259137 . . .. ...,.:..-«�,.�.,,,2,sc�r ,,.,..>-;�';t ..��..,.' r. .. :.-: . �., . . ; . .. ., . , - , � _ +* , ' . . . .. . . .. .. . .. � . . � .. � � 5 �3� + .�`� IL � � - FIN�tI ORDER couxc �r� xo. - Bq :� In the_M�►tter of_ _ . _��. _� " ._�.._ •�� , Constructing and reconstructing sidewalks and by doing a1T other work which is necessary and incidental to complete sai�l imprnvement, except where it is determined .,� that good and sufficient poured si.dewa)ks n�w exist: ' Finance Preliminary Approvecl Description � File No. Order S9670 ?_58346 ApYil ?7 , 1972 Farl St. , both sides from E. Fourth St. to E. Fifth St. , S9671 258345 flpri.l ?7, 19.,'^ Reaney Ave. , north side from Cypress St, to �: Forest St, and on the south side of Reaney Ave. from Cypress St. to the west approximately i', 1.i�0 feet. 59672 ?_58344 April 27, 1��?2 Parkway Dr. , southeast side from Edgerton St. to Nebraska Ave, and on the east side of Edgerton St, from Nevada Ave, to Parkway Dr. �� 59673 25$3t�3 April ?7, 1���''? ArZington Ave. , both sides from Greenbrier St. ' , to Edoerton St. S967�+ ?58342 �pri_1 7_7, 1Q72 Frank St. , both sides from Reaney Ave, to E. Seventt� St. S3��?5 25$341 -�pril ?.7, 1972 Atlantic St. , both sides from Reaney Ave, to E. Seventh St. S9671 2583�-5 Apr.i:l �i, 1��:'^ --�� ?Zeaney Ave. , north side from Cypress St, to Forest Sr, and on the south side of Reaney Q,ve, ' f.rom Cypress St, to the west approximately ]QO feet. S9672 7583�a4 Apr.i.l ?7, ��-;? � Parkway Dr. , southeast side from Edgerton St, to Nebraska Ave, and on the east side of Edaerton St, from Nevada Ave, to Parkway Dr. . S96?3 25831+3 A�ril �7, ;�?;�^ � Ar1_in�ton Ave. , both sides from Greenbrier St . to Fdgerton St. ' SqS,'4 ?_.5$34?_ �1pri1 ''7, 1'��?? � Frank St. , both sides from Reaney Ave. to 1;. Se�,*enth St. ' S967> 25g3!+l �F�ri.l ?7, l�?2 � Atlantic St. , both sides from Reaney Ave , r.o E, Seventh St. - - ���-.1 Mme. Nres►aenr, �u«,,v _ _ _ _— �..�: .' A 4 ..'R� . � � � Aro$IIISt PUBLISHED JUL ,� 191� �� . � �, ' , � � , � Dist. No. 3 °� . - �58��6 B.S. Earl St. E. 4th. St. to E. 5th. St. " q� � a • OFFICE OF THE COri�1IS�I0NER GF PUBLIC WGRKS v '�� REPORT TO CON3��ISSIONER �F FINANCE ,������ .� ` rt�, �nr3. 19 .�2 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under cansideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 258346 approved April 27th. 19 72 relative to reconstructing the sidewalk on both sides of Earl St. from E. 4th. St. to E. 5th. St. and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to • complete said improvement. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 4.90 1. The estimated cost thereof is ��0 per lin, ft. for standard sidewalk 5 ft. 5.85 � wide and �� per lin, f t. fox standard sidewalk 6 ft. wide. 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a � part thereof. 3. Initiated by the Gommissioner of Public Works � � 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition � �L3&567�9� � 4 0�, ,�'� � �n,AY 19�T'L '{, � D w `�.,'�'` -"ivE � Commissioner of Public Works � ?T. �F � `�' ;9.NCE oi `c'', �G���Z�Z 02����;. , - �- . ' . • Dist. No. 3 F•� . � N.S. Reaney Ave. - Cypress St. to Forest St. � ` S.S. Reaney Ave. - Cypress St. to west 100 ft. C)FFICE GF THE COri��ISSICNER OF PUBLIC WGRKS `-' 1 /� / / REPC�RT TO C01�41IS5ZONER C�F FINANCE May 2nd. 