259086 COUNCIL FILE NU.� . � . -- IIY : - 259086 FINAL ORDER IN CO DEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the mntter of es; cuts and filis, includa:ng right of �em val of lateral upport from subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by const uction of slope in constructing concrete sidewalk on the West side of McKnight Road from Interstate #94 o Third Street. i under Preliminarq Order 258739 � , approve�i May 23, 1972 , Intermediary Order 2!�8760 + , approved Mav 24� 1Q]�„ _, A public hearing 6aving been had upon the bove improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard gll pereone, objectione and recommendati�ne relative thereto, and having fully coneidered the eame; therefore, be it 'i RFSOLVED, By the Council of the City o� $aint Paul that the preciee nature� eatent snd kind of im- provement to be mnde by the eaid Gtity ie ', Condemning and taking an easement in t�e land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including right of removal of lateral 5upport from subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by construction of slopes ih constructing c�oncrete sidewalk on the West side of McKnight Road from Interstate �94 to Third Stneet. ; �--- _ _ _ __ + sad the Council hereby ordere eaid improveme te to be made. ; RESOLVED FURTHER, that the followi g land, lande or e�semente thereia be snd the eame are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and co demned for the purpoae of making eaid improvemente, via.: Condemning and taking an easement in t e land necessary for the slopes., cuts and filis, including right of removal of laterat upport from subJect land or remainder thereof, occasioned by construction of slopes i co�structing concrete sidewalk on the West side of McKnight Road from Interstate #94 t Third Street. R.E$OLVED FURTIiER., That the Com issioner of Public Worke be and ie hereby inetructed and directed to prepare plane aud epeciScatione for eaid improvement, and the proper city oS'iciule are hereby , authorized and directed to prooeed with the m king of eaid improv�ement in accorde►nce therawith. Adopted by the Council—.� Z 1 �9 Z ._._. 1 j City Clerk. AppTO„� J U N 2 2 1972 , 19.� Meyor. Councilmen: (,� � ', 4 Butler / �; ���EQ JUN 241972 ���� Kono atzki Levine P "� Meredith � U S praf ka G����� Tedesco I �aG��P`es i dent. N���xx £oFt��_ , I