259047 � ,PRIC�F,dI.°TO CITY CLBRK �rG����fJ' . � r_j�9���' t , . .�� � CITY OF ST. PAUL �LE NCIL NO OF�ICE OF THE CITY LERK • - . CO CI ESO`L ION—GEN L FORM � COMMIS�S ONE ' � � ATF RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby adopts the� following rules of procedure for the conduct of the business of the Council: RULES OF PROCEDUI�E Rule l. Convening the Council , The presiding officer shal:l take the chair at the hour designated herein for conveni g the council for any regular or special meetings. He sl�all call the council to order and instruct the secretary t call the roll. In the event neither the president nor th vice president is present, the council shall be call d to order�by the secre- tary, and the first order of busin�ss shall be to call for a vote to elect the presiding offic�er for the particular meeting. Rule 2. Quorum ' � A majority of the council shall constitute a = quorum, but a sma.11er number ma.y a journ from time to � time and compel the attendance of bsent members under , � o � such terms and penalties as the co ncil ma.y ,proscribe. u o g � � Rule 3. Absence of Councilman °- �. a o Q U Every member of the counc 1 about to absent � himself from the city for a period of more than three � � (3) days shall formally apply to t e council for a � leave of absence, which may be witY�held or granted by motion of the council. I, Rule 4. Order of Decorum (a) The presiding office� sha.11 preserve order COUNCILMEN Adppted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays � ��� Hunt � � �a��va Konopatzki �0 19— ' Levine '`�jn Favor Meredith Sprafka � Mayor A gainat , Tedeaco ���. �� - Mme.�. President, � Butler � PUBLISHED ,j�(� 2� 1572 � � , a„�.-, b� �e, ;�- �� � . - . � z�s��� .. , and decorum and, in the case of di turbance or disorderly conduct in the chamber or in the a�jacent lobbies, may cause the same to be cleared. The !presiding officer may require the county sheriff, his deputy or an officer of the city police force to be present to assist in preserving order. ' (b) The council shall not tolerate vulgar, offensive or derogatory remarks abdut any groups or indi- .� viduals and any speaker using suchiremarks shall be ruled out of order. Rule S. Rules of Order The rules of parliamentary� practice embraced in Robert' s Rules of Order shall gover�n the council procedure in cases to w ic t ey are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the rules pro�vided herein. l�ule 6. Order of Business I, The order of business at each regular meeting and at each special meeting unless othe�rwise stated in the call shall be as follows: � (a) Roll call i (b) Call for corrections of the journal (c) Official commu.nicatio}�s from the mayor (d) Scheduled public hear�.ngs (e) Introduction of propo�als (f) Special orders i (g) New business ' (h) Additiona.l communicat�ons to the council (i) Citizens who wish to 1�e heard (j ) Announcements and adjournment � A change in the order of cquncil business is permitted but shall require an affirmative vote of a ma.jority of council members present at the meeting. ' i � _ -2- � ' . • , ' I . � n . . I � • ������ Ru1e 7. Conduct of Business (a) All members of the council including the presiding officer shall, during the �usiness conducted, restrict their discussion to comment� germa.ne to the business before the council. (b) To facilitate the busi�.ess of the council, � a speaker sha.11 be considered out of order when his rema.rks are repetitious, and it sha.1�1 be the duty of the cha.ir to rule a speaker out of orderlwhen he repeats remarks or arguments made by himself or another person repre- senting his side in the debate. (c) Any ruling of the presiding officer ma.y be appealed by any member and, upon req est of any member, a roll call vote shall be taken ther�o�. The vote of at least a majority of the members present shall be required to overrule the presiding officer. i (d) Members of the council and citizens who wish to be heard on matters of interest t the good and welfare of the city sha.11 be heard after the regular forma� order ,., of business ha.s been completed. , - (e) Only one citizen sha.11l� be heard at one time before the council, and those appear�.ng and waiting opportunity to be heard on any ma.tte� sha.11 rema.in seated until the person speaking sha.11 have finished his argument or statement and ha.s seated himself. Each person appearing before the council before commencing his argument or state- ment shall take a position at the foot of the council table, shall state his name, address and thi subject matter to be discussed and shall continue in such position until he sha.11 ha.ve concluded his argument or statement. Rule 8. Proceedin�s and Motions . 