259031 ! OelYlnsl to City Clerk � � RDINANCE �5 . �03�. � � , COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.�'��_� An ordinance amending the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the � Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and � Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Pau1 Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain prop- erties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following des- cribed property from "A"' Residence DiStrict to Commercial Distriet, to-wit: Al1 of Lot l, lying North of the South 100 feet of 'said �ot 1 that is not presently...��ed for commercial use, and Lots 2 and 3, Block 4, Godes and Licha Addition to St�. Paul and the South 30 feet of vacated Wakefield Avenue from the West, line of Wtii�e Bear Avenue fo the ;West line of Lot 3, ,Block ..4, Codes and Licha Addition, extended northerly to the center line of said vacated Avenue; situate on property located on tY�ie nor�hwest corner of T+�hite Bear Avenue and Old Hudson Road in the City of Saint Paul. C..�., Section 2. Z�his ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. OUN 2 9 t�� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Hunt Konopatzki n Favor Levine Jf Meredith �� fS Against Sprafka - �a� Teclesco sutler� . ��JN -��d 1972 �� President , oved: t� f f,,, ty C erk � p ayor �� Form approved CorpQration �ounsel By � � � �c���'��F���, JUL 81972 , DyNab b Pdat�e � � R� DINANCE 2�5�p�� . � � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � �`� 11a o�dinauc� aa�eadinq the Zc�ni.aq Cod�, Chapters 60 to 64, inclvsivt, af the Saint Psul Legis2itive Codo. PartainiA4 to U�e Districts, Beiqht Diatricts amd R��aoninq of c�ertaia prop4rtisa in the City ot Ssiat panl. as a�►nd�ed. � C� OF T� CITY O� i� P�i�t. D� 0�1I�[: iiaction 1. Thmt th� Zoniuq Cods, Qiaptsrs 60 to 64, inclnsiw, of the� Saiat Paul Loqislstiv� �ad�e, p�rtai�iaq to IIse Districta, Heiqht Disttict� and lezoainq of c�sta3.a prop- �rtias ia the City of Saint Paul, a� asend�ed, be aad the sa� is h�r�i furtb�� asended ao a� to r�zoa� � f�llo�riog �s- crfbad ps+op�rty �ro� "]►" it�afd�aca Diatrict to Ca�trcial nistriet, to-witx �11 of Lc�t l, lyinq 8ostb�_�1of th� fo�th � 100 feet of said ic�t 1 that fa a�o�t pseseatly zoned for co�srcial �, snd Lots 2 aad 3, Blc�ck 4, 6odoa and Licha �dditioa to St. Paul aad tbs Sc�nth 30 fset of vacated 11a�cefi�ld �vont�r fs�a th� � 1�est lias of �hita Bear ll�ano tt� ti� Rut lint of Lc�►t 3, Block 4, Godea aad Lic#la 11�dditioa, ext�endad nvrth�rly to tha cent�c ' line of said vacated l►venues sitnate oa proparty located on the n�ortbw+e�t oorner of 1�its Bsa�c i�ue aad �1c1�:.�udson Road in the City of Saiat Faul. Seetion 2. This ordiaance shall tak• sffact and b� in !'orce thirty (30� ciaya fram and after its passaqe, aPpso�ra]. and pnblication. � ��UH 2 919�2 Yeas Councilmen Nay� Passed by the Counci� , �I�� �t �onopatzki n Favor Meredith � ��;� Sprafka T�a�� 1��� rre��a�t e � re � Appmved: ��N 3� Atte�t: City Clerk Mayor �� : Form a�proved Corporatior� Pounael By .. _..:Y.�: :..k.. - , . �_, , � , .. BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING � ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 May 17, 1972 �J��3:1 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386, City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Sir: This is written in response to the petition of Superamerica Stations, Inc., to rezone from "A" Residential to Commercial property located on the northwest corner of White Bear A�enue and Old Hudson Road to a11ow expansion of filling station facility for off-street parking. This property is further described by the legal description on file. This matter was heard at the March 16, 1972, Board of Zoning public hearing, at which time the staff report on file was read. The staff noted that this property is adjacent to a Commercial district. The proposed zoning for this site was mentioned. It was disclosed that an a11ey begins at the northern edge of this site and runs northward through residential lots. Concern had been expressed that a development on this site would generate unwanted traffic through the alley but the staff commented that this could be controlled at the time a parking lot permit was applied for. Mr. Bill Siefert, Manager of Real Estate for Superamerica, said he assumed the alley ended before it reached the subject property. Mr. John Hogenson, Manager of Design