19��_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 258345 approved ��ril 27�=19�^ relative to reconstructing, the sidewalk on the north side of Reaney Ave. from Cv r� ess St. to Forest St. and on the south side of Reaney Ave. from Cypress St. to the west approximately 100 ft. and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therain, hereby reports: 4.90 1. The estimated cost thereof is � per lin, ft. for standard sidewalk 5 ft� 5.85 wide and � per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 6 ft. wide. 2. A p1an, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a!� part thereof, �� 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Worlcs X 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition �� ,��3� 12 34S �ti� � 6� �� �'ti ��qyly� � � � . � ,�pT�V�O � Commissioner of Public Works � > O� � ����qN�F ��w !`���6!8l 1ti9�'�� .�� 4 ' , • • Dist. No. 3 U� ' SE.S. Parkway Drive - Edgerton St. to Nebraska Ave. ' E. S. Edgerton St. - Nevada Ave. to Parkway Drive UFFICE QF THE CUri1�SISSIONER GF PUBLIC WORKS �-- �� "�,Z REPORT TO COI�i�1ISSI0NER OF FINANCE Mav 2nd. 19 72 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pzeliminary order of the Council known as Council File No, 258344 approved Ag�il 7th1.9�_ relative to reconstructin� the sidewalk on the southeast side of g,�rkw�,y Drive from Ed�erton St. to Nebraska Ave. and on the ea�,t si � of Edgerton St. from Nevada Ave. to Parkwa�► Drive and bv doing all other work which is neGessarv and ineidental to complete said improvement. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 4.90 , ;�-,.� The estimated cost there�f is $$� per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 5 ft. 5.85 wide and $�Ci� per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 6 ft. wide. 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made/r/ �. � part thereof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works g � 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition � ,��3� 12'3456 �ti�' � � � �ti �qy� � 'a '✓ F�F� � o Commlssioner of Public Wor N � ::;Fpr Fa v �� �NqN��F �w c' F �p �����bd 8l L�9�'�� ► -'. - ', � � Dist. No. 3 •dlG. � " �� � B.S. Arlington Ave. - Greenbrier St. to Edgerton St. S — '��' � OFFICE OF THE CONit1ISSI0NER OF PUBLIC WGRKS REpORT TO C0��9TSSIONER OF FINANCE Maq 2nd. 19 72 To the Commissioner of Finance of the Ci�y of St, Pault � The Commissioner of Public Works9 having had under �onsider�ation the preliminary orde� of the Council lcnown as Council File No, 258343 approved Apr. 27th. �972 relative to reconstructinQ the sidewalk on both sides of Arlin ton ve. rom Greenbrier St. to EdQerton St. and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to comvlete said improvement. and having investig�,ted the matters and t'hings referred to t'hereinp hereby repox°tso 4.90 1. The estimated cost thereof is $� per l.�n, fto for st�ndard sidewal�C 5 ft 5.85 �� wide and $� per �.ino fto fox� standa�d sidewalk 6 f.to widc�o 2, A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is h.ere�o attached and made � part thereof, � 3e Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Wo�1cs X 4, Improvemenfi is asked for upon petition _� � n'� 1�� ? ;�,�; ���' � �� ���� �rI�I a,� '�; ti '"'"Y 1 � �'� � 9 2 � _.._ �, �d'�Q =-�; Commissione�° of Public Worlcs s; �� �, `�s OF �w CJ � � C CCC`�?