259035 OR161NAL TO CITY CLlRK ' �/5���35 � , �- CITY OF ST. PAUL N�E NC�� NO. �, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLE K COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERA�L FORM PRESENTED BY ' COMMISSIONE ATF RB�ObnSH, T'hat th� pr�per Citp �fficers ar� her�by aathorize� t� e$ecute qait claia cl�eds easveyiag the Ci�y' ffi int�rest to the prmperty �s�d for Graat �ch�l �ad Scheff�r Sch�ol, as sore p�rtic�l�rlyr deacribed ia said deeds, to the Iade�adest �tch�l Distriet �►. 625, at no coapeasati�a to the City, l�eca�s0 this pr�perty was devotaed for sehmol p�r�se�. Fcra r e � ,E Speci� is ity � �+ atte� y - U COUNCILMEN Adoptied by the Council �1� 1 � ��.� � Yeas Nays . � $�t JUN l 5 1972 ��sopatzki APProvpd 19— Levine �n Favor --7 �� Meredith Sprafka J ' . i Mayor Tedesco ASainst �I Mr. President, � ' ISHED UN 17 1972 I �� Pug� J . ��---�-q��� �. 1� YJ37—nult Clafm oeed. � FOlitl NO. 3I '"•""'w� �� Corporation to Corporation, M nneaota��Unitorm Conveyancin0 Blankf 1 , �';� ' V ' � �t`j�� ., 1 ; � 1°; .-. +� f i5 ,�n�enture .h7ade this_...._....................................�.dcL o , � f....................................................... 19...---...._..., ��', , City of Saint Pau�, a.municipalMcorQoration� betzc•eerc ............................ ~ Minnesota ! � 24JQ4�F�X�'4�t'�dSt under tae lazus of the State of_-...................................................................... Part�of th.e fcrst part, and j � __.....___.....................Independent..School...Distri.ct No.._625.,..a..publi.c.s.�hoql...di.s}ri.ct,......._........................._.... . ��' � c�X?5r���z under the laws of th,e State of IVlinnesota ' ......... .... ............................ ... ..................................................... ` �€ j part�of the second part, � i k�lhtC55C1�j, That the said partr� of th.e first part, in eonsicleration of the sum. nf � E., � One.($_1.00) Dol lar._and other ood..gnd valu.ab.l_e_cons..d�.p.'. _ ...;-.--_--------------- DOL7 4ItS _ _9. . .........._.. i . C.tions .. ... ... ..... .. ... . ,. } �f to iE in ha�cd ai�l br the said � f p f � � � . i p / parti o tlze aecnnd art, th,e recei t w3ccreo is here acknozuled6ed, � �Zoes hercb� Gran,t, Barsnin, Qzeitciceim, and C,o�LVey unto th,� s id partq of the seeond part, its I success�ana5eya.ssiorzs, rorever, all th.e tract............or parcel............of nd Zyins a�ul be,ine i,n tTze County ,� ; oj......._...........................................................................and S�ate of.�Vfinnesota, deecrib aa followa, to-uit: �� i j� , f ' _ � � Lot I, 2 and 3 of Block 19 of Beaupre and K Ily`s � � � Addition to the City of Saint Paul, and east one-half " � 1 of Woodland Street vacated and odjoining a cording �� to the recorded plat thereoF on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the p�' i County of Ramsey and the State of Minnesot _ � I �p � • , t � ; ',� �, � i� �" � � �: i �:, '. ; � i ¢, . � ,t ; Ij ' � � `F ; � . I, � 6 . } � . ; ( � � �� I ' T ` .I � .. i �0�dbC dTiZl t0 ��0j� TfiP�dtlte. Toyrf,laer wi�h ¢lL the here<li.Eament,v cc�cd appurtona,ncea th2;e- i i � � �c>cto b�lon6irco or i�t¢rz��ise cappertain�in�', tn �ha .said p�crtJ oj th.e secorzd p�art, it.s sru�ee,s�ra and¢.�,�i-�n.s � Forever. ; > �Jtl �P5I11ilU1tV��CLLOf, 'lJee said /�irst party Jeaa caus�cl th.rsa �—� � � , pr�s�izL. to be ei�ciited in,i � rnr �raf n.crm? bi it �ayor, it5 Acting ea�, T�epartu�en� of Finance, � ; i I Clty Clerk :{3[,�}{�4X/ uncl tfs_... __ ___ . .ancl tts cor�nrate scal, Go / Le herccu�.to affi_re�l ti�c r1�y c��ul r;aar fcrst aboae written. t � ����, ��� �`� � � ' _.J � CI3'1' OF Sr'1ZNT PAUL � , _. _ _ ... . ........__ .. .___._.._ _..... , __ _.. . ......