259033 o�.i to c�t,cie:k . � ORDINANCE �����3 r COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY �`-�.� ORDINANCE NO /� � �sZ AN ORUINANCE SETTI.ING THE CLAIM OF GEO�tGE LISOUSKIS AGAINST TfiE CITY OF SAIN� PAUL. � TFiE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sectioa l. That the pYOper Citq officers are hereby authorf.zed to pay out of the Tort Liabilitq Fund 0035-420 to George Lisouel�is, the s� of $235.72, �.n full sattlement of his claim for damagea asid injuries �uataiaed on March 9, 1972 as a result of aa accideat itivolviag a City vehicle driven by Dwane J. Thurber at or near the ix��rae�eati�� of a11ey behiad 2040 James and C�.evelaad, Saint Paul, Mi�sota. Section 2. That said sum shall be paid to the said claimant upoa his execution aad delivsry of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the C�fip Attorney, for all damages and injuries sustained in th� mauner aforesaid. 5ection 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be tn force thirtq daqe after its passage, approval and publication. �tlN ti 9 �� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� u„+��" Suat C�e� Konopatzki ' n Favor Levine � d Meredith Sprafka , Against Tedesco '' J U N 3 0 1972 . Preaident Butler Att t: Ci Clerk Mayor ��►�A� s �� Form approved Ge3� Cieu;ttw��'t,+ou�urnseg�y � � �u�t�sH�o JUL 8172 Dsp�t�b Prlat� • ' � ORDINAN E 25 � . 9 33 �_ COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.��C.` � A�1 OBDII�AI�CE 8�'lTLING THE CI.AIM OF LISOiIS&IS A�ST THg CI'!Y OF SAI�Y PAITL. TS8 t�iCIL OF T8E CITY OF SAII� PAtJL DOBS ORD : Seetios 1. That the propar C�ty officer� ue herett7 snthoris� to pay out of th�i ?ort Liability Fun�d 0035-420 to Georgs biao�akia, the sva of $235.72, f.n tnll settl�e�nt cf his for dassg�s snd tajwctes �atai�ae�d an Mazch 9, 1972 as a resu7. af aa scaident inrrol�riag a City o�hicls driven by D�ane J. be= at or ywr the interesection of alle� behind 2040 Jases sud C e�elaad, Ssist Paai, • Mitnssota. Saction 2. That said sus shall b�e paid t the said cla3a�t upvn his ezecntiarn aad delivary of s release fnll to the City, in a form to b� approved by the CSt� Attosne�. for all daasges sad injmries snsta3aAd in the mumer aforesaid. Section 3. 'That this ordinance sbsll ta effect an� be ia � losce thirty daya aft�r ita p�asuS�s gPP=�� p�b73cation. . . �uN a 9 �sr� Yeas Cowicilmen N�ya Passed by the Counc�l �'�- Hunt �°n°patski Favor vine � Meredith Aroainst T� JUN 3 0 1972 ]�. rresiaent .3� sucler Arprooea Atteet: City Clerk ' Mayor �� Form aF�roved C�or��Li�{���Y —.•--�-„�-.� , '\ _. . ., -- �.. � • �° ws� � � � 2r.d 3rd s--� Adopte:� � � . -i��� Yeas Nays �:ur.�l _ � r . ��.� 6 � ������� �C11'OFAmZ'{.I i �\�UEV I L�E � _,\'�✓Er^,EDITI: i . � ' �``'�SPRA.FKA ' � . . �• TEDESCO , �Mme PRSSIDyNT (BtTTLE�)