259067 _ Oriainsl to City Clerk , ' a ORDINANCE z5g���� • � � C UNCIL FILE NO- PRESENTED BY ' RDINANCE NO /�j An ordinance amending the Zonin Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of e Saint Paul Legislative Code, pert ining to Use Districts, Height District and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES O IN: Section 1. That the Zoning Code, Chapte s 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning f certain prop- erties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following des- cribed property from "A" Residence District t "C" Residence District, to-wit: Lots 12, 13, 14, and 15, Block 3, Harrison and Handy' s Addition; situate on property located on the southeast corner of Edgerton and Hoyt Streets in the City of Saint Paul. Section 2. This ordinance shall take e fect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its pa sage, approval and publication. Form A proved: Asst A o ney � � I I I I �� I I JUL 5 1972 � Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council �[ Iiunt � �ad�mc Konopatzki Levine n Favor Meredith O � �� gainst Tedeaco sutler ,JU� 6197.� �iC Preaident (�) oved: t Ci lerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation �ounsel By �U�LOSHEO JUL 81972 Da�pHab to Prhbs � � -... � ' w ORDI ANCE ' � �5 - " COUNCfI FILE NO �_ / �/, `.� - PRESENTED BY ;` ORDINANCE NO �� 11n crdiaane� �ding the Cod+�, E�apte�s 60 to 64,�� iacluaive,�o t3u �sint Paul I.eqial ve Cod�, taininq � to IIse aistriets, qht Hiatri arid �aaaiarg of c properties n th� City of Saint Panl � �ded. �E '�88 ClO�Ci�. OF ?SB CIZ'S OF S�? �1tA. D@�f It= � d: Sectfoa 1. Tl�at th� �o �� Code, Chap rs 60 to 64, iaalusiv�� of the saiat P�ul�islative , p�stafaiag to II�e �istricts, �iqht Distrf aad l�$o of certain gr�p- erties ia the City o� Saiat Pa� , as , ba and �he sa�e is h�relry �nrther am�nded so tc rezont e follarf.nq d�s- eribed property fro� '1�►" Resi � e Distriet to "C" �sidenee District, to-writ: ;` � y, Lc►ts 12, 13, 14, I5, B1ocJc , Harrisou and 8andy ,s l�ditit�t sitwate on pr�psrty locat�d ou tha aoatlwas �ozaer of s�'lg�a a�d 8oyt Street� in tha City o isiat Psul. ; ., 8ection 2. S4is o�tinaa � shall taks ff�et and b� in � tiisty t3a� A+�ys i�+o■t aftar its �sa�q�. a�orosal aad publicatioa. � �� ;: ;� I; :i s: (i l�lt a�3+p�t �� ., Fi �i 1 ��� � �� ���� �� �: �S rf _ �� i rf �+ I I! k' i • �� JUL 5 1972 Yesa Coundlmen Naye �� Passed by e Coun�it `��c �Onopatski �I � n Favor Me dith �! �� � � Tedesco �Preaident (���� �; A . �U L 6 �9� , Att�t: :i PProved. City Clerk i, Mayor �� Form approve�l Corporation �outtsel By�� i , , _.�; _ � _ � ' �����1 � -BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PA L ' 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHON : 223-4151 June 5, 1972 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386, City Ha11 St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Sir: This is written in response to the petition o� Ruth P. Oslund to rezone from "A" to "C" Residential for multip e dwelling units property which is located on the southeast co er of Edgerton and Hoyt Streets. This property is further described as Lots 12, 13, 14, and 15, Block 3, Harrison and Handy's Addition. This matter was heard at the May 18, 1972 Boar� of Zoning public hearing, at which time the staff report was re d. The staff said it is better to have single-family homes adjoi ing apartment build- ings with the rear yard rather than to have si�igle-family homes facing the apartments across the street. It w s noted that the property could accommodate two duplexes or thr e single-family homes fronting