premises noer unoccupied�_Ilo�+r 3orag vac�.nt Frevious Use l0o Are you a nsiv o�+iner��� b3�.ve you been in a similar busines� before �� Where iVli�n 11. Are you goi.ng to opera.te this business pe�rsonally � Gs' � If not' �rho �oill operate it �S �1�,P ^ (�3 0 - '�i�S�• ��'{� 12. Are �Tou in any other bus�.n�s� at the pre�ent time �,� . 13. Have there been any complaints against your operation of this type of place ,,�_ When : Where 14. Have you ever had any license revoked �,3$ �rolhat reason and date 15. Are you a citizen o� th� Un3t�d States Native Naturalized �'F�e —� 16. Where were you born �;+, ;�a,� �-,;nne,nta Date bf b17r�h �nv�mb r .� . �y?_-; 17v I am marri�do biy (t�rife's) (�+i�a�p�.��.1��) name and address is �;;o;� 1�,. :;,�1,,�� �.5�� 7,inen ,�vF_�. '�t_ F'_a_»1� A''�inn :, �t� 18. (If married female) my mai��n na�e is 19. How long havQ you lived bn S�. Fau1�Zy��yr.; 20. Have you �;ver been ar��stec? N� Violation af a��zat cr�.�inal lae,r or ordinance 21. Are you a registered v�i;er in the Ci�y o�' St o Paul y�, I'es No (Answer fully and cam��.e�el�. These a lications are thorou hl checl�ed and an falsification will be cazxse #'or den�alo (O�Efi:) 22. Nurnber of 3.2 g���ce^ ,,�i�i,�n t�ro bloc.�s �s�e . . 23. Closest into�ica�aa�� lfcyuor place. Qn Sale Next Door G'��' uale 3 b1Q,gks 24. P�earest Church 3t. Marka, 1� bloeks �'�e«reNt �chool 2 bloeks (�t. Stri►►nisl,6►tts) 25. P�Jum��r of �o����s 6 T�.�aI�� 1 �Iiair� 4 ��ools �_ 26. 1��t occa�pation li�v� you �'o��o�.ec: ior tk:�e ,�.�t fivc ye�r�. (Give nar�es of employer� and dates so emplaysc�s) Emtim�tor �nri P1ie1 Oil Husinesa Na�na�er Thcxnss Fi.nn Campr�Y, 37G �qyton Ave. St. Paul, Minn. Acme Uil Co., 370 D�yton Ave. 5t. Paul, Minn. 27. Give names anc� ��c�;�:re�ue� oi' �;lwo p�rsons, residents o� St. F��al' P1inn.9 �qrho can give infori��tion co�zcer�in� ;�oue Name Yictor Reim r:ddre�s 35 Waet 5th St., St. Paul, Minn. Name Dianiel J. Sehne�n �►dciress 79� Upper Colvnir�l Dr.� 5t. Paul� I� . � �; '�u e #' �lpplicant Sta�e of AiinneNota) )�� Couraty of �'�.�msey ) J. JaB�s s-lalsh �ein� fir�� c�uly sworn' deposes and says upon oath tliat h� lnas reas'� �he �'or�e�;oan� �tatement bearin� his si�nature and I�noi�rs the conteant� ���ereo:�9 and tliat tl�e san� is true of �3a� o��rn p�no�tiTlecl�e except as to those mat�ers therein s�ated upon in�'oran�tion �tnd be�ief and as to those matters h� believes them to be tr�ee S n re f A licant � PP Subacribed and s�orn to before me this ��ay of 19�Z� . . Not Publics R�.msey County� R4innesot JAMES F. FIN Y My Commission ea�ire� Court Commissioner RAMS OUN � INI�f. (Noteo These state�ent �mrms are in duplicatea Botl� copies must be fully filled out� not�.riz�d.� �.nc� returned to the License �i�ri��.on. ) 8-23-71 . , 1. � �r����rz�� �� ������,act�r�T� Y a� 1�.��.'��L � �'^. CFt LI�UC� LIC�Tdu� Re: Q�l Sale Liqt�Dr License P1ar�e o f ag�1 i c�..n�-----�L� �T�l� �11�1eh � �E5. — S+E C_ � �/L/E.v.ti A.✓ Cr(i?• .��4 uusiness �c�c3re�� 517 W�st 'Ith Sti+�rt� 9�. paul_� l�i�� Are you the so�.e o1,�er o�' �I�is 1�usine�sYeB . �� r�fl�� i� i� a partnership? carporation? y� 9 o�?.er? Others anter�s�cci i7 i:�u�ir.e,�y a.