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! Regrade or grade and surface with bituminous material the following alleys�:
Order No. Approved File No. Description
' 256579 Nov. 30, 1971 L-328 Chute Brothers Division No. 8 from Grotto St. to
' � St. Albans St.
256516 Nov. ?_4, 1971 L-3?_9 Butterfield Syndicate Add. No. 1, Block 2, from .
Grotto St. to St. Albans St.
, 256518 Nov. 24, 1971 L-330 Butterfield Syndicate Add. No. 1, Block 1, from
' St. Albans St. to Dale St.
256660 Dec. 9, 1971 L-333 Chute Brothers Division No. 1, from St. Albans St. „
to Dale St.
256658 Dec. 9, 1971 L-334 Butterfield Syndicate Add. No. l, ��Block 5, from
Vietoria St, to Fisk St.
, 256725 Dec. 15, 1971 L-335 Butterfield Syndicate Add. No. 1, Block 6, from
� Victoria St. to Fisk St.
256822 Dec. 22, 1971 L-337 Butterfield Syndicate Add. No. 1, Block 11, from
- St. Albans St. to Dale St.
256975 Jan. 6, 1977_ L-338 Butterfield Syndicate Add. No, 1, Block 13, from
Avon St. to Grotto St.
257051 Jan. 17, 1972 L-341 Butterfield Syndicate Add. No. l, Block 14, from
Fisk St. to Avon St.
256578 Nov. 30, 1971 L-331 Butterfield Syndicate Add. No. 1, Block 4, from
Fisk St. to Avon St.
256662 Dec. 9, 1971 L-332 Butterfield Syridicate Add. No. 1, Block 8, from
Avon St, to Grotto St.
256915 Dec. 30, 1971 L-339 Butterfield Syndicate Add. No. 1, Block 12, from
' Grotto St. to St. Albans St.
Regrade or grade and surface �aith bituminous material and construct a sewer in the following
256789 Dec. ?_2, 1971 L-336 Butterfield Syndicate Add. No. 1, B1ock 10, from
St. Albans St. to Dale St. Also construct a sewer
in the alley for storm water purposes.
Resurface with bituminous material the following alley:
� 257023 Jan. 13, 1972 L-340 Chute Brothers Division No. 9, from Avon St, to
Grotto St.
All part of the Summit-University Neighborhood Development Pro3ect (Action Year III) -
� Grading projecC G-1997.
Regrade or grade and surface with bituminous material and construct a sewer in the following
256789 Dec. 22, 1971 � L-336 Butterfield Syndicate Add.- No. 1, Block 10, from
St. Albans St, to Dale St. Also construct a se�aer
in the alley for storm water purposes.
Resurface with bituminous material the following alley:
'�, 257023 Jan. 13, 1972 L-340 Chute Brothers Division No. 9, from Avon St, to
Grotto St.
All part of the Summit-University Neighborhood Development Pro3ect (Action Year III) -
Grading project G-1997.