on Edgerton Street. The staff noted hey did not have any independent source of information concerning t e expense of the filling operation on that site. The petitioner stated she wants the property r zoned to get a buyer for it since it cannot be used for anything ot er than apartments. She said parking space would be available. As the Board considered the matter, it was arg ed that the amount of fill placed on this lot necessitated a price w ich no buyer would touch with "A" Residential zoning. The Board noted hat the property could accommodate 18 units if rezoned to "C" Residen ial. They also noted that there was no opposition. Subsequently, the Board heard a motion to reco end approval since there was 100 per cent of the eligible signatures on the petition and since there appears to be sufficient space between t e subject property and the adjoining apartments. The motion was seco ded and carried by a vote of 4 to 0. Very truly yours, -, . ,�_ � lo�L���;� � �f 4.�t, ' Peter J. Maietta Secretary, Board of Zoning PLR�br Y� Z. F. 7345 � O � � � �I BOARD OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION May 18, 1972 ' Plat Map 32 ' , Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 passed August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. � 7345 �' � l. APPLICANT'S NAME . Ruth P. Oslund I 6858 2. CLASSIFICATION . XX Amendment � Appeal d PermiC � Other X1216 3. PURPOSE . P.e-r,one from "A" to "C" for �ultiple dwelling units 4. LOCATION . Southeast corner of Edgertoc� and ]�oyt 5. LEGAL llESCRIPTION : Lots 12, 13, 14, and 15, Blolck 3, Harrison and Handy's Addition 6, PRESENT ZONING: "A" Residence 7 , PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64 S ction: .06 Paragraph: 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: May 12 1972 By: ATB A. SiTFFTCILNCY: In a letter dated April 26, 1972, �he Commissioner of Finance stated rliat slie checked the petition and found said etiLion sufficient with owners of 20 of a possible 20 (100%) descriptions situated ithin 100 feet tiaving signed the petition. li. 1{IS`1'ORY: A petition to rezone this property was filed on August 19, 1969. Subsequenr.ly, the petition was found to be insufficie t. C. PROPOSED USE: The petitioner states the subject roperty wi11 be developed with apartments . D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The property has a frontage o 153.92 feet along Hoyt Avenue and 134.68 feet along Edgerton Street resulting in an area of 20, 729.95 sq. ft. E. AREA IONING: The area adjacent to the northeast nd southeast is zoned "C" Residence. The area surrounding the intersection of arkway Drive, Montana Avenue, anci Payne Avenue is roned Commercial. The rest of th surrounding area is roned "A" Rc�sicic�nc��. I�'. SI'1'E CONDITIONS : The site is generally at the grallde of Edgerton Street. At least a portion of it appears to have received fill in order� to bring it to this level. There is a small area which is still slightly below gr�de. The site is vacant and a few small trees exist along the small depression. I G. AREA CONDITIONS: There is a new apartment on the roperty adjoining to the east. Farther east is a large parking lot and a supermarket. To the south is a single family residence and garages for the adjoining apartme t. To the west are single family residences and north across Hoyt Avenue are two� recently constructed apartments. I1oyt Avenue and F,dgerton Street have no curbing. I `�� I30ARD AC'TiON: To Recommend XX Approval � Deni.all Council Letter Dated : Moved by ; McPartlin Yeas I Nays 6-5-72 Ames - �. Date of Seconded by: Benshoof X Cochrane ICh. Hearing: X McPartlinl 6-13-72 Secretary's remarks � Maietta Mansur Council Action: X Quast X Benshoof Dooley Date: Prifrel I . ,.