259048 i , . ; � ORIG,NA4T0 CITY CLBRK �� ' � �,„ -� CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. ,-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLE K • ' . ' COU IL R UTIO ENE L FORM . PR"dENTED 8'Y ' COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul: l. That in order to provide for the ef icient operation of the legislative branch of city government, the following subcommittees of the council are hereby established: (1) Financ� (2) Public Works � (3) Community Services � (a) Elections � (4) City Development i (a) Land ! „R (5) Public S�fety � ''Q� (a) Police �I � (b) Fire � (6) Licenses I'I 'D °: � (7) ;;a.Kanagement and Personnel ' � rn � � � � <8) Utilities c � (9) Legislation � (a) Charter amendments (b) City legislation � (c) State legislation (10) Intergoverrnnental Relations � The President of the Council shall be empowered lo establish such addi- tional subcommittees as the need may arise, with consent of the council. COUNCILMEN Adopted� by the Council 19— � Yeaa Nays � Hunt � Konopatzki Approve� 19� Levine T„ Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka i Tedesco ASainat , Mme. President, Butler I' Ili �� 6�v'�'��� � �� : OR161NAL�TO^ITY CLBRK CI I 1 OF ST� PAUL �II COUNCIL ����� �t ' �� � FILE NO - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLE K � ,• •' . � COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENER�L FORM PR�SENTED BY � � COMMISSIONE ATF Page 2 2. Composition; Service; Term. Each c uncil subcommittee shall be composed of at least three members of the co ncil, which members, in- cluding the chairman, shall be named by the pre ident of the council with the advice and consent of the council, but the resident of the council shall not serve as the chairman of any subcommi tee. The councilmen ap- pointed to each subcouunittee shall serve for th term for which he was elected unless such councilman submits in writi�.g to the council a request for change, in which event such councilman may t1e reappointed by the presi- dent to a different committee. However, the co�ncil by majority vote must approve such change. 3. Functions; Participation, in General,. It shall be the duty of each council subcommittee to consider all ordina{nces or resolutions referred to it by the city council. The meetings of the �council subcommittees sha11 be open to the public, and such committees may hlear such testimony or public comment as the committee deems proper. Council Isubcommittees shall report to the council upon all ordinances or resolutions referred to them within sixty (60) days of such referral, either with or' without recommendation, unless the president or councilman introducing s�ach ordinance or resolution shall withdraw it or the president reassign it. , 4. Meetin�s. All council subcommitteeS shall meet at a time and place designated by the chairman. Schedules of �uch meetings shall be pro- vided all councilmen. ' 5. Cotmnittee Functions, in Particular. 'I (1)• Finance. The council subcommitt e on finance shall assume the res onsibilit of reviewing all capital and �perating budget matters P Y submitted by the mayor in accordance with the ti�etable provided by adminis- trative ordinance. ' (2) Public Works. The council subcdmmittee on public works shall assume the responsibility for the review and recommendation of council legis- lation affecting public works, j Ado ted I b the Council 19— COUNCILMEN ! Y Yeas Nays �� Sunt �� Konopatzki Approve� 19— Levine _In Favor Meredith � Sprafka ! Mayor A gainat Tedesco � ������ � Mme. President, Bu ler i ' �°� I r ` ORIGII�AL TO qTY CLBRK � �� ' _�y� - CITY OF ST. PAUL � F�E N��� NO , . ': � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLE�tK • ' . ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENE L FORM PR�.SENTED 8Y COMMISSIONE ATF Page 3 (3) Communitv Services. The coun il subcommittee on co�nunity services shall assume the responsibility for t e review and recommendation to the council of legislation relating to comm nity services, including matters dealing with elections. (4) Citv Development. The council' suhcommittee on city devel- opment shall assume the responsibility for the �eview and recammendation to the council of legislation relating to city dev�elopment, including legisla- tion relating to the lease, purchase and sale o�f land and buildings, the review of proposed options to purchase or contr�cts to se11, and sha11 re- port to the council as to the feasibility of th�.cost of purchase or sale and all other facts relevant to enable the coun�il to make a proper deter- mination. In cases where suitable land cannot be secured at a reasonable price by purchase, the subcommittee may recommehd to the council that con- demnation proceedings be instituted to secure tl�e land necessary. (5) Public Safety_. The council su�committee for public safety shall assume the responsibiltty for the review �nd recommendation to the council of legislation relating to or affecting �lthe departments •f police and fire. (6) Licenses. The subcommittee onllicenses sha].l establish rules of procedure to provide for proper notice '�nd hearings. Such committee shall be responsible for considering all licens�s requiring council approval, as provided for in the legislative code, and sh 11 make recounnendations to the council. � (7) Ma.nagement and Personnel. The nagement and personnel subcommittee shall be responsible for the consi eration of any legislation relating to the personnel of the city, salary qu�estions, and labor relations. (8) Utilities. The utilities subco�mnittee shall review the following proposals for legislation: , (a) Legislation relating to tep.ephone, telegraph, radio, television, cable television, lighting, heating,' water and sewer, transporta- tion, and all other public utilities services wh�tsoever which are subject COUNCILMEN Adopted i by the Council 19— Yeas Nays X�� Hunt X� Konopatzki Approved 19� Levine _sn Favor I� Meredith Mayor Sprafka A gainat � Tedesco � Mme. President, Butler I', � �� i � OR+CtNAL TO CITY CL6RK �1MC�� , , - CITY OF ST. PAUL i couNCi� '� � � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLE K FILE NO. , .. ' ` . ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENE L FORM P'i{ESF�PTEQ BY COMMISSIONE ATF Page 4 to the control of the city council of the City of aint Paul. (b) Such committee shall also review and recommend all li- censes, permits, and other privileges, granted by he city council to public utility owners or operators, their lessees or repr sentatives, and sha11 be em- powered to have access, at all reasonable times, t the books, papers, machinery and equipment of all public utilities owners, oper tors, lessees and their rep- resentatives, doing business with the city council and over which said city council has any control or regulative power. Such access shall be used for the purpose of making any inspections or ascertaining ny facts in relation to said utilities or their operation, cost, prices, capita ization, profits, or any other fact relating to their business which will assist aid committee in making recommendations to the council. (9) Le�islation. The council subc mmittee on legislation shall assume the responsibility for the review and reco endation to the council of any proposed charter amendments, general city legislat'on not: otherwise provided for by a subcommittee, and all proposed legislatio to be submitted to the State legislature. (10) Intergovernmental Relations, e intergovernmental relations subcommittee shall study and consider all proposed egislation for joint programs and services ' ' _ and legislatibn, with other governmental en- tities, and make recommendations to the council. 6. Amendment. This resolution may be a ended only by the submission in writing by a member of the council of a notice o intent to amend the same, which notice shall contain the specific proposed am ndments. Such notice shall be served upon each member of the council seven (7) days prior to the submission of any resolution amending such rules. � ' � 16 JU N 197 2 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas �� HunNays '� �uN a a �s�2 � Konopatzki ve� 19� Levine �n Favor ��, ,a��,� Sprafka J Mayor Tedesco A gainst PUBLISHED JUN 2 419�? Mme. President, Butler �I �� � I - , .