258003 OrS�Insl to Ctty Clerk . ORDINANCE 2590� . � 3 � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ,����-�_ A1�I ORDINAriCE S�ErTI.IIdG THE CI.AIM OF WILLIAM L. BACHMA1�IDt AGAIl�IST THE CITY QF S�AIl�I'T PAUL. THE CAU�tCIL t�F THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIld: Section 1. ThAt the proper Citp officers are herebp authorized and directed to pay out of the Tort lia.bilitp Fun.d 0035-420, to �Iilliam L. Bachmaan, the aum of $122.69, in full settlemettt of his claim of damages sustained on or about April I9, 1972 as mare particularly set out in a communicatian to the City Council cm May 2, 1972. Sectioa 2. That said sum shall be paid to the said claimant upoa his execution and delivery of a release ia full to the City in a fonn to be approved bq the City Attorney, for all damagea �ustained in the manner af�resaid. Sectioa 3. That this ordiaance shall take e�£feet and ba in forse thirty daqs after its� P��Bes gPProval and publicatioa. < �� �� � Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council B�rb�er- fluat �- Ronopatzki :� Tn Favor Levine Meredith G, - � Against Sprafka �lesee�_ x1dr. President su r �UN 2 ? 1�1�/�'- A rov � - - , =� ��� � � �... ity Clerk J Mayor �� Form approved C Cdr�esat'�i�a�u�L • PUBLISHED JUL 11972 n.vuaa a ra.a� � ORDINANCE � �. _ �4� CAUNCIL RLE NO PRESH�TED BY ORQINANCE NO. ���3� tl�i t�DIBAiiCB SB'1?LIHG T� Q.AIM OF iTILLIAM L. � �ST Y�S CIY? OF S�II�T PA�.. 1'� COtA'iGIL OF TSB CI?! OF SL�T PAilI. D088 ORDAIN s S�cti�n 1. i�t the pr�per Cit� offic�s ase Lsr�by sotLerfsed and dir�ted to pa� out of the �rt 23sbilft� Fuad 0035-420, to Y'illiam L. Eac�m, the s�a of �122.69. in fnll settl+uest oi` his elsia of d�ao�agea snata3ned on or aboat l�ril 19, 1972 as ior� partieulsrly se� ont in a cen�w�micatiaa to the Cit� Coancil ao Mhr 2, 1972. Stctio� 2. Shat said avR sl►all ba paid te� t�s aaid elai�snt �a his �cutipn and delivesp of a relea�e in foil to the Cit� ia a for� to be appsa►ed b� the Cit7 Attosae�, for all'�ua�es sustsiatd �a tha a�sr a�tisesaid. Sectioa 3. �t this otdimsaee shsll Lslc�e �f+1a� aad be ig - forra thirt� days after its pasaage, �ppro�ai aad pabliestion. ��4. � � Yeae Councihnen Nays Paeaed by the Council ���n' � "'-"" Loa�o�patski Favor �e��&' Meredith d A o�inst Sprafka ,�r. Pres��d t��� s�� A roned: '4U N 2 ? 1972 Attest: ' p� � City Clerk . Mayor �� Form a��mved C�o��i�� By� r , ���'�""r. w:er as_^^�� �;� . i�t . 2n3 � �b 3`rd `` ' � Aucpt:.c _ � ____ Yeas �'��� `HUN s �ONOPATZKI . ���1�� 259Q03 FiE:2EDITH . SPRAr KA . V 'I�' .. , � P�ST��1�T (ELTTL�R?