'i (a) Roll Call Votes All votes upon the fina.l adoption of proposals for ordina.nces or general resolution�, motions to reconsider, ,� _3_ I , . .'• . . I �• • �����4 / motions to suspend the rules, reso utions or other _ motions shall be by roll call vote All ordinances, motions and resolutions shall be ac�opted in accordance with the requirements of the charter. Such votes shall initially be taken in alphabetical order and rotated monthly thereafter, except that the presiding officer shall vote last. '�� (b) Motions During Debat Any council member sl�all have the right to bring any motion before the counci� without a second and a roll call vote shall be taken on any motion at the request of any member. After a mo ion is made by a councilma.n, the presiding officer hall restate such motion and it shall be in the poss ssion of the council, �1 but it ma.y be withdrawn at any tim� before amendment or action taken thereon by the councilman requesting the motion. Al1 motions and amendments thereto shall be entered at large upon the minutes and the vote thereon, whether they be adopted or rejecte . (c) Precedence 3 When a question is urnder debate, no motion shall be considered except one of �he following, which motions shall take precedence in the order stated and said motion shall be carried by a jority of those present: 3 (1) To ad j ourn (2) To lay on the table (3) For the previou� question (4) To postpone to , �. time certain (5) To ref er to a ccDmmittee (6) To amend (7) To postpone ind�finitely 3 When a question is under consideration, a motion to amend and a motion to amend that amendment shall be in order, but no further motion to amend shall be in order until the disposition of the previ us motion. -4- . � � • II ` • ' . � . . . �I � ��9�4"� � (d) Previous Question ' 3 (1) The previous question shall be put in this form: "Shall the main question now be put?" It may be ordered by a ma.jority of the me bers present and its effect shall be to put an end to al�l debate and bring the council to a direct vote upon amendments, if any, and then .L� upon the main q�.estion. -' (2) If the questionjbefore the council contains several points, any member, upon request, may have it divided and a separate vote taken on each point. , (e) Motion to Adjourn I A motion to adjourn ar recess shall be in order except: � 3 (1) When a member isl speaking, (2) While the same tem of business is pending during which such a previot�s motion is defeated, or (3) During a roll c 'll. A motion to recess s all take precedence over a motion to adjourn. Rule 9. Stages of Consideration (a) Initiation of Resolut�ions and Ordinances. (1) An ordinance or resolution is initiated when the original and four copies arre submitted to the secre- tary of the council in proper form.' (2) The resolution o�r ordinance shall be initiated by any one member of the �ouncil signing the origina.l copy. (3) Any ordinance, p�rior to its introduction to the council, shall first be ente�r ed on the agenda for that meeting unless waived by the presidlent. (b) Introduction of Resolutions and Ordinance.s (i) Every proposed otrdinance shall be read in full at the meeting at which it ;is presented, provided that full reading ma.y be waived if copy of the ordinance -S- i ' ' � � .