259039 ORIOINAL TdCIT'.'CL6RK I %�5��39
= CITY OF ST. PAUL �" ��E N�� NO.
RESOLVED, That upon � pe tinent appieal, under the
Zoning Code, by W. Vincent Christensen, as owner of the
subject real estate, situate in the City olf Saint Paul, zoned
in "C" Residence District, under the Zonin�g Code, and described
as follows: ,
The south 60 feet of Lots 1, 2, and
3, Block 29, Summit Park Addi ion;
and located on the west side of Milton Str�eet between Portland
and Ashland Avenues, that the provisions o�f said Zoning Code
- �
a � hereby are determined and varied as and to� the extent necessary
., -�
therefor, and the setback requirements fo� said property are
� p hereby relaxed to allow an addition to th� front of an existi.ng
� o boarding care home, subject to the conditi�on that said appellant-
� I
; permittee, and his successors and assigns, shall make due
compliance with all applicable provisions of municipa� ordinances,
state statutes and rules and regulations of public authorities
having cognizance. �
� �uN � 4 �9�z
COUNCILMEN Adop�ed by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays '
' �x Hunt i �1 � � .
�n Konopatzki ° ..>`19—
Levine �n Favor
Meredith � ���
Sprafka J Mayor
Tedesco A8'��8t
1�1E. President, � Butler I
72 I �°°
. ,
. ^ � , i
���� �� H O M E
CApital 7-1333
M�y 12, 1972 I
�iib�ect' �
Propo�al to move the existir�g front of the
building at 69 N. Milton two fee� closer to the
s3dewalkt i
l�s. Farrell who lives at 9$1 Portland is one
of the neighbors xho was notiFie�i oP the intended
change. She came over to see usl to have it f'�.x�ther
explained. She then offered. herj �exPices in ar;y way
to help us get the needed permi�'sion. She stated
that she approved oF any improvements that would
help beautif'y our block. �
� -_' �
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rfrs. w. �v, tk�ristensen
-:' � � �a
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r+h�s, arrell
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N.R.HEIDEN,Ph D.Director
May 15, 1972 !'
Mr. Harry E. Marshall
City Clerk
Room 386, City Ha11
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Sir:
� ..�
This is written in response to the appeal of W. Virlcent Christensen to relax
setback requirements to allow an addition to the f ont of an existing boarding
care home located on the west side of Milton Stree� between Portland and Ashland.
This property is further described as the south 60lfeet of Lots 1, 2, and 3,
Block 29, Summit Park Addition.
This matter was heard at the April 20, 1972, Board of Zoning public hearing, at
which time the staff report was summarized. The staff reported that the existing
two-story porches appear to already be at or near he two-foot setback requested
and they understood the proposal was to replace th se wooden enclosed porches
with masonary walls. The staff said the Zoning Ad inistrator's office had ve�-
bally indicated a variance would not be necessary Since the setback was already
Noting that the proposed use was that of a boarding care home, the staff said
that for zoning purposes the use was either a boar ing home subject to off-
street parking requirements or a nursing care home which would require another
special-use permit if the proposal were to increas@ the presently authorized
capacity of 22. The staff noted the plans indicated a capacity of 30. A written
verification of this opinion is pending from the Zoning Administrator's office.
The appellant's attorney stated that this is not a boarding home and that all
they want to do is replace the existing porches wii�h a solid front. He requested
the Board recommend approval of the setback in cas� the Zoning Administrator's
office does not confirm the opinion that one is not required.
The Board heard a motion to recommend approval. The motion was seconded and
carried by a vote of 5 to 0.
In a letter dated May l, 1972, the Assistant City L�rchitect confirmed that a
setback variance is not required but that Council �ction is required to increase
the number of patients from 22 to 30.
Very truly yours,
�eter . Maietta �
Secretary, Board of Zoning �
Z. F. 7340 O � �
. �
r.� �
�� �°�
J ��
April 7, 1972
The Honorable Mayor and
City Council '
c/o City Clerk
Room 3$6 City Hall and Courthouse
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 ��I
Gentlemen: �'�
a. The name of the Applicant is, W. Vincent Christensen.
b. The telephone number of the Applicant is 222-5539•
c. The legal description of the! property is as follows:
South 60 ft. of Lots l, 2 & ''�,3, Block 29,
"Summit Park addition to St. Paul"
d. It is located on the west side of Milton Street
between Ashland and Portland Avdnues.
e. The property at the present time is operating as
a Board and Care Home.
f. The proposed use of the property is the continuance
of the Board and Care Home .
g. The purpose of the appeal is to relax the present
setback requirements from the original 1�ft. to 2ft.
h. The need of the appeal is that I want to remodel
and improve the appearance and condition of the building.
i. Cite section of Ordinance appealing under: Legislative
Code Chapter 60 Section .03 Paragraph 1 .