and Construction for Superamerica, showed the proposed site plan to the Board explaining that they do not propose alley access. Mr. Tedesco inquired about the number of persons who were notified of this hearing and stated that if none of those notified were opposed to the matter, then he would not object. The Board heard a motion to recommend approval since the proposal seems to be a continuation of use, there is no opposition to the rezoning, and the parking can be controlled through parking lot application procedures. The motion was seconded and carried by a vote of 3 to 2. Those opposing the motion stated the use does not belong in the area and could cause problems in the future. Very truly yours, i/ , , � � , . . ;, , i;.. ;, _....__ �r'f`� �'t �i�� Peter J aietta Secretary, Board of Zoning {�,�,,,d�.°-�,w � j:�� vy� �,;r PLR/br �! -T'� ��p� :-�-.� Z. F. 7 314 l,' �' � � O ♦ - Corporation Counsel � . � ,: , , �. , � ,, � BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 �� � � � � �. � ° Ma 17 19 7 2 '� � �~ ' � Y � � (1 `1 � �.�A� ,�, . '-j��_. �f� `� �- � ",i �;A,:�- �:i . . �� + , .. .:zL:l� Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386, City Hall ; St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 s Dear Sir: This is written in response to the petition of Superamerica Stations, Inc., to rezone from "A" Residential to Commercial property located on the northwest + corner of White Bear Avenue and Old Hudson Road to allow expansion of filling � station facility for off-street parking. This property ia further described � by the legal description on file. � E This matter was heard at the March 16, 1972, Board of Zoning public hearing, i: at which time the ataff report on file was read. The ataff noted that this ;; property is adjacent to a Commercial district. The proposed zoning for this ; site was mentioned. It was disclosed that an a1Zey begins at the northern � edge of this site and runs northward through r�aidential lots. Concern had � been expressed that a dev.elopment on this site utould generate unwanted traffic through the alley but the staff co�nented that this could be controlled at the time a parking lot permit was applied for. Mr. Bill Siefert, Manager of Real Estete for Superamerica, said he assumed the � alley ended before it reached the subject property. Mr. John Hogenson, Manager of Design and Construction for Superamerica, showed the proposed site plan to s- the Board explaining that they do not propose alley acceas. � �.' Mr. Tedesco inquired about the number of persone who were notified of this � hearing and stated that if none of those notified were opposed to the matter, € then he would not object. P: � The Board heard a motion to recommend approval since the proposal seems to be ; a continuation of use, there is no opposition to the rezoning, and the parking can be controlled through parking lot application procedures. The motion was ', seconded and carried by a vote of 3 to 2. Those opposing the motion stated the' � use does not belong in the area and could cause problems in the future. Very truly yours, �;i : , � . �� � �'' , ;/„� . . `�l ` 7,l i/i%`///��/' .._. /� �'� i � f L /� � Peter J. -Maietta � � � Secretary, Board of Zoning PLR/br Z. F. 7314 °�� i . � . .. � � � � . BOARD OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION= March 16, 1972 : , • � P1at Map 42 • Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 �passed August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. _-- 7314 '� 1. APPLICANT'S NAME . Superamerica Stations Incorporated 6070-1 2. CLASSIFICATION . X� Amendment � Appeal � PermiC � Other X-1178 3. PURPOSE . Expansion of filling station facility for off- street parking 4. LOCATION : Northwest corner of White Bear Avenue & Old Hudson Road 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : See File 6. PRESENT ZONING: "A" Residence 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64 Section: 06 Paragraph: 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: March 7, 1972 By: PLR A. SUFFICIENCY: In a letter dated February 15, 1972, the Commissioner of Finance declared the petition sufficient with the owners of nine or 75 percent of a possible 12 parcels having signed the petition. B. HISTORY: A portion of this site received an extension of commercial use in ; 1966 and was part of the site for which a permit was granted for the present service station on this corner. C. PROPOSED USE: The petition declares the purpose of the rezoning to be..."for future expansion of station facility and to provide for additional off-street parking," ;: D. AREA ZONING: All four corners of White Bear Avenue and Old Hudson Road are zoned commercial. Co�nercial, "C" and "C-1" Residential zoning exists one block east of this site. There is Commercial frontage along White Bear AveMUe four blocks north of this eite. The rest of the area is "A" Residential. E. