259026 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK " �" � o�L CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL N�.�� V OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ Lzcr�YS�, cor�mT� C NCIL RESOL TION�GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY June �.3, �.972 COMMISSIONE �►TF WH.ERF�AS: Jim Gubash has surrendered License D �207 issued to him for a, Class C2- Restaurant License at 475 W. Seventh Street because he did not open the establishment for business, and req_uests refund of the license fee posted thereon, therefore, be it �,SOLV"r�D: That the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Jim GuLash the fee of $;�Q.5.00 for said license and this will c�ncel the license issued to him. C�TCELLATION (License� �Refund� PZAILING lzDDRESS: Jim Gubash 21819 Ideal Avenue No. Forest La,ke, Nlinnesota 55025 (License attached to City Clerk's Copy of Resolution� Orig.Appn. L 13261 JIIN 13 1� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas A� Nays �. JUN 13 1912 KOAtOPATZKI pprove 19 Levine ��Tn Favor Meredith � yor Sprafka A gainat Tedeaco Mr. President,�X� BUTLER �� ���.����►� JUN 17 1972