259006 Orl�insl to City Clerlc � ORDINANCE ��9�� / COUNCIL FItE NO. � i � I�`.E:c'"..'� /� / � rRESENTE� �Y •R�INANCE N�. — ADI ORDINAUICE SETTLING THE CLAIM OF MELVIN AND FiARENCE KRAMER, AGAINST THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIHT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper Citq officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay out of the Tort Lia.bility F�d 0035-420, to Melvin and Floreace Kra�er, the sum of $275.80, in full sett].�eat of Cheir cla�m of damages sustained on or about April 19, 1972 as more particularly set out in a com�unicatioa to the City Conncil. on Map 5, 1972. Sectioa 2. That said suan shall be paid to the said claimant upoa their execution and delivery of a relea.se in fu11 to the City, tn a form to be approved by the Ci�q Attorney, for all damages auetained ia the manner aforesaid. Sectiou 3. That this ordinance s�7. take effect and be ia fo�ce thirtp days after ita passage, appraval aad publication. �uN a� � Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� �� Hunt Le� �noPa�� n Favor � Meredith � �� Against Sp�ec�esee- President gu�� �U� �� ��72 ved: At • ty Clerk or �� �orm approved ���B __ PUBLISHED JUL 11972 D�t�P�aqr � � � RDINANCE � � � . � COUNCIL HLE NO ��� PRESH�ITC�D BY ORDINANCE NO`��_�!s.�'�? Aii OItDI1TA�CB SSTTLI�iG !HB CLAIM Ol� tli.iFDT �D FLOR�TCS �, AiGADiST tEiB CIITY Olr S�AII�i? P�L. '!8S t�. OF TB8 CA'i OF SAIl1? P11�JT. DO�S O�s S�etion 1. T1�at the Psopsr Cit� officets are he=eb� aostt�sised aod dittcted Eo pa� aelt of Che ?ost Liabilit� Fmd 0035-420, to 1�lvia aad Flosaac� Y•taaer, tbs sn� of $275.80, �a fnll ssttlwent of tl�ir clai of da�ages snstained an ar a�oat !►pril 19, 1972 �s sose pattictilsrl� sat cut in a co�aaicatiae to t�e Cit� Coaacii 0a Map 5, 3.97Z. Section 2. 'lhst uid sna shall be paid to the said claia�sst upae thair �tioa snd �eli�rez� of s release in full to t�s Cit�, ta a fora� to b� appro�►ad by the Cit�r Attornep� for all d�tgq sastainad ia ti� �snnsr �oressid. Secticin 3. ?hat this o�cdisunce shall taice effoct sed bs is fotca �hirty ds�s after ita passage� app�+o�al a�d pnblicatio�s. auN a� �r� Yeaa Councilmen Nays Faesed by the Com► ��n Hnat �e �ps�k� Favor Meredith �_, ASainst sp� Preaident ��N Z ? 197� �k f� Bntler Approved: Attest: City Clerk a � F�,a���� :. _ l�t �n I � a 2nd � --=---f-�{ 3rd Adcpteu � V aeas ays �AiJ1QT ' r �KONOPI�TZKI ��SOa� . � LEVINE �P+IEREDITH ^� SPF��'K.� I> v �?�+�/ �e PRESIDENT (BUTLER)