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehenaive Plan recommended some Commerciel use south of Old Hudson Road which is shown as a collector atreet, but the area north of Old Hudson Road is shown as ldw density residential. F. SITE CONDITIONS: The land is wooded, somewhat low at the north end and slopes generally downward to the east. G. AREA CONDITIONS: The general vicinity consists of mixed land uses. The area immediately to the west is vacant and wooded beyond which is a nursery and re- sidences. The area to the north contains vacant land and single family homes. Around or near the intersection of White Bear Avenue and Old Hudson Road are filling stations, a motel, a church, a restaurant and apartments. Interstate 94 exists one block south with full interchange with White Bear Avenue. 90 BOAK.D ACTION: To Recommend � Approval Q Denial Cauncil Letter Dated: Moved by , Maietta Yeas Nays 5-17-72 X Ames - Q�X Date of Seconded by: Benshoof Cochrane - Ch. X Hearing:' McPartlin X 5�24-72 Secretary's remarks: X Maietta Mansur ' Council Action: X $enshoof Dooley Date: Prifrel � � J I ' � � u .- _ , _ � - r � . , ,- ._ ._._ Q ) I .. . 0�►-�-- - --.__. _ . __._. _..---- ._ .. .. ._.i_... _._ . .._-�- - � --' _/�-, / ' F N C E --� �l� � , w p Z NGF_�___ -� 1 . - -- ---- - - - _ __ ___ _____ - ---_____- ; - -� S� Q � n 1 `� -1 '` Q` v�£ -� O O O � � ,1. � AVE . _ _ �. '� o � ;� 6� � v A ,,, c� _ „ � Q '— - -�- n__,�- - ---- �---__ ; � � ' C � i Z �, /�ES/AE/YCE V � ' �• � �,�s�o�NC t , ^ ____ _ ______ _------ ' Z L�-- ---�----- ------ F� � �� � 2� V ��� Y v z t .,, � I , �� , - - -----�-----�---�-_-�- � ;, ,� � _� _-_ ; � � y 23 V' � • � I' � \ ` '��� -------�--�� F ' -- - - � O ' �� j + i v � � . i � � ---- -_ - - - -- , � � � � __ � , � � /- 9� i —L_ _ �� � � � � � i ; I . � � � �_ , , ' _ _ __ _:: R I �tEGETiD - r ,�� ' � � ��� ' r , , , .�l LAND USE �; ' � ' O ONE-FAMtLY � i ; ♦ � i � -C}- TWO-FAMiLY A V E. � ' � THREE-FAMtI.Y �� �p�lR-F�►MtLY ` , ` � MULTi-FAAAILY _ • • nCOMM�RCI�. � � � IN�USTRII�L � ,`� VACANT . : ' , � , � ��� Pro�rtY under c.+�nsidsrot���; ;. , ,.. � . . �::�:: , � , : _ __ . ___ _ _ _ _ � i � , ��� ; r T i' 1 � . ' , � - , , . , M�'Kt1�'ES OF TIiE PUBLIC Fit.ARING BEFO�tE THB BOAHD OF ZaNIftG OiY THI3RSDAY, P�ARCH 18, t972, �T 2:80 P.aMo PRB___SLNT; Mrs. CochraAe; Messrs. McParCLin, Be�nshaaf, Ames �ad Msietta of the Board; Mr, Rosetter �nd B. Kei�ter o� the a�aff. SUl'ERAMEFtZC� STA�IONS, INCo (731�a�: A pe�ifiion to r¢zoae from "A" 8esidential to Com�utercial p�caperty locatced ocz the nor�hwea� corner o£ i�hite Bem�r Av�ue and Old Audson Rc�ad. Mr. Rosetter summsrized �he s�aft repo�e, a gart af =he file, t�orfasg that s portion of schis si�e received sn �x�ensioa of cammercial nse i�a tg66 and was per� of �he site for whfch a permit w�� gran�ed for the present serviee s�ation on tii£� co�er. The pe�iCion declsres the purpose of Ch� rezaaicag to be ... "�or fciture expansion o£ sta�ic�s facility ancl to provide for sdditionsl off-street parking." All fous corners of Gi�eftie Bear Avenne snd Old Hudson Road are zoned commercial. Ca�nmerical, "C" and "C-1" ResideatlaL zoaitcg escLsts ame block eas� of �his si�ee Zgtere is Cmma�rcial �rantage along kThite Bear Aveaue £aur blocks aaY�h of tizLs sSte. T�e rest o£ Che area is "A" Res�.deiztial. �Se Comprehens£ve Plsa recommended some Cs�nerciat use south of Otd �iudsoa Raad cahich is shown ay a coLlectus seree�, but the area north of Old Hudso� Raad is sho�an as tow deresi�y r�sid�mmtial. Tf�e l�ad is wooded, somewhat low at the �xortch end as�d slopes �ea�erally downwa�rd to ehe ease. The general viciaity consLses of m�xed lend uses. �e �ac�a i�diaCelq to the aest is wacarit az�d wooded beqond whieh is $ nursery r�a,d residences. Tl�e area tcr the norP.ti contai�s vaca�e land mnd sin�le family homes. Arotsnd or ne�ar thr� intersection of Whf.ee Bs�r Aves�ue �ad Old Hualscm R�ad are filling sCations, a ma�el, a church, a res�a�z�an� and aparf�a�s. Ict�ereCate 94 exis�s oae black south wit� full inten^chsage wfg� i�lhite Bear Ave�ee Mr. Ros�CS�r coffie�ted thst the p�ape��y i.s adjACen� to s Cammerci$I district aad, therefore, �hi� canuo�: be son��derecl spo� zonin�. The other Chree cor- ners are also zoned Coamaercisl. 