259068 o.�a t�cia ci� . � ORDINA CE a . COUNCIL FILE NO �59��� o�, /�` PRESENTED BY ORDINA E O NC N An ordinance amending the�IZoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusiv�, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Use Districts, Height Di tricts and Rezoning of certain propert es in, the City of Saint Paul, as amen ed. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ES ORD�AIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Code, apters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislativ Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rez ning of certain prop- erties in the City of Saint Paul, as ame�nded, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezo e the following des- cribed property from "B" Residence Dist ict to "'C-1" Residence District, to-wit: Lot 5, Block 2, Scribner an Crittenden's Subdivision of Lots 8 and 13 of Smith and Lotts Ou�lots; � situate on property located on the north side of Carroll Avenue between Avon and Grotto Streets in the C'ty of Saint Paul. Section 2. This ordinsnce shall t e effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after it passage, approval and publication. I , I � �„ ;� 1fl72 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passec� by the Council B�t�r Hunt / � Konopatzki �b In F�vor Levine / Meredith c D Against Ted�Butler � �� 6 197� �S President � vedl• At t: I� Ci Clerk I Ma r �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By PU�LISHFn JUL $ 19T2 i Day�aa to reiss.r , � O R I N A C E ' 259068 • COUNCIL FILE NO ' PRESENTED BY ORD{NANCE NO "1� � 1�a o ! a�rtndia�g tb� �oninq �d�, Q�t�rs 60 to 64, inclusi , o! th� Ssint Psul i.� sl�ttiw EoBs psrtaiai� to Os� �►3.atri . 1t�iq�►►t Si �ts s�nd ��nimg of pro �s ia t,h� City of i�t nl. as . ?ai C01i�CZL O! ?!�t CZZ'i O! Z� O��s F l�ctit�u 1. 'Atit tht , C+08�� a� ti0 !'i4, i�alesiw, ot ths iaiat p S.�qialati Cod�, p�rtaimiaq to t�N ai�tricta, �i.�ht Dia c�ts a�l o� a�rtaia prop- �sti�s fa t� Citp a►! i�ia lanl. as , b� � th� �ai■s _ is lia�r�by fnsth�r a�a�d�d aa to th� �ollvi►i� �,s- asi�d Ps+�p�ctY �re�a •a• id�ac� ni•tr to "�-i" l�si� 1�iatsiCt. to-rwit: ' - Lot 5. Blc�ck 2, � criba�r and Critt�n�•s visioa of Lots 8 aad 13 a �.ith a�d Lotts O�i�tlots s ait�t� oa� grop�rty lo�at�d tb� �stL idi ot' �arroll �w� bst�n �vaa aad 6sa�tro i ts is ti� C3 of iai.�t ht�t. l�etie�t Z. '�his o ahall sf�aat a�d b� in los� tbisty �3ti� d�� traa aft�r its .Pas��. app�a�al aed p�bliaatiou. . i ; f � i 1 't t �t _ i i 1 dUl: 519T2 Yesa Councilanen Nays ; Passed b tl� Counci� � � � Levine ���i n Favor Meredith ' ' t ; ,�� • JUL 6 1972 �) Approved: Attegt: City Clerk `� �ayor �� Form a mved Co �p rporation �ouneel � _. `I . - • � BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. ���PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • IPHONE: 223-4151 May 31, 1972 �259�68 i Mr. Harry E. Marshall �� City Clerk I Room 386, City Hall �i St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Sir: This is written in response to the petition of �he Housing and Redevelo ment P Authority to rezone from "B" Residence to "C-1" �iResidence property located on the north side of Carroll between Avon and G�'otto. This property is further described as Lot 5, Block 2, Scribner a�.d Crittenden's Subdivision of Lots 8 and 13 of Smith and Lotts Outlots. i This matter was heard at the May 4, 1972, Board of Zoning public hearing, at which