� , . . . MI�tUTES OF TA� PUBLIC NE�RI�TG BI�Q�? TI Bt1f3I'.D dF ZQNIt�IG f�i1 �HUi�SI��.', 1iAY �.8, �'�3�'.b .�T�,:�0 PBI��r �P.ES�N`�: T�::s. r^cs�h���?� �.�� Pzr:,. C1c�a�L-, �;�.�r3 i��s �s, a��zsl�oo�, P�La�.e�ta an� �Cp3g'��L'_L2 0.��.' ��3t? $t2��{�s ��r. �°�.t3S-t3���Y c.'�?2t1 .fj. rG�Z i:Ci. O;: f'.�'C' S��'�x• P.U".�III "?. CSLL'�i.;� �i�ra5�: A -����i�ian �c� �:eba���� �r�� ':A" t� "C`� i�o�° mu�.�3.�i� d:a�lJling u�iL•s �°,�ape�ty �OC��n� 4I? �:i3� �::u�I�.ea� caY�x��: o� �c��ertcm and �oy�. . P�r. Ito��t��r s�u��:ar:i a�d t1a� ,�:a�� x��c,t, a ��txt� o� the :�z:�e, i�y �tatzn; th3L- a �set�iti�� to xE�d�� �:Iti� ;aro�e�t}� vas i�..�.�d e� ,��•�;;�zs� ;9s t.9fi�;. 2'�ac �etiCio�z�� eta��s the su��ect �xo���ty �•tz�� i�� c3etif�?c�ec� �:�:� �:a3r:��-t:�,�z�ts. Th� ��op���y h�s � �ra��.�ge oa 1�;��92 fee�. a±rsi:g �a�y�: �,•uc{,�� ���i ?,"�s.ti€a ��e�: 3!?.CSL� T.''•CJ�'�I'atsft S�reeic, r�3�iL-izz; 3� a� �i�� �� 20,7�9�95 un;tn� �@rt. Th� area adjac��xt to tt�e nort��ast and scuthe�st ie �.c�_�d f:��r �t4s�.�c� ���. Th� are� sii�:•cc��?z�sdi�x� t�ae �ttk@�S:?C�ZC}ti ()� �23'L'j:t�r.��+' 12�lYTL'D ?"C}i2�aRr, �i'�'iGS.�C•,r y ��i� �r�yl?x''. �iV+yi1C'sC' ]..S 7•fSk^_G'C� rit s��'TC?_r��.. `S'�lE! �eu� t9� �I�C Si,S?'LrCL'TSL9�.tZr; £i14.'� 3 f.�2tv� t�.(� IyC�S1€�k..'xYC�.?• `1°Il� �it�: is �ea�r.�i�y �t t:�� �r��� c�� �;d�e�:�,��z St���e:. (Cir. Psas��.��� c�as�3.�►y�d a ccmpbsi�e ph�to �� L-�i� ar.�.) ?�t �.��:�f. � ��o���it� m:' i� at�Fea:.� L-� hau� �e- ceiv�d ���?. it� �:-c��=: �:� �r�.s�� i.� Y� +�izi� :�.�i�elr I `��t3:re is G s�sa.:'te. ��re� szt�ich �,Q':8���� 5�.�.Q�1�i��'� i�t,�lh+:'t �T.'�3C''.C,-'. `:�.'I:^ .,".�l:E'.. :i_Ss' ''�ac:-I��2Y: �::l�:i i ��'�T S�3,Z.� C3�'�'S ��3..°s� a�vng �:he s��.+ c�pre�y�or.. �h�re i a :r�;=? ::�aur r�,�::+.: c� a.�:� ��so�e::�y a�ijoz�f.rzu �O t�2° E.'J3E�: �'lK��il�'Y a.�,35fC L3 .3 �.a�f'',�' 57.:.i:�_lii� �.�� 2...:L �a^ .3it�tC'.„:L��i7C1t��s '�t4 1:g2� Rtr�t� i.0 � �i�g?c�€:�L�� r��i���ce �..� �;<.�'�s�;�a s��: �:i�: ��j�is��.r��� ��r`�.�'e:w�?Tf:e 7.'O t�tC' fi�E.'3L c'?L'�ti �_Y1,^,��: �?1Y.'l.�y E'�°3:laEiTCr':.0 �a G F?Gi i3 <.i:::fl9S �iG3J'� .t"3'J'�I?F.4.�.' uis:8 �".•:O rece�.�ly c��asi.�uc�ecl z�sa�t�a����s. �01�: r�:�.,u� �a Ld�L=F.:�� 5��:��L i.ave �o curbia;;« I�Ir. P,os4tte� ��!ic; �h'.�s a.s s�:��4r�b:�� yi�i.'2�� t� t�r:� i,�.�� ���.ai.t�e� �aic� C �� �-r�iai 33f's@`' �t�'t� �@uLG�4aL���E� u.i3CS �,�i�t ZC:.^ala'�...-"�"+.':Lr;�� ii.�iC?S u'•rli$::�,.:LY?� �:�.Cl2 d4:iiE',8'• �,.r`-��7-El� Ll�is is a S1e:ttSt2.t3Et 63:zr�:� �h� ��:�1eL4: �:��:;��i�� is ��ro;o^�c �a ��a ��>�tz�een ���a ' diff�reu� e����: i�x ��i�s ca�� b��ezee:� �t��_w��:�F�•,��t� lana �:�e ��.���e��:aFni.�� h��?es acsa�a �I.p sLre�� s�ti3,ch ar, ;;eaera�.�y izz ;�0�3 c��.?�?�j��,. 5���3i��f:;sitt�.�y laat�.�� ac�join to �I.e �a�th.. I�� �airl ae± �izi.� �_:;:t?cu�7�- I.:3,� :.v �?Ph� �,: �:�CL•�� �� lea�e ��i;� ���,�f i��ide���:�.al �ath.e� �h�� ::-�:..r;�.�:���; tb �����:i3� �.���use iC i.s be�t to tzat�� eina�.���a:�Ji�.y Y:ra�ps r��z31�i..x:.�:;; �����.�t�.��.s: ��s��9.�,�� :�ir� Li�� �:�a:: yard raL•h�� t��-a� �� Ixa�ve .in��e��a�3y; e#;.Fr:�� M��°xl:� �:Ez� ��a����.�:�� �cr�a� Che s�;.�eZ. Can€.i�z��.sag, F�. ���s��:c�a� €���e� t�.�� �:�:� ���,�;e �a:Q� ������._�� i� �:1�i� �ti�ic�i 8�e ��3�� s��g�e� �trs �isag��-����i�.� �?c�w� ;i�uY�i�g �n ���;��:L-�;�. T'�s� p����� eQUI� a�cc���sce �.za dc�g�e��a 3 J t�ro �e�k� ��.�� c>�r.c� w�zJ ,�u£�c1��i€�� a:�3��i ��:� lEr����g� ���.