���V C �C��� n! L, � �'C;;��rS� � � „ . Dist. No. 3 ��G . / B.S. Frank St. - Reaney Ave. to E. Seventh St. � S"-� �'� '� j� OFFICE OF THE CONI�SISSIONER OF PUBLIG WURKS REPORT TO CONl�9ISSIONER OF F`LNANCE �(�y 2� 19 72 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St, Pau10 The Commissioner of Pub13.c Works, having had under �onsideration the prelimin�ry order of the Council known as Council File No, 258342 $PprQ��d, Anr. 27th• r� 72 relative to rec�nstrLCting.the Gidewalk on both sides of Fran�,�St. from Reanev Ave• �o F_ 7th_ St. �nd h� doing all other w�-��hich is necessarv and incidenta? to complete said improvement. and having investiga,ted the matter�s and t�aings referred to chere�.n9 her�by repo�tso � 4.90 1< The estimated cost thereof is .^�� per l.y�n, fto �or st�ndard sidewallc 5 ft.o 5.85 wide and ��Xper ��.n o f t, f ox� s tanda�d. s idewaY�C 6 f.t, wid�o 2, A plan, profile or sketch of said i.mp�o�rement a,s �.ereto ���ached anc� m�de part thereof e � 3e Initiated by the Commi.ssioner of" Publie Worlcs X � � 4> Im rovement is asked fox° upon petition _ '� �,��3 4 5 6�'�,9 � 4 I �� �� MAY 1972 � �' � ��G�IVED �' ; � �:��PT. OF �q Gomm�ssaone� o` Pub c Works ���� �NANCE ���,�' `����lZOZ6��'�'� � • -; ;� , , • ' - . - Dist. No. 3 + �� � � � B.S. Atlantic St. – Reaney Ave. to E. 7th. St. UFFICE OF THE CONiMISSIONER OF PUBLIG WURKS �— �� /�l REPC�RT TO C(7�1LSSIONER OF FZNANCE May 2nd. 19 72 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Stq Paul; The Commissioner of Pub1�c Wor�CS, having had under considex�ation the prelimin�ry ord�� of the CounciY known as Council File No, 258341 approved April 27th. 19 72 relative to reconstructing the sidewalk on both sides of Atlantic St. from Reaneg AIIe. to E. 7th. St. and by doing all other work which is necessarv and incidental to complete said improvement. ��� and having investigated the matters and t�ings x�eferred to `c�erein� hex°eby repo�tso 4.90 �.< The estimated cost thereof is $.�� per l.�.n, fte for standard sidew�l.ic 5 ft�o 5.85 �� wide and $�� per �.�n, f't, for stan�iax�d si�lewallc 6 f.to ��icl�o ' 2, A plan, profile or sk�tch of said i.mprovement i,s �ere�o s��,�a,ched and made �� par�t thereof o 3e Initiated by the Commi.ssioner of Publie Worlcs �_ _ _ _ _ `i�w" 4, I ement is asked for upon petition �A�' +*! ,�� 4 5 6� � � ' � o�� '� �,�` s�, . � ,"'°�,� ti MAY 197� cn, .� :� � �� -� N `:1�:EI VEp �, �, ��FP G, Comm�.ssxoner of Publf� Wo s r oF ��, � 'NANCE s i ���`��`ZOZ 6�9�L��� . � � a .� q � 3 . SUMMARY OF ENGINEERIPJG RECOMMENDATION Tuesday, June 27, 1972 ADVISABILITY APJD DESIRAB{IITY � � � • I � .o.° �� 2t 2 o93s �� sP�o��to�)c�-c�o3s3���3�0 �1 /'� ICS IP!!lMD�lC �PS PpF EXT MINI�IEAPOIIS lIINN 21 !�►4A COT S — ��� tCZG OgZ C 00 S pMS FINANCE t�iFICE� CITY HALL EfF ST PAUI OELIVER ST �'At7i. MINN � �- t�+iCqa0ITI0N11L1Y E�'POSEO TD ANY SO CAILED I!�'ROVE!'lENT SIDEMALKS �RLia6T0a AvENUE . EXISTIl� SIOEYALKS PEAFECILY A��Rit�++T FREOA G�t.t)�"1AN 6T� EAST ARLiw6T�a AvE STP�uL hTwN• � �/�� �� . , / -� � �� �.._ 8F1201 (RS8Y1 _ _ - _. .,. .,.�..�, ��n�R�u conc�ete panels and tipped panels. The Engineering recanmendation is for apQroval of the order. �� COP�STRUCT/RECONSTRUCT SI�E'.