- � � � � �, Z59�4`7 . . I is supplied each member of the coun�cil prior to its introduction. Every proposed ordinance shall be read again by title at two separate meetings held not less than a week after the meeting �.t which it is first presented. After a proposed brdinance is complete in the form in which it is to be fi�ally passed, it shall remain on file in the office Qf the city clerk for at least one week before final adoption. (ii) Every resolutio�i shall be pre- sented in writ'ing and read in full l�efore a vote is taken unless the reading of the res lution is dispensed with by unanimous consent. Resolut ons shall become effective upon passage, approval, a�d publication once in the official newspaper. (c) Committee Reports ! (1) Any ordinance (�xcept emergency ordinances) ma.y be referred by the residing officer to the appropriate committee for repor and recommendation by the presiding officer following heir introduction, � except that upon a ma.jority vote of the council, such ordinance will not be referred to committee. (2) All resolutionsllmay, by majority vote of the council, be referred to committee for report. (3) Whenever a comm ttee acts to return a resolution or ordinance to the co ncil, the chairman shall so inform the secretary, stati�ng in writing whether the committee recocrnti.ends adoption orl denial or reports without recommendation. The clerk s�hall then place the proposal upon the agenda of the counlcil under the order of business "special orders" in theiorder of receipt of notification of committee action. T(h.e motion referring to committee shall provide the time ,in which such reso- lution or ordinance must be returnedl to council. (d) Public Hearings � Whenever a resolutionlor ordinance is such that by law a hearing must be held b�fore the entire council, the city clerk shall advertise once in the official news- paper the date of hearing set by the� presiding officer, and the secretary shall place the ma.tter on the agenda for that meeting under the order of business �'public hearing" in the order of introduction. ! -6- � I� , ORI6MNAy TO CITY CLHRK . + , � CITY OF ST. PAUL F ENCIL NO. � 90 �{ �- O F F I e E O F T H E C I T Y C�.E R K • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEN�RAL FORM PRESENTED BY I COMMISSIONER �DATF -2 (e) Consideration for Final �dopttr.on � When the presiding officer has stated the question on final adoption, he shall first recognize the chairma�n of the committee to which the resolution or ordinance was referred, if such resol�tion or ordinance was referred to a: committee, and then the councilman introducing th resolution or ordinance, if there be one. After those have spoken or declined to spe , any councilman m�y be recognized � for debate or other matter properly in order. Memb rs of the public may then speak to the mat�er. If the committee has recommended th t the resolution or ordinance be amended, the chairman of the committee shall move t e amendment, and the amendment shall be disposed of before further debate occurs, xcept as to the amendment. aZ (f) Amendments 3 Unless waived by the pre iding officer, no amendment to an ordinance shall be �.n order unless in writing and copies presented to the presiding officer and secretary. Any amendment sha 1 be read in full unless waived by the council. (g) Reconsideration When a question has }�een oted upon it shall be in order for any member who voted on the prevailing side to ve a reconsideration at either of the next two regular council meetings occurring t ereafter. Upon adoption of a motion for reconsideration, the question shall be ag in voted upon no earlier than the second regular council meeting following the mee ing at which the council adopted th+� motion for reconsideration. ��=-�------ Rule 10. Amendment of Rules These rules may be amende�l only by the submission in writing by a member of the council of a notice of in ent to amend the rules, which notice shall contain the specific proposed amendment . Such notice shall be served upon each member of the council seven (7) days prior to the submission of any re- solution amending such rules. I COUNCILMEN Adqpted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays I Butler ,. Carlson I Approve� 19— Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor Tedesco - A Sainst Mr. President, McCarty I �� OStItiJNAL TO CITY CLBRK � �� ��;'i'�,�!v�� ,,, ''�� `•. _ CITY OF ST. PAUL ' �LENCi� NO. OFFIEE OF THE CITY C ERK �. CO NCIL ESOL+T N—GEN L FORM . PRESENTED BY , COMMISSIONE ATF _, I I �be it FURTHER RESOLVED, Tha.t Council Reso ution, C. F. 252333, approved Februa.ry 9, 1971, and all other resolutions heretofore enacted which are inconsistent with any rovision of this resolu- tion, to the extent of such inconsistenc'es, be and the same are hereby repealed. �' I �I JU N 16 1972 COUNCILMEN Ad pted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya ���xunt ' JU N 2 2 1972 �ac�Konopatzki � rov 1 Levine _�n Favor .