1'hc� proposed zot�ing cade indicatea this azea Co be "B-3" es�cep� aC ghe sa��h L�ae of W�'fcQfield Avcttta�. A ec��t fram a neighbor expressed concern �hat Che aLley tsaf#ic f�am �ra est�bliah�nent built aC L-he sexb3ect si�e �ay b�crnm� s grobl.em bu� this coteld be cot�ttolled aC �ke Ci�ne a specir+t-use permi� is �equested by such an eetablishnuent. R�ferring to the eite plan, Ms. Ames aoged ehaC d�.rc�tly abuttfag She aorth proper�y Liae there is a n�rrow sCrip o£ Zar�d. He ask�d if Ch:t is aa alley. Mr. Rosetter ssid this is ehe old Wskef£eLd Street whfch hae b�ea vacated. He added �hat ich�: pa�operty avu��it�g Co �he nor�h is oc�a�d b� John A. Schnefder. A discussion followed regsrdin$ �ee aLley fr an Wilsos� AveQ�� which dead enda at [he £illing s�ation pro�e�ty. Mr. BL11 Sef£ert, M�aager of It,eal Estate fos Superamerica S�atioes, said he would �rq ea cla�ify the siicuse£on regarding Wakefield A�ecare aad tht mlLey. Ae said his campauy hed bee� un�3er gh� aES�srn�tian ttzat the a1Ley ends at the norCh end of Wakeffeld Avenue. Mr. Schmm�ider mefntalns the nortl� 30 feet anct Superamerica has acquired tbe south 30 fe�t. • Mr. M�cPartlin asked ho�rs �any reside�ts had signed the petitioa. Mr. R+�setter ' said 9 ont of �e 12 eligible signaenses vere received. . � • , ' , ` SUPERAMERICA STATIO�TS. INCn (Pa�;� 2) 3/16/72 Mr. John Hog�uson, Maaager of D�sign and Construc�ion for Superam$rica, said tlt�re will be a f�ace across �he ar�d uf �heir psoperCq so it will be impos- sible far cus�omers go drive o�� and us� �he alley. He said Che area of co�ncerri seems �o Ue �g propo�ed noxth park�ing 1 fne wh iCh is the ce�l:er L ine of old W�kef3.eld Avenu�. the pLaus show � fence aad green bu�ffer area there so �hep have a� ir��eutton of usis�g the ares for driving. He nots:d that the plac�s are far a larger mercl�ar�dise s�ore but Che addi�foual space is to provide circ�I�tion arostiad L-he buildii�g �Qt sp�cifically �or parkfag. In the pr�ocess of drawi�g plans ¢or the building e�panslon, however, addiCiaaal parki�g eps�es c��re edded. Mr. Tedesco said he is noC fce opposiCicm to the expaasY.an. but asked haw m�nq people in Che area were not££ied of the proposed rez�fng. Mr. R:oseteer said that 20 �esidec�scs were notified wi�hin �he 200-foat area, Mr. Tedesco atated if �ozne of the pessans notitied were in oppositian, �hhen he wauld not objecte Mr. Maietts moved approval o€ the petiL-LoA sfstce this seems �o be a coatiAUS- Cion of ns�, �chere is apparenCly �o dpp03�.$L4i! Co Che m..�tter, snd parking can be cotztrol.led wlzea� s psrking La�: pe�n£t is sequested. . M�co Beashoof seeo�aded the met2on. �e motfon earried by a note of 3 Co 2, \ wiCh Mrs. Gochraae ac�d Mr. McPar�li� dissen�iug ota the grounde th�C mMerC � 0.1 ,.,�5� does uoe beloasg in such a� azea sr3d it cavLd b�come a soarce of probleu� in the future. 3t3bmiteed by: Approved by: P�ul Le Rose��er Airs. Carolys CochYane cf . � ' , . , � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �� � " CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA I 13 Court House,55102 ROSALIE L. BUTLER, Commissioner Phone:223-4b46 February 15, 1972 To the Council City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: I have checked Che attached petition of Super America Stations, Inc. , filed in the matter of rezoning, All of Lot 1, lying North of the South 100 feet of said Lot 1 that is not presently zoned for commercial use, and Lots 2 and 3, Block 4, Godes and Licha Addition to St. Paul and the South 30 feet of vacated Wakefield Avenue from the west line of White Bear Avenue to the West line of Lot 3, Block 4, Godes and Licha Addition, extended northerly to the center line of said vacated Avenue. The property is located north of Old Hudson Road and west of White Bear Avenue, from a Class "Residential" District to a "Commercial" District, and find that said petition is sufficient. Yours very truly, ,� 1 � �'' , �.__i�`�..�c-�/�� ./�.�-z��.��-�; �. Rosalie L. Butler Commissioner of Finance �e: X-1178 c.c. Mr. Ames N. R. Heiden Mrs. Butler Frontage: 100% Parcels eligible - 12 parcels signed - 9 or 75% Needed - 8 or 66-2/3% G� � (� � � ��� ,� �� . �� ,��; F�a , �� ;�� , � c��r�c ��.