259017 ORI61oM1L TO CITY CLBRK �5��1 • _ CITY OF ST. PAUL HLE NC�� NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ` COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, the citizens of Rapid City, South Dakota have experienced a natural catastrophe causing unprecedented damage and destruction to their municipal area and are in immediate need of shbrt-term housekeeping, shelter, and other emergency needs, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the mayor and eouncil of the Gity of Saint Paul hereby express their deepest sympathy to the citizens of Rapid City, and urge all citizens of the Gity of Saint Paul to make whatever contribution possible to the American Red Cross Rapid Gity Disaster Fund, to aid and assist those citizens in their time of need. FORM A R4VED: Asst. �oration Counsei� JUN i 31972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Ba�l� Hunt ,1UN 131972 �� Konopatzki rov 19 Levine �� Favor Meredith Sprafka J Mayor Tedesco A gainst � Mme.President, Butler Qt1BLISHED JUN 17 1972 �� DUPLW►T[TO lRIN7ER 25902"� - CITY OF ST. PAUL ���� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ��s�� COMMISSIONER DA� 1��A3, tho oiti$ens oi Rapid Ci�Ey, Sonth Dakots have ezperienced a natural oatastrophe oau�ing nnprsosdsntsd damaga and deetruotion to the�ir munioipal area and are in i�mediate need oi short-ter� tiourek�epia�, _shelter, and other e�ergenoy aeeds, now, �hereiors, ba it � SESOLYED� that the �ayor snd oounoil of the City o! Saint Panl hereby eapretr their dospe,t ��►apathy to tha oitiseaa o! Rapid City, and urge all oiti:snir ot the City oi Saint Paul to �a�ce what�ver contribntioa poa�ibls to tha Amerioan 8ed Cra�s Rapid City Disaster Fnn►d� to aid and sesiet thoae oiti�ene in their time ot need. JUN 13 197Z COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc3) 19— Yeas Nays �t Hunt ,. -J�N i 3 1972 �Honopat�kl � Apprnv� 19_ Levine Tr Favor Meredith n blayor Sprafka t1 A auinat Tedesco M�t�.Prs�ident, Hutlsr ��