259212 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLmtK �59121 CITY OF ST. PAUL FoENC�� NO. • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LI��� � T�`�' COUN L RESO U ION--GENERAL FORM r PRESENTED BY � June 22, 1972 COMMISSIONE DATF ti�ZI�r;AS: The �t. Paul Chapter Disable �un rican Veterans, Inc. has made applicwtion for permission to conuuct a Tag Day on August 10 and August 11, 1972, between the hours of 4:00 P.M. to 10:00 �'.M. ��n August 10 and between the hours of 5:00 k.M. and 10:00 P.M. on Au�ust 11, on the streets of the City of St. Paul, therefore, be it R�SOZV�r�D: That permission be a,nd the same is hereby granted to the St. Paul,Chapter Disabled American Veterans, Inc. to conduct such solicitations on the days, d�,tes, and between the hours requested. �EI�IE i�! Infor al y approved by Council June 0 1972 JU N 2 2 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas HUNT Nays _.�:�;� JU N 2 3 1972 ��� KOlVOPA2'ZKI pprove� 19� Levine X� Tr Favor �dit�—. , Sprafka 1� yor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, ��.� BUTLr"�R PUBLISHED .J�JL �, �97Z �� � � y _ i CITY OF SAINT PAUL � � " Capital of Minnesota . • ��) [ ��l a1Je artn�ce�tt o ub�'c �a et p � ADMINIBTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streeta FIAE PROTECTION POLICB HEALTH JOSEFH F. CARCIILDI ,Lieenss IasD�r June 20, 1972 Honora�le P^iayor �nd City Council Saint Pa.ul, Minne::�ota Ladies a,nd Gentlemen: The St. Paul Chapter Disa�;led AmericU.n Ve+era,ns, Inc. m�kes application for permission to cor�duct a Ta� Day on August 10 a.nd August 11, 1y72, 2'hursday and Friday, bet�d,een the rours of q:p� I'.N'i. to 10:00 1'.I�I, on Au�ust 10, ard between the houxs of S:OC A.NI, to 10:00 F.M, on August 11. 2'hey have complied with Ordina,nce No. 13338, amending Ch2.pter No. 450 of the St. Paul Le�islative Code a.nd Crdinr�.nces ti;hich de<�ls �:ith the solicitation of funds. T�e application is made by Robert r. l�usseli, Comma.nder and John R. P-'=erthan, Adjutant. .�ttG.ched is r-ti copy of their applic2tion. �Tery truly �t�our�, . �:(����c;��, License Instector � � ; � � � � `, / � j � . _ '' � , CITY OF ST. PAUT, • Office of License Insp�;ctor 202 Public Safety Buildin� St, Paul� hfinnesota 55101 Applicatior� �'or permissior� to solicit funds� or to conduct tag day�� upoM the streets of the City of St. Paul� Dlinnesota. Date of Applieation Jtiae 13 19 7'2 1. Name of organiz�tion St. Paul Chapt�z Diae�bled American 9etersna� Ino. Address of organization State Yeterana ;�errioe Huilding� St. Paul� �n. 55155 2. Chief officer of organization ��y-t y� ��],1� �c�andmr 3. Secretary of organizatioa John A. t�3srthan. B,,d�ntant 4. Name of person or p�rsons respon�ible for the distributioa of collected funds. _��r s�scut�i�e Cc�itt,es and �laltere_Cpmnittes 5. Purpose or object for which solicitatior► is to be made � �d � aspist the C11� l A[I VetA ff� wnd thw�r 8anandein = VA .�rnns Ar'�n�i ni�twelt�me Si1���1.tiw�. 11�'�C• 6. Use to be made of funds collect@d $� 8e �� g duguet 10, 1972 ?. Solicitation will b� made on_��t 11� 'Iqry2 dates� between the hours of�$_ 1Q — 4 �m to 10 �ta�d��._ �1 — 5 sm to 10 � 8. Location where solicitation will take pl�ce St. Faul� Mi�nesota 9. List the amouats of any tvages� fees� commissior►s� eosts or expenses paid or which are expected to be paid in corinection with solicitation. Also Tist names of persons to whom payments have been made or will be made aad the amounts of such payments. (A fin�ncial statement incl.uding thi� igfax�atian may be attached.) Tnhn R_ Msr4S��r _��s�� +i_p.,nc�t �r=a�fl�� �Ci��ig,� `�V@Y'� r � F . �0. ��ttach � co�y of budget sho�vi�� solicitations for thi� fi�c�l or calendar ` year. 11. Iiave you read Chapter 450 of th� St. Paul Legislative Code' cvhich provides for the s�curin� of permission to conduct the solicitation of funds� or tag days, upon the streets of the City of Ste Paul and do you fully und�rsta�d tl�e regalatioMS �lso provided in said ordina�ee? ye►s i2. Application made i� behalf of the above organization bye l��me John R. l�ierthan Title or Office 8d3utsnt ���a�e RobeY't Rue8e11 Title or Office �AansDder ST��E (1F h9INNFSOT�1) )SS COUPdTX OF` RAh�SEX ) �0�=/� / � ��USS EL.� and �yN �( , ��/�Tf�A�f/ being duly sworr� say that th�y are the petitioners ia the above application; that they h�ve read the foregoing petition and kno�v cor�ten�s and pur.poses thereof; that same is true of their oti� know3edge. X � Sub�scribed ar�d s�vorn to before me this ; ay of 19� , l�otary Publi Ra y � y h4innesota �1��14�:�6� � ��' I��y cOmtpti�� p�,,�� t975 r�• Puby-510�E'P1i'PS�� pt2r`/ �y�om�`: � . . r ♦ dv�� 20, 1972 Lieenst Iaspector, Dapt. ot P�sblic Satet�r, 101 �. lOth. St,, City. D+�sr Sir: The Cit�► Co�meil tcd�q► i.nt�orrdally a�proroied the a�.iCatiot1 ot td� Bt. Psul C�pter Disabl.sd Aaarican Vsterai��, Iuc., !or pe�naissioe� to eo���ct a Tag Dqr c¢t Avgnst 14�b. �ad Avg�wst lltb. 197'd, T2�u�ad� and �"riday, bert�wen t.he baars o! 4:00 F. k. t.o 1A:�0 P. �, aa� Avgutat lOtb., �d bet�ta�emi tl�t ha�ss o! $tOQ A. M. !o lOs Od P. l[. on A�tuet ]lth. Mill irou please Drspu� tve e.vstc�arr rsa�t�stit�? ��7►' t� �s City Cierk �