�g � i�dgc��t� Stcs:�:�t. ����s t'���:�� c��:� �� t�Zr�e ��g�.����i�� 6r,�o f��tiz�� esra Er�g��'��a.� ,tx���. Mr. �Ir��.�ret8 r��i� t�e f�@?�s �F�4 �.r,��et x�:���� i� a� ��rz��:. ti� a�'��d f.� ���t a��sff i�p ��:c c+£ ��ie ��tuat �+� �i?� �� tEai� �r�t. i�e � 'Ls� P�ta. Ca'��.t�d ��� �tstT tayie�� to 9�1? t2a�s ��r �c�g c�y �re��� ��d R�D �iS���C�'1'�L Y'c�DL�E�� ST��C �O. C��CN ity becncas�e o� the� �f.l�, 3.t ju�� is�a't c���:�i�?�. -S¢ a�'�c� I�i�:. Rcse��c.� �ixcra �SQ cou2�I s�ay axs���:�-feaf�y �.�s 3�€* lt��t�x� �m�z � �I�t� c�� �A �7:3.g���.� ��c����� �3i��t� h�d �f��� t�� g�tl�i�. , ' Mr. Rasetter �13.d Cfi��� �� doe�s�'t hace .y�y ixa�eg�r�.,�-�� E���ce o� i.��o�¢fat3�e� crra�c��ie�� �Yn� ����� �..� �:��:���� �L�t�r��.E.�� �� ���e �'?:�i��; rs�e�e�ifl�. $c� t�mf� . � _ i , • i . . ' P.UTH P. OSL'[ib1ID (?3�45) (2) Msy 18s Z972 he uuder�te�.ds p�a�z��?nJ Fris�cip��� uaual:3.y it�c73.c �e it is bettes ta have : apartnea�s ad��iein� a:in�18-�r"anily hoaneo o� a r� r yard basis. Such ; ptciucipZ�a, he said, ��.e de�ivQd fran �h� �euera attitude of ci�y dw�I3.er� ' tlsrou�hoie� sflciety c��er a peric�ci c�f �im�. i 2�Zr. B��hoo� aslced i�: tiz��e ���� azay indicatian a to r�hat siae tihe agart• ' raents r�ou3d 'av. rx. P.cs�et�er saZd h� did naL ita t� s�hat iu�ormatiou, Mr. McPar�Iin �€�Iced hcf*� rua�.y ua�it� they eo�sl.d Y� e Rnd if t�ey co�'�d pro� vide }�ari:i�g. M�, P.a�et�e�^ said if tt�� prop¢�t� [�er� z��zonerl �a �C'� R��id�zc�, i� cau�.d a��rnz�aocr�te �8 case3.�� �ut s�he her or no� c��c�ssa�y �a�rkin� ���s�.d �� p�ovi�d ir� a r�atte� uf c3�siga. . Tti� p�eirio���, M��. O�l.urar3, aaid �fie c�arat� to v� t�e p�op�rty rezoned ; �ecause shc ��oa�.c� th�� h�v� � buy�r fox it. 5taa�: aid it ca�not be used £o� a�ytiaia�� cstn�r �h�n apa���ac�sts a�ed there is rl�iug ecpace �vai�able. 2�Ir. McPart&ist recc���.c�ed a�spr�val os the petitio statia� tha.t 1Q0 p�rc��et of elig�.61a �i�atu�es oa th� ��tition shc►�+Id be ak� into coaas£d�ratioa as�d �her� a�s��sxs Lo ba �ufficient sp�c� bei�Qea he �eabject properCy ac�d �he �djoining �gartm�ns:s. Mr. Ben�hca� eai3.�d for a �oit�t of o�cder aad ques iaaed i� thex� a�as aayea�ee op�o��d to th� �ttex s�ho �is�e�? ta be heard. Th re c��s ns oppasitiot►. Mr. Benshaof sec��nc3ec3 the saotion. Z'i1e n:otioa eax ie�d by a vo�e af � to 0 o�ith lMr. Maferta �x'bstaini�� �ecauae the p��itieriQ �vas his client. Submi�tt>d by: App�oued by: Paul L. Itose��er i�rs. Ca�o�g� C hraae � �y . . ' MI�iU`TES OF THE k�"i?�LIC IiF.�iP.ING B��QR� TH� ���tD OF ZOT�II3G - �iJ TH'UI'wt�iY, �dAY 1S, �9�2, .AT 2j:�G P.F�Z. m � . . r _ . PR.ESENr: M�.s. Cach�an� aua T•�rs. a�3�t a�.cl T��es r�. LLrs�2oo� I�u�tietiLa and a � � � McPaxt�.�a o� s:.h� Boa�d, Iir. �os3���x an� TsP Rei��e;- �i: t:�e �tat�y PU�TH �'. 05Z,t3�IA (73�5): ?, �eti+-io� �o zezo�e rr�� '�A„ gs� "C`: fo1 mu�,�i�3e dr�a•l�.ing tiuits ;J�oper�p �c�c��ed ar. tne sc��heas` �flrx�::r o:�c �dV4L4E.�II aud IEoyt. P4r. Rase�ter s�x�.ved �he �i:aff xe�cit, a Y��rt oL t�e �'x4�, �y n.ati�a� tl�t a peti€:io� �o reLone t-lii�s ;��o�4�ty tlas �i.��d c,�? .ugusti� i9� :�9&9r The peCi�ics�ae�° �L-ates ti�e sub��cL pr.ope��y �r�.2'� 3�e de;re?a���d *?3. ��S a,aar�«��xa�:s. The ��:o�e�ty has a c�c����� ot 15��92 fee� a�rt�g ��yt �,`�e�ue �r:d ?��3.�� f�er ��,cu� Edgextor� Str���, xe��a�.�it�g in ?r a�°e� o� 2�,?�9.95 sqi��x-e �eer_. �`h� a�c� �djac�nt to �he �sort[x��st a�zd sc�uttt�as�. r� .�on�d �,C'� ��s��ez �. Ti�e �txe� �urra�udit�� �he intersectica o� �arl:r���r i?rive, Yiol2taz7.a �v4�tc�e, � cl Pay�c° AV2TtR1� is ursraeci Ca�erc�_a3.. '1'he z�st o� ��ae s�xrs:�c�z:r�d7��; Zrea is w�t?e� "�� ' E�esfc�enee. TUe sz.te is �en�za�?y at ��e gr�d�e o�� �d�esto� 5t��e . (���°. P��se�:�e�• ds.vpllyed a camposite photo u� the area.) At �.easti � �aor�:ia� �S it ��g�am� to �21VE I"Ep ceivc�cl f��� i� r��c?