259059 i � ORIGINAL�TO CITY CL6RK I �K�.`�(1 CITY OF ST. PAUL � couNCa V � � + OFFICE OF THE CITY C ERK F��E NO Lzc�NSL co�rnuT2�� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G E L FORM PRElENTED B1K June 2� 1c�72 COMMISSIONE DATF � WI�REAS: The Am-Vets, Post No. 8 has made applicatior� for permission to conduet a Tag Day on Ztednesday, July 12 a,nd Thursday, �IJuly 13, 1972, between the hours of 6:00 A,M. and 4:00 P.M. on the strd�ets of the City of Saint PWul, therefore, be it I�SOLV�D: Tha.t permission be and the sam� is her_eby gr�nted to the Am-Vets, Post i�o. 8 to conduct such solicitations on. the days, d�,tes and between the hours requested. I N�'�J I Informally approved by Council �I June 14, 1972 . JuN 2 0 �72 COUNCILMEN Adopte�d by the Council 19— Yeas �T Nays �i Butler �� JUN 8 8 1972 ]���X KONOPA`I'ZKI � prov 19— Levine _ln Favor Meredith � yor S�' �I A gainat � Tedeaco 2 4 �9� Mr. President, P�i��� BUTLER � � Pi�� JUN �� � � . � i � G� ' '� CITY OF SAINT PAUI� Capital of Minnesota ����,� � � aLJe art�nevct o ub�' �a et p � ADMINISTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRB PROTECTION POLICS HEALTS JOSEPH F. CA't�CN�'�,DI Licease InsD �tor June 13 1972 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Ladies �.nd Gentlemen: The Am-Vets, T'ost No. 8, m es application for permission to c onduct a Tac Day on� July 12 a,nd July 13, 1972, ? ednesday and Thursday, betwleen the hours of 6:00 �A.N?. and 4:00 P.1`2. `i'hey have complied �aith Ordi ance No. 13338, amending Chapter No. 450 of the �t. Pa 1 Legislative Code and Ordir.ances which d eals �. ith t e solicitation of funds. The application is made by H�witt Bethel and Robert Wynn. l�ttached is a eopy of their�lap�lica.tion. Ver�r tr�1y yours, I���`���� Lice se �Inspector I v' � `�^"� i,5 i �� . �. � �7 �. / �, � A , � II ' � . : • II CITY OF ST. PAUL I Office of License Ir�spdctor � � 202 Public Safety Buile�ing St. Paul� Mi�nesota 55�101 Application �'or permission to solicit funds� or t� coaduct tag days� upon th@ streets of the City of St. Paul� Minnesota. i Date of App�ieation Juae 12, 1972 19 1. Name of organization _ � - pgTS - PUST #8 �i Address of orgaMization 925 gwthvr Avan�� �I , 2. Chfef officer of organization��itt Bethel �� 3. Secretary of orga�izatioa Rnber,s ,��_ ��,� 4. Name of per+so� or person�s responsible for the�� di�stributioa of collected funds. \' Hawit� Bethe�„ �,I 5. Purpoae or object for which solicitation is to b� made funde will ba ueed , for Building Fund - Old :,oldiers Home, Ft. S�,alliag , 6. Use to be a►ade of ft�ds collected split betwee�n Poat end Old Soldiers Home 7. Solicitation will be made on Ju1y 12 - �`f���- �t�$ � , between the hours oY 6 a•�• ar��i 4 p.m. 8. Location where solieitation will take place 5k. Faul Loop Area —�' " 9. Li�t the_aniounts of a�y tivages� fe�s� commissio�s� costs or expe�ses paid or which are expected t4 be paid ir� coru�ectio� wi�h solicitatio�, Also li�t names of per�sons to whom payments have been ma e or will be made a�d the amounts of auch payments. (A fi��.ncial statem�r�t incl.uding this iaformation may be attached.) i Noae + 7.�l� I -3 d �/ / ,iG•�.._ c..�„ C 7� � y 4 G . 7.`� � �- � I 7 (over) �i i � , � . �_ . �, _ - , IC?. �ttach a copy of budget showing solicitations for this fiscal or calendar year. > � 11. �Iave you re�d Chapter 450 of the St. Paul Legislative Code' which provides for the securing of permission to conduct the solicitation of funds� or tag days� upon the streets of the City of Ste Paul and do you fully understarsd the regulations also provided in said ordinance? Y� 12. �ppli.cation made in behalf of the above org�nization by; Name K������,,°� Title or Offic� �ae��„_e,,,,_„ �Iame Title or Office STA�� OF 1�3INNFSOTA) )SS COU1�tTY OF RAMSEX ) H�+itt Hethel and bein� duly si+rorn say that they are the petitioners in the above application; that they have read the foregoing petition and know contents a�.d pur.poses thercof; that sa�n� is true of their oti+m knowledge. - , • y \ � Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th d�.y of '�� 19 � o y Public, �Ra ey Gnu�ty� h�innesot�. . _ --�Eg W RYAN �1y commissio$ expires ��_,a,ti,;�_ Ramsey�untY;� �ppmmiss►�exPires July 14�1� i . - � � � 3hy l9'�2 Lfcen�e Itispeetor 202 1'ub1 ic Safety Bldg. S�. Paul �e�.r Sir: The Ci't�y iX�tuicil fic�d�r infornall approv+ed the appl,fcation of Am-Vets� Post No. $ for permi�sion to conduct a Tag �y on JW,y 22 d Ju1y 13� 1g72, Weds�.esdey aYid T'�Ntrsdaar� betw�e�n he hours of 6:f� A„�. €en d �F:00 P.M. Wil]. ,�ctts plea�te t�reparQ the nece�aary re�olutita�t cov+ering Lhis matter? Ve� tr�].Y Y'�vre� C3.t� G1�rk A8