�� � Sprafka yor Tedesco A gainst Mrs President, � Butler PUBLISHED JUN 2 41972 ��� ,�y i 9�,z� ' �� : . ���� �5g�4'7 . �. � . .ry �' i�ouricilwonian Hunt moves i;o a.m�,ncl prop�s�cl resolut ion aclop ting rules of procedure for the conduct of � the busitiess of tYie Council in the foll.o�ainh particu].ar: �� . , In Rule 9, paragraph G, Reeoris_�.dera-tioxi, add to saicl pa,ragraph the fo lloivi ng : "lipon adop-tion o.f' a mo�tion for reconsideration, the question shall be a�airi voted upon no earlier than 1;he seconcl regular council. meeting followirig the meeting at which the council adop�ted the mo�tion for reconsideration. " i � � • 'I ,OR�GI�IAL�TO CITY CLBRK II� �� ' - � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� 904'� • OFFICE OF THE CITY C ERK �� NO. � �� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEN L FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE qTF 1 (e) Consideration for Fi al Adoption . When the presiding o ficer has stated the question on final adoption, he shall firs recognize the chairman of the commi��ee to which the resolution r ordinance was referred, if such resolutio'n or ordinance was referred to a committee, and then the councilman intr'oducing the resolution or rdinance, if there be one. After those have`.,spoken or declined to sp ak, any councilman may be recognized for debate or other matter pro erly in order. Members of the public ma.y the� speak to the matter. If the committee has recom- mended that the resolution or ordinance b� amended, the chairman of the committee shall move''�the amendment, and t�e amendment shall be disposed of before further deb�,te occurs, except a to the amendment. ; ; (f) Am�ndments Unle`s��s waived by the presiding officer, no amend- ment to an ordinance shall �e in order un ess in writing and copies presented to the presiding d�'ficer and se retary. Any amendment shall be- read in full unless waived�, by the coun il. `y (g) Reconside�tion When a ques� ion has b�een voted upon it shall be in order for any member who voted on the pre ailing side to move a recon- sideration at either of the next t o regu�ar council meetings occurring thereafter. ! Rule 10. Amendment of Rules J These rules may be amende`cl, only by the submission in writing by a member of the council of a n ti e of intent to amend the rules, which notice shall contain the spe�ifi proposed amendments. Such notice shall be served upon each member af th council seven (7) days pr�or to the submission of any resolutionlamen 'ng such rules. , .\ '�, �`� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the '+�oun�� +1 U N 1 �, 197�19_ �. Yeas Nays �i '��. � �\ $� Hunt , � Konopatzki Approved�, 19— ,, Levine _ln Favor �1�ereditlr-- Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco Againat Mme 1t� President, itd���E� But 1 e r �� i t �� I . �. � . .. � . j . � � �5ga4� � • I � Courici:lwomari IIunt rnoves to ��.mend pr.op I sed resolut ion adopting � r•ules o�f procecli:ire :fo.r tr�e concluct of LYie business of 1;he Council in �t,}ie �f:ollowin� particular: � In Rule 9, para�raph G, R�cons�.deratian, add to said p�.iragraph tYie fo llowing : � � Upon adoption of a mo�tion for � reconsider�,tion, �the question sliall be again vo$ed upon no earlier tha.n the second regiilar council meeting following the meeting at which the counc�l adopted the motion for reconsidera�tion.-'�'' I j i I i I � i i i I , I ,I i j _ j ' I r _. , DYrLi01►TR TO lRIN'RR /.�•��� .. ' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNqL r"`• • � ti,� NO. • � • ' OFFICE OF THE CITY ERK -� ` • COUNCIL RESOLUTION-6EN L FORM ����r COMMISSIONE AT� ..g.�MYwr-. y� .:=..�6�5^G RBSOLV'S� Tbat t.