���ti���� �u�.��, ��n► Pa��) ��tannp�svice� � / _ . � . „ CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA .� . �� PETITION TO AMEND CHAP'rERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE u�� Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- `^ fication before signing this petition. For further information about the � rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. ' (Please type or print) Date: January 26, 1972 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 f��„�. :��;� ,g the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the own�� a� '�,�'� ,`��`�; '�k�`" the frontage to be recla�ssified, petition your Honorable Body',�� i�'+��Mt.��lr-��,'�`�'j . � ' ing described property; (legal description and street adriressj' �`` � ; _ All of Lo�t 1 l,ying north of the sauth 100 teet a� said Lot 1, that i.� presently ,�,� nat zoned fca� ca■uaercia]. uae; a►nd Lots 2 and 3, Block �+, Godes and Licha Addition j' �to Sto Paul; and the South 30 feet o� vacated WakePield Avenue fr� the West line �of White Bear Avenue to the West line of Lot 3, Block �+, Godes and Licha Addition,s�' extended Northerly to the center line of said vacated Avenuee i �379 �ite Bear Avenue, Sto Paul, Minnesotao RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION }���,(� ' 'J Subject Property; � � ✓ lo Su eram.erica Stations I c a ` 1 2 1+ Godes & Licha G^I. V',� i . SF.FF M17Af�;4„L2, RcHL S ATE � , 2 o Edwin H o Roth ✓ � 4�L�p-%�,! "�� �+ Gode s & Licha Bertha E o Roth .� . ; • �� i� 3o Ral h Wo Olsen ' e c e ' f i , �" and e cept th N'ly 20 ft. thereaf Charlotte Mo Olsen /i'/ � ' so ad Ga d ; , i � � ' Jr . � � � �+o Edward Mo Gassert -S�� N'1 0 ft. o Lot 6 and Lot , i Marilyn L. Gassert• �� � � excep the N' y 88 fto thereof j I t�nna-�a�aert- in Bl ck H dson R ad arden I � I - ', . � State of Minnesota ( � � , x � County of Ramsey � ss . • i R. W• Jacl�son being first'duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petj�tYOn consistitig of six (6� pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that .this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. . �Subscribed and ,sworn to•.before me • this� 26th day' of January, 1972 � ��,. Uo�+..._._.� �T- � ' u ramerica Stations, Inc Address: W. W. Seiffert U �� Telephone No. P•0. Box 248 Notary Public, � C unty, M' . St . -Paul Park, Minnesota �+59-1155 My commission expires Approved as to form 1/4/65 ' tN. W. SEIFFERI� Office of the Corporation Counsel � FGI '1/5/��5 ��- • P�cia.rY Public, Daketa �,n��nty, Minn- (� W►y Ccmrr�issiomE4cpires Jan.8, 197�'�, - � � � � � � 1r"� �� � 4tI� I.� - 1 - �E� � �� ��7: CiTY l�L���►�� �'�Atct� �,I,t Pa�,l nn;��.PSOta ; � , C�`!"� �1�' St1?i�'x F:��l,'�, �ll:�.[��;SUTA I�LTI1'I�'`, TU Ai�`il;Nli C?it'�I'TI�ltS 'v0 tl�ru 64 bI� Tfil; L�sGIS?1ATIVI� (IUtiI2�G) C(illE Noi:e: The signer sl�oulci ��p�raise i�imsc:l� o� the �uses pc�z`111;LttE'd tt:luei• the 21�'15' el.assi-- ficati.un t;<;�o�e signiu� ti7i:� �:c,t�tiot2� I'ur ft�i�t;l�ea l.il�Olm�tiOt: �lioU� the � �rezoning o� properfy, call the ,boai�ci o� 'Lonx.s:g Of�ice ai; �23-4151. (Please �ype or print) Date; January 26, 1972 TO T}IE HON�RAT3LE RIAYOR Ah`D Cl:l'Y COU\TCIL . c/o the City Clerk, R,oam 386 Ci�:y Hall , Cii;y o� Saini; Paul, hiinuesota pursuanfi to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, ��e, the undersigiied o�vrzers o� t�vo-tnirds of the several descriptions of real estate situai.ed tvii;hin 100 feei� oT the real estai;e a��ected, hereby acquiesce; and ���e,. the owners of 50�0 or more of the frontage to be reclassified, pe�:ition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow-- ing described property; (legal description and street address� �, � , .,� _. „ :.�..�....a,� .,���... ._. . : ,� ,. _� -- ,. - __ _. � All of Lot 1 lying north of the south 100 feet of said Lot 1, that is presently not zoned for commercial use•,' and Lots 2 and 3, Block �+, Godes and Licha �lddition f,to Sto Paul; and the South 30 feet of vacated Wakefield Avenue frum the West line ;of White Beas Avenue to the West line of Lot 3, Block 4, Godes and Licha Addition, � extended Northerly to the center line of said vacated Avenueo � � , �1379 �ite Bear Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. _ ' RECOItD 01YIVER SIGNATURE LOT BIACK ADDITIO�T Subject Proper.ty; _ 7. Joh� A., Schneider� � � �hat p rt of t le followir�g des- � � crl e an w c _ ies o le Delphine u. Schneider• �;,,�,,�,;-`-�.