�� �:o bri.n� �.�* Lrs th•:.� :?.���1. '?���:� f� a srsa�.� a�rea �ata3.ci� �d'��;Z $�.�Q�1pi �,'f E)G.'�b`:r �F:aC�L-'. `.�.'12-.�.^ '��.i:2 l._�'a VaCr21'3 u32C; c'2 �G-'�'J $Tcar1�� �z't,.'L•'8 L'#Ys�E� along ti2e s:na:��. r��p�e�s�io�.. Tk��r� is a a<e:�a urarL e�t ca�. �b;� psa�e�ty adjoirsi�t� to eh� ea�t. Fzrttzer eas� is s ��r�e s�a�?ci�g �.flt �:�w � s:c�;�>-m�rtc�t. To the saut� is a sz��Ze�g.�mi�y r�siO�nce af:� �a+-a;�3 #:a i:he ac3joiui�2; a�w�t�enz. To ths ��a� aY� a:n��.e f�a�i1J �.��id��c�:s an� raatI �c�oss IIoy� .�ve�u� �xe t�.�o recently eo�si:rsac��� a�art�ne:st�. �Tpyt l�vcwue ax��l �d�ex':.•fl�a SL-�e�4 Iv�t�e ao curbict;;,, Mr. Ro��tte�: s�id tY�'.s is sa�ex��.a� �imi�.�ir ta �Y:�� t:�.43 �sa�:�ex �ai�1� f:��rcia�. as�, �`C" R��ic��rit;a� ��d 'A"' R�sia���via5. �.�es aT3zz� •i�?g ea�h Q�Fa��. l.l�aim, thi� is a sizuatio�. �rhe�� the s��aje�t �:��c�� is ;ss �e�se;s trs �� �e��een Lt•�a diffe�er�� �ceQ: z�a ��ia cae� b���a��� ;:�a�z��r�c�e� �� d t�-�e s�ss�;Le��3:;i3.?�' I2G1uCa ac�oas icl3� stree� tahiclz a�+� ;;�aer�Zl,� 7�:Y �r�gd ��r..c, �.i��i. Si��'�w-�f��i:�y hcn.�s ac�join Lo t:a� �ou�h« �Ie ��id ar F:t�i� ;iawL-3.c:t��.<<� c s� i� t�igF�� u� 1:����i� L-� �.@SV� G111.3 r�,�1e �'��u�E��31t�.c3�. i:�t�l�� ��t:tl '-i'GG�1?ti3�, �:C3 '�GT2�E7:C�.3�. �G'.C�i28� �-� �.3 best to lzav� ei�gi����rualy hr���;� �Jjvi�zi�^�;; ���ri.r,:�� L ta�.azic3iz��� �r��� �iae �ea� yard kgrt���- ��z� tco ha�e �i.n�I�-��a,uti��� Y��.��� �.�ea�: �:�e a��a�L�e��s aernc9 Ch� s�r���. Coa��irtai�g, I�. Ro:�et��r �a��t� �a�:�.� �h� �c�r �aL� � a,r���:�d i� ���s ���.tci� ar� ���� ac���e� �v r�z����-�d�?�;� t3�:�L� ��:�u�i��� c� ���cb�cx�. T'e�� �r����� cca8ld accc����� t�o �e�����;�s i" t� �c��:s �J�F:� �:F��: �� �s�s3lvi���7 �=3�h ��� �ro��:�g� b�i�g o� Edg����� S��ce�i:. A�;s�x t���� c�a�s3 �� ��ar�� �in$I+����i�.� mc�� fx€��t�izav e�a: E�g�p�� S�x::���. I Mr. Y��e��a ��id he ��els tEzu ���e�� i�:�,�?� �.s n '�€�����. i�� ��?z�d �.F th�r etaf� i�p ��r� m� the a��s�at u� fi��, �n ct�is �.c��. �ie ���.� �Ir�a. Qs:��a�ri �a�a�e ts��z tryir�g to ���.� thi� ��� �c�x ms�t� y��r� �rd €�m I��a�3ra�IL ��o�a�d r�a�� to Loucb it; becau�� o£ th� fi1�, �.� juu�+ ias�'t ����:����. Ee �5��3 r�. Itaa�C��� Ii�� he c�aYd esmy �ic�g��-fs�i�ig he:�m z��� is�ttr�r �:'��n �t� a�xL•', o� �t� �3.i�iFs�� ��;��t� a�[es� h�d a�fg�e�d t�e p��itia�. ,' �� ' Mr. Ro�ett�r $�id th�t �x� d����`�: have ,��y i�d��e�a�:;s� � �flurca Q� i.�foa^�atiaae ccrue�azsi�� Che �us�t rs.� ��t��►�� i�a���.v�c3 ;� �E��s £i3'.�i�a�; n��r�a�ir�,. �� sa�id �M� � . . .. . - III . . ' .. . r.u2x g os�u�an ?s45 �) rsay i8, g 972 � , t ) < tffi d �n�._nry rissci. �.e� �sua�.�. inclic Ce it is b�rter to hsve ; he un�ers n s p�. „ P F Y apartme�ts ad3v3nin� oyn�Is�fami�.y �Za�ne� on u re r yard basis. Such � pgincig3.ea, he said, ra�e ce�ived tram �h� ��n�r$ attitude o�E cs.ty c�ieZ3ers ' thYOU�hoc4t �oei.�ty avea� a �riod of ti�p. Mr. B�n9h�o�E aslced it tti�x�� c�a-� a�y i�dicatian a to cshat size �he apart� � �et�rs t�ould b�. T4r. P�o�et�e� �ai.ci h� d�d not ha ehat iez�ox�,aeio�. i�ir. McPartliaa aair�d 'n�s marcy u�it� �he� co�ld �;uv and if they cac�`±d pro- vid� ��rkir�g. Mr. P.v����e?