�u Caunesil of th� ity oi� SRint Paul hur.bq adapts t� tolloNing ruls�r of durt fer t.bs �t of tha bwiYUts of tha Cotimcil s RULSS OF PItOC ltule 1. C�nwaai.� tha Cvu�abcil Ths gra�idi�ng of f iear 1 tatics th� chaix� at �ha haur dtai�sat�d harain for c �s cvua�il fcrr anp ord��nd i�s�tr�tct tha��ratary ca1l�Chs x�o11.�Iulult�a stnmt rieitburr tha presid�nt nor viat p�aid�rnt is pnsa�at, tb►e cou�ncil �haii ba call t.a► ordar by ths s�ers- tary, aad �he firat ordar of b�u ss �hall be to call for a vota to •l+tct tha prtsiding offi r fa� tha partiaular ` mre�tiing. T�ule 2. , �o,rt„� A majority of th� co�mecil �ball coastitute a quosvm, but a a�maller tu�mber may aurn from tima to � ti.ma a�d cvm�l the att��an� of s4nt m�mbers undtr •uch terms �d penaltits aa th� c il may pro�cribs. Rule 3. Abse�nca of Coux�cilmsn S`verq member of tha cov�c 1 abo�ut to ab�sut hims�lf fran tha c� ity gor a period ot more than three (3) deys shall formnlly apply to eoRmcil for a leava of absence, which maq bs �i. ld or grant�d by aation of the cauncil. Rula 4. Oxdar of Decorum _........_..r_.�..... (a) The preaiding offic ahall preserve arder COUNCILMEN A pted by the Counci� 19_ Yeas Nays !� �►� �► KAIIOpatZki Approv� 19_ Levine Tn Favor Meredith Mayor SpY'�{A A voninat Tedesco Mme.i'!t. President,7�[I�Butlsr �8 I . . - _ + � � . ' �59�4'7 . . i� and decorum and, in the case of di�turbance or disorderly conduct in the chamber or in the adjacent lobbies, m.ay cause the same to be cleared. The 'presiding officer may require the county sheriff, his de uty or an officer of the city police force to be presen to assist in preserving order. (b) The co�u.ncil shall notl tolerate vulgar, offensive or derogatory rema.rks abc�ut any groups or indi- viduals and any speaker using such remarks shall be ruled out of order. I Rule 5 . Rules of Order The rules of parliamentary� gractice embraced in Robert' s Rules of Order shall gove�n the council procedure in cases to w �_c t ey are applica ie and in which they are not inconsistent with the rules pr�vided herein. Rule 6. Order of Business , The order of business at e�ach regular meeting and at each special meeting unless othelrwise stated in the call shall be as follows : (a) Ro11 call , (b) Call for corrections lo� the journal (c) Official communicatiohs from the ma.yor (d) Scheduled public hearlings , (e) Introduction of propo�sals (f) Special orders (g) New business (h) Additional communicat�ons to the council (i) Citizens who wish to be heard . (j ) Announcements and adjpurnment A change in the order of c uncil business is permitted bu� shall require an affirmative vo e of a rnajority of council members present at the meeting. --2_ j . . � . _ i �59C4'7 � � Rule 7 . Conduct of Business (a) All members of the cou cil zncluding the presiding officer sha.11, during the usiness conducted, restrict their discussion to comment� germ�.ne ta the business before the council. (b) To facilitate the busi ess of the eouncil, a speaker sha1l be considered out of�order when his rema.rks are repetitious, and it sha.1� be the duty of the chair to rule a speaker out of orderiiwhen he repeats remarks or arguments made by himself or another person repre- senting his side in the debate. ' (c) Any ruling of the pre s ding of f icer ma.y be appealed by any member and, upon req est of any member, a roll call vote sha11 be taken ther on. The vote of at least a majority of the members pres nt sha.11 be requixed to overrule the presiding officer. (d) Members of the council and eitizens who wish to be heard on matters of interest t� the good and welfare of the city shall be heard after the ' regular forma.l order o£ business has been completed. (e) Only one citzzen sha.11 be heard at one time before the council, and those appear ng and waiting opportunity to be heard on any ma.tte� sha.11 rema.in seated until the person speaking sha11 have finished his argument or statement and has seated himself. E�.ch person appearing before the council before commencing ''his argument or state- ment shall take a position at the foot of the council table, shall state his name, address and th� subject ma.tter to be ' discussed and sha.11 continue in suchlposition until he shall have concluded his argument or statenlent. Rule 8. Proceedings and Motions. �' (a) Ro11 Call Votes I All votes upon the fin�.1 adoption of proposals for ordinances or general resolution�, motions to reconsider, _3_ i . '�i . ; . . � ;259�4"7 _ . _ ' ' m.otions to suspend the rules, reso�utians or other motions sh�.11 be by roll call vote, All ordinances, motior�s and resolutions shall be a�opted in accordance with the requirements of the charter. Such votes sha11 initially be taken in alphab�tical order and rotated monthly thereafter, except that the presiding officer shall vote last. ' (b) Motions During Debat� Any council member sKall have the right to bring any motion before the council without a second and a roll call vote shall be taken onlany motion at the request of any member. After a motion is made by a councilma.n, the presiding officer �hall restate such motion and it shall be in the posses�ion of the council, b�u.t it may be withdrawn. at any tim� before amendment or action taleen thereon by the councilman requesting the motion. All motions and amendment� thereto shall be entered at large upon the minutes and the vote thereon, whether they be adopted or rejected. (c) Precedence � L�Ihen a question is urider debate, no motion shall be considered except one of the following, which motions shall take precedence in thle order stated and said motion shall be carried by a ma.jority of those present: � (1) To adjourn (2) To 1ay on the table ' . � (3) For the previous question (4) To postpone to . a time certain (5) To ref er to a cammittee I � (6) To amend (7) To pastpone indefinitely When a question is under consideration, a motion to amend and a motion to amelnd that amendment shall be in orde.r, but no further motion. to amend sha11 be in. order until the disposition of the previoius motion. � , -4- I i I i . • i - . , Z59�4'� -� � � ; ` ' (d) Previous Question , (1) The previous qu�stion shall be put in this form: "Sha11 the main questidn now be put?" It may be ordered by a maj ority of the menp.bers present and its effect shall be to put an end to all debate and bring the council to a direct vote upon amendments, if any, and then upon the main q�u.estion. , (2) If the question �before the council contains several points , any m�mber, upon request, may have it divided and a separate vote� taken on each point. . (e) Motion to Adjourn ' A motion to adjourn or recess shall be in order except: � (1) When a member is� speaking, (2) �+Thile the same item of business is pertding during which such a previouls motion is defeated, or (3) During a roll call. A motion to recess shall take precedence over a motion to adjourn. I Rule 9. Stages of Consideration � (a) Initiation of Resolut�ons and Ordinances. i (1) An ordinance or resolution is initiated • when the original and four copies a!re submitted to the secre- tary of the council in proper form. ; (2) The resolution o� ordinance shall be initiated by any one member of the council signing the original copy. ' (3) Any ordinance, prior to its introduction to the council, shall first be ente�ed on the agenda for that meetin� unless waived by the president. , . (b) Introduction of Resol�.tions and Ordinances (i) Every proposed ordinance shall be read in full at the meeting at whic:h it is presented, provided that full reading may be waived if �. copy of the ordinance � I' _5_ � . I , � � � �� i � �59�4"7 � . . � _ .. �; is supplied each member of the coun�Cil prior to its introduction. Every proposed ordinlance shall be read again by title at two separate meet�'ngs held not less than a week after the meeting t which it is first presented. After a proposed rdinance is complete in the form in which it is to be fi ally passed, it shall remain on file in the office f the city clerk ior at least one week before final doption. (ii) Every resolutio shall be pre- sented in writing and read in full efore a vote is taken unless the reading of the res lution is dispensed _ with by unanimous consent. Resolut�ons shall become effective upon passage, approval, a-�.d publication once in the official