�„ ,,,�;,,,�, ;;� enter line of Wakefield Avenue en ln i y o au , - irmes ta: Co iencing on the N line . of SE,� Se c 3 , T 29, R 22, -5 •52 � t W o NE cer er of said SE,�—�' thence • � ' on s .id N li e a distance of�20 ft i � hence S 1183. 6 ft to the center line of Hud on Roa old , thence E ly alon¢ center. line of sa.id Hu.dson Hoad (,old) 21.25 f+., th-nce l�r �193�-�ft to he o nt of b� innin ; Exce t ing .nd re erving n easement for ingress a.nd e , ess on nd over the ��T 20 ft of � said p� rcel ly'ng S of the center line of Wak. fi:eld A e exte,nded, wY?ich ease- Lent s' all ru with the land and con- i.n.u . �nti_l_ su h time a.s Wilso:� Ave. ,� • is ext r�ded ac oss the land herein a a kt o e d and offici lly ope ed for- travet; also k _1''�nde� & LicY�_ State of Minnesota C ss County of Ramsey ( , j � � tJp eing first duly s�uorn, deposes and sta�s that he c-'�---._� is the person w circUlated ±he within petil;ioii consisting of pages• , that the pai•ties described above are the c+Nners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petztion was si�ned by each of said � � owners in the presence of this affiant, and that t e signatures above are the true and carrect si�natures of each and all of the part�es so described. � Subscribed<�nd sworn t ef e m� ` ^ � th's _�_day of - _ � ,uQ�__� ������� � Address: �'2 �� i"�-� Telephone No. �C(J��'�1c�1 _..__._. _,._ ... ; Notai�t�Fuhl:ic�R�ams�„�p�#�y, DSinr.. My C�r�s�rr� ;t�x��r,�u� ��. 1��?. AF,�;�ovcc: us �o ioi•m 1/4/65 Office of. the Coi•poration` Coansel FGI 1/:,/65 . , _ � � " - ' • - 4 - ' �� . , , � : ,; _ � ' � B�ARD OF ZONING REPORT AND �CCTION` March 16, 1972 �, . — � Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 plat Map 42 passed August 22, 1922, as amended to n . Jaur e 27 197�1. Y � 7314 1. APPLZCANT'S NAME : Superamerica Statione Inco�'porated 6070-1 2. CLASSIFICATION . X❑ Amendment � Appeal �i PermiC � Other X-1178 3. PURPOSE , Expansion of filling station facility for off- street parking ! 4. LOCATION : Northwest corner of White Bear Avenue & Old Hudson Road 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : See File 6. PRESENT ZONING: '�A" Reaidence 7 . PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64 Section: 06 Paragraph: 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: March 7, 1972 g p�g Y� A. SUFFICI�NCY: In a letter dated February 15, 1972, the Commissioner of Finance declared the petition sufficient with the o�,mera of nine or 75 percent of a possible 12 parcels having signed the petition. B. HISTORY: A portion of this site received an extension of coIIm►ercial use in 1966 and was part of the site for which a permit was granted for the present service station on this corner. C. PROPOSED USE: The petition declarea the purpose of the rezonin� to be..."for future expansion of statioa facility and to provide for additional off-street parking," , D, AREA ZONING: All four corntera of White Bear Ave}�ue and Old Hudson Road are zoned commercial. Co�nercial, "C" and "C-1" Residential zoning exists one block east of thia aite. There is Commercial frontage along White Bear Avenue four blocks north of this site. The reat of the! area is "A" Residential. ;r E. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan reco�kanended some Commercial use south of Old Hudson Road which is shown as a col�ector street, but the area v north of Old Hudson Road is shown as lo�w densitylresidential. � F. SITE CONDITIONS: The land is wooded, somewhat lchw at the north end and slopes generally downward to the east. I G. AREA CONDITIONS: The general vicinity consists c�£ mixed land uses. The area immediately to the west is vacant and wooded beyqnd which is a nnrsery and re- sidences. The area to the north contains vacant land and single family homes. Around or near the intersection of White Bear Avelnue and Old Hudson Road are filling stations, a motel, a church,_ a restaurantl and apartments. Interstate 94 exists one block south with ful�interchan�e ca�ith White Bear Avenue. 90 BOARD ACTION: To Reccrmmend � Approval Q Den�al Council Letter Dated: Moved by . Maietta Ye88 I Nays 5-17-72 X Ames - � Date of Seconded by: Benshoof Cochran� - Ch. X Hearing:' McPartli�n X 5-24-72 Secretary's remarks: X Maiettai iManaur i ' Council Action: X $enshoofl � Dooley i Date: - P�ifrel ; _ , i � � - � _ ' � � V, :. ' _ _ } _ . , . __ � � -� . Q „ , � J I ,__t . _---- __ .