time the staff report was summarized. �he staff explained that, according to the petitioner, the property was su posed to have been included when surrounding lots were rezoned to "C-1" in 1 70, but it was accidentally left out of the legal description when that peti ion was submitted. The staff said they had notified the Model Cities office a out this matter and were told that office would notify the Board if they wante the thirty-day review period which they are authorized. The staff said that o such notification has been received, It was noted that Model Cities did su mit a letter in support of the petition when this property was originally i t�ended to be rezoned in 1970. An attorney for the Housing Authority explained he situation and noted that the Authority owns the surrounding lots. A resident of the area appeared for purposes of i�iformation. The Board discussed ownership in the subject bloc�., noting that a corner lot still contains a house. and has not been rezoned. IThey examined the proposed development of the site. Subsequently, they hear�l a motion to recommend approval. The motion was seconded and carried by!ia vote of 4 to 0. Very truly yours, li � . �'�� _�,,. . I / . � �� � '�� � / tervJ. � ' tt �j� i Secretary �'Board of Zonin I! � g PLR/br ! � d � Z. F. 7342 i \ � � O i � � . � - BOARD OF ZONING R�PORT AND ACTION May 4, 19�2 � � ' �� . Plat Map 10 Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 I : � passed August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27,�� 1971. 7342 I 1. APPLICANT'S NAME , Housing and Redevelopm�nt Authority. 7023 2. CLASSIFICATION . a Amendment � Appe�l � Permit � Other X-1211 3. PURPOSE , Rezone from "B" Resider�ce to "C-1" Residence 4. LOCATION . North side of Carroll �etween Avon and Grotto S. LEGAL DESCRIPTION ; Lot 5, Block 2, Scribne��r and Crittenden's Subdivision of Lots 8 and 13 of Smith and Lotts Ourlotts 6. PRESENT ZONING: "B" Residence 7 . PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64 Section: .06 Paragraph: 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: Apr 1 27, 1972 By; PLR A. SUFFICIENCY: In a letter dated April 18, 1 72, the Commissioner of Finance declared this petition sufficient with the ers of 13 or 72 percent of those eligible having signed, B, HISTORY: There is no zoning history for this specific lot as it was absent through oversight from the legal descriptio associated with the petition which rezoned the surrounding lots. I C. PROPOSED USE: Privately-sponsored moderate �kncome housing facility. D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The site has a frontage bf 46.53 feet along Carroll Avenue and a depth of 142,75 feet for an area of 6,�i40.70 square feet. E. AREA ZONING: The lots immediately surroundi�g the site are zoned "C-1" Residential. The blocks surrounding this one are zoned "B'! Residential. Beginning two blocks � east and three blocks southeast there is "C" �iResidence zoning. One lot is zoned Commercial one block south of the site. A s�11 Cotmnercial zone exists at Dale and Concordia and a Commercial strip zoning fironts both sides of Selby Avenue three blocks south. F. COMPREHENSIVE PL.AN: The Comprehensive Plan c lls for 15 dwelling units per acre � with one and two family town or row houses at� this site. -� -�...=.-R*.T r+rn�rn. mt..., *t,,;„1,1,,.�..7,,�,,,� no��o��nmant ��Ari dated December. �.971.. CSLLS fOI' I � II I I I , � .. r ' � .