259102 � ` � : , Y �. � � 02 CITY OF ST. PAUL � COUNCIL FILE NO. y ; Resolution App�.�oving Assess ent i By— and Figing Time of Hearing ereon � File Na 17433-G , In the matter of the assessment of benef ts, cost and expenses for grading and surfacing ' T with bituminous material the East-W st alley in Blo�k 3, Como Park Second Additioi� , from Churchill Street to Oxford Str et and �he Atort�►-South alley in said Block 3, t fram the Bast-West alley to Hatch A enue. Also con�truct a sewer in the alley for atorm water�purposes (G-1528), I , � under Prelimin�aiy Order 24416 3 ,approve Ma 2 9 196 9 f Intermediary Order ,approve oveffiber 12 1969 _� Fina1 Order 2 ,approved �. l�cember 9, 1969 , . i The assessment o� g or and in connection with the above improvement having been aubmit ed to the Council, d the Council having conaidered sa.me and found the aaid asseasment satisfacto , therefore, be it � RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RFSOLVED FURTHER, Tha,t a public heaxing be ha.d. an 'd assessment on thP l�r� day of Jil��, �97� , a the hour of 10 o'�lock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, i the City of St. l�aul; that the Commissianer of Finance give no�tice of said meetings, as required b the Charter, statXng in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, an the amount assess�d against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice ia directed. i COUNCILMEN I ('�UN a� �� Yeas , �T�� Nays Adoptec� by the Gouncil ti,,l. ` i �--'. r .�., x-a. � �1N a a is�� � '' `> � Approve� `; -;�0 � �� . , � Favor Mayor gainst PUBLISHED JUN 2 4 �9� Form R-2 2M 10-68 8� �