258006 OriYlnsl to City Clerk � � ORDINANCE ��900 / COUNCIL FILE NO. � � i � �.�.�t:c'`."�, /� � � rRESENTE� �Y •R�INANCE N�- A� ORDINANCE SETTLING THE CLAIM OF I�LVIld AND Fi�ORENCE KRAMER, AGAIIIST THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAI11T PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That the proper City officers are hereby euthorized and directed to paq out of the Tort Lia.bilitp Fuad 0035-420, to Melvin and Florence �amer, the sum of $275.$0, ia full settlement of their cla3� of damages sustaiaed on or about April 19, 1972 as more particularly Bet out ia a com�unicatiaa to the City Couacil on May 5, 1972. Section 2. That said sum shall be paid to the said clai�a�st upoa their executioa and delinery of a release in fu11 to the City, in a form to ba approved by the Ci�y Attorney, for all damages euetaiaed in the maaner aforesaid. Section 3. That thie ordinance s1taY7, tske effect and be ia force thirty daya after its passage, approval and publicatioa. JUN 2� � Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� u„� Hunt � Ler� KoaopaLzki �In Favor Meredith G' �� Ag$inst Spraflca Pre�t Butl .'�V�I '�� 1A72" ved: At ty Clerk �� ,�or �� �orm approved ����B .�.,,� � PUBUSHED JUL 1 �972 �.�.te r�1.a� •. � :ORDINAIITCE � . � COUNCIL HLE NO ��� PRESrH+IT�D BY ORDINANCE NO.�r_,L� /W OBD� SBTlLI�iG YHB CLAIK Ol� 1�t.i/DT �D FLC�iCB �, AGI1I�ib? T�8 CI=Y 0! SAII� P1t1L. �6 CO�CIL OF 2$S CA'i OF S�A�fR PA�Ji. DtI�B p�t S�etioa 1. ' ?lut the prapar Cit� offi.cera ara hsreb� attbiqtised aod dtsacted to pa� ont of the ?vrt I.i�abilit� Fand QA35-i20, to l�lvia amd Flose�c� lCra�er, ti�e se� of $275.80, 3a f+�ll nttl��# of th�is clai of da�agsa snstained aa o= aboat Aprii 19, 1972 as �ore particularly sst o�t in a co�amicatiem to tha Cit� Coaacfl oa I�tajr 5, �.97Z. S�ction 2. Thst said s�a ahall be pai,d to the aaid cla3�eant upo�a tbeit e�n�iem aad deli�res� of a reletse in fn1l to tlu Cit�, ia a fora to ba� aippro�red by tbe City Attosne�, fc�r sIl dsotgq stistsinad ia thef�anasr sforassid. Sacti�n 3. That thia ordina�ee sha11 taics e�fect a�d 1rs in fosce t�irty daTa aftas ita passage. aPPro�al aa$ p�sblicatio�. auN a� �r� Yeas Councilmen Nays Fae�d by the Coun ��_-�eon �t ]Gonopatsti Favor Meredith sp� � ,-AsRinat �c��f�@� a�e�� , �9UN 2 7 19�2 Appmved. Attest: City Clerk or �� F�;a��� � lst ��� � _ 2nd , fl/ � ,�' � 3rd Adcpteu � ��eas ays \HiJNT ' r �KONOP�TZKI ���0�� �� LEVINE NIEREDITH �� SPRF�FK�1 � �H�.:f]/ �e PRESIDENT (BUTLER)