259034 OrS�ina1 to Cit�Clerk r � ORDINANCE s X _ �'59��34 , COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ��� � Alt QRDINAHCE Sh"TTLIl+TG THE CI.AIM OF CARL L. ANDEx30N AGALNST THE CITY OF SAIl�IT PAUL. 1'�E COUt1CII. OE THE CITY OF SAII�iT PAUL DOES ORDAINI: Sectioa 1, That the proper City officers are herebp autharized and directed to paq out of the Tort Lia.bility Fuad 0035-420, to Carl L. Aa�derson, the aum of $152.00, ia full aettlement af his claim of damages eustaiaed on or about April 12, 1972 as moxe particularly set out ia a comanunication to the City Council on April 28, 1972. Section 2. That said sum shall be paid to the said claimant upon isis execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved bq tbe City Attorney, for all damages austained in tbe manner a€oresaid. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in farce thirtp days after its passage, approval a,nd publicaCion. �tIH 2 9 �9�2� Yeas Councilmen Naya Passed by the Counci� Butle�- Stmt = Le� KonoPatZki In Favor Meredith � � Against Sprafka Tedesco 11I�.Preaident Butl d; J�� 3 0 ��� At � lerk ayor �� C1tp Attoraey . Form approve By ,Pi16LISHED ,JUL $ �J72 , ',� . �.�,.�� � 259(���4 � � �� ��JJRDINAN E � 25903� COUNCIL HLE NO � PRESENTED BY ORDtNANCE NO A�T �SDIl�AUCB SBT?LIBG THS Qd►I� Olr CAZL L. A�iD�St�lf I�6dI11$T ?B8 CI?i OF S�AIIi? �AtII.. '!8� C01�iCIL OP T88 CI'i't OF SAII�T PAt1L DOBS t Seeti�n l. That th� proper Cit? officers are tareb� antharrised �d direct�d to p�� o� of the Tart Liabilitp d 0035-4Y0, to Carl L. Andersos,� the � of �LSZ.00, ia fnli tles�nt of bis clais of dan+ages enstai�ed on os about A�til , 1972 as �ars particularly sat ont in a co�enmicati�an to tLa CitT Coa�acil � llpril 28, 1972. Section 2. That said snn shall be pai� tha uid clai�at upaa his e�oecutioo snd delitrsrr of a rela4se fnll ta ttu CitT� ia a forn to be �ppraved bp the City Attorse� for sll da�a snetained in the �er aforesaid. Section 3. T6st this ordin�ce shsll t aff�ct and be in fosae thirt� days after its psssage, appro�nl poblieatioo. �Na9 � Ye,as Cowicilmen N�ays Pa�wed by the Coun� u�,u``� gmt • i� Y�c►►pststi' n Favor Meredith ' gp�a d e,.g�inat Ted� � �r.�a�t b� a�i� a�proQea J U N 3 0 1972 Attest: � City Clerk Mayor � f� Fonr�ap�mved Corpora,t,ion �ounsel By . ., � ��� � � � � � �, / � � / . ls� � ` �2nd 1 - 3rd � � �1 �'Adopteci � --� Yeas Nays � � � HLT�TT \ KONOPATZKI \ LEVINE `��{7 "'�t�'3 ,� �MEREDITH ,._ `+ SPRAFKA ' , . �'`�•• TEDc^.5C0 � �Nlme PRESIP�N� (BUTLER)