259113 OR161N/:l.TO CITY CL6RK I Z59113 C TY OF ST. PAUL' FoENCa NO. ' OFFIC OF THE CITY LERK t ,-�--� COUNCIL R OLUTION—GEN RAL FORM ,�' PRESENTED BY i" COMMISSIONE ATF I WkiEREAS, "C" Residence istrict zoning is causing considerable concern to the citizens in y neighborhood� of the City of Saint Paul; + and t WHEREAS, undue bttrdens are being placel upon neighborhoods that are experiencing new development which is not co sistent with proper planning practices; and o_ I WHEREAS, it is sugg�st d that this Cou�icil �as an obligation to take _ steps to correct this probl ; now thereforq be it RESOLVED, that the Ma x be respectful�ly requested to explore the feasibility of rezoning lan �thich ma.q be pXesently improperly zoned and that he advise the Council if su h rezoning is f�asible and how it may be . � accomplished in order to co rect such impro er zoning. t� � i �uN a a �s72 COUNCILMEN �Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas NaYB. :.��,,� Hu�� .;?. f r ve •1 U N 2 3 1972 ut r Konopafzl� , '"= , son Levine pp � L ine n Favor �� M edith Sprafka Tedesco � r S a M me. Presidenfz Butle� gainst T desco �'ORM APPROVECS° �� Mr. President, McCarty � PWBLISHED JUL �, 1972 ; ; �1TY A "T RNEY � v �� I o��,�,�,��„� 259113 � C OF ST. PAUL �L6NCIL NO , �,-� OFFIC OF THE CITY ERK COUNCIL R OLUTION-GEN L FORM PR�ENTED!Y - COMMISSIONE ATE t�S, "C" ��ide�s� istsiiet soal,ag ean�in� Oa�/l�da'abl� a�pss to tht a�itis�ua !a u �i !�►s Cit� o! Saint la�l; � ii�LB* � �td�as b�asf P �a s�iil�s600d� t6�t ar� ac�ari�nsts� uar datra3op�ui i� a�ot i�t�st �►i!h ps+�l� P1��t �saetiasa; aed t�Et18� �t if s�ggest that t'Yis has aa �biisattes to tak� staps to itosrsat �his probl ; nerv th�s�ion b� it �30�.1BD„ t.�se tha Ma� r bs r�sp�cti � r�twst�d t� �plor« tta ��ilrilityr of r�so�aiut ]�d phieh �ap b� p e17 i�P�ropssl� sar�d asi �fiat � y ut '`���i ht idtiat tbs Couasil i! �n sssaaiag 1s ! ibla and ho�r it aay br a�aospliahed ia ordax to co sat sueh ia�r t aoeing. �uN a a �2 COUNCIL�iEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—. Yeas Naya _ B er H�� .����� JUN a 3 197a Konopatrkl "`" C on -"=� Approv� 19� Levine L ' e 41rA�ereelit�--- Favor �i� Sprafka Tedesco Ma3ror p �' Mme. Presi�ent� ButIY Tedesco ��t Mr. President, McCarty �