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I�L► �� � [�" � You s v ey trul ,
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� !����Y �''-7'�'r��`���,�'n��a��D �— W. Vince t Christensen
�;-�ir;t �'�C:dk
� ` Plat Map 10
Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64
passed August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. '
1. APPLICANT'S NAME . W. Vincent Christensen
2. CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment �X Appeal � Fermit � Other X-1207
3. PURPOSE : Relax setback requirements to 811ow addition to
the front of existing boarding care home.
4, LOCATION : West side of Milton Street between Portland and Ashland
" 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION ; South 60 feet of Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 29, Summit Park
6. PRESENT ZONING: "C" Residence
7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64 Section: •03 Paragraph:
8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: April 14, 1972 By: ATB
A. HISTORY: On January 10, 1956, the City Council granted an appeal to operate a
nureing and convalescent home on this property. A condition stipulated in the reso-
lution restricted the maximum number of patients to be housed at 22.
B. PROPOSAL: Remove the existing frame porches and replace them with a masonary
addition to the structure.
C. PURPOSE OF APPEAL: In his letter to the City Council, the appellant stated he
wanted to remodel the existing structure and that this new construction would require
a relaxation to2 feet of the building line, It appears that the remodeling consists
of removing the two existing two-story porches and constructing a masonary addition
to the building and increasing the capacity of four rooms.
D, PRESENT STANDARDS: Previous records indicate the structure and the wood construc-
tion porches were built prior to 1922. The porches are at or near the requested set-
back line of 2 feet. The City Architect's office indicated that if the proposed
remodeling increased the capacity of the nuraing or convalescent home, Council approval
would be necessary; and if the functlion were changed to a boarding home, then 16 off-
street parking spaces would have to be provided or an appeal to the City Council to
relax the provisions of Chapter 60.23(3)-(c) would have to be filed.
, E. AREA ZONING: The north and south sides of Ashland Avenue for a half block east and
west of Milton Street are zoned "C" Residenee. The area south of this property to
Suuunit Avenue is zoned "A" Residence. The rest of the area is zoned "B" Residence.
F, SITE CONDITIONS: The site is occupied by a large apartment-type building presently
used as a convalescent home. The structure and a four-car garage occupy almost the
entire site. A small side yard is located along the north of the building. The south
side of the building has a minimal setback from the alleyo
G. AREA CONDITIONS: Adjoining and across Milton Street are apartment buildings.
There is a church on the northeast corner of Portland Avenue and Milton Street. The
reat of the area is mixed residential development.
� 9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend � Approval � Deni�l Council Letter
IDated :
Moved by : McPartlin Ye83 ! Nays
, 5-15-72
Ames - �F�. Date of
Seconded by: Benshoof X Cochrane ' �h• Hearing:
X McPartlin 5-16-72
Secretary's remarks: Maietta
Mansur Council Action:
X Quast
� genshoof ,
Dooley Date:
'` X Swesey '
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APPLICANT � W• Vincent Christensen L.EGEND :
PURPnSE � kelax setl�ack requirements LAND USE
PRES�NT ZONING:"�" xesidence I' -0-- T1N0-FAMlLY
FILE Na= �134U o - � COM(��RCIAL .
St. Pau I Planning 8oard, Date� April 20. is�� Itl�,C6i Property Under Consideration
. _ ...,,, .
• ` A'tx`., evi.:;.�5 •S�� ... .� . L='YiL:_:� i.1,.91i.:.!",ls L.{:1l4,,C!`46'i �-'Lllt,�. .��LiFIF.LI �.:.1` GC�i�'.t.i:'J
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Y�r� RicP��tlin na�ed ¢h�a� �id� a�p��at �.s to relox the eetba�ck re�,csirennen�s at the
-frant a� tha exs,sti�s� �c3��d�.::� c�x�� h�me� I�e rasked why the Eoard ehauld be con�erned
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Enspecti�n Depar�re�n�:,,
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113 CouA Han� 55104
May 5, 1972 �'
File X1207, page
You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be hrld in the
Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House at 10:00 a.m, on
May 16, 1972 on the appeal of W. Vincent Christensen to relax the
present setback requirements from the original 4 feet to 2 feet on
the property described as follows; The South 60 feet of Lots 1, 2
and 3, Block 29, Sum�nit Park Addition to St. Paul. The property
is located on the West side of Milton Street �nd South of Ashland
Avenue. ,
For further information, contact the Planning Board, Room 1010
Commerce Building, or telephone 223-4151.
To comply with the City Charter, the Department of Finance is
charged with informing you of this public hearing.
If you have any questions, it is recommended that you attend this
public hearing to afford you the opportunity to make your views,
both pro and con, known to the City Council.
Co�issioner of Finance