� said if ti�� prope:�ty eze rezc�ne� �o �C°t Resi.de�ce, it cau�.d ac�e�at��te �8 uait� Fiu+� �rhet e� or sot c��cesaa�y parkin� co�ld b�: pzc�vit��d i� s �att�r of deai�. Th� petitioa��w-, Mr�. O�al�sad, �aict �h� z�a�a�r� �o ha�� the pbop�rty rezoued • beesu�� she �sould th�x� h�ve a huyer fax it. SI� aid it ca�not be nsed for anytt3i�� ett��r �I�an apa�t�ents anc� theze is �S rlcing �pace availab�.e. Mr. McPartli�s xecoa�me�.cl�d approva� of �he petitio s�aein� tbat �AO percenC of eli�ible si�aa�ures en �h� pe�itior� sh�u�,d �e ake�a ixsto cotzsid�ratia�a �ad ther� a�pc��s L-a bE �u�fici�nC spaee b�t-��ea he su�sject Fra�erty aad tfn� �d�oit�iag a�a�t���Ls. Nfr. Be�ehmo� cnll�d for a pois�t csf o�der a�d ��sesti�d if ther� s�as anqo�.e oppo€�€d �o �hA �at�eL c�ho �is'��d to b� iaears3. Th� e t�as no opposition. A3r. BeuEfico£ seco�dec� the �aotian. Ttze matioa ca�cr ed by a vote of 4 to 0 �r3.th Mr. t�Iaietta �abst�3.ni�g because the pe�iCior►er��ras his elient. 5abmiLted by: A�Sp�oved by: ��� Pau3 I.. Itose�t�� Mr�. Ca�o$}ra Ctx�hraae I � Na t. ManYall �'T'' °F , rn► ,.w ; ar.�t e.oi.e■ , City Clerk and � ,,� �. �I Counoil Reaordmr Co�vrnisaioner of Reyiabra�tfott � •; _�.�.:3j " . �:'_'3�_ � • 'y� M1� . OFRICE OF THE CITY CL� RK CITY OF SAINT P�AUL BUREAU OF RECORDS I 388 City/$all St.Pazil,Minnesota 6610� I � �s 1972 Zoning Board tk�nam�erc� Bldg. St. Pau1 Gentlemea: The City Council referred to you for recoasnendation the attached petit3oa of Aadrew R, d Ruth P. Oslund for rezoning Lots 12, 13� 1� arld 15� Block 3� I�arrison aud Hancl�y's Addition� located at the southea�t corner of Edgerton 3t. ead �. I�oyt Ave.� to q.ass "C" Resi- dence Di$triet. CrY �.Y Y�'$� ���_=I� City k � �►B � � '�,� � � �l � D ����� ;� r� a97z ct��� �.������c� �v�u, Sain Paul, I�linnesota �,: I i � • I�i , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ��� �, � CITY OF SAINT �AUL MINNESOTA I 113 Court Hou:e,s51o2 ROSALIE L. BUTLER, Commissioner Phone:223-4646 , April 26, 1972 I', To the �o�ncil City of 3t. Paml 6eatlemeu: I hawe checked the attae�ed �etiCion af A�tdr B. and Rnth P. Osluad, filed ia the �atter of rezoain�, Lots 12, 13, 14 and 15, Elock 3, Harrisa sad Haady's Addition. Tl�e property is located o� tl� s�utheast coraer �t Ed�ertoa Street and Bast �Ioyt enme, freed a Class "A" Reaidesce Bistrict to a Class "C" Resideace District, aad find that said petitio� is s�ffi ie�at. Y ery treily, : - ; / _ '� ; �� :�, ,c:�-�"�� _ _. � � ;�,t..� Rosalie L. Btitler Ce�issioaer of Fit�aace 8e: X1216 I c.c. Mr. A�aa . . �eid� �1 R '� �ra. B�tler I lo'r0atage: 140� ' Parcela Eligible - 20 �i Parcels Sigaed - 20 or 10U� I Dieeded • 14 or 66-2/3� '� 'L• it'T ' .' i1 t; �' - � � �f` slln �� �J �.-� ,.� � .> ��:,�F� � + ��`�' ` �' t Ci i Y �°:��;�;i��s�w� ����;�ll Sair�t �"���. , ,. -, � _: . I �� `� ' � r e� . , � � - � .�o .��� � . . CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINN�SOTA PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE GISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE �/`�'�7 . � � Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses �ipermitted under the new classi- fication before signing this petition. For fu�ther information about the rezoning of property, call the Board of ZoninglOffice at 223-4151. (Please type or print) �i . Date:;�i�R1 z ��1 i y�� TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL I c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we,� the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate �ituated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, th� owners of 50q, or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorab e Body to rezone the follow- ing described property; (Legal description and street ddress) �ota 12� 13� 14, 15� ffiock 3, Harri�on and �ar��a tion to the city of St.. l�ul �16 corner of &�gerton & Hoyt Sta. An�d incl ad3acsnt alley thsreto• from �AM District to �G'M District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating t e following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) �.'t.f • �t ��gi RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE BLOCK ADDITION t Subject Property; � ,�n� 8 of th �f: 200 �"t of the 8 � o s o s 8ts17.a W. I+"r�rck H�rrnm� .