�lALK PARKWAY DR. , southeast side from Edgerton St. to Ne ras a Ave. and on the east side of Edgerton St. from Wevada Ave. to Parkway Dr. , � � This order was initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works as public �"� necessity on the basis of 2 complaints and inspection of walk. � This walk is oid tile with tree heaves� broken tite, high joints, tripping hazards, water pockets, holes in tile, missing ti }e, and asphalt patches. The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the or`der. � . . � -2- ,�� CONSTRUCT/RECONSTRUCT SIDE4/ALK ARLIP�CTON AVE. , both sides from Greenbrier St. to Edgerton St. This order was initiated by the Commissioner of Public 4lorks as public �� necessity on the basis of inspection of walk. U� This walk is old tile, and poured cvncrete with tree heaves , broken � tile, high joints, tripping hazards , water pockets, holes in tile, missing � J tile, high longitudinal joints, offgrade,asptfalt patches, cracked concrete panels and tipped panels. The Engineering recommendation is for approval of :the order. ,�:.� CONSTRUCT/RECONSTRUC7 SIDEtJALK FRA�K ST. , both sides from Reaney Ave. to E. 7th t. This order was initiated by Che Cor�nissioner of Public 4Jorks as public necessity on the basis of 1 complaint and inspcction of walk. � � This walk is old tile and oured concrete with tre h e br k n a e eav s, o e tile, '1( ���high joints, tripping hazards, water pockets, holes in tite, missing tile, � offgrade, asphalt patches, disintegrated, cracked concrete panels, and tipped panels - some very dangerous areas. The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. �t � CONSTRUCT/RECOPaSTP,UCT S I DE�lALK ATI.ANT 1 C ST. , both s i des f ratt Reaney Ave. to E. t t. This orde� was initiated by the Commissioner of Pubiic !Jorks as public � necessity on the basis of inspection of walk. v� This walk is old tile and poured concrete with tree heaves, broken tile, high Joints, tripping hazards, water pockets, holes in tile, missing tile, � � high longitudinal joints, affgrade, asphalt patches, cracked concrete panels, scaled and tipped panels. The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. SdOTICE OF REHEARIfJG OP•� COSTS RECONSTRUCT lrJlTh IPdTEGRAL CURB 6 I�dALK UfdIVERSITY AVE. , north side f�om �� Asbury St. to Simpson St. y This order was lnitiated by the Commissioner of Public !•lorks on the j� �j�j basis of 1 complaint. �� � � This walk is poure� concrete with asphalt patches , cracked concrete panels, scaled, tipped panels and settled panels. The Engineering recommendation is for approval of 'the ox�der. f ' , Y \ 1 -3- � � RECONSTRUCT 4JITN INTEGRAL CURB � IdALK ARCADE ST. , west side from Cook Ave. to Magnolia Ave. This order was initiated by the Commissioner of Public b!orks on the � basis of 1 complaint. J � This walk is old tile and poured concrete with broken tile, high �oints , cracked concrete panels, scated and tipped panels. 6 J The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. ��� RECONSTRUCT �JI TN 1 NTEGRAL CURR A��!D l!ALK UP�!I VERS 1 TY AVE. , north s i de from Albert St. to Pascal St. K This order was initiated by the Commissioner of Public l_lorks on the � ��, ��\ basis of public necessity. This walk is old tile and poured concrete with broken tile, high joints, 6 (V cracked concrete panels, scaled, and tipped panels. The �ngineering reca�nendation is for approval of the order. Respectfuily submitted , Daniel J. Dunforci Acting Director of Publiclbrks DJD/bp