�� y DY}LICATi TD MtIN'I�R � . . CITY OF ST. PAIJL couNCa '�"��p ' _ ; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLE K p� NO ��`� ° '' COUNCfL RESOLUTION—rGEN L fORM ,�; . , - PRESHiTED� COMMI�SIONE A� ��!lOZ.ViD, by t6� Council of th� Cit� ot Saint Paul: 1. Zbat in ord�r to provide for ttN �f ici�at aptrati.on of th� l�ialatiw b�anch of city Sowrawnt, th� follawi� aubco�sitt�aa oi th� r.ouncil arq ber�by astabliah�d: > (1) Finat�e (2� Public Works (3) C�a�unitq 8ervicea (a) iisctioa� (4) City D�wlopwant - (a) Land (S) Public Safety (a) P�lic� (b) Pire (6) Lis�n�s�• (7) Manag�nt and Personn�l (8) Utiliti�a (9) L�i�lation (a) Charter a�tadmtnte (b) City l�gi�lation (c) Stat� l�gitlation (10) Inttr�owreiwntal �latiou� � Pr�sid�nt of tb� Councii �hall be �poM�rd to �atabiisb such addi- tional �ubco�itt�sa a• thr �sd aay ari�a� �i coe�sa►t o� ttra council. COUNCILMEN Adop by the Cotm�� 19._ Yeas Naya � &int = � 1Louopatski APprov� 19— �°�e Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka �� A g'Ain6t Tedesco �ara�� re� nt;�utIer �� • DUrLICrI�►Ti T9 MtIMRR CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNC�� � �6� ���."�. �.: ��� ti . �. -. OFFICE OF THE CITY CL RK � d - COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GEN L FORM PR�ENTED�1f COMMISSIONE A*F �i� Z 2. Co�mowitiont Srrvic*:,,�. Each ii wbca�itta t!►ali b� cv�po�ad of at laat thr�a m�ers oi tl» naii, �rLich sebnct, in- cludiag ths chairmea, �hall be nam�d by t� p�r sident at th� a�cil vilh th� advice and consent of the council, but tb� pr�sidant af Che council- sh�ll n�ot serva as th� chairaNn of anq subcoara ttN. Tl�e aouncilmnn ap• point�d to aacb aubcoo�ittes sLall �srve for t term far vhiCh h� w• �lsct�d unle�a sucb couu�ilman �ubmits in �rrit ng to the council a reqwst tor ahanga, in �hich awnt �uch councilnaa auy be r�appointsd by th� pr��i- . d�nt to s diff�rent co�itt�s. 1io�rewr, th� uncil b7 �a�ority vot� swt approv� such changa. 3. o • c o n . It shall bs t!a duty of ach couucil subcoomittN to conaidsr all ordi ncea or rssolationa r�l�rr�d to it by th� city council. Ths m�atings of t council sabco�itt� �1N11 bs opan to tbs public, ��d sa�h covsittNS �ay h�ar �uch t��tio4s►� or public corent aa tha coasittas d� proptr. Counci �ubco�sittaa ahall r�port to tb� council upon all ordintnc�� oz r�solut ns r�tarr�d to t6w� �ithin aixty (60) days of auch referral, �ither With vithout r�ndatiou, ualess �tb� prasid�nt or council�n introducing sucb ordins� or r�aolation shsll withdraa it or ths preaid�nt rtassign it 4. M�at . . All couacil •ubco�sitt s ah+►11 sNt at a timR and � place de�ignated by the chairman. Sc6adul�� a such wNtings sha11 bs pro- vidsd all councile�n. g, n (1) n nc . Th� council auboori tN on finance �Lall asa�as tla r��po�ibility o� rsvi�raing all eapital sn op�catie� bud�t matt�r• anbmittsd bp ths t�ayur ia accordance f►itb tho ta�tabl� pacovid�d by ad�d.aia- tratiw ordinanco. (Z) Pubiia iiorlu. T6� couneil �u tt�s oa public vorks �hall ssstaa tba rs�poniribtllty far the r�vi� and r tioa of council l�gis- lation at�ectiag publie voric�. COITNCILMEN Adop by the Counc3l 19— Yeas Naya � iunt � Y,onopatzki Approverl 19� Levine T++ Favor Meredith Sprafka ��r AroA1718t Tedesco ��ii3-d�nt�-- , Datler � �� . �r � + DUr.ICATS TO�ItIMRR CITY OF ST. PAUL F,�UNCIL N - ` A " ,. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLE K � : ' a ' C4UNCIL RESOLUTION—GEN L FORM PRESENTED�Y COMMISSIONE ATF Pag� 3 (3) C�itv S�rvic�s. �s il sabco�itta an coe�muaitq s�rvice� stiall asiur Lh� rasponaibility fo� reqiwr snd r�corndatian to ths aoancil of i�gi�i�ti.on r�lsting to ity a�rviau, includi�o►a �att�rs �sling vith �leations. (4) Gitv Dnnlo�i Th� couuci •u6coa�ittN oA city d�eval• , opoant sLail a���a�e the r��pon�ibility tor the revi�a and r�carndation to th� council of l��i�lation rtlating to city d� lops�nt� is�lnding le�i�la- tion r�lating te tl» l�as�, purclus� and sal� f iand and buildinsa� the reviwr of propoNd options to purchaa or �ont act• to N11, aad shali re- port to th� council a� to th� fu�ibilitr of t cost ot pnrchaa� or sala and all otb�r facta rel�vant bo anable th� il to ri�s • props�r dat�r- �ainatiou. In caqs �lare ruitabl� l�nd caeuet ba sscnar�d at a r�awnabir� prics by pur�ha��� th� •ubco�aitt+N m�y r to the eout,cil tbat con- d�natio�n proce�din,�� bs institut�d to a�cur: s lased �eusary. (S) Publie 8af�tv. �� oouacil s oaraiEt� !