�_: • , , ; _ - --. _,_...._ . , ��.._,. .. ..__ _ , . ,... ._.... _._ _....... ..__ ,_.__. Q�T T��UP�i��Y, Mf.a'� 4, i972, �'� 2:�? P.M. P�: 2�rs. Coch*_-an�, N�s. Quast �nd P�ssrs. Se�ishcx3f and McPartlin of the Boa�d; Mr. RoseCter and i3e R�iete� of the s��ff. ', HOUSING AT�I? REA�SV2'sI,4PP�I�a`C Ai,i�.ii�R�'.�Y {73�2): � peti�ion to reaone £resm P9E" Resi�ex�ce to "C-i" Res�.denee pro�e�ty Ioc�ted a�z the noLth s�.de of Carrol� bet�een Avon and Grotto. Mr; Rose�te;. sumnar�zed tlae ECa�f �ep�xt? � �sar� o� tke� ffl�, by �oting �hat there . �s �to zona.ng hisCory for.' ttz3.II �gecifi� �.c�t as it w�a �?�sent fihrough oversight from ttbe �.egal dese�ipCion e�ssnc�.ated cJ�.th Che peti�ion �iwixich xezoned �he suz�rounding Iots, � pr£vately�B�JaASOzet� s�4d��aCe �ncam2 'nous5.ng �ac:� i�y is praposed. The si�e txas a f�antage of 46.53 f�e� alang C�xro11 Avea�ue �r�d a d�epth of I42.75 feet for san area af 6,�40.70 square feet. ".Ct�.� i��s i.�media�ely sux�oun�Cling t[ze site Fze zan�d 'sC-1" Resi�- dential. Tlze b2ocfcs su•��ouzlr�in.g �h£s ��ze r�e zaned� "B�► i'1esi.d�nt�.a�, B�gxnuzcig two b�ocics east and thxee ���cxrs aou�heast, thcre is "C�' F�esi.dence �o�zing. Qne lot is zaned C�nezcial onL la�.acPc sfluL-h of i:h? site. t� .sm�l�. �Cc�mercial znne exf.s�s eC 9a�p �nd Cancv�d�.� ancj �? �o�uercia�. atrio zcning fr�nts both sides ox Selby Ave.nue three b3.ocks sou�n, tne ��.�Sr€:i�ensive P1arc cal�s £�r 15 dwe7.Ya.�.g uni�s ger acre �aith one and two �am�?.y �acra ar raw ti�uses at this �i�e. TY:e Neighbm.ha�cl Develop- nzen� Plmn d�ted }3�c�e.ber., 197�, ca�.7.3 fvr Resident�.a� LT use o� `�hi� pxc�perty, cahich is a mul.tZ.-fami�.y �zse a� ��� dwel�ing ucaita pex ac�:e ',m�ximum. 'aE�e �Iodel C:�tiea Des��n St�dy cefl?.s fo: �o.�r density residentia�. use c�est ot vaca��d Gro�to Stireee, 4�hich is �hcT,m �s a gedc����x�n wa�kway and taedi:ma dansity rssiden�ia� use eas� a� vaeated Gr4�LO Sic�e��:. "�tie sz�e i� v�e�;nt and s�oub twa feet abave the gracie of Carro�.� A�+enuA. � 3�ire Roset�ceb cnntinL�ed, saqzng �h� px�ope�ty �a�s supp�OSed to ttav� been iac3ude� in �he gen�rG� siL•e cahen �h.� �:est �i �h^ block was �:onc�l rrs C-1 but the HRA s�.mply over2ooked �utting Zh��� :to� a.nto 4he le�a3. uescrip�ci�n when. t[ie sc��t af the parce�. w�s rezoned, FIe ��.so not�d �h<3t tl�zis m�tter was p�st', ci3 �he ngenzla wathQUt the 30�day �etice �o Mod�l Ci�1�F bi:4 ttaEy wer� :�otified tlzat i� tass being do*��. In 1970 Model Cities da.d p;cese�z�. a �.eL-ter su��porting tl.�e L��oni��o ', They suid they caou�.d contac� tha. staff i� they ��azzc:ed tl�e n�z�.F:er La l�e laid avex 1�t�t there h�s be�n na indication from thein that tE�is is th� czse. ', T4�. i.es�er MCAG�:L��E� at��ra�y fox �tie �i?�, ��atEd Ll�a� this g�vp`r�y was originally Re�lec��d when �h� sur=ouadir.g �,rcY�xty ca�� zezo�aed, '� tie said thEy o�� all t�e rest of the b�.cck, I Mra NicPtarL•Iit2 asked t,ahy *E:e �e�a.�i.on sizoca� only 72% ol��f tne svaiia'�ie signatures if th� HRA owns al? �he ��r.*.�u�c��_ng �:�gper�y. �� a�.so a�lced .�bou�. a building ar� the norther�st carner �hat see�s to Ue excluded rrom the r�st of tEse rezoned property. It was �xglainec3 bq M?'o Mc.