D001104C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MA'YOR Approved COpies W: � Cily Cierk (Originai) ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: BUAGET REVISIOlV - Pmance DepCs Accourrtng Dmsmn � � � - Requ8sBn9 Dept No: Dafe:� ADMiNISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in SecUon 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Budget Director to amend the 1996 budget of the Mayols O�ce of the General Fund, the Director of the Departrnent of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the foilowing manner: DEPARTMENT & DMSION: FUND AND ACTIVITri Neighborhood Liaisons 00102 0219 Services 0518 Mayor's Contingency • Net Change W RREN7 BUD ET 5,000.00 75,000.00 � t� To move authority from the Mayor's Contingency to the appropriate objects for the Children's Initiative where spending will occur. 1�►�1 �t.,�;�, ��►t : ared by: Activity Manager Date Requested by: Oepartment DirecWr Date ����- r� �Q�--� iz-��� h Appro e by; Mayor Date SainfPa418utlg¢t�ce (H:\USERSIBUOGETf1EPT5VMYOROFR�23W000103W1U) ll/1]/96 APPROVED AMENDED � i�N�E� �UQGFI 75,000.00 80,000.00 (75,000.00) 0.00 DEPARIMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCII, DAiE RIfRATID � � /' ! ' � Budgef Office � 7?J27/96 GREEN SHEET NO. ��3 609 CANTACfPERSON&PHONE , � LV �, I 1� DEPARITfENI'DIXECIUR 5� CI]YCOUNCQ. Ron Kline 266-8548 �i �,,, � cnva�rrow+Er � cm�c�.m�c MUSTBEONCOUNCQ.AGEdIDABY(DA'IE) �q 2a BUIXiE[DIXECiOR � FII..ffiMGi.SpNICESDRt f1�2 � MAYOR(ORA5515iANn 4a CF➢EFACCOIIM'iWl' OTAL # OF SIGNA'i'URE PAGES (CLIP AI,L LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATtTRE) AClSONAFR(SFSIFD Administrative approval and City Council review of the attached administrative order implementi� a budget transfer within the Mayor's Office o4 the General Fund. RECOM1Affi`�DAliONS: Appmvc (A) orRejax(R) PERSONAL SERVtCE CpN11tACfS MIiSf ANSWER TgE FOLLOR'ING QUES°iTONS: PLANNQJGCO�4.IISSION CIVL,SERVICECAt.9�9551ON 1.H35tl�iSpe[SOL/5(IDeV¢�'wo�kCdu�de�2con7ectfOitluSdeFarmleM? cmCOnum'�� _ YES NO n_sratF _ 2. Haz this persod5rm ever been a ciry employee? Du�wcrmuxr _ YES NO StmvOk'rs w�nCe CotmtCU, oaleClNS? 3. Does this person�6rm possas a sldll not uomially possessed by any curtent city employee? YES NO (Explaio all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet) WRIANip PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR'NMIY (lVho, Whu, Wbrn, Whcm, NTy). A budget transfer is necessary to release a portion of the authority from the Mayor's Contingency and provide the budget for the Children's Initiative. ADVANTAGESIDAPPROVED dministrative approval of the budget would match approval of providing the Children's Initiative funding. ¢�CEIVED n,s��,,,�aG��A�RO� DEC 3 Q 1996 None. CITY CLERK DEC 2 61996 C1TY CLERK DISADVANCAGES1fNOTAPPROVED: There wiil be a conflict beriveen program funding approval and budget approval. ror.�,ae.cocrzrroeTannsacrioN_$ 75,000 cosrmaveHUeswcereo�cmci,eorv�� � xo yucsouacc Genera Fund ncrmrrnv�e GL-001 -00102 tnv.wcw, uvFOw�unox. �cnna� � VV $aiM Pau1 Butlget �ce (H:\USERSI6UDGElLL1EPTSIMAYOROFFl1231A0 00102.VJK4) 12-2]-96