��e:�ucIe� tl:o�e �y lo�.n of rioneyp propert� or othercvise: Pdar�e ;cic�res� ��o��� If a corporationy give its name _ Ei�;enman Enterprises, ItiC. Are you interested in any ��r�y i� ��yr o�;3ier re�tail beer or lic�uor busin��s? Np As soie osvner? Np ��ri ne�`? j�p Stocl�ho�.c�er? � Otherwise? (T�hro�a�fl� �o�� o� ►�;�n��-y etc. �l�in) � . Ac�dre�s of uuc�a �,usineNs anc: nuture o� iratercu� ir. u��r�e � ur of a�p icant State of I�linnesota) )�� County of Ramsey ) J. .��8 W818h being first duly s�vorn� c�epas�s and says upon oath th�t he has reac� the fore�oing affsctavit �earin� his signature and I�nodvs the contents thereof; t�at th� �ar�� is �rue oY :�is o�m i�noe��ledge' exc�pt �s to thos� r►atters therein stated upon information and belief anc� a� to tfliose matters he believe� them to be true. ig �tu � of �p�iicant Subscribed anc� ����orn L be�ore me this�_day of`� 1�JL_L Notaa y 1 ic 9 I'�a.�nsey County' l�.inn ota A'iy commission expirea �Af,";ES F. FII�j,EY 'tdi�e�— RAMSEY COUI�ITY. MlL�ll�'. STATE OF A�INNESOTA) )SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) + being first duly sworn9 doth depose and say that he makes this affidavit in connectiott with application for "_�_ Sa.le" liquar licen�e ("� Sa1e" malt be�erage licens�) in th� City of Saint Pau1, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the State of Minnesota and has resided therein for �_�►ears� �_months9 and is notiv and has been for the time above mentioned a bona fide resident of , said State and that he no��v resides at � � -����l� � ' _ _�, _ __ _ y Rfinn��otao ��or�Toe,rn�— /` • Subscribed and scrorn to before me this O day of_ 19��� Nota blic9 Ramsey County' Pr9innesota JAMES F. FINLEY r'�y COIIlI�116S1C12 G�7{�1PC-"��i s�drt �pmmiccinnar RAPJISEY COUNTY, MINfV. 8-23-71 _ - �� °��; � . ♦ v , � APFIDAVIT F08 SUNDAY LIQQpa LICEN3E APPLI�ATION � . � � Na�e J. James Walsh i E�sideace Addreaa_ 1551+ Lincoln�Ave. St. Paul, Minn. Lic�n�ee J. James Walsh � Address oi Bas�aess_517 We$t 7th Straet, . Pau�� Minn. I he�eby apply for a Special Suada� Liqnor License. I ha�e a Restaurant - � (cro� out ane) licenae with seating capacit� for 60 people. �� . Signed r State oi Minneewta) � � )SS Connty of Rams�y �) being fir+at dalf svorn� depo+�es and sa�ye npon oath that he has read the foregoing aifidavit bearfng his sfgnature and�knoxs the content�t thereof; that the �e fs trne of him own knowledge� except as to tho�e Aatters therein stated upon fnioreation . and belfef and as to those 0atters he believes them to be trne. Si t re of applicant Subscri ed and sworn to before me this_-:��'�G_day of 19� L"'� � No Pu lic� Ramsey� unty� Mi ta coo�ission expires JAMES F, FIN1�6Y our o missioner RAMSEY COUNTY,, MINN. , , � . , , J� 1 i lq� �aa. D�m �r�xdi�lts Cb�erd�sianer er�' R��].iez 8�►t+�'s 101 S. LQ�b. �t.i Cit�►. Attns I�r. �nl.�tl P. ��.3n I�►t Sirt T1se Cit�► t�ci7. � ?�a�t+�r�a+�1�1 �pra�v�ed t�rt a�plitatiaa �' J'. Js�sr Wala�h, �oined b� � �t�rri�asa, �., �r tlwr treasi"Mrr ot 4r► � Li.e�oFs Lit�s�e 110. &�, �spir� J�' 31: 19?3, F'ra� t�t li� ��srpriNa� �.� a� '� W. �+r'�►�t.�► Bt. t�o � l�rt�nrp�',la�i�t y Taa�«, +�� t►h� �r �ws, �ri.t�a ,�. �� �1a"�.sh ers Prsitid�t«i9e�arst�, t�pa �o1�t �3.ar�s and a�a�Ir ft��� a�d"' t� caat�cRat�3�. AI�O fi�+�t �ppliaati�e ot �. �. �� Wa�sL !cr � Oa B�a"Ut 7,�.�' List�re �d Cla�ts C•�. �Mlst�m�, Qt! �A4UR l�,t�t es�ex�s �! ���e 1� ibor #.'!�t a�re laa�tiar►, �19 W. 7tb. St. K3�3. �t pl� � tlt�� ��'y �1lr�ie�s= �'��"9 �� 3�r Cit� ��e�sk �