259089 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLCFiK . • .�jjj59O8V ' CI OF ST. PAUL couNCi� • OFFICE F THE CITY CL�K F��E NO COU CIL RESO UTION—GENER�AL FORM PR�EN^TED BY �� COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, Laws of Minnes ta for 1971, Ch pter 473, grants to the Council the power to fi the compensati n of all duly elected or appointed officers under the Chart�r of he City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the City Chart directs that he mayor shall, with the advice and consent of the co ncil, appoint embers of boards, coumnissions and advisory committees; a WHEREAS, the council and the mayor desi�les to have a committee ap- pointed for the purpose of c nducting a pro�essional study to arrive at recommendations for a just a d equitable co�pensation rate for duly elected and appointed offici ls of the City,l Now, therefore, �e it RESOLVED, that the mayor of the City of iSaint Paul is hereby requested to appoint, subject to the a proval of this �COUncil, a compensation study committee of five members to conduct a profe�ssional inquiry into the es- tablishment of a just and eq itable compensa►tion rate for such elected and appointed officials of t e City of Saint� Paul as may be hereina.fter designated by letter of this council; and bej it FURTHER RESOLVED, that s ch study be bas d upon the duties and re- sponsibilities found in the espective posit�or.s and be in such depth as is necessary to fully sup ort the recomme�idations made therein. cq��^^-- � `�1L- � • J �"\� �_� '� JU N 21 1972 COUNCILMEN ! Adopt d by the Council 19— Yeas Nays 1972 �.' Hunt i �uN a Z � Konopatzki Approve 19� Levine �� Favor Meredith ' Maqor Sprafka U.�,gainst �' Tedes�o , p�.tsH�E� JUN 2 41972 � Mme. President; Butler �� � o��,�;�,���� 259089 . ` CI OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO � OFFICE F THE CITY CL COUNCIL RES UTION—GENE L FORM PRESERfED 61f " COMMISSIONE Ah �AB, Laaa of Kinns ta for 1971, pter 473, grant• to tha Councii tbs p�wr to f the coo�naat n of all duly el�ct�d or appointrd offic�rs and� th� C6art�r of Citq of Saiat Paul; and W�AB, th� Cit� Q�art dir�cta tlsat h� ryor ahall, vit6 th� advic�r snd conqnt of tl� cil, appoint of board�, c�isaionr and advisory ca�ittaa; a W�REAS� ths couacil tha mayor d�s sa to hawr a co�itt�t ap- pointed for th� purpose of uctiag a pro sssional atudy to arriw at r�coso�ndationa !or a jaat equitabl� tion rat� for duly •l�ctsd aad appoiatad offic la of tht City 1iov, t�rafore� be it �SOL'Vi�, th+tt tl�e mt of tht City o� Saint Paul is har�b' r�qu�stad to appoint, aub��ct to th� prc►vsl of this cowLCil, a cao�tn�ation study cosmitta o! fiw �ra coaduct • prof aaianal inquiry into ths es- tablialw�at of a ju�t and itabl• ca�p�ni tioa rat� !or wch �l�ctsd and appoint�d otficiala of s City o!� Sain Paal as say bt b�r�itraft�x designat�d by lett�r of thi council; urd it FO�tTl�R �.VED, that atudy bt ba upon ti� dutia� and rt- tpon�ibiliti�� #ound in t1N epe�tiw po�i ionr aad b� in �uch d�pth at ia nac�ssary to fuliy su t tb� r tiosu sad� t6ar�in. �ua a 1 ��2 COUNCII.MEN Adop by the Counc;� 19—. � Yeas Nays � �t vuH aa �rt � Ronopatski Approv� 19_. Levine Favor . Meredith Sprafka (� ��r gainst Tedesco 1'�. Prssid�nt, Sutlrtr ��