__. � ; In, Preseir.ce of 13r� ���� ' ; _ _ ..._ ._ _ _ _. F ' Its __ Y�r _._ _.__ a�*rxx�r�ax � " ), , _. _.. . _ ... ..... :� � > � _..... __ _ ___ _ ___ __ .. ° _ _ - It,4 _C ty..Clerk , . . ..... _ .. . .� _ _... :� ± Its Actin Fiead, Department of fi This document was prepared by Richiard J, Battis FinanCe � � of 511 Collins,St. Paul, Minnesota � �. i �� �; � � ; f � . � -- -----—--- .. .. � . .� .,..- .:.: cwi --:-.. . 1'V11111\V.Jl . , Corporation to CorpOratlon. Mlnnesota Unlform Vonveyanclnp 61in 9:tiR:. "4�- � � y s„ � t_ ' � ; � � � , _ c��" � ;;� 7 2 � ' �.� ��Q�turle� ✓Yfarle this._......_....._- ...... --..........._..da,y f �..............- - .........._....__...._.., 19.._.._........, ` � '"'' betu�ee�L ._..�ity of Saint Paul, a munieipal �„ �� -�............... ��----................-�----._......._...._.....................�-� -........................._...... - ....................................... ..... � - � IF • '' � ACcorpa•afion ic�ider the lazas of the State of..........MinriesOta ; , p¢rt�of th,e first p¢rt, and `� Independent. School.. District No. 625 a.. ublic school district,� _ .. ......-.......... . ..... .P y i�F ...... ........ . `,. I! x��0Y�4aG#�}GX under the laws of the State of...........I`�].1�Il�S.O.tc1..--.................- ........... ......................._......_..........._......... 's �i��� partu of the secorzcl part, � One Do11ar $1 �Me55¢�j, That the said partr/ o the �rst art, in consrderation of the su,m. of I, � f � � ( .00) and other good 'and valuab�e consideration__����� , ....__. _.._ _ � to i.t i�L ha�trl paid bz/ the said partJ of the sec�nd part, the receipt wl�creof is hereby cu7crr,oiuled;�ed, � i does hercb� Crant, Bar�'ain, Qui,tr,l¢im, and C,o�aveJ unto the said party of Ehe secorzd part, its � succes.,ors ancl assions, I'orez�er, all the tract._.........or parcel............of la,�ul ZJins a�ul bein6 tin, t3ce County I E • Ramsey , Qn�State o ��finnesota, described as ollows, to-uzt: . c I oj._ _ ..__.... f }� � I� � . I� , Lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 of Black 30 of Dawson's Third Addition : = �� to the City of St. Paul, Minn. , according to the plat thereof on file I� � and of record in the office of the Register af Deeds in and for Ramsey ; � County, Minnesota, except for those portions of Lots 10, 11 and 12 of -� said Block 30 conveyed to the City of Saint Paul by deed filed of record . � in the office of the Register of Deeds for Ramsey County as Document p No. 1757659 in 2196 Ramsey County Records, 314, dated June 3, 19b9, and f filed on September 5, 1969. ; � ' ; � � � � � � � . � � C . � {, ; � ;� � � . ;� � �, ; � � i `: 3 s # . • �e . � $ f � � �1 �A�jd17C Aiiil ttl�0� �JC�aITIC, To�ether with �411 the heredita�nv_nt,+ ccnd appurtr.nancea thrre- ' i � � un,to belorz6in6 or iri an�ise appertainirzo, to the saitl p�art�oj the second purt, i!a succeasors cand a.�•s:s�n,+ � � Foret�er. � �� � �IT�fgTllflOiip��tTt9f, Tlee sa�i�L first purty has ccaua'rcl ihr..e � } � it5 i presenta to br.ex ,tet�ecl in e 'cor or e na � hr it ...Mayor, � . � \ I�c`ing �ea�, `�Seoa"si�n� of Finance, t � City Clerk:�e�¢xa�ut it.s...._____.. ......___....._ . p . .and it,cor nra.te scal in ' be hereuntu aJfi.zed the dcxy ¢ncl i/er�r first aboue writte�z. a ' j �� CITY Or SAINT P.'1UL — ____ ___ __.... .. _ _ .. _. . ......_... _ _ .. � In Pr•esence o � f 13y _..__ __. __._ __.. _ _...... ... Its.__. Mayor ____. _.... ......._�t�t � ; _..._...__....___...._.............................................................. ---�� � ' ,� � ,� i City Clerk I ' I __._ . _.... .......... .. . ......_. ........._.. .... Its __...__ . _.. _ ...... .. .. ....._.__. . ! + � � '� � Its Act'ng Head, Department of � ' , Finance � I� " �� ; � ! � ' - � .. �� �,�_� -� �� � � � � �