�r ptsblic �al�ty ah�ll s�s+r t1N r�aponsibiltty for tha r�visv nd s�ndati�n to th� cou�il of lsgi�lation ralating to or afi�ct ths dspartrnts oi polict and fir�. (6) I�1�. T!� aubeo�aitts� lie�enats �h�i �stabli�h rul�s of proa�dur� W provida for prop�r �tic �nd hfariags. Snch ao��itt� ahall be r�aponaibl� for coasidaring all li� a r�quiring co�ncil appsoval, aa provid�d foac in the lagi�riatiw code, and 11 saUor rec�datiau to tha eou�ncil. � (7) I_�aaajnant and Prraannsl. �a �aw��at and per�l � �rubco�ittu ahall be r��poiuible for tta coosi �r�tion of any legislation relating to tbe p�rwnnal of t6e city, alary q stions, and labor nlatioas. �8) Uti�tie�. Ti�e utiliti�s au ttas sh�►21 r�ivia�r tht �ollening proposals for 1�gi�lAtion: (a) i.�gialation r�latiog to t lapban�, tel�raph, ra�die, � tflavi�ian, cabl� t�lsviaion, lighting, hseting Mater and s�c� tranapwcta- tion, aad all oth� public utiliti�� wrvicsa t�oewr yhicb ar� sub��at COUNCII,MEN Adop by the Cotmcil 19._. Yeas Nays � Hunt � TonopaCzki Approved 18� Le°'ne Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka �� A ggjIIgt Tedesco M�e. Pnaid�t� nutlss �� r ,� �qurti�,rs,w�pn�me � CiTY OF ST. PAUL �NCa NO '�' ', , j OFFICE OF THE CITY CLE K � �` ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEN L fORM PRESENTED 6Y COMMISSIONE ATF Pag� 4 to tbe coatrol ot tlu city council of th� City o! iat Paul. �b) Such com�itts� a1a�11 al r�visr and r�co�sud.=a11 li- ceaa�s� p�s�ai.t�, �ad oth�r privil�gea, grant.�d by � city couacil to public utility amsr• or opNratora, th�ir l�sssaa or r� �entatiwa� and �ball bt w- pawred to haw acc��►a, at ali ruaonabie tirs, th� boolcs� papsr�, �cbinsry and squipant of all publie utilitisa �nsra, o tor�, l�ipfs aud tluir rep- r�antatiwa, doing bu�i���1 Mith th� city eouncil aad owr vhicb sa id city couacil ba• any control or ragulxtiw powr. S ac�aa ahsll bt u�t�d for tt� purpot� of ssting anp inspacti�s or asc�rtaining a� facta ia rtlation to aid utiliti�• or thfir op�rakion� �oet� prir.��� aapi isatLon, profits, or any otb�r tact rsla�i�g to th�ir bwiness �hicb Mill aa�i�t id ce�aittu in making , rscc�r�adationa to the eouncil. (9) �gislatiaa. T!a couacil s ttw on leglalation �haii a�suy Ch� r�epo�a�ibility far tLe r�viaw as�cl r naation to t� council o� any propos�d chartar s�rats, s�niaral city l�isla on n�t othsr�riss provid�d tor by a snb�ittN, and all propoasd ifgislat to bi sub�it�d to tba �tats l�gislatur�. �10) Int�r�wr�a��. iat�r�ow�carnt�l rsl�tiona subc.o�ittN ahall •Cudy and consid�r all propw is�islation far joint pro;raes and Nrvic� and legislsti , nith oth�r governse�atal �n- titie�, and mak� rscqm�ndatioaa to the council. �. A�g,�. lttis resolution nty be �d oni� by cL� sul�iuion in �riting by a oaub�lr of th� coupeil o� a aotic� f int.�st to �ud tha sue. . vhich notiee shail contain th� apecific propos�d �nd�ts. Such notice aball b� s�rwd upon �ach a�nber af t6� contrcil s� ( days p�ior t@ the oub�i�saion of aay r��olutioa ornding such rul�ts. '� , ` `; �N 16 1�i'2 COLTNCII.MEN Adop by the Co>>ncil 19—. Yeae Nays E�r Hunt :, �'�r�� � Rouopat$ki �'� Approved 18� Levine TT Favor �- �y� Sprafka � A oninnt Tede�co �. Pr�sidint, suller �� . - . ,. , . , �-�.:,� - 2r.d . ._._..._._ _ "---�— ;�a,.� ' Ado�ted �_ �eas I NaYs .� �`� fiUI�T G� ` KOiVOPATZK2 I � . ��� ��� ��� . LEVZ�1s---� I � i ' �i '�.' �i�R.EDITH I SP�r I�A"`---� _,.o, � � ' �T�DESCO � � ' • � vm?e PRESIDENT (BUmLER) I�� � j . I� � . -, . . � ' '�sr. • Zna; 3rc� � Adolp�ed °�as � `' NaYs � . , _ ' �, �,` , w J. �:-. A4 Q 6,,. .`.,. � _. � '�. J' I , _j�-, � �1��`I' li a.-_ , KOA?UPATZI�3�--•� LEVINE I�..�...... MEkEDI II � � SPRAF TEDESC .,,,�,r� , I Nlme PRESIDENT ($UmLE�)�.�.......�,,,^ I i Ist ., 2nd 4 � '.�� .. •. "3r� ' Adopted �� � . Yeas , � ( N Ys � ��.,.,.y�,�,c.x,L-.. G�"`.}-^a.-Y_-.�l�ti;�'� �� ��.T . �'`�CONOPATZKI . �EVINE �;REDITH �PP.AF'KA y �EnESCO i � � �. M�tl@ PRESIDENT (BUiLEF�)