__ . _ __ __� �' � _ - � _i-� � i F nt c E J � y � _ � i W ZN � . }- -- - -- � }.. - - - - - - - ----- - ;.-- ------ �£s <t � � v � �� ,� � � "7 0 1 � Q o O o c� � ' AVE . - .. � ,. .. � �i 1 6� � V V' � ,' f' i �i.. '_---. YI- t f��7--�- - --�--- -- - �i -- _ ; �E.s ,oEnrcE ; � z �� �i�s,oRN�t G J �• , Z ---- ---- ' __ _____ _--- ---- --- _. C--_ ___ f - , ti.t � ; v � � Y u��- - � xt �a� ,� � , __--i-_-�--�-_}- -� , v, --- V� � � i � � G \� 23 ----__- �--�- � -- � ' V� �- ' - - � v � ( . I � ; � I , -- _ i , � ♦- 9�. � � ,_ � ; � �-; ; � • i � i � i ' _ � R I � �.�'��� : � �� :, � r , . 4:; � �� LAND USE �_ -��. � ; � ! 4 ONE-FAMfLY � � � c �� -fl--. TV1t�-FAMILY A E. � �� . THREE-FAMI�Y v' FQUR-FA►MtLY � T MULTI-FAMILY � • • nCOMMERCtAL � i '� n INDU�TRIaL � I �`� VACANT , ; � � � � Pro�s�rty uader cE:nsideroti�;; ' . �"..�� � �� � ' ; - - -- -- _ � . , � , � - �. , � , � , " • , I MTNUT�S OF TiiB PU�I.IC HEARING BSFORE THB I BOARD OF 7ANING ON THURSDAY, I�AARCH 16, 1972, AT L:00 PoMa I PRBSENT: Mrs, Cochrane; Messrs. McParClis�, Benshoaf, Ames and Maietta of the Bosrd; Mre Rosetter 3ad B. Reieter of Che staf�. SUP'ERAMERTC�a STATYONS, YNCe (731�+)s A pe�ition to t�20AE from "A" Residential to Cotmnercial praperty located ote the northweaC co�ner of White Bear Avenue aad Old Hudson Raad. Mr. Rosetter s�arized the s�aff report, a part of the file. nottng that s portion of �his si�e received aa es�ensiot+ of c rciel use ia 1966 aud was part of the site for which a permit was gsan�e for the present service �tation o� this cornere The periCion declsres the purpose of the rezoaing to be o.. "�or future expanaion of statian fac£lity� and ko provide for additional o£f-sereeC parkiceg." All fou� coraers df 4Jhit� Bear Avenne snd Old Hudson Road are zoned conmercial. Ca�merical, "C" and "C-1" Resideatial zoning exisCs oae block east of �his aiteo �hese �.s Coammercial frmtage along White Bear Avenue faur blecks nor�h o€ this site. The rest of th� area is "A" Residential. Zhe Comprehensive Plan recoa�end d s�e Coomaerc£sl use sonth of Old Hudson Road c�hich is shasa�n ss a collector s�reet, but the area uorth of Old Hudsoa Road is shown as Iow deasity residentisZ. The Land is wooded, somewhaC Low ati the north eud aad slopes generallqldowuward to �he easto T6e general viciaiey consists of mixed Le�d uses. 14�e ar�a ia�ediatelq to the west is vaca�C and wooded beqoRd which is a aurse snd residences. 3'�e area to �:he nor�h contains vscang land and single�amily ho�ese Around or near the intersecrioa: of WhLte Bear Avenue snd Old H�dson Road are filting sta�ions, a moCel, a church, a �cestauran� and apsr�n�s. I�tEersCaCe 94 exists one black south with full interchange with White B�ar Aveauee Mr. RoseCter ca�ented that the propesty is adjac��lt to a CommeXCial district and, therefore, thls can�,ot be considered sp�s zoaing. The other thrte cor- ners are �lso zoned Cammercisl. '�e proposed �onis�g code indicates this area to be "B-3" excep� ae the sour.Ii line of Wakefield 1�Vvem3eo A ca�ent from a neighbor expres�ed coacern that the alley tsaff£c from an establishmeot built e� the subject� sitQ may becoaie a probLe�m bu� this could be contsolled at the time a special-use pexmi� is r�quested by s�h aa eat�blishmet�te Referrisg to the site plasa, Mre Ames noted Chat diriectly abuttfng the ewrth property Line there is a narraw s�rip of Laud. He sked if that is an alleyo Mre Rpsetter said this is ehe old Wakefield Stseet �ahich has bsen vacatedo He added Chat th� propertq abu�tiag eo ehe north is ounted by John A, Schneidero A discussion followed reg�rding the alley fram WiLsbn Avenne which dead ends at the filling s�ation properCy. l�ire Bill Seiferce, Meaager of IL�aI Es�ate f.os Super�erica Stations, said he Would erq �a clarify the siicua�Aoa regasdiag Wakefi�eld Ave�me aud the alley. Ke said his cempany had be�a under the $ssamption �at Che alley enda at Che north ead of Wakefield Avemue. Mra Sch�eider maintains the north 30 teet aad Supersmericm has acquired the sourh 30 teete I Mr. M�cPartlia esked how many residea�ts had signed t}�e petitiane Mre R+�setter " ssid 9 out of the 12 eligible signatures wer� receiired. I I , - i '•• ' t , ' i c ' SUPBRAMERTCA STATIONS„ INC_o (Page 2y � 3/16/72 i Mr. John Hast�nsoa,, Maaager of Dea ign and Canst�ctlon for St�peratmerica, said there will be a fe�ce �cross the �r�d of �eir prope#tiy so iC wilt be itnpos- sible for custamers �o d�cive out and use �he alleye ; He said the area of concern seems �o be �g prapooed north park�iag Lfne whiEh LE �he ce�ater line of old Wake�€eld Ave�uc. mtie p�.