newspaper. j (c) Committee Reports � � (1) Any ordinance (except emergency ordinances) may be referred by the presiding officer to the appropriate committee for repor� and recommendation by the presiding officer following �heir introduction, except that upon a majority vote of 'the council, such ordinance will not be referred to cdmmittee. (2) A11 resolutions 'may, by majority vote of the council, be referred to 'committee for report. (3) Whenever a committee acts to retur_n a resolution or ordinance to the council, the chairman shall so inform the secretary, stating in wri_ting whether the committee recommends adoption or denial or reports s without recommendation. The clerk s,`ha11 then place the proposal upon �he agenda of the coun;cil under the order of business "special orders" in the prder of receipt of notification of committee action. T�.e motion referring to committee shall provide the time ;in which such reso- lution or ordinance must be returned� to council. (d) Public Hearings � Whenever a resolution� or ordinance is such that by law a hearing must be held before the entire council, the city clerlc shall advertise once �.n the official news- paper the date of hearing set by the� presiding officer, and the secretary shall place the matter� on the agenda for that meeLing under the order of business �'public hearing" in the order of introduction. , � -6- � I� ou��icwrs ro�RtHme 1„ /! ,. CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNa� N . ��� - �. OFFICE OF THE CITY ' LERK � ,� . ° � , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEN L FORM ��� COMMISSION AM • (�) Coiuid�ratLon ior linal �n ttr prasiding ofti lus slat�d tb� qwstion oa liaal adoption, l� shall lit�rt sye�oqnis� � o! tt�1 t�owiitl.M ta► �fil.c�h tl� >; r�wlotion os os�di��o� �►as ra��zrsd, it sucb r�►sol or ordinanw Mas r�tsrYw'! bo w�vo�ittas, and t1W► 1th� aeovncilaan i�atroducinq �c+�aol�tian or o�Miranca, it th�sr bs on�. Att�r ttws� havs spok�n or Maliasd tQ , any aounar�Lrat► say b� r�+�oq�tis�d � !or d�bat� or otb�r aatt�r prap�rly in os+�r. o!' t.h� p�tblia aw►g th�a sp�ak 1w t1r nat�c. It th� vo�witt�s has r�oo�w�n�d�i th� s+�solntioa� or osdi�u� b� a�d, th� dui�ca�n o! th� �itts� shall tw� �at, aad tl� arra�at ahall bs diipoasd a! b�tor� turth�s dsbat� ooa�rs, t aa to th� �nt. (!) 71�nts tfil�sa �n�iv+�d b� tta pr�s o�lic�r, ao a�At t� aa o�Minaaw sball bs *n osd�r vnl�s� ia Msitiaq oopia �sas�t�d t+o � Pri�i�i'i9 otlia�r a:td N�r�tssy. l�y a�at �hal br s�ad iu lnll '�anl��s Maivid by t.1M oouaail. t4) �aaoa►aid�ratios� � Nhra a qn�stica has b�a�► tsd upori it sb�ll bt ia oxd�= � , !or u►y a�e�bar vho �rot�d e�aa th� psavailiuq si!!� tio a r�000aid�ratiori at �ith�s o! ths iwct t+�o raq�lar ceoM1mcil aNtinqa oaau�rinq altar. Opo� adoPt.i,c� o! a ■artic�r► !wc r�eo�sidarat�ass, txa qn�ation ,ahall b� aq votsd u�poa �o ��ucli�r t�an . tt� as�ond s�gular ootnn�il �tiriq lolloMis►q tt� aE whial► tt� oouaail adagt�d t.h� notiaa �or ra�sicl��cati.on. nul� 10. llwitadrnt o! leul�� , Th�a rnlss aay b� oe�].y bp tbs subsisaioaa in Mritiaq by s snb�s o! � oo7mail o! a aoti� o! ia t loo �nd th� rnlas, Nhi�h no�o� sLall aeoatain tb� �aitic ps�opos�d ai�n�wiat+s 8tiwh notiva shall bs s�svrd ypo� �aoh a�wb�s o! tbs vaux►cil �v�a (7) d+�►Ys Pri�or tl'M aubwi�sioa� o! aap rr solntio� a�ndinq nsoh ru�lsa. COUNCILMEN Ado by the Co»*��1 18_ Yeag Nays Butler Carlson Approv�� 19_ Levine Tn Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka roOAI?IA't Tedeaco Mr. Preaident, McCarty '��� r►*4 To Mnr�srt CITY OF ST. PAU �uNa� N� ' OFRCE OF THE CITY IERK -` � � _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION--G L FORM ��s�� COM►AISSION q'rG be it FURTHER RESOLVSD, T�Sat Counacil R�sso utian, C. F. 252333, apprriv+ed February 9, 1971, a�d all other resolutions haratofore anactsd which are iacoasiateat with any ovieicm o� this r�eoltr tion to the �extent of such inconaisten�c •a, be ,4nd the a� are . hara�y rapealed. � � JU N 16 197� COUNCILMEN Adop d by the Counc� 19_ Yeas Nays ����_= --.ti. ��t ��0�10pe.t.zki Apprnv� , 19— I,evine Tr Favor �T � _;; Sprafka � Ag�at Tedeaco Mrg President, � j�tll� *. �� �