259008 ► Oriainal to City Clerk � _ ORDINANCE �590�8 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ' �° ORDINANCE NO- ��� � AN ORDINANCE SETTLIAiG THE CI.�iIM Og ROBERT G. EDER AGAINST "LHE CITY OF 3AINT PAUL. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OE SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sectiot� l. That the proper City officers are herebp authorized aad directed to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund 0035-42d, to Robert G. Eder, the s� of $110.00, in full settlement of h� claim of damages sustained on or about April 19, 1972 as more particttlarly set out in a co�nunication to the City Council on May 9, 1972. Section 2. That aaid sum shall be paid to the said claitnant upon his execution aad delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved bp tihe City Attorney, for all damagea sustained ia the manner afaresaid. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publicatiaa. i� 1 JUN 2 7 �97� Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Counci� ��Hunt Lev��oaoP$tZki � �In Favor ��;, Meredith �^' A gainst `.i Sprafka �Pr�es d�t {.A4e�a�)� su r +�UN a`� 1�7'� At C' Clerk �� � Forrn approved Corporation Counsel By PUBLISHED JUL 11972 11�Ha1r t�Peiat�r ♦ � , '� ORDINANCE 2�9048 Y � COUNCIL HLE NO � �� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ��f�� �1 O�t1I1tA�CB SSTTLI�IG T� CLAII�i OF �3BR? G. BDBR �8'! TH8 CIT! OF $A� PA�.. . ?8E CO�CIL Olr SH$ CT!'1' OF &IIII! PAt�L DOBS O�t S�ctiAn 1. Shat the ps�vper City offieet� ase bsteD� a�tl�orissd snd direeted to pay o�t c►f the Sort Liabi.lit� Fm�d t1035-4Z0, to �b�rt G. Bder, tiu an� of $110,00, in full settl�ae�at of 1� e►1ai' of da�a�gea sastsisad o�n or about April 19, 1972 rs �ore parti��s7.ar1� s�t att in a �o■�ua�icati.on to tha citp Comcil c� I�y 9. 1�&72. Saction 2. lhst aai.� s� shall be ps3d to tbe said clai�aat »poa his ��cgtioa �d d�livar� of a rale� ia f�Il to the Cit�� in a fosa to ba apps�rrd b� ths Cit� AttorQe�, for sll iasagss s�t�sinal tt Ehe u�nar sfe��tessid. Sa�tios 3. S�st this ordinaace ahsll tste �ffsct and �a ia los�e thist� da�s attsr its passsge, :p�ro�nsl aud psb�icatioa. , � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� ��� �}N �Z � Yeaa Coun.cilmen Navs Paseed by the Counc�f �'Hm�t � �patski � Tn Favor � ��e n Mered�th � A�►inet sp� T ? 1972 ,� •aent �,�q[ a�t�ss Approvea: ��UN 2 Atteet: City Clerk ayor �� Form approved Corporation �ou�sel By _ .__�__ lst x% " •�iid � � ��li . 3rd b o�U Adopted � .� _ YeaS Nay� `HUNT �CNOPATZKI �EVINE ��9008 �N�EFtEDITH ' �S P RfiF KA J � � rilme PRESIDENT (BUTLER)