�3ulif�e �hat this lot was n�ver included in the rest of the parcel. '� Mrs. Cochrane asked ig th�t ona house is going to be �eft there and it was explained that it will be screened from the proposed pro�ect wh�ch would have a building with just a few units next to ito ', Irene Everson, 752 Carzoll Avenue, said she was preser�t only because she had received Che letter notifying her af the hearing. She said she� had no objections to the re- zoaing and Mrs. Cochrane explained that aI2 property o�niere within 200 feet of the subject property receive aotices of auch heaxings as a� routine matter. i . Ha�ry E. Man�all ��TY �F AIb�� S.Olso� C�t Clerk a�ad 4 �v �°�':, Counoii Reaorder Oommiiss�ioner of Reyistra.tdon � ..�..;�:�;; � ;_ _.�" ,: • �S nC OFFICE OF THE CITY LERK CITY OF SAINT �PAUL BUREAU OF R�CORDS 388 City Aall I St.Pau1,Minnesota 56108 Aprfl 18, 1972. �o�.iag Board, Cc�erce Btag. C#entle�n: Tbe City tk�umail referr�d to �ron for recc�aends�3an tla� atta�che8 petitiao oP She Baasing and R� c�eat Antl�ri�r �o re�aae Lot �, HLccic 2, �cribn�r aYtd Cr tend�a's �vbd�ra. of' LotB 8 az�d 1� of �ith aad I�c►tt8 4ntl , locsted �u the ncrth sid�e ot Carra�ll Av�en�s bet�neen Avr� tr+�et and t€rotto Street, tm Cla�a� "C-1" T�esie3ence Dietrict.i V�rY yoars ity � � DI � � � � � � � � I APR 191972 ZO N 0 i�9� ���� �` �—� c;r�� r��.�►�vr��n� �i,a� 'nt P�ul, Minneeot$ ��_ f I . � , . . . � DEPARTMENT OF FINAI�CE , CITY OF SAINT��� PAUL MINNESOTA I I 13 Court House,65102 I ROSALIE L. BUTLER, Commissioner I Phone:223-4646 , April 18, 1972 �i To the Ce�ncil i City of St. Paul 6eatlexea: I have c�ecked the attached perition of e t�on�iag anel Be- dewelopmest Authority, filed fa the matte� of rezoaiag, Lart 5, Block 2, Scribaer a�d Crittend n's Snbdivision of Lots 8 aad 13 of Saith aad Lotts Eh�itlots. 'Zhe pro�erty is located on thenorth side �f Carroll An�e between Avoa Street a�d Grotto Street� fro� a Class "B" Resfdence District to a (Slass '�G-i" Residesce Distriet, and find that :sid petitioa is s�nfficient. _ Yogrs very truly, i ti �--�.�'�-e� -�� � Rpsalie �,. �tle � r Cc�iasioner o/�f;E�g ce I �� I Re: % 1211 / �i c.c. Mr. I1mes N. R. Heidem i Iirs. Butler Froatage: 104Z li Parcels Eligible - 18 Parcels Sigaed - 13 or 72X �, Needed - 12 or 66-2/3� __. ___.____.___......_ _�_--____ i __ A,.,.; R:-�, ��`�.1�— ,�,����� �:�. �,� � �' �`��' .' ` ��.z�...� , � �o '� � . � � ' ' � � � • I �� I " , CITY OF SAINT PAUL, 1�INNESOTA J� � 6 � PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF T LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE ��O� Note: The signer should appraise himself of the ses permitted under the new classi-� fication before signing this petitio�l. Forifurther information about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zon�.ng Office at 223-4151. ����1 (Please type or pri�t) '� Date: April 7, 1972 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall Cit of Saint Paul Minnesota Y � Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, �iwe, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estaite situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we,�ithe owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Hono��able Body to rezone the follow- ing described pronerty; (legal description and stre�t address) Lot 5, Block 2, .Sc ribner and Crittenden's Subdivisioln of Lots 8 and 13 of Smith and Lotts Outlots � from B Residential District to C-1 Resilential District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operatin the following; (describe briefly the proposed facility) �� privatel_y sponsored moderate income�lhousing facility RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE IAT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property; 5 2 Scribner and Critten- of Housing and Redevelopment Lots 8 and 13 of Smith Aut or ty o t e ty o - an o s u o s Saint Paul, Minnesota war N. e e Executive Airector , i State of Minnesota ( County of Ramsey ( SS I , Sheila M. Gorr being first duly sworn, �eposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within_petition cons�,s�in� of twn nav�AC• I _. . � I I I I � ' .. ' ! ! " I 1 � ; � � . r � • . . . . � ONO O . � . ; ,q3 . -------^--_._.__.__ __. .. ___ _. .�- — — -- _ . +- - _ _ - __ . -- - .. . ,��y �� � q , __ � -�� CORDIA ► ; -, �- -r - ,- - , - --. - � � -- � - -T — �- -, I � � � _ j :� ----j-�-- i `T�" � -- � --- I '....:�.�.....�.��.,.,�---�.__ i � .• , . � - ^ I - - - +`� ' S i # ''..� ` 2_ � / ; . 5 4 i '3 ;- ���� � _ �'' _ ' _�i � ;- ! � 3 2 / � 9 � 8 �.•'7 � 6 NI- _; �_ '.,� � ' t � � � .`� � ��_4fi��.i�- � - �� ----i_4_6._S-3'--+ - 4653�_ -- ---- � O , �! � � ; � .C�R07=.T0 i COU.�2 ; - - - ; - - - - - -�-- - �- �. : ��_ - .!,-- � - :.- -��-:--- �6.33T-"6O - . ., 4�33(--..-- T--.:- ____ , �:—�"� �, �� I i ` � ; . � � I I. i , � I i I '• ', ; '�, ( ;: ; ; � � , , �. , � ;. I6 /'7 /8 � ` /O /� /Z i /3_ti � S �. ' 3 � . 2 � / ' ; 5 � 4_ ' 3 ' I . � r te} i � 1: ' �—�� i L � : ! � � �I !i"'�i: ° ' 1 �— !. 7 �' �� ���r� n r_ � � ' i i I I i 1�� � 1 ( �� � 1 i! S�\��U\`J� 1 i*� / � } f I L- _, I' ��'1 a � 1 � �i � � � _ 40� 60 �4¢2S1_:�44 25� 4�.7_ _' --�-�--- �'=---� J, ' - � � - -�� .. .. - ----- ' ' �--I�� � RQdlus " - ------------- -----------%----�-----i9 ---+----=r ---- - ��. �4- , ��--- ------ --� ` L- CARROLL AL�.�: � �� ,�- . D : � I .� < < --.---- � .. . "� ,:-- -� - - - -r-- — -+---- �- .�. ' —-- --- 40 6O ¢d�- . �.,���4 .2s; �- ��, i�.•i � � '� � � { � � ; , t••...,.�.��..���.h•t� � � � f � �i ti�ti i 'I I ' ; ! ��...; ( 3 Z � � � � 4. 3 ' � ; / ti�ti 5 ' 4 ��� � � 3 � 2 ? / '� 5 �' 4 �� 3 � l � � i � �� I + ' ��� � ; . � � � � � � �. � ' O. ' �OTlit� . �' t0 C� , � � � � ; � � � � � , — ---- ----� ' -- --- } __ 1—__--� ---—'----- ,,li_ i—— --- --� (,7 -----,-----r--� i __ ' �� . , , _ , ; � I �; , � i � , , � , � ; � ; . ; �, � �. C, i i � h, _ � ' . ` � �ti � ; i - - : , -- - -- --- - - -� � /6�/7 i l8 � 5 ' 6' ' 7 ; 8 n;�; 6 ' 7 i� 8 ; 9 ' �� ~ �ti ` 6 ; 7 i B i ' � i ��\ I ili j ' � I I � i�� i � � � I • � ` ( ', , d � � 1� ���c � I I __ � -�----�---� ` � . ----. _-- . � --�_� . . � � ONING CHANGE Summit -University NOP Pl,roj�ct Minn. A-I -I _ . . - ''��, � � . . . : . . _ . . . . . .� � . .. . . � �.. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . I�� _ . . . , . . � . � . . CITY OF SAINT PAUL, M$NNESOTA �. PETITION TO AMEND CHAP'I'ERS 60 thru 64 OF T LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE Note; The signer should appraise himself of the u es permitted under the new classi- fication before signing this petitiotl. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoni�ng Office at 223-4151. (Please type or pri t) Date; April 7, 1972 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, e, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real esta e situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50°J, or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Hono�able Body to rezone the follow- ing described property; (legal description and stre t address) Lot 5, Block 2; Scribner and Crittenden's Subdivisi�n of Lots 8 and 13 of Smith and Lotts Outlots from B Residential District to C-1 Resid ntial District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) I privately sponsored moderate income housing facility RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE I LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property; ts 2 3 and 4, Block 2, Scribner and ' 8 Housing and Redevelopment nd 13 of Smi and Lotts Outlots; and Saint Paul, Minnesota � ^ 3, B1 ck�7, win Dean's Second Edward N. Helfeld I State of Minnesota ( ' County of Ramsey ( SS � I ' Sheila M. Gorr being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consistine of two ��rn--�- rti�t ,-�.� _---�- - - -- - _ I _ ,� � � � � i � . i � '" � i � i � � � � • • � ' . � . � QND O � " 3 - . _ __. _. _ ' ---_ �..._----------- �� --__ _ �y-,'' --- _.. .----- _ __ .,__. _. - J.�14 CA � � CQI�CORDIA { �r � -, y-- -T - ,- - , - -:, - ,- - , �- -, ; � -r � •-- - -- -� .,_ � V � --_—�____ � , � !+ �'��stn�unn��n�-- ---- • , '�.i � 4 � �� i �� i � _ I _ - '��� h, 5 � �.� Z_ , � ` � ' .�`_ 4 ' 3 -- � — 9 8 �'• - � - �' __� � _.•,• _ t ,-- # — ;— 3 j 2 I � ��.•7 " 6 �� � ', •,,t � i , _ _ � ' .` -.I_4b.�3_! ; -- 46.Sj -± 4C.53 � ; � a� � � -- - - - ---- � -- - - _ ; � R [7 7=.T0 i C011�2; i I . � 2 ' ' ' i � , � � w ' - - - ' -}� - F - - --- - - --- — -- r-- _ : - :. -�... -��633T--6v- ¢a33r--..Y�--.- , - � ��--�� - � - �-� ,- r � � � � � � �- � � - . � , i ! , : � � I� � i= ` ! � � i �, ' ' ; ' � � : ; `� � I �= I i j � � � � /6 /7 l8 ' � 10 /� � 1 Z i /3._ti �5' 4� ' .� 2': 2 ; / ; � � 5 � ��31 � � j i � � %i"�� i C�,�_� � �� �� .1 �r� n r-- : ', � i �� � I 1 !: I I I ; �i /n ;1 �� ;1 ��'�i � i I i I � � 1• j i � � _�� '��\\�� II I• . / I ' -I L_ �--1 I � \�.� ' � I �� �� ` . _ .. .. �40`�� 6D-�44.25 : '¢425� 4�.-�- --� ', � `�'= � ': `'. �-�,�� - �------�----.----�------- __,—i--------�— ; . ,�, I �4----��� � RC1C11US �_ � ' � ---- �- -L-----CARROLL. 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CITY OF SAINT '� PAUL I MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FIN�I►NCE »}�aqwn2�..l�iai 211 Pa e �I File X1 , $ you are hereby notified that a pu blic hear ng will be held in the C,ouncil Chambers of te�ition of1thenHouain� and$Redevelopment � on J�ne g, 1g72 on the p Authority to rezone from a ��B�� Rdescribed �stfollows•a Lotl'S, Residence District the property ' Block 2, Scribner and Crittendon'sroue��yi�e°locatedton the North of Smith and Lotts Outlots. The p p side of Carroll Avenue between Avon Street��and Grotto Street. gor furt her information, contact the Plann�.ng Board, Room 1410 �ommerce Building or telephone 223-4151. ar ent of Fi�nce is 1 with the City Charter, the Dep � To coa�p Y ublic earing. charged with informing you of this p ou have any questions, it is recoa�aend�d that keu our viewsis If y p ortuni y to ma Y public hearing to afford you the o p � both pro and con, known to the City Council�. �� ROSALIE L• BUTLER Commissioner of Flnance � , � � � , . . � .f. I � +N�'9"�i?�ox� ' I � �.;;� �. +� � � : s�' � �� �� ������� ���i ;� � �- : �i I.otts ou�lots, �t the '_�rrull.•A� ,pG :A� II ro •+�„�". _ � �._:_ _ � � �' '� .r,.. II � � tilie C7o" w�l hear` ° I �m;d aJ1 obieeti Snd recommendritions I �reiaYive to.said ropoded amendm�t. I Dated May 84 1972. I �GiRy �r biAt�8F3ALT,' I ( Z7,1972) , I - � I , '' .�����.._,� ...�� `. 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