___ _ . 2A , T 9 R , y��. � �tais C. 8toreb� ��- �� � 8 5 of th lC 105 Pt of the S o e ` Qt the u�d 3 of th �: 1�F4 ft of th� S 158 of the S o� Ths 8ec 20� T2 �arl � as�d � O • S�'�' 1Gs31.ie J. Speaicer � � f s Hf�i� of Sea ZO � T 29 R22 8srry L. and I _ Jsssis IR. ,Lsgg� � L �'1. 2 Pbalsn Fa.rk Cit �iex , �II �_ ��� s � �. � ��: 1'� � , � ��� �_ f�� State of Minnesota ( (1.4-'� �� a ���i:j County of Ramsey � ss ' V�1 1 1}.� 1��i f�C'�.� �.;t„J 7'2�i� � ll ' �G�:Ii� �^.. �:� .�,`;���,���.�-.:�.�. ;�. j „2'�?��'r being first duly sworn, de oses and states that he is he person who circulated the within petition consistit�g of � _ pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectiv�ly of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was si�gned by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signa�ures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so d scribed. Subscribed and sworn to before me �2�31415� � � this �� . day of�' /Zj� / � _ � ��] 1;�� � � `� cb o `�'� Addres�: /�'7(a ^ GU-1�F'�wc�.�e-a� e�"iv ' ►• ��"'�s��—• � �� �� Teleph ne No. 77 6 Sy' F� Notary Public, ftamsey County, n. ,��'� ���� � `' , II My commission expires � ?�• � ;'� Approv d as to form 1/4/65 �� C��� Q �4�, Office�of the Corporation Counsel FGI 1/5/65 g, LUNDSTROM, Notary Pu�lic, Ramsey Mmn. �v`�'' � I My Commission Expires Sept.16,19 �'p 6 7 n��20�L • GU _ � � �- ' a i + _ , i CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MI SOTA ` , PETITION TO AMEND CHAP't'ERS 60 thru 64 OF THE L�GISI,ATIVE (ZONING) CODE - Note: The° signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- fication before signing this petition. For fu��her information about the rezoning of property, call the Board of ZoningiOffice at 223-4151. �` (Please type or print) I�i Date: �l�lZ((� l�t t�'tiz�- � TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, �ithe undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate �ituated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, th owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorab e Body to rezone the follow- ing described property; (legal des`cription and street ddress) 1�tf 18l���'S�� �i/�t ��► �Mt� �''*� � �// '�r il'!� �#' �E� �►M� �"i M1'1�' 03' �� i! � r'�''��d �lel� ,�►O!�'i� #�1i►j '�!1"'�04 from ��� District to �� District, for the� purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating th fo�lowing: � `� (describe briefly the proposed facility) ��� �,� ]��� RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE �' BLOCK ADDITION ,�' Subject Property; /' � � � �•. 8 ������^ �- �, �, 3 � �.,�►'w� � � AM � G��'d�°..�- � �t�C�c� � �. �,.* ? . � / � � � � w � �� v�ri�� .n.���� i � L �'.,CG.� " r �rrwlrs !�� a 1, ' � ��!�e'.(/ GZ y 2rGC.-- , -, , ! � � A 11 � LAIO�M �r $�k � G 2���L/J �a � M M � � �� � � �!� � 7 � � �� �r►i# �'Q �. � �1� J. � # ��,�, . , �bba �. �ae�a � 1� � N �t r�,��. � „!' Z�8 � �t � � 'r `" �� � M N A ���rar J� i ���t�..