�s�s show a fence an� gree� bu€fer �rea there so Cheq h�ve na treteneion of c�sfug the ares fQr drivia�. fle aot�d ChaC the plans are far a larger merclie�ed#.se s�oxe buC the sdditianal space is to provide circulatloa aro�nd �he bufldiag �sot specifi�aliy for parkix�g,. Iu Che process of drawic�g pLans for the building expansia�l, however, addit£anal parkitng epaces w�re add�do � Mr. Tedesco s�id he is aot in ogpoeftion ta the explsnsion but asked how maay people in Che �sea were no�i£ied of the propos d rezcrning. Mr. Roseteer said that 20 reside�s�s wese notified wiCh£n the 20�fomt atea. Mr. Tedesco stated if s�ot�e of Che peraons ao�i�ied were in oppdsiriote, ehea he wauld not objecta ; Mr< Maietta moved approval ofc �ht petitLoYt sia►ce �His seems Co be � contiaus- tiaa of •�se, �here is spp�rently �o opposi�.ioa to �e maEter, and parking cs�a be coa�sol,Led when a parkts�$ Los: ge�mit is gequest�kde . ., Mro Benr�hoof seco�aded th� mot£on. �� motiart cars�ed by a note of 3 eo 2, with Mrs. Cochrane aad Ms. �ScP��rClin diose�tfag on 'ehe gronnda ChBt � C o»�in e r c�a / Ecs e dces not beLott� in �ach sn azea atxd it I cavld become a sottrce of pzoble� in �he fiaeu�re. I Submitted by: Approve� bys P�ul Le Roseictez Mrs. C��relya Cochrane ._ . -- I i cf I i � , � i � � � I � I I I PETiTIO�G�t3`:��ONE �, ,J'` A petltWd 1, �, ,6 .� t- ,�Ptgaa�' �Y � ' B, LII� i,ot� �' }100 teeti ' tly �on � $ Q�d'�` � , �he ; t{►e �� 1'�� 's a�nd r � the ����� ue� �It "'y�. ,o-. � �� O# A�O�OyII'�.. � �? � US! �Ad � $II pesec man�da .s c:� . ted Dated .�+� �� L1e��AI.L (May 13; 1972) ' il I ! � � � � , , ' City Clerk CITY OF SAINT �AUL MINNESOTA � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Cour1 Hou�� 55102 � May 12, 19T2 � �File X1178, Page You are hereby �oti�ied that a public hearing w'�.11 be held in the Couacil Chambera of the City Hall and Court House at 10�00 a.m, on May 24, 1972 oa the petition of the Super Asaerica Stations, Inc� to rezone fraa aa a'A" Residential District to "CoaNaercial•" DisCrict t14e property described as follows; All of Lot 1, lying North of the Sout,� 100 feet of said Lot l that is not presently zoned for commercial use„and Lots 2 and 3, Block 4, Godes and Licha Addition to St Paul; and the �South 30 feet of vacated Wakefield Avenue from the West line of White Be�lr Aveaue to the West line of Lot 3, Block 4, Godes and Licha Addition, ex�ended Northerly to the ceater liae of said vacated Avenue. The propertp is located North of Old Hudsan 8oad and West of White Bear Aveaue. � For further information, contact the Planning Bo�rd, 800m 101O Commerce Building or telephone 223-4151. To camply with the City Charter, the Departtaent mf Finaace is charged with informing you of thfs public hearing. ' If you have any questions, it is recommended thaQ you attend this public hesring to afford you the opportunity to matce yodr views, both pro and con, kno�wn to the City Cauncil. � �I ROSALIE L. BUTLBR Coinuissioner of Finance � i Gity Clerk � ,, � � , , , . � CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINA CE i � � ���l� � h+ � � � , 113 Courf How� SS102 �, June 2, 1972 � i i li File X1216, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearinglwill be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court Ha�use at 10:00 a.m. on June 13, 1972 on the petition of Andrew R. andiltuth P. Oslund to rezone from an "A" Residence DistricC to a "C" Residence District the property described as follows: Lots 12, 1�, 14 and 15, Block 3, Harrison and Handy's Addition to the City o�f St. Paul. The property is located on the Southeast corner oflEdgerton Street and East Hoyt Avenue. For further information, contact the Planning �oard, Room 1010 Commerce Building or telephone 223-4151: To camply with the City Charter, the Departmenl of Ffnance is charged with informing you of this public hear�ng. If you have any questions, it is recommended tt}at you attend this public hearing to afford you the opportunity tq make your views, both pro and con, known to the City Council. ROSALIE L. BUTLER �Commissioner of Finance li � i �I �I i i ��� � . � � � 1�t � 2x,;?�. _ , 3�d ��� � Adopted � Y'eas Nays y�H J,3T � � �.u�����3� " �NOPATZKI I EVINE REDITH �� . I2�F'KP. ' ��.,,, , . � "DESCO . I Mme PRE�I��NT (B'UTLER; .