-�. �. � . � - � L. �eat , $ �, '"Milere E�Sterprises� Inc. , � � �d ��. � 9, 3 Harrison & Handy�s State of Minnesota ( SS � ;g� , County of Ramsey ( �� � � `,� �,�'G�-,-�,� being first duly sworn, dep�ses and states that he � is the person who circulated the within petition consisting� of �, pages; �F that the parties described above are'the owners respectivel�y of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was sig�ned by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signat�ures above are the true � and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so de�scribed. � Subscribed and sworn to before me �i this ��day of ,(�fL, /�'��-' , , 7�� ���• �u�-� � { '� ;: �, '�i' i i'it I�' �':��Ac�dress /�7� /�- /��-+��-c•-�,�-.f� �'"/�..-. ' � �/ i '� �' i.� �'. ' „�z �� �-a--_ Telepho�e No. � 7 4 S9 4 j' Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. : , . � My commission expires ,.�lpprove as to form 1/4/65 l;i I Y E i,. � �' " �jlOffice f the Corporation Counsel FGI 1�5�65R. LUNDSTRGt�, N.tery P,�i�c, !;- � y ,�=���k;+t�iriq. , � ' � � � My Commis�ion Expires S2pt.16,1978. : . , , ,. � lT� . D .� Ap�il 16� 1972 ' / J � l�y�or /� ' Ths Honorable/and City Covncil C/0 City Clerk ��' 3�� City Hall and Court Houae 9t. Pxul� Mir►n Dear Siras I am subtaitting a petition to am tha Zcnlla^ig Ordin�ncs of the Legialative Code, G�apters 64 3eQtioni 06 for the purpose of Rs-Zoning from A rssiden ial to C multipla to oonatruat an apartment bt�ilding of t.hs f llowir� deaaa��ed propertyt Lots 12�13�14� 15 sr�d irtclvding s ad3aoerit vacated alley thareto i� block 3! Harris 8c �arxiy�a Addition t� ths GYty of 3t. Pavlr looated at � aorrier of &igarton anci E. Hoyt 3ts. The property is neqtt to an apa,rtm t building� ia Va¢ant arxl haa bsen filled xith 10 or 12 fas of mix+ed P331. It ia toocoatly to build houaes upcn it. We have pa3d taxea on it for many ysara, baxt high taxea are be g a burden. ' Yours Very /�ticz,� �( �,+z��� IYirr. arid Mra ee 8e A Oalwld 18 6 W. Ker,woc�ct Dr. st. Paul 55117 F�► e 776-5969 I I . . '��� � �i j Pa�°rrior��s�tazo �F . �Y°E_ .�.•�:::: �y - �-s�i...- �s. S�e .� = � - ; �.� anaea so as ta ' ' q:Lota 7�, is, i�l , �t�. �ti�r s �R �o�' ,. � �r: t� ��} � ; t � �1Yer Cft� M ;citt��. � .�,.t�me ., e �bi� �� ;.+s13 . �s�l tive to � Dated e , " ���CETkMAR3 , � fii (Juxfe 9, 1978) _ __ � � � � III . � ; �- �- � � � � Q- � � � � 1 �---- _�-_� �- -- ,� - � '•,` U ` � I - _ . _ _ -- ' --Q--- ' � � �. c� '' m � � D -�3 - - �- -�} �- -; �-- - L)- �, J `\ M ' � � � rn C � - --- k--_�_. �_---- / , �� �� O m -� ; � --� m � � � �' fl _ -� �;� / U ^� � _,- - --� - z o z O - D�' SoT4 ST. O ' � � � `�� , � , � o z ,..,� � C7 / / � � p � , Cj\ ,_ - 0 o � �, N m Z � ---� � � ; , ��, � o ��.� ' c� rn o o � -- - -- ' '� ;. � Z z � � --� _ T< <---+- �/ , o � o --- - ---o -_ _ `° o c � o - -<-- --�--T- o � ,' � -- - - - J m cn �. � a� < ! �� � � o o w � G - -__- -- -----+ /a o ----- _ -- - - c a � �, T � < .a � � - --- _- G 0 O ; n. o ' c "o b < , /.�.�� D .. � � � . - - - -- - ----�-- --- O � ----- _ � o � �. � � ° _ -_ � __�� � p ,_ � J � r-' �. = r � _ - L] _ - _ - � � � o a < .� __ •°-n o o �' o c� o f . -- - ---- � � � � . . � � - - __ - - ----- ----_ _ � �`� � d , - -�-- � s .; � o 0 I � L : � � • -- _ - --- � i o < � - - --- -- - � - I '° �'' �\ -__- ! �, � ,°.� - Q � i� �' _ � 0 � �� .: / � ---- , �i �!' _ _-- -' --- - - ! ✓ � �' _� �F �� O 0 �� O � rt _�___._..___ _._ . � '-_.__ __ __ � %' G �� �-- -- ---�`� D O `� � � � � ------ O - -- - -- %� -C� � O p U - -__ _- � C -- -- ---- i �----- ; ,i" �J � O Q �`. , O (} . - - � � / � -- O , _ __ _ - ' -� ° D �j \ / / � v-_ __� ��=- --� O _ ! � � � � ,'-� -,_� '.� ,� p � ' � , '�--' �� ;r C,���) C� Z� G� �� � � � J O O O � � o � - rn � _ /� ---- - - -- ----- " ' � ; � < L � � � -� -� o C Z � � � � � � U-- -__� U � C -� � DOC C 2� � �? 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